Personal Injury Laws And Statutory Rules In Utah

Published on: 07 July 2022 Last Updated on: 24 August 2023
Personal Injury Laws

Have you had an accident?

Are you injured badly?

Did the accident make you lose your wages?

And, are all these the result of someone else’s fault?

If Yes, you can file a personal injury claim and ask the at-fault party to compensate the damages. For different states, the personal injury law and case filling vary.

It means you need to know the rules and regulations of the particular state you are living in.

In case you are in Utah, you will have the usual understanding of the basic personal injury rules and regulations in Utah. Here in this article, we will offer you the necessary information about Utah personal injury rules.

So, let’s get started now.  

Filing Utah Personal Injury Lawsuit: Deadline

Just like all the other states, when it comes to filing the claim or case in court after any kind of injury or accident, you have a particular limit of time.

This specific rule of filing the claim within the time period is known as the statute of limitations. As per the statute of limitations, you will have 4 years of time for bringing a personal injury case to court.

 Personal Injury Lawsuit

In case you fail to file your personal injury case within these 4 years, the time period from the day of the injury or accident, the Utah court might refuse to hear your case at all.

It is extremely crucial that you keep track of the statute of limitations. At any cost, you have to ensure that you are filing your Utah personal injury case in court within the particular time period.

To know more detailed information on personal injury claims in Utah and the Utah personal injury Statute of Limitations, you can contact Swenson & Shelley; they will guide you with all legalities.

Shared Fault In Utah Injury Cases

After filing your personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim in Utah, you get to know that the entity or person against whom you are filing your case also insists that you are partly at fault for your injuries.

In case you find out that you are sharing some of the liability for your particular injury, the comparative fault rule of Utah might reduce the number of damages which you might recover from the other party that is at fault.

And, in case you are found to be 50% at fault or more than that, you might be restricted from getting any type of damages at all. Let’s understand this concept with a simple example.

Suppose you met with an accident at the grocery store due to a broken tile. You didn’t see the broken tile and tripped because you were busy scrolling through your Facebook feed. Now, when your personal injury case was represented in court, you were found to be 20% at fault for the particular accident, and the rest of 80% at fault is applicable to the grocery store. 

Now, after calculating the damages, you will not get compensation for the complete damage, or just a part of it, because you were also at fault for that accident. As per Utah’s comparative fault, you will not get compensation for the percentage of your damages that is equal to your at-fault percentage.

So, in case your total damage is $20,000, you will get $16,000 because you were 20% at fault and the other party is 80% at fault for your injury.

Now, in case you are found 50% or more at fault, your compensation will automatically get reduced to “0.” Whenever an injured person is found that be or is sharing fault in a court-based injury case, the comparative fault rule is applicable as per Utah State law.

Caps On Injury Damages In Utah

Like a lot of other states, Utah also caps or limits some particular types of damages in personal injury cases. This is so true specifically for non-economic or pain and suffering in medical malpractice cases.

Personal Injury Lawsuit

You will find all the details regarding this on the Utah Courts website. There you will also get the process of determining the cap for different cases. Here, you also have to keep in mind that the cap does not at all apply to all types of injury cases.

It is applicable only to those coming from any kind of medical malpractice.

The Utah Government Involved Injury Cases

Now, come to the Utah government-involved cases.

If your injury is the result of any government agency or employee’s negligence, a whole different set of rules and regulations will be applied to your personal injury claim. In this case, you will get only 1 year to file your personal injury claim or case that involves the Utah state government.

So, you have 1 year time to file your personal injury case that involves the Utah state government, and in case your initial claim is denied, you will also have 1 year to file an appeal. This one year is calculated from the date of injury or the accident.

A number of injury claims where the Utah government is involved are governed by the Utah Governmental Immunity Act.

Utah Is A No-Fault Car Insurance State

Now let’s talk about the car accident cases. In Utah, a no-fault system is followed. It means that after any car accident injury or damage, the insurance company of the injured person will offer coverage for all medical expenses along with lost income.

Car Insurance State

Here, it doesn’t simply matter which party is actually at fault. The injured person’s own insurance company is bound to pay for the damages.

Unless your case meets a “serious injury” threshold, you can not hold the other driver liable for your injury after a car accident. Therefore, most minor accidents fall under the no-fault rules.

However, if you can demonstrate that your accident case involves “serious injuries,” you might be able to come outside of the no-fault system and also can file a liability claim against the at-fault driver.

To Conclude

Now, you get a basic understanding of Utah personal injury rules and regulations. We know it is a lot to keep in mind. Also, when you are already suffering from injury, it becomes tough to keep track of everything and file a claim.

Here, a personal injury lawyer will be able to help you.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Passenger Rights

Along for the Ride: Passenger Rights in Vehicle Accidents

Although we are aware of the risks, driving is just a routine activity many of us do automatically, like brushing our teeth or grabbing a cup of coffee. We climb in the car intent on the destination or lost in thought, which is why automobile accidents are so jarring. Even a mild fender bender seems to stop everything in its tracks, instantly negating the importance of everything we were thinking or saying. Whether the situation results in serious injuries or none at all, it demands immediate attention. Passersby jockey to catch a glimpse of something interesting; police officers fill out reports; tow trucks haul away damaged cars. Sometimes, there aren’t even minor injuries, but, obviously, not everyone is so lucky. Trusting ourselves is one thing. Trusting someone else is entirely different. Every time someone gets into a passenger seat or the back seat, they're trusting that the driver will get to the destination safely. Some passengers are happy not to have the responsibility of driving; others have a hard time giving up control. Regardless of your feelings, where does that leave you if you're injured in a vehicle accident? The accident certainly wasn't your fault, so what exactly are your rights as a passenger? Recovering for injuries suffered as a passenger in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident is really a claim against an insurance company rather than against the driver himself. Passengers can file a claim under the bodily injury or liability insurance coverage of the driver or owner of any vehicle responsible for causing the accident. If that is insufficient, there may be coverage available under uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist policies. Injured passengers are also allowed to file a claim under their own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and/or Medical ­Payments (Med Pay) policies. With all these funding possibilities, passengers should be able to secure compensation for their damages, though in no instance are they allowed to collect any more than the total value of their claim. Many passengers are initially reluctant to seek compensation for damages because the driver is a close friend. It’s important to note that in most situations, the driver will not even know of the claim because it will be settled by lawyers and insurance companies before it gets to trial. The strain on any personal relationships should be minimal unless the insurance company does not act in good faith to resolve the claim and it must be litigated instead. Even at that time and although the driver will be named in the lawsuit, the true conflict is between the driver’s insurance company and the passenger. There are special rules that apply when the passenger is related to the driver and shares the same household. In most of these cases, the passenger is barred from collecting under the driver’s liability policy because he or she is an “insured person” and such persons are not permitted to file a liability claim against their own liability policy. A claim can still be brought against other drivers who are at fault for the accident. Read also: TIPS TO KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE IN A CAR The seat next to the driver has a reputation for being the most dangerous one in the car, even having been referred to as “the death seat.” Of course, it is more common to have one passenger than several, so the front seat is occupied more frequently than the rear seats. There is also some truth to the idea that in a crash a front seat passenger has nothing to stop him or her from being ejected through the window, whereas the driver has the steering wheel. Or, at least, that used to be the prevailing line of thought. The last few decades have brought about major advances in safety that have reduced the probability of being seriously injured while riding in the front seat. Seat belts, airbags, and crumple zones equally benefit drivers and front-seat riders. According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, adults over age 55 were more likely to die in a crash while seated in the back than in the front – even if they were wearing seat belts. The study found that adults in the rear were more likely than adults in the front to sustain chest injuries, and there was some evidence of an elevated risk of head and neck injuries for restrained women seated in the rear compared with the front. The IIHS also recently performed front-overlap crash tests of seven small SUVs and found that certain models may have a big gap in safety between drivers and their passengers. The seven models received good ratings after the front driver's side corner of the vehicle hit a barrier at 40 miles per hour, but only one model – the 2016 Hyundai Tucson -- rated as good when the same test was performed on the front passenger side. While three models received acceptable ratings and two models received marginal ratings, the 2015 Toyota RAV4 was rated as poor. The IIHS suspected that the difference was partly due to a greater emphasis on the vehicle frame and structure for the driver's side, but there is no excuse for inferior passenger protection. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? If you were a passenger in a vehicle involved in a collision and were seriously injured as a result, or if you lost someone you love in such an accident, you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who can examine the circumstances of your case and advise you of your rights. Personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay them unless there is a settlement or verdict in your favor. Passengers with serious injuries are entitled to appropriate and thorough medical care for their physical, emotional, and psychological injuries suffered as a result of the accident, as well as full compensation for their pain and suffering, mental anguish, property damage, and lost wages. It is also critical that you at least consult with an attorney before speaking with an insurance company investigator or adjuster. Their job is to spend as little money as possible while quickly settling a large number of claims, and they are well-trained in the fine art of getting you to make statements that can come back to haunt you later. Since you are bound by what you say, it is often wise to let an attorney speak for you.


Things you should know about documentation

In today’s world of increased corporate competition and performance, documentation has become extremely important. Proper documentation has become the key to the success of many companies and firms. As different companies rush to adapt to this changing corporate environment, sometimes they end up neglecting the documentation which causes a lot of issues later. Documentation provides the basic foundation for the proper functioning of a company. To aid you in your quest and acquire more knowledge about documentation, we highlight things you should know about documentation: 1. Documentation helps you increase accountability : Properly documenting daily progress and making it available for viewing can drastically increase the accountability of your company or firm. This has become an important aspect of customer satisfaction as well. Many companies follow the policy that if it’s not documented, it didn’t happen. This enhanced accountability has greatly increased consumer and customer confidence. 2. Proper documentation facilitates proper audits : Having proper documentation really helps auditors while performing their audits. It makes the entire functioning of the company look smooth and streamlined to the auditor. Moreover, it helps the company avoid any embarrassment of being pulled up for sloppy documentation. It helps the company save face as proper documentation ensures that the company is not called upon to explain anything. 3. Proper documentation streamlines inter-department correspondence : Proper documentation ensures that different departments are apprised of the functioning of one another. This further facilitates a smooth interaction between them and increases the inter-departmental cohesion. Documentation is important for departments like the finance department, which needs to be held accountable for the expenditure of the company. 4. Documentation streamlines the functioning of a company : Whatever is written on paper is considered to be official. Thus, using documentation companies can streamline their day to day functioning. It provides a better channel of communication than word of mouth or informal forms of communication. It helps get work done faster. 5. Proper documentation helps in avoiding corruption : Proper documentation can help avoid corruption and misappropriation of funds. Documentation can also help avoid abuse of power. Proper documentation ensures there is a written record of what is happening. Moreover, all financial transactions and other important actions leave a paper trail which can be traced back to the culprit in case of foul play. 6. Modern forms of documentation are also at your disposal : Gone are the days when your company had to maintain huge binders or folders in the form of documents. Now, a lot of documentation can be done digitally. Old documents can be scanned and stored on computers to ensure their safety. Digital documents are easier to access and store. Nowadays cloud storage has greatly enhanced the capacity and size of documents that can be stored. 7. Various forms of documents are to be used for different purposes : There are many different forms of documents which are available for different uses. They encompass but are not limited to reports, memos, logbooks and presentations. Utilizing various types of documents for their appropriate purpose gives a more professional outlook for your company. Appropriate use of documents can really enhance the corporate image of your company. Proper documentation is extremely important, but it alone isn’t enough. Supplementary tasks associated with documentation such as printing, scanning, shredding, and photocopying are also important. All these may be difficult and cumbersome to handle for regular employees and that is what leads to sloppy documentation. Fortunately, professional and dependable companies like Document Pros offer such services and fill the gap. It’s a wise option to outsource supplementary tasks of documentation to such firms so that you can enhance the overall image and accountability of your company.    

Consider Hiring A Patent Attorney For Your Business 

Why Should You Consider Hiring A Patent Attorney For Your Business 

Are you wondering if your business needs a patent lawyer or not? In the present digital age, entrepreneurs rapidly develop software and technologies to meet changing needs. Thus, when you innovate and create something new, it is important to protect that creation. Hence, keeping the invention under wraps is not enough. Even when you ask your workforce to sign NDAs, you can still encounter data leaks that expose information about the product. This is why your business requires a patent attorney to look after the requirements and maintain the legal situations. In this article, we will emphasize why you need to hire a patent attorney to protect your business. Reasons To Hire Patent Legal Services For Your Business Many investors face the dilemma of registering patents themselves and hiring a patent agent or lawyer. Therefore, hiring a patent attorney is always recommended and beneficial. Here is a list of reasons you need to hire a patent attorney for your business. 1. Copyright Is Not Enough  Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of assuming that copyright is enough to protect new information. However, that is not the case because copyrights come into existence at the moment of document creation. Therefore, copyrights only apply to any written drafts about your business invention. This is one of the primary reasons you need to hire a patent attorney for your business. 2.  Extensive Understanding Of Property Law Law is a complex situation and is beyond the understanding of a layperson. People with little experience might find it difficult to go through the patent process. Similarly, if you lack any knowledge of patents, there is a chance you might end up making a mistake. To avoid this situation, a patent attorney in the business will help you resolve the complexities faced within the industry. Moreover, hiring a patent lawyer will benefit you as they are well versed in the legal and law aspects and are up to date with trends. Similarly, while going through the patent process, they will help you with sequence listings. 3. Skilled Research  You must understand how technological inventions and case laws might affect the potential success of your business. Since most inventions can research their invention, they might overlook some possible issues. On the other hand, the issue might escalate to missing out on the opportunities to protect an investigation. To help you out in this avoidable circumstance, a patent lawyer will guide you in preparing a detailed application to enhance the chance of obtaining a patent. 4. Understanding Of Patent Filing And Drafting Applying patent filing and drafting might seem easy, but it is not. Various guidelines need to be followed. In addition, diagrams and descriptions need to be precise yet offer a broader scope of protection. The patent lawyer will draft the patent application and will help you increase the chance of success. 5. Defending Every Patent  If the examiner rejects the application, you might need to prepare and make rectifications to the patent claims and offer arguments. Therefore, in the event of allegations of infringement by any third party, you might wish to obtain expertise on your behalf. Furthermore, this applies to the infringement proceedings you initiated. Thus, we suggest you work with a patent attorney while examining your application and in infringement cases. 6. Implementing Business Strategy In applying for a patent, you can explain in detail the qualities and purpose of your invention. Moreover, it is important to go back to your original business strategy and make alterations to ensure that you can properly defend the rights of a patent. Therefore, the patent attorney understands the ins and outs of technology and industries. Furthermore, they are equipped to strengthen and review your business strategy while determining how the patent can fulfill the plan. 7. International Patent Protection  To protect your patent abroad, you must file for an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Thus, a patent application that does not comply with international laws and has errors might face rejection. This is where you need the assistance of a patent attorney. The attorney will not only help you understand the intellectual property laws but also help you work with them, which is important. 8. Eliminates Issue  The process of patent applications can be challenging for us to understand. So, if you do not want to delay your patent process and avoid mistakes on the application, you should get help from a patent attorney. Therefore, a professional patent attorney with extensive knowledge of intellectual property can assist you in filing your patent to eliminate issues. In addition, if you quickly get your patent filed and face other aspects of opening your company, you must work with a reputed lawyer. 9. Provides Legal Advice  When filing for your patent, you might not have all the information you require, specifically with legal issues. Thus, the role of a patent lawyer is to understand your invention, commercialization plans, and business goals. However, with this knowledge, they will assist you with other parts of the patent process, such as: The types of patents you need to obtain. Find out if you are required to file a provisional patent application. Time is taken for the entire process. On the other hand, the attorney will also advise you with the non-disclosure agreement and publicize the invention. Hence, the patent process will be fast if you navigate the issues. Hire Patent Legal Services Today  Thus, the process of filing for a patent can be complicated. This makes it a challenging job if you do not hire an attorney for your business. In addition to that, there are several patent laws that you need to know. In this situation, the attorney will help you understand the regulations and rules appropriate for the business. So, filing a patent with an attorney makes sure you do not encounter any legal implications for your workforce or your business. Hire a patent attorney today, increase your chances of success, and save money. Read Also: How to Get More Traffic to Your Amazon Listings Is Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores A Good Career Path [2021 Updated] Five Ways to Help Your Trade Show Booth Stand Out From the Crowd