Why do modern people prefer Coliving to other housing options?


27 October 2021

Real Estate


We have often been told that more of us will live in cities and that cities will be bigger. But what we have not seen is how this will happen.

While there is a growing awareness among the public, politicians, developers, and architects about the need to improve living conditions in cities, little is being done. Coliving is still a new concept, but the fast-growing Coliving industry aims to redefine the way we live. Coliving offers shared living spaces, sharing kitchen facilities, sharing laundry, and cleaning services. The potential cost savings are significant, although the initial start-up costs are high.

Living in smaller spaces is a cultural norm in the affluent West. But until recently, people in most developing countries had few options beyond informal settlements or slums. Now, thanks to urbanization, millions of people are leaving rural areas and moving into cities.

Urbanization is speeding up in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, but the trend has been visible in developed countries, too. In 1960, 70 percent of the world lived in cities; by 2050, it will be 75 percent. Read this blog content about coliving from sharedeasy.club.

History of coliving

History of coliving

In the 1950s, we began to think of space as a commodity. At first, we thought of it as a commodity to be bought and sold, like a plot of land or a building.

Then, we came to think of it as a utility, like electricity or water. Then, as the idea of sustainability grew, people began to think of space as a vital resource.

Finally, in the 21st century, we came to think of space as a service. That is, a space is a service, like a utility, that provides shelter, privacy, and community.

Co-living also falls under a relatively new concept of Housing as a service. It is disrupting the way we screen, monitor, and select housing. Co-living is seen as a promising potential from industry experts from different market leaders as the real estate developers, hospitality companies, and investment community. Big names in the retail- and automotive industry are adding co-living to their portfolios.

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Coliving benefits

Coliving benefits

SharedEasy launches its new spaces which is an innovation lab based in New York. Here are some main benefits of coliving:

  • Co-living spaces are breaking free of traditional housing models. They provide living spaces with shared amenities, such as gyms, cafeterias, and common areas. Co-living spaces are often in buildings with 100 to 400 rooms.
  • Co-living is not a new trend, but a new business model, with unprecedented demand.
  • Co-living spaces offer more than just a place to sleep. They provide shared amenities like gyms and cafeterias.
  • Co-living spaces are viewed as an alternative to conventional housing, either because of cost or lifestyle issues.
  • Co-living spaces are growing in popularity. An increasing number of millennials are choosing these spaces over conventional homes.

Urbanization brings with it many benefits. But rapid urbanization also brings with it many new problems. Often, people are priced out of the housing market. They are forced to live in informal settlements or slums. They lack adequate access to infrastructures such as water and sanitation. And because of the strain on city infrastructure, cities are left vulnerable during natural disasters.

“Build it and they will come” is a noble sentiment. But it doesn’t work in practice.

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Coliving in practice

Housing is a basic human right. For most of us, our housing is the biggest single expense we have every month. But building housing is expensive. Many cities are at or very near their historic peak population levels.

The East Coast already has more housing than it can reasonably absorb, with the result being that half the population cannot reasonably afford a home. And California, which has experienced a spectacular population boom in recent decades, has a serious housing shortage.

Insufficient housing is one reason why young people, especially, are leaving cities for the suburbs. By some estimates, 30% of young people between the ages of 18 and 34 live with their parents, compared to 7% of older people.

Co-living is a response to this problem. It’s a way of living that takes advantage of the economies of scale in housing.

Instead of people having to buy or rent their own house, they live together. In a normal house, people generally have private rooms, but in co-living arrangements, they share a bathroom and a kitchen.

Co-living has many advantages. Now people can live near their best neighbors, and they can also share costs. And they do not have to be locked into a long-term contract with a landlord. But it also has some disadvantages. First, co-living is not for everybody.

Some people want privacy. For these people, co-living is probably not a good idea. Second, the co-living companies need to manage a large number of people, and this requires a lot of staff. This is a considerable expense.

But most importantly, co-living does not solve the fundamental problem. We need to build a lot more housing.

Why is coliving preferred by millennials?

Co-living, in this sense, is an evolution of what millennials have come to think of as normal: a communal living arrangement that mirrors the way social media functions.

It’s both social and intimate, it’s both private and communal. And it’s a community where members do not compete with one another for space; instead, they collaborate, sharing common spaces and amenities, from kitchens and living rooms to bedrooms and bathrooms.


Co-living in particular is the logical consequence of sharing everything online. The idea of shared living spaces has been around for quite a while. The Victorian fascination with communal living and with communal service — the belief that community was the key to happiness — was reflected in the rise of the boarding house and the shared house.

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For starters, the term "the best" is a wide term. One could think of a quality that can sustain them as a solo agent while others might think of lesser quality with a lot more quantity for a real estate team. You will have to define what are your best real estate seller leads for your real estate lead generation at the end of this article. Social Media Real Estate Seller Leads: Social media is a great platform to generate real estate leads. These real estate leads will typically end up costing you less money per lead than other sources. The reason is simple. These leads have a strong call to action in a potential seller that might be three years out vs looking to sell their home now and needing a real estate agent to help them now. In short, these ads are like billboards right in front of you with a strong call to action with the very easy ability for the potential lead that was not even looking for information prior to seeing your social media ad in their news feed. With just one click, they are on your home valuation landing page giving you their contact information. Cold calling FSBO, Expired Listings, and Cancelled Listings: Real estate agents who specialize in cold calling are the toughest of the toughest real estate agents. The cost to dial these real estate leads is very inexpensive, but the fight must be in the real estate agent to survive in this lead source. They are going up against other extremely skilled real estate agents who have mastered the scripts and rebuttals to win in the cold calling arena. Once you have mastered your expired listings scripts and rebuttals, for example, you need to book your appointment usually within one to two hours from your phone call to be at their property fully ready to list it. If not, I assure you that other real estate agents will beat you out time after time. Google Real Estate Seller Leads: When you are looking for seller leads online, Google offers one of the best ways to attract higher-quality leads. A seller leads that first says, "I have a problem and I need a solution, so I am going to google it", has just increased their quality score. Then once they visit your real estate seller landing page and provides you with their valid contact information, you just got a lead most likely looking to sell their home if not now, in the nearing future. Unlike social media, real estate seller leads google ones had to think about it and seek it out. Farming Real Estate Seller Leads: Why should you generate seller leads through farming is a great question. Your quality of lead will increase with constant branding of yourself or your team to your local community. Even though you are constantly in front of them, they are actually seeking you out as google seller leads do. The reason why this one will increase in their quality score is that your farming has increased their ability to trust you. Once the seller leads land on your landing page, they will be more likely to give you their valid contact information, unlike Google and social media. The quality score goes from Farming to google, to Social media in this order from higher to lower. TV, Radio, and Billboard Real Estate Seller Lead: When you generate seller leads from TV, Radio, and Billboards, you now are leveled up that much higher than even farming. Where farming is mainly local and can use a billboard too, TV and Radio can cover entire cities and counties. Potential home seller leads are seeing you constantly and building celebrity status over time. The issue in most real estate markets is that the average successful real estate agent cannot afford these advertising platforms. However, the ones who can crack into these sources commonly end up getting high-quality and quantity real estate leads. Commonly you find your top real estate teams doing their real estate lead generation this way. Past Clients and Sphere Real Estate Seller Leads: If you are on a tighter budget but you still can afford to advertise and do a good amount of marketing to your past clients and sphere, this is a great source for a solo real estate agent. These without a question should be one of your highest quality real estate seller leads. The reason why they are such an amazing source of real estate seller leads is that they already know you, like you, and trust you from your existing and prior relationships with them. This is why it could be the number real estate lead generation for solo agents. Even though this is a scalable real estate lead generation method it is not the wisest one to scale for a real estate team. The last thing you want to do is spend all your money-making another real estate an all-star on your team with their past clients and sphere for them to just take your spend and walk away with all of your strong efforts and financial investment into their database. Summarizing Up Your Real Estate Lead Generation Options: While there are several different ways to get real estate leads, there will commonly only be one wise selection that meets your unique personality to generate seller leads. Plus for some real estate agents, will not be able to afford some of the platforms for real estate leads. This will leave them looking for different lead generation ideas for seller leads. The bottom line is, choose what lead generation you can afford and stick to it. Then build a system around it and make sure you are always inspecting what you expect, so that you can scale it as much as possible. Doormat Seller Leads Platform: If you found this article informative and you are feeling that you have a direction you want to go, but you would like to read some additional lead generation articles for seller leads then you will want to visit Dorrmat's blog for additional articles on lead generation for seller leads. Read Also: How to Use Videos to Get Real Estate Leads from Social Media with Little Effort Is Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path? REITs Pros And Cons

St Kitts Real Estate

Why Invest in St Kitts Real Estate

The island country launched this program in 1984. The main idea behind the CBI was to attract funds for developing the local economy. There are several investment options that applicants can choose for obtaining citizenship, and investing some money in real estate is among them. Would you like to invest your money in property to generate some income? There are lots of options available for you and not only in your motherland. Today, you can enjoy even more benefits due to special investment programs launched in many countries. One of them is the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, a beautiful island country. The comprehensive info on its program allowing obtaining citizenship by investment (CBI) is available here, and in this article, you will find out the reasons to invest your money in property on this territory. CBI Program: Investing in St Kitts Real Estate: The island country launched this program in 1984. The main idea behind the CBI was to attract funds for developing the local economy. There are several investment options that applicants can choose for obtaining citizenship, and investing some money in real estate is among them. It would be a good choice for businesses looking for favorable taxation conditions and other opportunities as well as for individuals and families who either wish to move to this country or just need to have one more passport. Getting a St Kitts and Nevis Passport: The program allows purchasing property and getting a passport within only 3-6 months. There are two main options you can avail of. One of them is purchasing real estate pre-approved by the government for $400,000 or more. It is also possible to buy shares in a development project equal to the same amount. You must not sell your property for at least 5 years. Another option you can consider is finding a business partner and investing $200,000 each in luxury resorts approved by the government. In this case, you will not be able to sell your property for seven years. Additionally, investors pay some required fees. Why Invest in St Kitts Real Estate: Investing in St Kitts real estate is a profitable business. In 2018, the number of tourists arriving in the country increased by 8.8%. More than one million people come to the island each year. The country has experienced significant growth over the last years thanks to the CBI program. The GDP per capita reached $17,500 in 2018. The economic growth is expected at 3.2% in 2020. Now, the state provides tourists with high-security standards, comfortable travel, and other benefits. The real estate industry in the Federation has been developing rapidly. One of the reasons for that was the coming of the Marriott Hotel in the market. A range of significant construction projects includes Oasis Hotel and Aman Resort. Also, the number of flights to the country has increased. The investment climate of the island is favorable. As for the prices of property, they have dropped compared to the previous year, which did not affect rental income. Moreover, the rental yield has increased to 5.11%. There are no rental income taxes for citizens and companies within the country. Why Should You Obtain St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship?  While investing in property to generate some income, you can also enjoy receiving a St Kitts and Nevis passport. The following are the benefits that you will get: You can move to the island without problems in case of an unstable situation in your country; Having a passport of this country allows you to freely travel to over 120 countries, including Great Britain, Singapore, and Brazil; You will be able to take advantage of beneficial taxation. Also, it is an amazing country with a rich culture and beautiful nature. Conclusion: If you have never been to this island, you may have reasonable doubts about investing in the property of this country. However, if you are looking for interesting investment opportunities, you should consider opting for the CBI available on the island. The prices for real estate are quite low now while the rental income keeps growing. Considering the recent boom in the development and the significant interest of the tourist industry’s major players in the local property, it is likely that the prices of real estate will increase. Also, the country has a stable political situation. Therefore, it is a favorable moment to invest your money in real estate on the island. Granted that it can also give you the Federation’s passport and plenty of other benefits, the CBI looks even more attractive. Read Also: 7 Tips To Purchase A Prime Real Estate Property How Do Law Firms Help Companies with Their Real Estate Issues? 5 Best Things an Experienced Real Estate Agent can do DC Metro Area Real Estate Update An Overview on Luxury Real Estate in Paris