Hagen Rosskopf Explain What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney


04 May 2020


Hagen Rosskopf

If an accident had happened which was not your fault and has resulted in your injury, you may be interested in knowing about an interesting form of a lawsuit- Personal Injury. In order for your lawsuit to succeed, it may be necessary to have a qualified personal injury attorney on your side. Hagen Rosskopf explains the basic principles of personal injury law.

Most people do not contact personal injury lawyers until they have already been hurt, but it might not be a bad idea to secure the services of a lawyer before the accident occurs. This means you will not have to struggle to find someone in a chaotic time after your injury. This is especially important for workers in high-risk industries like construction.

You may feel that you have a low chance of needing a personal injury attorney, but in truth, injuries can happen at any time. Accidental injuries are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Many of these are car accidents, but other types of accidents can also lead to death or serious injury.

The Qualifications of a Personal Injury Attorney

Personal Injury

Personal injury attorneys need to have a standard amount of schooling and training before they can practice. They must attend college and law school. They must also pass their individual state bar exam. Some multi-state tests are also given. The American Bar Association certifies specialty practices.

Types of Cases Handled by Personal Injury Lawyers

The type of law practiced in personal injury circles is known as “tort law.” Tort law protects people when their person or their property is harmed due to someone else’s negligence. If the tort action is successful, the defendant or their insurance company will have to pay damages to the injured party.

Events covered by tort law include personal injury, medical malpractice, and product liability. Most personal injury lawsuits are filed as a result of a car accident, but there is a wide variety of other accidents that could occur. Slip and falls, workplace injuries, animal bites, and injuries that overlap with actions in the criminal court are included.

Often, personal injury lawyers focus exclusively on one type of case. Sometimes a lawyer will take on an unfamiliar area, and they will have to consult experts to serve their client well.

Insurance Companies and Personal Injury

People may feel that their own insurance coverage should be able to protect them in the event of a personal injury. Sadly, this is often not the case. Getting your own money back from the insurance companies can be hard, and they will try everything to avoid paying the claim.

This is disheartening, especially when you have been a customer of the insurance company for many years. A quality personal injury attorney will be able to fight the insurance company for you and get the compensation you need.

A Personal Injury Case Roadmap

Before your lawyer files the case, you will need to sit down with them and determine whether someone else was responsible for the accident. They will help you find a defendant who caused your injury.

Your attorney will go over your injury and talk with you about its severity and how it has affected your daily life. They will talk with you about your legal options when it comes to the case.

After consulting with you, the attorney will need to do a full investigation. The accident scene, witness testimony, photographs, police reports, records of medical diagnosis, and bills need to be examined in depth. The attorney needs to know how much money you make and how much you have lost as a result of the accident.

Medical and accident reconstruction experts may be secured. Experts are also needed to access the information in a vehicle’s “black box” which records speed and driver actions.

For the attorney, the next step is creating a demand package. The demand letter will give a complete picture of the financial, physical, and medical facts of the case. This will help to convince the defendant’s lawyer and the insurance company that you deserve financial help.

Demand letters are critical to resolving the case. Experienced attorneys write the best demand letters. These will make sure that you get everything you need.

Filing Your Lawsuit

If your settlement cannot happen out of court, your attorney will need to officially file the lawsuit. Most personal injury cases do not result in a trial, but it is a good idea to be prepared.

In the discovery phase of the trial, obtaining evidence is the most important activity. Personal injury attorneys are good at securing information from the other attorney and the defendant’s insurance company. This information can help to cement the case.

Judges may take cases under mediation. In this case, the defendant may settle ahead of the trial. If mediation does not work, it has to be decided via a trial. If your personal injury attorney is experienced in court, you will get the best results. Unfortunately, some cases may take years to resolve if the courts are involved.

Understanding Personal Injury Law

If you are injured in an accident that was not your fault, consult with a qualified attorney. Hagen Rosskopf encourages injured parties to find a quality lawyer in their local area to help them with their case.

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Discrimination In The Workplace

What To Do About Discrimination In The Workplace: First Steps To Take

Workplace disputes and challenges can be stressful. Daunting, even, when things take a more serious turn. When injustices transpire, it becomes more difficult to work without constantly fearing said injustices. Facing discrimination in workplace should not deter you from standing up for your rights as an employee. Instead, here are the primary steps to take when they do. Steps To Take Against Workplace Discrimination- 1. Talk To A Lawyer: Regardless of what kind of discrimination you face at work, the distressing fact is that the courts have strict rules for what qualifies under “work discrimination”. And you will need an expert who is knowledgeable about this segment of the law for you to be able to push your claim forward. Hiring a lawyer does not instantaneously mean you are to brace yourself for matters to be brought to the courts. Doing so is a kind of a “safeguard”. How? A lawyer can help you recount what had been done against you and inform you about what qualifies under work-discrimination, and what you can legally do about it. That, and in an objective manner. 2. List Down The Offensive Actions Committed Against You: We understand that recounting such actions can be painful, or traumatizing for others. Yet this is a crucial step that requires your attention--- listing down every offense your perpetrators have carried out. Called a journal for tracking discriminatory behavior, be as detailed as possible with your entries. Be sure to include the date, location, and time each one took place. Alongside these, the perpetrator/s, witnesses (if there were), and other relevant information. 3. Report The Incident: Your claim may be turned down if it becomes apparent that you have never reported the occurence/s. As such, the company should be told of these workplace events because they are required by law to act upon them. If they are not given the opportunity to do so (due to the lack of familiarity regarding this motion), this could be held against you. Report the incident to your superiors and have Human Resources, or any relevant department, get these in writing and on record. 4. Understand The Incident: Aside from speaking with your attorney about it, talk to your manager/s. Although quite in the minority, there are cases wherein acts were not deliberately made. Nevertheless, your superiors need to know of these in order to talk to the perpetrators and reiterate (or draft) company rules about work-discrimination. It’s also an approach to seeking help with respect to officially reporting the incident. Add to this standing under the umbrella of protection of the company’s employees who are situated in ranks of authority therein. 5. Be Prepared For Counterattacks And/Or Retaliation: Even with legal advisers at your side, be ready for retaliation from your perpetrators. Whether through actions, threatening words, work-related retribution (i.e. disapproval of a raise, vacation leaves, etc.), be ready for them. But do not fret because with a work-discrimination lawyer aiding you every step of the way. The law can be used as your foundation and shield against those who premeditatedly intend for your harm within the walls of your workplace. Read Also: 5 Safety Awareness Ideas to Maintain a Safe Workplace 5 Ways You Could Have Been Sexually Harassed in the Workplace How to Improve Workplace Security

ridesharing accident

Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Ridesharing Accident

Ridesharing is revolutionizing the way people get from point A to point B. Whether it's just to have a safe ride home after a night of drinking or a great alternative to purchasing your own vehicle, ridesharing is gaining in popularity. With more people getting rides than ever before, more car accidents are involving ridesharing vehicles. Understanding what to do if you're involved in a ridesharing accident can help to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries that you sustained. Check For Injuries And Call The Police The first steps that you want to take after being involved in any sort of car accident are to check for injuries and call the police. You should start by checking yourself and other passengers. Then, check the other parties involved to see if they have any injuries. If anyone has severe injuries, you should be contacting emergency medical assistance immediately. If you have slight injuries, it's still a good idea to get them checked out by a medical professional at the accident scene. This way, your injuries are documented right from the start. Once everyone is checked for injuries, it's time to call the police. The officer will be responsible for creating an accident report. While you may not think that a report matters since it's not your vehicle that was involved, think again. Any ridesharing accident lawyer will tell you that having access to the accident report is a vital part of your claims case. Even if the drivers involved don't want to contact the police, you should do so yourself to ensure your future safety is looked after. Take Pictures And Collect Information West Coast Trial Lawyers will advise you to take pictures to document the scene. While you may have no stake in the property that was damaged, you should still have photo evidence of it. This can come back into play later when determining who was at fault for the injury. This way, your Uber accident attorney knows who to go after to seek compensation for the injuries that you sustained. Talk with witnesses and gather their contact information. Witnesses tend to leave the scene of the accident once an officer arrives. Therefore, speaking with them before the police arrive can ensure that you get the information you need before they leave. The more witnesses you have, the better chance your ridesharing accident lawyer will have at proving your case for injury compensation. You'll also want to get the information about the people involved in the accident. Start by collecting the contact and insurance information of your ridesharing driver. Then, get the same information from the other parties involved. If the other driver had passengers with them, then get their information to. Be sure to write down or take pictures of the license plates of the vehicles that were involved. Understand What Insurance Pays For Your Injuries One of the most confusing parts of being involved in a ridesharing accident is understanding what the insurance company pays for the damages and injuries that were a result of the accident. Does Uber's insurance cover the problems or does the Uber driver's personal insurance cover your injuries? Let's take a look at the different scenarios below. Hit By A Ridesharing Driver If you're in a vehicle accident that is determined to be the fault of the other driver who was in a ridesharing vehicle, the other driver's insurance is responsible for paying for your injuries. Keep in mind that each driver's insurance policy will have coverage limitations. If your compensation amount is above the coverage limit for the ridesharing driver's personal insurance, the ridesharing company's insurance will cover the excess if the driver was working at the time of the accident. Your Ridesharing Driver Is At Fault For Your Injuries When the ridesharing driver that you're riding with is determined to be at fault for your injuries, their personal insurance will cover your compensation. In the event that your compensation amount is over what the driver's personal insurance will cover, the ridesharing company will cover the excess if the driver was working at the time of the accident. What Is Considered Working By Rideshare Companies? West Coast Trial Lawyers will inform you that the ridesharing company will only pay if the driver was determined to be working. If the driver was not determined to be working at the time of the accident, the ridesharing company's insurance will not cover the excess of the compensation you get. Rather, you'll have to go after the driver of the vehicle personally for anything their insurance won't cover. Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lift have their own technology that allows them to communicate with their drivers. Drivers are required to update their status on their mobile device to tell the company what they're doing. As long as the ridesharing driver was logged into their application, the ridesharing company's insurance policy will kick in. However, there are some restrictions to their coverage limits. If the driver is logged into their application but has a status of waiting for a ride request, the ridesharing company's insurance has limited coverage. For Uber specifically, the limited liability coverage is 25,000 dollars for property damage and 50,000 dollars per injury up to a 100,000 dollar limit. In most events, a combination of the driver's personal insurance and the ridesharing company's insurance will take care of the compensation for your injuries. However, if they don't, your Uber accident attorney will take up suit against the ridesharing driver personally for the excess. In cases where the ridesharing driver has a status of being in route to pick up their passenger, then the ridesharing company's full insurance policy kicks in. Both Uber and Lift have a 1,000,000 dollar personal injury insurance policy. Remember that this policy kicks in after the driver's personal policy reach its coverage limits. Why Contacting A Lawyer Is So Important As you've found out above, there are many things to consider when you're involved in a ridesharing accident. Navigating the legal waters and determining what insurance policy or policies will be paying for your injury compensation can be difficult. Employing a ridesharing lawyer to help you along the way will ensure that you get the compensation that you need for your injuries. Your lawyer will be able to collect the necessary evidence from the ridesharing application to determine what insurance is covering the accident. They'll be able to take up suit against those companies and assist you in determining a proper amount of compensation for the injuries that you sustained from the accident. Most importantly, a lawyer will be able to do all the heavy lifting with your claims case so that you can physically and mentally worry about getting better. You don't want to be dealing with lawyers, insurance companies, and educating yourself on laws when you're injured. Being involved in a ridesharing accident may not be something that you've thought about before. However, since ridesharing is becoming more popular, you should be prepared with what you should do in the event that you find yourself involved in one. The above steps will help you to figure out how to proceed after an accident occurs. Read Also: Expert Advice: 5 Crucial Things To Do Immediately After An Automobile Accident 5 Types Of Damages You Can Claim After A Car Accident What To Do When You’re Involved In A Car Accident In Albany

Personal Injury Lawsuit

Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know

Medical negligence, car accidents, defective products, dog bites, slip and fall injuries… The list of personal injury accidents can go on and on. The thing that should be noted is that all the above-mentioned accidents can result in grievous injuries. While some of them might not be fatal, it is true that a lot of individuals lose their lives every year in personal injury cases. If you are looking to file a personal injury lawsuit in the state of South Carolina, you should be aware of the facts. This is because the rules and regulations governing the administration of personal injury lawsuits differ from state to state. If you are not aware of the specifics of filing one in South Carolina, you might not get the desired solution in the form of settlement claims or compensation you are looking for. This is going to cause an unnecessary financial burden on top of the turmoil you are going through. In this resource article, we are going to list seven important things you should know when filing a personal injury lawsuit in the state of South Carolina. If you or someone you know is looking to file a personal injury claim, you should check out what we have to say in the article. Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit: Is it absolutely necessary? The first thing that you should note is that there is a difference between a personal injury claim and a lawsuit. If you have been injured because of the irresponsible actions of someone else, you need not file a lawsuit right at the beginning. This is because, in most instances, the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident and the consequent injury will help you with the compensation amount required. Yet, it has been found that in a majority of cases, insurance companies have been found to strongarm victims into accepting lower amounts of compensation than they are rightly entitled to. The reason is simple- every time an insurance company pays, it compromises its profits. You should be looking to file a personal injury lawsuit if- You find that the insurance company is purposely delaying the disbursal process for the compensation. The person responsible for the accident is hesitant to share their insurance details with you. The extent of damages is far beyond what the insurance company can pay as part of its coverage. In such instances, you need to hire a personal injury attorney South Carolina and take the case to court to help you get what you deserve in terms of the losses suffered. 7 Things you should know when Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in South Carolina:   1. Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney- Studies have shown that individuals that lawyer up when filing a personal injury lawsuit are able to recover far more than people who go at it alone. This is why the first thing you should do when you want to move the case from a claim to a lawsuit is to hire an experienced personal injury attorney for your case. This will allow you to focus on getting better physically. 2. South Carolina has a Statute of Limitations- The period of filing a personal injury lawsuit in the State of South Carolina is fixed. The term period for the same is 3 years from the date of the accident. You need to file a personal injury lawsuit within the three-year period, or it will not be entertained by the courts thereafter. Make sure that you are not delaying it indefinitely since it sends the wrong message to the court. 3. Never sign anything given to you by the Insurance Company of the accused- You have no idea about the extent insurance companies can go to save their skin. They do not want to pay up. This makes them resort to unfair means like asking you to sign complicated paperwork that might compromise the integrity of the personal injury case. It is best that you refer all official documents sent to you by the insurance company to your attorney. 4. A Personal Injury Lawsuit can be won even before the start of the court proceedings- Yes, there are two main ways how you can win a personal injury lawsuit. When you file a case, the lawyer and insurance company of the accused will try to get the case settled before it goes to trial if they believe it will help them minimize the settlement amount. On the other hand, a case can go to the Jury for their decision, and whatever the court orders will have to be paid. 5. The point of a Personal Injury Lawsuit is to Fix Fault or Negligence- There is only one way to get the settlement compensation you want- fix negligence. You need to prove that the accident and the subsequent injuries were squarely the faults of the accused. In other words, it was their negligence that resulted in you receiving injuries and spending time in the hospital. This is what will help you get the maximum traction for your lawsuit. 6. Gathering evidence and building a solid personal injury lawsuit is a top priority- In most personal injury lawsuits, it all boils down to the nature of the evidence that is being presented in support of your claims. This is where an experienced personal injury attorney and their team of investigators can prove to be an invaluable asset for your lawsuit. They will be able to gather evidence whose examination will be able to establish the guilt and negligence of the accused. 7. Personal injury lawsuits can drag on for months and be very time-consuming- Yes, it is true that some personal injury lawsuits are settled within a month, whereas others can run for one or even two years. There is a certain sense of the complexity involved when it comes to personal injury lawsuits. You need to be prepared for the long haul if you want to see this through. Make sure that you pay attention to the fees for your personal injury attorney. The Final Word When it comes to personal injury lawsuits and the claim amount, it is not only about helping you pay the medical bills. If the injury is serious, you need to ensure that the compensation that is being offered makes up for lost wages, takes care of the medical care you need during the recovery stage, and more. If you have any more questions regarding personal injury lawsuits in the State of South Carolina, please let us know in the comments section below. Read Also: What Personal Injury Law in California Involves What Are The Effective Ways To Communicate With A Personal Injury Lawyer Road Accidents And Personal Injury Lawsuits: How To Fight For Compensation