10 Pest Control Tips to Keep Pests Away This Summer

Published on: 29 August 2018 Last Updated on: 22 September 2020
Pest Control

Summertime in Miami, Florida is an experience like no other. The sun is out, the beaches are breathtaking, and there is excitement around every corner. However, the summer rains and humidity also lead to a growth in insect activity around South Florida, which can quickly turn a great moment into a stressful one. Luckily, practicing the following tips can prevent pesky pests from ruining your plans this summer. Luckily, practicing the following tips can help in rodent control and also keep pesky pests in control from ruining your plans this summer.

Tips for Having a Pest-Free Summer:

Keep your homes and lives pest free this summer with these ten excellent pest control practices.

1. Seal off their entry into your home

Your first line of defense should be to repair any holes and cracks that could let in unwanted pests. Check your doors and windows for gaps, your screens for holes, and restore window stripping when necessary.

2. Keep your home clean

A pile of crumbs on your kitchen counter or spill on the floor is a goldmine to ants, cockroaches, and other insects.  Neglecting to keep your home clean can make getting rid of pests harder and may even be the source of your problem. To avoid this problem, regularly disinfect your counters, put food away immediately, and take out the trash.

3. Empty out any standing water

Standing water is a breeding ground for pesky mosquitoes, which carry diseases like the Zika fever, West Nile virus, and Malaria. You should regularly walk your property to drain water from areas near rain spouts, your air conditioning unit, and any pots around your home.

4. Maintain your landscape

Keeping your front and backyard maintained can help you avoid overgrowth that attracts pests. You should trim trees and bushes close to your house, collect any debris, and get rid of weeds.

5. Inspect playsets and outside furniture

Another good tactic to keep pest away this summer is regularly checking the chains and corners of your patio furniture to remove spider webs and egg sacks. If you have to bring an outside toy, chair, or table inside you should thoroughly wipe it down first.

6. Avoid throwing away meat too soon

You should avoid throwing away meat in your outside garbage unless it will get collected around the next 48 hours. This tip will prevent the combination of the summer heat and rotting meat attracting pests to your property.

7. Ventilate stuffy rooms on your property

Attics and basements are notorious for providing a dusty and confined environment that attracts various types of insects. Try cleaning dusty corners and opening windows in tight areas that often attract termites and spiders.

8. Grow some plants

Putting certain plants on your patio or around your home can repel insects. Try growing rosemary, mint, lavender, and lemongrass to keep flies and mosquitoes away.

9. Use a fan

Fans are perfect for the summer. Not only will they keep your home cooler, but they will also make it harder for winged insects to fly into your house.

10. Invest in a pest control service

The best way to prevent an infestation is to hire a local pest control expert to spray your home for bugs and rodents regularly. A professional pest control company can take note of your specific issues to create a personalized pest control plan for you.

Ward Off Seasonal Pests:

Pest control in Miami during the summer is essential. The rise in temperature, rain, and humidity this season makes South Florida a bug’s paradise. Keep these tips in mind to retake control of your yard and have a pest-free summer!

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Stainless Steel

Best Uses for Stainless Steel in Construction

Stainless steel is easily one of the most useful materials on earth. For several thousand years now, steel has been the standard choice for any purpose that requires extreme strength. Even though base iron may be harder, it is also more brittle and much more sensitive to oxidation (i.e. rusting). Stainless steel was a big leap forward because, for the first time, people had steel items that would not rust. Structural: Stainless steel isn't often what we think of as a material for structural supports, but it does an excellent job. If it were not for the fact that stainless steel is slightly more expensive than regular steel, it would probably be used for this purpose more often. There are many ways in which stainless steel can be used for structural purposes. Fittings from stainless steel are also very useful and reliable. For structural use, the best stainless steels to use are 304, 316, 409, 410-3, and 2205. These steels can be used for girders and other support members, as well as a rebar substitute for the reinforcement of concrete. Drainage Equipment: When it comes to rain gutters and downspouts, stainless steel is obviously your best choice. Its resistance to corrosion makes it uniquely suited for water-carrying purposes. Aluminum is a much more common material for this purpose, but it cannot even come close to matching the strength of steel. If you are adding gutters and downspouts to a large building, it is all the more important to use materials that will hold up to all of nature's abuse. Falling gutters and spouts can cause damage and injury to those below, so choose something that won't be ripped to pieces in the next large storm. Stainless steel is not only more attractive but also better-suited for this purpose. Barriers: Security is something that must be taken into account for any building project, especially if the building is located in a large city with a high crime rate. A stainless steel barrier is superior to most other choices in this regard because of its longevity, and also because it is very hard to destroy. For instance, you might want a few posts outside your building as a vehicle barrier, just to make sure that it isn't possible to ram a car through the front door. Concrete posts would work, but they will eventually crack from strain and weathering. This means you will have to pay for a new post. With thick stainless steel posts, you can be pretty sure that nothing short of a semi-truck is getting past, and that the weather will make no real difference. Roofing: Metal roofing has long been known as one of the best choices. Most homes are roofed with asphalt shingles that have an unpleasant habit of flying off in windstorms. Although they do a good job of shedding water, asphalt shingles just aren't very sturdy. They are only popular because of their low cost and high availability. Traditionally, tin has been the metal roof material of choice, but with the advancement of new and improved stainless steels, this is quickly changing. Check out this guide for the use of stainless steel in roofing, and you might be pleased with what you see. Read Also: Waterjet Vs. Laser Cutting: Which Is Worth The Hype? Maintaining Productivity: The Basics Of Industrial Safety

Home Security Mistakes

Top 7 Home Security Mistakes That Homeowners Need To Avoid Making

We all are excited about buying our first home! But, in that excitement of owning a new space that is entirely our own, we make some rookie mistakes when it comes to security. Initially, you do put a lot of effort into the ironclad safety of your house, like putting in alarms, sensory cameras, etc. But, you are also prone to make some mistakes down the line. We have surveyed and found out most of the common mistakes that are done by homeowners in terms of security. As the 7 top home security mistakes that homeowners need to avoid making are presented underneath, take them as a fair warning and make sure you avoid them at any cost. Rookie Home Security Mistakes That Homeowners Need To Avoid These mistakes will sound harmless at first, but they can lead to serious problems when you least expect them. The reason why you should be aware of them is that intruders and burglars keep looking for these loopholes to enter your house. These actions are taken in haste and should be avoided, especially when you live alone or have kids in the house. 1. Leaving The Windows Unlocked To ensure full safety when you leave, you should carefully check all the house doors and windows, especially the bolts of the window and the backdoors. This is a mandatory measure for all the valuable items that are locked in your house. Especially if you have left your kids alone with a babysitter who isn't quite well accustomed to the map of the house, checking the windows is a must before you exit, but sometimes windows do break in because the material is mostly glass. This is why you need a strong alarm system that will prevent breaking and entering. Click https://smiththompson.com/security-systems-san-antonio/ to get the best home security services for installing an alarm system today. 2. Not Locking Garage Door This is one of the biggest mistakes, which is so common that it is scary. We have all heard horror stories about stalkers and intruders easily entering the house with just an open door. There is a door in your garage that leads to your house, at any circumstance that should be locked with a proper locking system unless someone opens it from inside. Unfortunately, this door is the biggest attraction for people for breaking and entering. A garage should also have installed a security system, proper lighting, and most importantly, an ironclad door that cannot be opened from outside. 3. Keeping The Garage Gate Open When Not Needed This is again another mistake that happens very often. The garage is mostly opened from the inside, even when it is not used. Even if there is a need to use the garage, one could enter from the gate inside the house. Avoid keeping the garage gate open at night; this is probably the easiest and the biggest entrance for the intruders and stalkers out there. Instead, an excellent suggestion is to put an intrusion alarm inside the alarm or motion sensors to detect anyone’s presence, even if you are in the other corner of the house. 4. No Perimeter Security When we talk about security, if you are going to have a strong security system inside your house, then the same should be given to the outside part. This is something that should be considered if you are getting a professional to install your security equipment. General people forget to get proper lights for the porch or the long drive—even a camera for the space outside or a motion sensor for the backyard. The interior of your house is not the only place that you need to protect, but the entire exterior until your property lasts. The lack of outside security can also fail to intimidate the burglars or intruders waiting to commit a crime. 5. Leaving A Ladder On The Side Of The House Leaving a ladder outside your house is literally inviting suspicious break-ins. You have to be careful about these tools and equipment, which can easily give anyone access to enter some of the most private areas of your house. Every time you work with them, do not keep them in places that can allow people to use them. Instead, this equipment should be kept inside the house, locked in the basement or attic. 6. Leaving Places For The Intruder To Hide When was the last time that you cut those ‘human height’ hedges from your backyard, or since when have you kept that equipment room outside the main house unlocked? These are very easy hiding places for the people waiting to intrude, open your valuable belongings, or even you. You cannot be careless because it is only through your strong preparation for security, the intruders will get intimidated. Just like a garage (which is also another excellent hiding place for burglars), you should always keep your utility room, garden room, greenhouses locked. Plus, get some help and cut those hedges today. 7. Hiding A Key Outside The House This might be the last one on our list, but that doesn’t make it any less important. In fact, it is the most important one since it is so common. Forgetting your keys is like an everyday habit for some people, and in order to fight them, we always find new and innovative ways to hide a spare outside our house. This is not only dangerous because the literal weapon of entering your private property is left unattended, but every intruder can anticipate all the hiding places. So, take your keys! But, if you are prone to forgetting, then you can keep a spare with your neighbors. But, seriously, stop keeping your keys underneath the mat. Final Note Home security should be our first priority when we own property. Besides these few common and big mistakes, we should also stop sharing our whereabouts on social media. This just lets people know that you aren’t at home. Installing a proper security system is essential. Although some might be a little on the costlier side, it is an excellent investment for the long term. Read Also: WiFi Security: Mediocrity To Excellence The Guide to Understanding Your Home Value 3 Home Upgrades to Make Your Property Unique

Commercial Roof

7 Important Factors You Must Consider Before Renovating A Commercial Roof

The roof is important for any commercial building. If your roof is broken, it exposes precious belongings that incorporate certain expensive commodities.  In most of the commercial buildings, roofing projects often stand out. It is necessary for your home to be protected from the harsh elements. For this, all you need is a reliable roofing company that can offer you these required services.  It is important to remember that remodeling and renovating your home is an intensive undertaking with several potential pitfalls. Before you can think of renovating your commercial roof, there are a few considerations to make.  This article will emphasize factors you should consider before renovating a commercial roof.  Top Considerations Before Renovation Of A Commercial Roof  Here is a list of guides to help you fix your commercial building roof.  1. Roof Ponding  Before you can contact a roof contractor, you need to inspect your building to see if there is any ponding.  Therefore, you need to observe if there is an act of accumulation on the roof. This will indicate you have an issue and might also face certain drainage issues. Excessive ponding might also lead to algae growth. This causes permanent harm to the rooftop.  Ponding indicates the right sign your roof is getting damaged, and it is time that you get into reroofing.  2. Determine The Material That Fits The Best  Thinking of renovating the commercial space is a great way to look functional. But at the same time, it is also expensive and time-consuming if you do not pay attention to the included material. Before initiating the renovation, create a plan outlining the materials you need and the purpose. This will help you delegate the project effectively. Researching the materials in advance will help you renovate appropriately, last longer, look great, and cost much less.  Not only will certain materials dictate aesthetics, but they will majorly reflect attributes in the home’s new design. When you are taking on home renovation projects, make sure you choose the right materials.  3. Consult An Insurance Company  If you need to replace the roof, it might be due to bad weather, so ensure it from an insurance provider first.  There are certain contractors who are more happy about helping one another during the time of processing the claims. So look for an insurance provider who can clear your doubts and get you all the valid information required to proceed with the claim.  In addition to that, they will try to get the insurance company to pay according to the damages. Similarly, you might also get a new roof without spending as much.  4. Prepare A Contingency Plan  Renovating your home is an exciting undertaking. It requires thorough planning and research. Similarly, knowing if you can prepare a contingency plan for any potential issues is vital.  An unforeseen issue might occur throughout the course of the renovation process. Thus, your contingency plan should include details about what you would need in certain cases, what can go wrong, the material required, and design decisions.  Hence, a comprehensive contingency plan can equip you and assist you in tackling unanticipated issues instantly. Moreover, you might not have to cause much of a disturbance in your renovation timeline.  5. Check The Paperwork When you are dealing with something as vital as your roof, you do not wish to leave anything else to change.  For any contractor, it lays out how much you would need to pay and how much time they need to install a new roof. In addition to that, the paperwork can include all pertinent details on what permits you would need to make the new roof within your community.  In the end, you should also receive a letter from the contractor’s insurance providers and communicate exactly what is under the business liability plan. Commercial Roofers, similarly, can also help you with the renovation process and install a new roof.  6. Anticipate The Budget  Determining and setting the right budget is important before you can contact any roof contractor. You might develop a limit or have an expensive amount, so consider your decision.  Thus, setting a budget makes you plan about every attribute in the renovation project. Dreaming about a luxurious change that might increase your home's value is easy.  Therefore, create an estimated labor charge, material and decoration costs, and a contingency fund. Build up a detailed calculation and cost breakups that will keep you on the right track and assist you in saving time and resources.  Furthermore, keep all your expectations in check today.  7. Obtain The Right Permit  Before you can start with the major renovation, it is vital to know about the local areas and obtain the necessary permits.  This could be acquired for a permit from the country or city before you can begin the construction process. This is a specified requirement if you are undertaking any work affecting the home structure, plumbing, or electrical system.  Thus, by doing so, you need to protect the roof in the long run and save resources while ensuring that renovation will be handled professionally.  Furthermore, obtaining the right permit can avoid legal issues with the local authority, and it is worth going through the entire stage.  Hire The Best Roofing Contractors  Thus, finding a listed contractor is an integral factor. This is because it would ensure your home is in tip-top condition. If you know business owners who offer commercial roofing repairs, research before hiring contractors.  When you finally consider the essential requirements before renovating a commercial roof, you must hire the best contractor. You must look for contractors with the expertise and skills to install and replace a roof. Ensure they carry their material and tools as well.  Therefore, a roofing contractor can offer significant advice on roofing installation and repair. Make sure that roofing projects are conducted properly with qualified materials.  Furthermore, roofing contractors carry liability insurance, so you only need to protect yourself if any mashup or accident occurs.  Thus, roofing contractors offer invaluable skills and knowledge regarding roof installation and repair and valuable protection from damage.  Read Also: Choosing A Siding And Roofing Companies In Delaware What To Know About Commercial Greenhouse Flooring Why You Must Use A Residential Roofing Company For Your Home