UAE Insurance Authority Sets New Regulations for Insurance Broking


29 December 2020


Insurance Broking

The UAE Insurance Authority has rolled out new draft regulations for insurance brokerage and online transactions. This draft has 13 chapters and 38 articles that explain insurance broking like governance, registration and licensing, the insurance broker and insurance company roles to the broker, insurance broker’s roles, solvency, mergers, financial reports and disclosures, supervisions, dispute settlements, and penalties.

Who is an Insurance Broker?

The new draft law defines an insurance broker as a juridical individual who intervenes in insurance or reinsurance activities between the insurance/reinsurance proposer and an insurance/reinsurance company and receives a commission from the insurance/reinsurance company.

The provisions of the new draft apply to distribution channels, companies, and any other insurance-related business approved by the authority. These regulations focus on shielding policyholders and guarantee that they receive value for their money by purchasing various products.

The New Insurance Law Provisions

The new insurance law requires an insurance broker to adhere to these regulations for electronic transactions.

Criteria for Insurance Brokerage Licensing

A company must be established in the United Arab Emirates and registered based on the Commercial Companies Law. The company should own a share capital of AED 3 million or more. You need to pay AED 10 million or more and register with the UAE Commercial Law if you run a branch of a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company. You can consult a law firm in Dubai to help you with these procedures.

It is mandatory to submit an unconditional Letter of Guarantee from a bank; this is paid on demand to the Insurance Authority chairman board of directors. This can be fully or partially liquidated to guarantee the broker’s settlement of transactions and obligations.

You must obtain an insurance policy to cover your profession at a value of AED 2 million for UAE companies and a minimum of AED 3 million for a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company branch in the UAE.

You must appoint the administrative and technical staff continually. You need convenient headquarters, software, and technical systems for your profession. It is also mandatory to have an internal control system to govern applications of laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars in adherence to the Insurance Authority regulations. The next step is to submit the agreement between you and the bank, pay the full fees, and comply with any extra regulations. The Insurance Authority approves or rejects the application within 20 working days.

Technical and Administrative Staff

The technical staff of an insurance broker has specific regulations. It is a requirement to appoint at least 1 General Manager, Internal Auditor, Operation Manager, and 1 qualified worker for each type of insurance. Below are the qualifications for the appointment of technical and administrative staff;

  • A natural individual enjoying full capacity
  • An individual of good conduct; never been sentenced for freedom restricting punishment in a moral decadency crime without rehabilitation.
  • Pays his commercial debts even if not declared bankruptcy.

You need to notify the Insurance Authority of appointments, transfers, terminations, or modifications within 60 days.

Roles of the Insurance Broker

You must make internal by-laws and submit a copy to the Insurance Authority Dubai offices within 3 months after obtaining a license. You must review and update the internal control system continually; this ensures that you have proper laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars.

It is necessary to design an Operations Guide for periodical updates, risk management, and review it according to the rules. Create a professional code of conduct for the staff and supervise and plan their duties according to the Insurance Authority (AI). Collaborate with the internal controller to enable employees to perform their tasks and report any violations to the authority.

You can only dismiss the internal controller by the board of management or board of directors’ decision; this happens if you notify the internal controller and IA of the dismissal at least 30 working days before the dismissal.


The IA developed penalties so that insurance brokers do not violate the instructions, regulations, laws, and circulars.  If you violate any laws, you receive a warning that compels you to remove the infringement and ensure this does not happen in the future.  The IA might suspend you from practicing for a maximum period of 1 year.

The Insurance Authority cancels licenses in the following incidences;

  • Violating any license conditions
  • Gross breach of your obligations
  • Failure to renew your license (delay paying fines or failure to pay renewal fees)
  • A final bank declaration associating you with bankruptcy
  • The dissolution and liquidation of your practice
  • Failure to practice your licensed profession within 6 months after obtaining the license
  • If you obtained your license through false information.

The insurance sector in the United Arab Emirates is expected to rise; this is why the Insurance Authority issued new regulations to govern insurance brokerage. Brokers have to adhere to set regulations or face penalties. Technical and administrative staff also has to meet various qualifications. This allows brokers to have a set of laws to refer to.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Bicycle Crash

Procedures To Opt After Bicycle Crash

No matter how it happened whether injuries happened or just the bike has been totaled, it could be a saddening event. But the actual problem is how to handle this moment of chaos. Here are some tips to follow in case you have gone through this misery. 1. Call the police or ambulance One of the most important steps to take after a bicycle crash is to call the police or any other emergency number of your area. Now, this also depends upon the type of accident that happened. If the injuries happened then immediately seek medical care, to prevent serious long term damage. 2. Check for the injuries Check for the injuries even if they are the minor ones because at the moment they might seem minor but you can’t tell what kind of issues it could bring in the future. Maybe the injury was internal bleeding or tissue damage who’s symptoms appear late. So seek medical help immediately after the accident. 3. Have a powerful piece of evidence Look for witnesses around, take pictures of the damage that occurred, and try to take as much as possible to cover the scenario. Wait for the police to arrive as it’s their job to describe the crash scene in the best way possible. Also, try to describe your version of the story discreetly. 4. Know your right to claim for the damage occurred One of the most important things that should be kept in check is that knowing your right claim for the damages doesn't matter whether the injuries happened or not. Even if the cycle is damaged you could claim for the damages. But obviously, the court will check who is to be declared the root cause of the accident. 5. Have a trusted Bicycle accident attorneys Look for the trusted attorneys that could help you with the bicycle crash and trust me they could offer you with the best piece of advice to get you out of all the fuss being created. Many attorneys that will help you deal with the situation one good example of such kind are Bicycle Crash Attorneys Atlanta. From there you will get a trustworthy lawyer that could help you to reimburse your loss. 6. Contact the Insurance Company. In order to claim the damages, contact the insurance company, show them the recorded evidence, the pictures of the damage, statements from the witness. Show them complete paperwork along with the court’s judgment and ask for the amount so that the damages could be compensated. Also, be very careful when claiming your money back the insurance guy might be very humble but he is not your friend. So, cycling safety is the root cause that needs to be dealt with; also the road rules should be strictly followed. There is one thing that happens a lot is that the bicycle rider is being depreciated in most of the cases where a bicycle and a car crash happened. This is because car owners think that the bicycle rider has not suffered as much of a loss as they do so it's okay if they are being lowballed. But this is the duty of a cyclist that he/she should know his/her rights and act accordingly. Read Also: Learn How Personal Injury Claims Are Resolved in 5 Steps Reasons for hiring any Personal Injury Attorney is Important Dos and Don’ts When You’re Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident

Dos and Don’ts When You’re Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

Unlike most of the other cities in the world, Syracuse in New York has an abridged biking season. Hence, bikers tend to squeeze in and make the most that they can in the short season to enjoy their motorbike and have fun! This fact, unfortunately, may lead to untoward accidents. If you, your friend, or family member happens to find yourself in such a situation, it’s beneficial for you to know what you should do. Here are some of the dos and don'ts when you're involved in a motorcycle accident in Syracuse: The Do’s: Do remember that you can sue even for minor injuries: It’s worth remembering that in the event of a motorcycle accident in Syracuse, you can sue the negligent driver who is at fault, even if you sustained only minor injuries. Do not confuse this with the situation when driving your car – with four-wheeled vehicles, you can sue the driver at fault if you sustained major injuries. After getting yourself involved in a motorcycle accident, you can sue the negligent driver for the following injuries: Spinal cord injuries Pelvic, arm, and leg fractures Neck and back injuries Skin abrasions like cuts, scratches, and rashes Chest trauma To know more of the extent of what you can sue for, click here. Do seek medical help, no matter how small your injury is: Many motorcycle accident victims tend to forego a medical checkup after the collision especially if they haven’t sustained any significant injuries. However, do remember that injuries are not only external. You may be clean on the outside, but you may have internal injuries or traumas that can put you to harm if left unchecked. Furthermore, you’ll need a certificate from a medical doctor to verify and describe the injuries you sustained, albeit minor, when you sue the negligent driver. Do consult a lawyer: Consulting an attorney is very important, even if you can settle your case amicably, without the need of a court hearing. Many things entail expert help and opinion, such as the payment of insurance, claims, lost wages, and other reimbursements, and an attorney will be able to help you with all of these. When you have a Syracuse lawyer by your side, you are more well informed of your rights as the victim or of your obligations as the erring driver. Do know your rights: Some motorcycle drivers still do not know their fundamental rights. If you’re one of these people, it will be to your favor to consult a lawyer. For example, in Syracuse, New York, the wearing of a helmet and protective gear is required by law. However, if you do fail to wear one and meet an accident, this failure to wear a helmet does not hinder you from obtaining damages against the negligent driver. This is a critical situation to highlight, as some insurance companies may try to cheat you out from any claim that you may be entitled to by shifting the blame on you for your failure to wear a helmet. Some of your other rights center around the following: Claims for your damaged motorcycle Claims for lost wages and earning capacity, if applicable Other medical bills from injuries that you may have sustained Reimbursement for additional expenses incurred related to the injury, such as a psychologist's fee and your lawyer's fee The Don’ts: Don’t take your jury for granted: When you decide to sue in court for the damages that you have sustained, don’t take for granted the act of choosing the right jury. In New York State Laws, the jurors contribute a hefty weight to the final judgment of your case. It is unfortunate, however, that sometimes, some jurors will blame you for the accident especially if you are going against a four-wheeled vehicle. They will merely say that it is your fault in the first place for choosing to be on the road with a much riskier form of transportation. However, laws in Syracuse give you an absolute right to be on your motorcycle. Therefore, choose the right jurors who are aware of this absolute right. Don’t stop yourself from driving your motorcycle again: Some motorcycle drivers tend to let go of their motorcycle after meeting an accident. This usually arises out of fear of encountering another accident or any emotional and psychological traumas that have been incurred. This advice may be the last but also the most important one for you. Don’t let your fear pull down your hobby or your love for motorcycles. Accidents can happen at any time and any place, regardless of what vehicle you’re driving. Just don’t forget to drive safely all the time to decrease your chances of meeting another accident. Conclusion: All these dos and don'ts are crucial for you to know, as riding your motorcycle always poses more risks than driving your car. Remember, a bike has lesser balance with only two wheels compared with a four-wheel vehicle; hence, you have to exercise extra care and caution when driving one around Syracuse. Getting yourself in a motorcycle accident not only affects you physically, but it also can also affect you emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. It’s, therefore, crucial for you to know what to do when an unfortunate accident happens. Read Also: 6 Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer 5 Types Of Damages You Can Claim After A Car Accident The 5 Most Important Motorcycle Safety Tips All Riders Need To Know

hiring a lawyer

Things To Consider Before Hiring A Lawyer

In simple words, everyone should keep in touch with a lawyer. If you haven't consulted a lawyer, it is important that you look for one. Even if you have never run into legal trouble, the chances are that you will have to consider the services of an attorney, or hiring a lawyer is turning to be essential at some point of time in your life.  Or, if you run into trouble and don’t know how to sift through a legal issue, only a lawyer will let you know how to walk out of it. However, when you begin looking for hiring a lawyer, you will get overwhelmed because many people have already joined the bandwagon.  4 Things To Consider Before Hiring A Lawyer When you are about hiring a lawyer, you have first to understand the course of the legal trouble. According to the legal situation and the types of legal concerning points, you have to choose the attorney for your help. But when you are hiring a lawyer, always give the maximum preferences to the more knowledgeable lawyers. So if you’re looking for an attorney, we will walk you through four important things to consider: 1. Knowledge Is The Power Simply put, not every lawyer has detailed information about everything related to the business. In fact, most attorneys choose a certain area of expertise and practice it for the rest of their lives. Therefore, when you are hiring a lawyer, always first look at the different expertise areas of the lawyers. So when you look for lawyers in Singapore, don’t forget to look for an attorney who specializes in your business. For example, if you have been charged with a felony, you will have to contact a criminal defense lawyer and not a personal injury attorney. 2. Character Do you know how to rest assured about the integrity of the character of an attorney? Long story short, you must know about the character of the person whom you plan to work with. Apart from the legal knowledge that one must possess, they need to be passionate about this work so that they can help you out to the fullest.  Look for somebody who can offer you emotional support and gravitate your case in the right direction. Furthermore, ensure that an attorney has the grace to work on your case and collect necessary evidence. 3. Experience In law, the number of years served in the industry has got a lot to say about the probability of success of an attorney. Especially if you are about to hire a freelancer or hiring a lawyer, we recommend you to ask about their experience.  On the contrary, if you are about to hire a lawyer, through an agency, you can ask the firm about the portfolio of a certain lawyer. Never choose to work with a newbie because they don’t have any experience of working on a case. Therefore, if you choose to save some money, this will eventually cause you trouble in the long run. 4. Client Reviews Last but not least, customer reviews are essential when it comes to hiring an attorney. A client review will sift you through the pros and cons of working with a certain attorney. Therefore, if you don’t come across ravishing reviews on an attorney's profile with whom you'd been eagerly looking forward to working, you can look for other options.  Secondly, once you have worked with an attorney, you can give positive reviews on their profile according to how your experience with them has gone. Before hiring a lawyer, always look for the client reviews of the agency or the lawsuits. According to the client’s reviews, you will know how much help you will get after hiring a lawyer. Conclusion: You are hiring a lawyer, especially when you are going to need legal advice to sort out a legal problem. Undoubtedly this is very challenging work. But if you follow these four tips, you not only can overcome the situations. You will get connections with a professional lawyer. And legal issues are the parts of human life. So you can not say after your first time hiring you are no longer going to need professional lawyers any longer. Read Also: 5 Tips To Help You Choose The Best Car Accident Lawyers In 2021 Tips To Choose The Best Lawyer In Your Country