How Safe are Pedestrians in Georgia?


04 January 2021



Georgia is a great place for people who like to walk. There are many cities and neighborhoods that are dedicated to walking communities. There are walking paths available in downtown Atlanta for residents, employees, visitors, and customers.  The Metro Atlanta area is also full of parks that are pedestrian-friendly. And let’s not forget that the rural parts of the Metro area have abundant hiking trails.

All this makes Georgia seem very pedestrian-friendly, right? Not necessarily. While Georgia may encourage walking, that does not mean that pedestrians are always safe.

How Safe are Pedestrians in Georgia?


In 2019, Smart Growth America conducted an urban planning and development study. Atlanta was included in their study, including a portion dedicated to how pedestrian-friendly certain states are. How did Georgia rank? Put together by The Embry Law Firm, let’s take a look at some statistics:

  • Overall, the state ranked as the 6th most dangerous state for pedestrians.
  • The Metro Atlanta area ranked as the 25th most deadly region for pedestrians.
  • From 2008 to 2017, 1,782 pedestrians were hit and killed by cars across the state.
  • That accounts for 1.76 pedestrian deaths per 100,000 people.
  • The annual average number of pedestrian deaths in Georgia is 184. The national average is 1.55.
  • From 2011 to 2015, pedestrian deaths increased by 58%.
  • 78% of pedestrian injuries and fatalities occurred at “non-intersection” locations.
  • 52% of pedestrian injuries and fatalities occurred while the individual was waiting to cross a road.

What this data means is that Georgia – and especially Metro Atlanta – may be friendly to pedestrians, but our state’s drivers are not.

Is the State Trying to Protect Pedestrians?

Knowing what we do about pedestrian accidents, injuries, and deaths across the state, we must consider if our state leaders are taking action in an effort to reduce those numbers and save lives. The answer is that, yes, state leaders are working on initiatives that could reduce the number of pedestrian accidents and deaths.

Georgia has adopted one major initiative called “Vision Zero”. This initiative is based on the idea that through engineering, education, and enforcement (the 3 E’s), traffic fatalities can be reduced to zero. Vision Zero holds to the idea that humans make mistakes. Therefore, road systems must be designed in a way that these mistakes do not lead to severe injuries or death.

Numerous countries and cities across the United States have adopted Vision Zero. Many have seen a dramatic improvement in their traffic fatality rates, including pedestrian deaths. One of the goals of Vision Zero is to enhance road safety for everyone – drivers, bicyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians, and public transit users.

What Can Pedestrians Do to Stay Safe?

Pedestrians can do their part in the fight to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents and fatalities each year. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety recommends the following:

  • Always walk on a sidewalk if possible. If there is no sidewalk, walk close to the left side of the street. When walking on the street, face traffic.
  • Always cross the road at a crosswalk if one is available.
  • Never run out into the street or attempt to dash in between traffic.
  • Pedestrians are required to obey traffic signals. Look at signals for “walk” or “don’t walk”.
  • When walking near the street, wear bright clothing, or use the reflective gear.
  • Encourage your children not to play in the street, even in quiet neighborhoods.

You can’t control the actions of others, but when you are a pedestrian, you can take measures to keep yourself safe and out of harm’s way.

Whether you are commuting to work in Atlantic Station, or are walking a trail along the Chattahoochee River, walking is a favorite pastime for Georgians. It is important, however, that all of us do our part – whether walking or driving – to protect ourselves and others around us. This is the best way to improve safety for all of Georgia.

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Dubai is one of the most admired cities for various types of businesses. Many entrepreneurs prefer trading in the UAE because of the tax-free environment. and due to the UAE's numerous Dubai visa types and easy application options, including online visa application systems, as well as many other types for entrepreneurs, investors, and businessmen. General trading is among the most profitable business ventures in Dubai. This is due to the huge local demand for various supplies because of the diverse cultures in the region. This includes essential items and even machinery. As an entrepreneur or an aspiring business person, you should know that all businesses in the UAE require a trading license. It’s necessary to understand the different types of licenses. A general trade license allows you to conduct all your business activities with a single license. General Trading License/Business in Dubai A general trading license is ideal if you’re looking to start a business in the UAE. This license covers multiple trading activities in the same or various industries. These activities include import, export, and other activities like trading in electronics, furniture, clothes, etc. You should also get a general trading license if you wish to venture into the wholesale business. This license allows you to trade in Dubai and other Emirates. However, you should understand regulations on specific products like pharmaceutical products, alcohol, and frozen goods. Many opportunities allow entrepreneurs to explore multiple businesses. There are 3 options for entrepreneurs to set up companies in Dubai; the Free Zones, Mainland, and Offshore. Steps to Get a General Trade License in Dubai The thought of conducting multiple tax-free businesses is very attractive to many individuals. However, you can’t do business in Dubai without a trading license. Below are the steps you need to follow to obtain your general trade license. Choose a Location You need to understand the different types of jurisdictions for business activities; these are the Offshore, Mainland, and Free Zones. There are 48 Free Zones in Dubai to choose from; they give you 100% ownership of your corporate and personal income. A Mainland business requires you to have a sponsor who will own 51% of the shares. An Offshore business operates in a different jurisdiction from its parent company which is usually in another country. Business Activities A general trading license allows you to conduct multiple businesses; you can choose up to 10 business activities. Apart from the restricted products like pharmaceuticals, guns, alcohol, and tobacco, you can trade in any other business. Choose a Trade Name One of the first steps is to choose an appropriate name for your company; this is one of the most important parts of your business. Choose a memorable, catchy name; it should help potential customers understand the type of business you run. You also have to follow name rules and regulations in the UAE. For instance, the name and the type of business should not contradict, you should not choose a name under copyright by another business in the UAE, it should not contain indecent or obscene words and should not offend the public, and you should not include God’s name or His attributes in English or Arabic. You can make your work easier by consulting a legal expert from a law firm in Dubai to guide you on how to choose a name. Apply for the License You need to apply for the license and submit various documents these include; A license application signed by the manager or legal representative Memorandum of association A copy of your passport 2 color passport photos with a white background A No Objection form from your employer (where applicable) Passports of all the partners Complete application form. You can consult your legal advisor from a law firm in Dubai if you’re not sure you’ve got the right documents. The Commercial Revenue Authority reviews and validates your documents; your business name is then included in the Commercial Registry. The Department of Economic Development forwards these documents to the Federal Ministry of Economy responsible for publication. After this, the ministry issues an approval letter. The next step is for the Department of Economic Development (DED) to issue you with a commercial registration certificate and original trade license. Your license expires after 1 year. Once renewed; the license is valid for 5 years. Choose a Business Premise You need an office and a warehouse; you need to store your goods. A Free Zone license has limitations on the location of warehouses to choose, while a Mainland license has more freedom. Some Free Zones are more flexible; for instance, IFZA allows entrepreneurs to operate in virtual offices. Consider the location of the warehouse and your office, size, security for your goods, utilities, storage environment, and climate control like having an AC for hot weather. General trade businesses are some of the most lucrative businesses to start in Dubai. You can trade include 10 activities and enjoy a tax-free lifestyle. However, every company in the UAE requires a license. It’s necessary to follow all the steps for the license application to save time and avoid issues. Read Also: 6 Steps to make Your Trade Show a Success Tips for Your Next Business Conference 7 Startup Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs

Car Accident

5 Types of Damages You Can Claim After a Car Accident

When you suffer through the ordeal of a car accident, you’re entitled to payouts for certain types of damages. Depending on whose fault the accident was, the damages you can claim might be limited. Consulting a good attorney will help you to understand what you can or can’t claim. The US legal system is one of the best in the world for victims of accidents, as it allows you to claim damages through traditional means and also civil cases if required. That means if you suffer because of another person, you have a very high chance of receiving a payout. Today we’re looking at 5 different types of damages you could claim after a car crash. 1. Medical Expenses: Medical expenses are the first thing to come to mind and the big area which most people are already aware of. After an accident, any medical care and treatment for you should be covered by the payout. One piece of advice - get the treatment before accepting a payout or ask the other side to pay for the treatment. Settling on a fixed figure before treatment leaves you vulnerable because you may require more treatment than expected, so your expenses could end up being higher than the settlement. This is why it is best to contact a car accident lawyer in New York that can help you manage your medical bills. They can work with the hospital authorities and the insurance company to ensure that your recovery process is as smooth as possible. If you are not in a position to walk or require complete bed rest, you can imagine how difficult it would be to keep running around and get all the paperwork in order. Taking help from an expert car accident lawyer can be the best option to aid in faster recovery. 2. Pain & Suffering: Pain & suffering is related to the injuries you receive as well as any mental or emotional pain/suffering. Medical expenses cover actual treatment but this area covers compensation for the time you’ve suffered or spent in pain. For example, experiencing the pain of broken bones for a couple of hours before receiving pain relief would classify as pain & suffering. 3. Loss of Income: If you need time off work, for recovery, or for court obligations, you’re entitled to lost wages for this time. Any other lost income, including self-employed income, can also be compensated. In the case of long-term injury, this area of damages can go as far as factoring in your lifetime earnings - especially if your family relies on it. There are also times when the unemployed can claim lost income on the basis of it harming your ability to work in the future. 4. Property Loss/Damage: Any valuables that are damaged or lost should also be compensated. This obviously includes your car but it can extend to other valuables as well, such as contents of the vehicle, items you had on your person, and even jewelry & clothing if it is lost or damaged during the accident. 5. Loss of Companionship: This one can vary state to state, but generally, you can claim for loss of affection/companionship. Usually, you need to be married for this to apply, though it could be possible for unmarried couples who can prove an ongoing long-term relationship in some states. Sometimes known as loss of consortium, this type of damage covers the loss of an intimate relationship. It can also apply to children if the accident has left a parent unable to show the same nurturing and affection they previously would have. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance 5 Safety Features In Your Maruti Car You Did Not Know About Best Therapies To Cure Pain And Discomfort