7 Characteristics of a Great Lawyer that can Help Win your Legal Battle

Published on: 05 April 2019 Last Updated on: 23 October 2020
Great Lawyer

When you need legal help, it’s critical to have the right lawyer to help you with your cause. Lawyers aren’t all the same. Having the right legal team fighting for you can mean the difference between getting the right result in court and wondering what went wrong. If you’re not familiar with the legal system, it can be hard to know if you have a lawyer who is up to the task. Here are seven characteristics of a great lawyer that can help in your legal battle from the attorneys at Lawyers Foyle Legal:

1. They listen:

Being a great lawyer begins with being a great listener. Each case depends on what happened in that specific case. A lawyer can’t be a great advocate for you until they fully understand the facts of your case.

Your lawyer should remember the basic details about your case from one meeting to the next. They should actively listen to what you have to say, and they should ask questions. A great lawyer knows that you’re more than just a case. Getting to know you and the details of your claim is a critical part of being a successful advocate. Your attorney should listen to you, ask questions, and allow you to ask questions, too.

Being a good listener is the hallmark of the best legal minds in the world. A lawyer who does not listen is not someone who is able to help his or her clients to the best of their abilities. Listening allows for numerous details to be thrown up, which are relevant for the case at hand. Many people trust the Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney for the exact same reason. Their ability to listen to their clients and solve issues makes them sought-after in the industry.

2. They have experience in your area of law:


Lawyers practice in many different areas of law. Some lawyers practice personal injury law and spend their time fighting for accident victims. Other lawyers focus on criminal law, wills and trusts, employment law, or patent law. Some legal practices are very specific to even a single law or issue.

When you need a great lawyer, you need a lawyer that’s experienced in the type of case that you have. Your lawyer needs to know the laws and court procedures that apply to the area of law that impacts your case. Thorough knowledge of the law and experience in the law is what gives an attorney the ability to advocate effectively for the client.

Without a legal specialty in the right area, your attorney may miss critical rules and requirements. These errors may derail your case, or they may prevent you from fully getting the compensation that you deserve. Be sure that your attorney focuses in the right area of law and that they have the experience to help you with any unique issues that may arise in your case.

3. They can speak about your case:

Your lawyer should be able to learn about your case and then give you a general idea of what to expect going forward with your claim. They should be able to tell you the basics about how the law applies in your case without having to turn to a textbook. Part of what your lawyer does for you is preparing you for what to expect in the legal process. They should be able to give you a rough idea of whether you have a case, a timeline for resolution of your claim, and what things you can do in order to achieve a better result in the legal system.

A great attorney is honest with you about any issues that may make your case more difficult. If there are things that may cause you to lose your case or get a different result than you’re hoping for, your attorney should be upfront with you about these things. They should help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case as well as what may happen in the future as you go forward with your claim.

4. They stay in touch:

A great lawyer is a communicator first and foremost. They speak to the courts, and they speak to the opposing parties in the case. However, it’s also critical that your lawyer communicates with you. You should be able to approach your lawyer with questions and concerns. Likewise, your lawyer should reach out when they have questions about your case. They should keep you up to date on developments as your case moves forward. Your lawyer may communicate by phone or email. In any case, there should be an open door for you to communicate with your lawyer at any time.

5. They build your case through diligent case preparation:

Even if the facts are on your side, there’s still important work to do to build a legal claim. You must gather evidence in a way that you can present in court. There are technical rules about how to present evidence, and you must follow them. For each type of case, there are certain elements that the parties involved have to prove or disprove.

A great lawyer knows how to build a legal claim. They know that you must diligently take steps to build your case and present it to the court. A great lawyer should be able to spot any issues that might be controversial in your case, and they should know how to respond to these challenges.

6. They work as your advocate and your guide:


Ultimately, you decide how to resolve your case. If the other side extends an offer to resolve the claim through a settlement, your lawyer doesn’t decide whether to take the offer. You make the final decisions for your legal matter. A great lawyer gives you the information that you need in order to determine whether you’re making the right choices at every step.

7. They’re passionate about what they do:

A great lawyer goes the extra mile. They don’t stop until the job is done. A passionate lawyer is a great lawyer because they work diligently on behalf of their clients. If your lawyer enjoys what they do, they put that enthusiasm to work to fight for you.

How to know if you have a great lawyer:

Having the right lawyer working for you is critical to your claim. A great lawyer offers outstanding legal services through training, experience, and passion. They must be a great listener. Together, you work to help you achieve the right result in the legal system.

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Immigration Tracker

What Is The Main Purpose Of Immigration Tracker?

If you want to establish a law from the news can get immigration tracker software and it is going to bring you many benefits. For example, if you are a lawyer and you want to start your legal team and a law firm then the software is going to be very important for you and it can change your case assembly solution to a great extent. So if you want to work solo or even if you want to have a team then you need to have this software and it is a must for your case management. It is going to help you out a lot in the long run and then your case management is going to be very easy in the long run as well. Here Are A Few Important Advantages Of Immigration Tracker: In this article, we will discuss the main purpose of using an immigration tracker. So, keep on reading to find out more information below about the benefits of any immigration tracker software and why you should be using it if you want to start a legal team. 1. Efficiency No matter what type of form you have you want to increase efficiency and then it is going to bring in more workflow and productivity in your organization. If you want to increase productivity as well as efficiency then you want to have all the tools that you require for your organization to work properly. Otherwise, it is not going to be possible for you to stay organized and you will not be able to do them properly in your company. Keeping everything organized and monitored is the first step towards success and you can only achieve that when you get an immigration tracker for your immigration company then the workflow is going to be very efficient because you will have all the equipment and tools that you need to work and move forward. 2. Corporate Mobility Team The next benefit that you are going to get after getting your hands on an immigration tracker is that you will have a corporate mobility team. You can easily manage this team in collaboration and you can have timelines as well. Everything is going to be automated and you can also set as many alerts as you want and the system is going to be automatic. There is not going to be any manual procedure when it comes to managing the corporate mobility team and everything is going to be automated in your organization. It is the first step towards the success of your case management and that is why you should get an immigration tracker if you are thinking about becoming an immigration agent or starting your firm. 3. Medium To Large Firm The next reason why you should gan immigration tracker software in your organization is that it is going to be for medium to large-scale organizations. So even if you have a medium organization and it is not something big then you can still be considered getting this and then it is going to streamline the recruiting process in your organization as well. Read Also: Top 5 Ways to Avoid Canada Immigration Consultancy Frauds Getting Legal Advice from Immigration Attorneys What Does An Immigration Lawyer Do?

Insurance Broking

UAE Insurance Authority Sets New Regulations for Insurance Broking

The UAE Insurance Authority has rolled out new draft regulations for insurance brokerage and online transactions. This draft has 13 chapters and 38 articles that explain insurance broking like governance, registration and licensing, the insurance broker and insurance company roles to the broker, insurance broker’s roles, solvency, mergers, financial reports and disclosures, supervisions, dispute settlements, and penalties. Who is an Insurance Broker? The new draft law defines an insurance broker as a juridical individual who intervenes in insurance or reinsurance activities between the insurance/reinsurance proposer and an insurance/reinsurance company and receives a commission from the insurance/reinsurance company. The provisions of the new draft apply to distribution channels, companies, and any other insurance-related business approved by the authority. These regulations focus on shielding policyholders and guarantee that they receive value for their money by purchasing various products. The New Insurance Law Provisions The new insurance law requires an insurance broker to adhere to these regulations for electronic transactions. Criteria for Insurance Brokerage Licensing A company must be established in the United Arab Emirates and registered based on the Commercial Companies Law. The company should own a share capital of AED 3 million or more. You need to pay AED 10 million or more and register with the UAE Commercial Law if you run a branch of a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company. You can consult a law firm in Dubai to help you with these procedures. It is mandatory to submit an unconditional Letter of Guarantee from a bank; this is paid on demand to the Insurance Authority chairman board of directors. This can be fully or partially liquidated to guarantee the broker’s settlement of transactions and obligations. You must obtain an insurance policy to cover your profession at a value of AED 2 million for UAE companies and a minimum of AED 3 million for a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company branch in the UAE. You must appoint the administrative and technical staff continually. You need convenient headquarters, software, and technical systems for your profession. It is also mandatory to have an internal control system to govern applications of laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars in adherence to the Insurance Authority regulations. The next step is to submit the agreement between you and the bank, pay the full fees, and comply with any extra regulations. The Insurance Authority approves or rejects the application within 20 working days. Technical and Administrative Staff The technical staff of an insurance broker has specific regulations. It is a requirement to appoint at least 1 General Manager, Internal Auditor, Operation Manager, and 1 qualified worker for each type of insurance. Below are the qualifications for the appointment of technical and administrative staff; A natural individual enjoying full capacity An individual of good conduct; never been sentenced for freedom restricting punishment in a moral decadency crime without rehabilitation. Pays his commercial debts even if not declared bankruptcy. You need to notify the Insurance Authority of appointments, transfers, terminations, or modifications within 60 days. Roles of the Insurance Broker You must make internal by-laws and submit a copy to the Insurance Authority Dubai offices within 3 months after obtaining a license. You must review and update the internal control system continually; this ensures that you have proper laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars. It is necessary to design an Operations Guide for periodical updates, risk management, and review it according to the rules. Create a professional code of conduct for the staff and supervise and plan their duties according to the Insurance Authority (AI). Collaborate with the internal controller to enable employees to perform their tasks and report any violations to the authority. You can only dismiss the internal controller by the board of management or board of directors’ decision; this happens if you notify the internal controller and IA of the dismissal at least 30 working days before the dismissal. Penalties The IA developed penalties so that insurance brokers do not violate the instructions, regulations, laws, and circulars.  If you violate any laws, you receive a warning that compels you to remove the infringement and ensure this does not happen in the future.  The IA might suspend you from practicing for a maximum period of 1 year. The Insurance Authority cancels licenses in the following incidences; Violating any license conditions Gross breach of your obligations Failure to renew your license (delay paying fines or failure to pay renewal fees) A final bank declaration associating you with bankruptcy The dissolution and liquidation of your practice Failure to practice your licensed profession within 6 months after obtaining the license If you obtained your license through false information. The insurance sector in the United Arab Emirates is expected to rise; this is why the Insurance Authority issued new regulations to govern insurance brokerage. Brokers have to adhere to set regulations or face penalties. Technical and administrative staff also has to meet various qualifications. This allows brokers to have a set of laws to refer to. Read Also: Insurance- Need of the time 5 Top Tips to Help You Hire The Perfect Attorney

Trial Lawyers

Three Practical Tips And Techniques For New Trial Lawyers

The trial lawyers that are new to the art should have a few tips that will make it easier for them to make the best choices while they are in the courtroom.  There are many people who would like to use the tips because they think that they need to get some information that will guide them through their trials.  You will feel as though you have a chance to guide the case on your terms when you are just starting out.  If you can guide the case, you have better chances of winning. 1. Only Ask Questions You Know The Answers To: You need to start reading as much as you can at places like https://www.lawsonlegal.com.au/ because you need to know how to ask questions during the trial.  You should only ask questions that you know the answers to.  You need to be sure that you have asked questions that will give people a chance to talk, and you must allow them the chance to talk.  Someone who is asking questions that are very open-ended can get some revealing answers.  You might have people musing on the stand, and they might give away things that you did not know. 2. Share Everything: Evidence in the case needs to be shared during discovery.  You will be penalized by the court, and that evidence might not be admitted into the case.  This means that you will have a much better chance of winning because you are also getting all the information from the other side.  You have to be willing to investigate everything that you are using, and you can create a profile for the case that will bring you a win.  Someone who is sharing their information is following the law while also getting back information they need. 3. Never Badger A Witness: You will never get anywhere when you badger witnesses.  They will not give you any information, and they will not respond the way that they do in the movies.  This means that you need to be as calm as possible.  You might be very upset, and you need to be sure that you have calmed yourself before you start talking.  The people who are questioning in court need to have a list of things to ask, and they need to do so in a way that gets people to answer in kind.  You never want to force the witnesses to hide things that you need to find out later on. Conclusion: The court case that you go through should be handled by someone who knows all the rules of the court.  You can learn them right now by studying this list.  You also need to be sure that you have calmed yourself so that you are not badgering witnesses.  Share everything you find in the case with the other side, make a profile for the case, and be certain that you have never asked questions you do not know the answer to in open court. Read Also: What You Need To Know To Win Your Slip & Fall Case 9 Money Tips For Millennial Injury Lawyers In Los Angeles Under What Circumstances Can You Bring A Claim Against An Employer?