Strategies for Running a Pet Supply Ecommerce Store

Published on: 19 August 2019 Last Updated on: 30 July 2021
ecommerce store

In the past few decades, there have been major changes in the world and our digital surroundings. While the geopolitics and social interactions of the world are in constant flux, since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been other types of changes that have occurred. Most of these alterations have come from the rise of Internet technologies around the globe. The web has totally revolutionized the world, from the way people interact with one another to the changes in the job market.

The most important driver of the economy in the 21st century is the Internet! Everything from local businesses to billion-dollar corporations uses web-based tech to survive. One part of the economy that the Internet has totally transformed is retail. Retail has in large part shifted to e-commerce, and people from around the world have been starting their own e-commerce stores.

Starting Your Own Ecommerce Store

Ecommerce Store

There are numerous reasons why people start their own e-commerce stores, from the flexibility of lifestyle it provides to the potential to have a lucrative business. There is a myriad of products, which can be sold online. However, finding a niche in your products is a sure way to be successful. This is why running a pet supply eCommerce store is such a great idea. People love their pets and pay serious money for them, so pet supplies is an excellent niche that will certainly lead your company to earn immense revenue. However, if you want to be truly successful, you need to see that your organization will stand out amongst all the other e-commerce stores.

Learning How to Set Up Your Business

Once you decide to get a website for your online store, one of the first steps is to invest in a robust and user-friendly e-commerce website. This involves selecting a platform, which will allow your website to look professional, run effectively, and will enable you to organize your products and services. After your site has been launched, the next step should involve designing and executing a strong Marketing Campaign on various digital platforms.

You need to ensure that your E-commerce store highlights the hero products of your brand. For example, if you have an extensive range of liver supplements for dogs, you need to ensure that you are placing these medicines on the banner of your E-commerce store page. This will help customers identify the same and click on the page that will take them directly to checkout.

The marketing campaign should aim to create a holistic and 360-degree digital ecosystem. This ecosystem should reinforce the belief and experiences of the users. For example, your e-commerce platform should be linked to your social profiles and vice-versa. This will help redirect traffic from different mediums at all times. You would also want to adopt a creative content marketing strategy.

Your e-commerce website needs to be-

  • SEO optimized.
  • Linked to Social Media Accounts
  • Have a great blog section (Inbound Marketing)
  • Be optimized to run Google Campaigns.

Learning about these numerous facets will allow you to effectively market your e-commerce site and will let you display your brand to the world.

Final Thoughts:

As the 21st century continues to progress, running an e-commerce store will become a more popular career option. In order to be successful in this industry, you need to set up an excellent site, and effectively build your brand with a quality marketing campaign.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Increase your ROI

7 Proven Marketing Tactics to Increase your ROI in 2018

The digital marketing landscape has become more diversified than ever in 2018 because consumers are generating their own content and marketers are searching for more ways to create product awareness and interest. Since the digital space is highly competitive, marketers are ready to do whatever they can for gaining a competitive advantage. However, instead of dipping your hand in all the pies, it is best if you use marketing strategies that are bound to increase your ROI in the form of more leads, higher traffic, increased conversion, and sales. In a nutshell, you want to use tactics that add something to your bottom line. Listed below are 7 of those marketing tactics that do exactly that and can be used to boost profits in 2018: Tactic 1: Instagram Ads After Facebook, Instagram has become the newest force in social media. Just like Facebook Sponsored Posts and Twitter’s Promoted Tweets have given results, Instagram Ads can also be immensely powerful. They are like digital chameleons because they are able to blend in with the audience’s feed for increasing awareness and driving traffic to your website. While the demographics of the social network is similar to that of Facebook, Instagram has distinguished itself with a greater level of engagement and creativity and gives you exposure to the right audience. Tactic 2: Reviews The online reputation of a business can be hugely influenced by customer reviews. Businesses with no reviews, no recent reviews or with negative ones are at a significant disadvantage as opposed to their competition. As a matter of fact, more than 80% of people have stated that their buying decisions are influenced by negative customer reviews. Thus, it is essential for every business to get positive customer reviews and should also respond to them in a timely manner. Positive reviews can be showcased on the website and on social media and negative reviews can be addressed before they go viral. Improving the customer review score boosts SEO ranking and improves online reputation. The best way to get reviews from your customers is by contacting them directly. By using a tool called GMass, you can email all of your customers at one time asking them to write a review of their experience. They would be more likely to write a review if they are already online checking their emails than having to remember to write one after they got home from their shopping trip. Tactic 3: Evergreen Content This is content that stays relevant and interesting for a long time, regardless of any cultural change. This can include industry resources, tutorials, tips, and product reviews. While this usually refers to white papers and blog content, evergreen content can also be used for video content, infographics, and email marketing. Tactic 4: Crowdsourced Content Yes, the statement ‘content is king’ might be getting old, but it remains true still. Content remains very powerful in today’s competitive market and can turn the tide for a business. The problem is that turning out heaps of creative and useful content requires lots of resources and time. Therefore, it is not surprising to see a new trend emerge; businesses have begun to collaborate and crowdsource because this allows them to get access to meaningful and relevant content. By soliciting ideas from others, a business is able to get the best quality content and save a ton of its valuable time without making any compromises on quality. With crowdsourcing, you leave the idea and word generation to someone else, mostly in your industry. This enables a business to get insights it may not have come up on its own. Also, using this content allows you to reach a greater audience because the ones who created the content will also share it out. Read also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Tactic 5: Retargeting Ads You just checked out an amazing new camera on Amazon and now when you visit Facebook, YouTube or any other website, you can see ads about cameras. This is a feature of Google Adwords and ad serving networks of other search engines, which is called retargeting or remarketing. When you check a business’s website, they can serve you with relevant and interesting ads wherever you go. Marketers are thrilled with this tactic whereas customers feel a bit creeped out. The best part? Your business already knows what the customer is looking for and targeting them with similar products will actually bring them back to you. Tactic 6: Video Content Marketing Traditionally, video marketing for dispersing content was termed unfeasible and getting an ROI from the video was quite difficult. However, this is the era of smartphones that have spectacular cameras and video streaming services that show you videos in just a few taps. This means that now the benefits of video content marketing can go beyond its cost. Every business needs to use video for product launches, Vlogs, tutorials, and tips because they provide value to the viewers. Videos allow a business to use humor, appeal to emotion and aid apprehension for relating to your customers in a better way. The same cannot be achieved with a written blog. Tactic 7: Custom Landing Pages Simply put, landing pages are webpages describing a piece of content, which require users to enter their information to unlock the said content. It is regarded as a lead capture tool because you want to be able to convert the readers into leads and customers when they go over your content. Otherwise, it is only a waste of time and resources. Landing pages linked from an email or blog should be connected to digital marketing content. Also, the featured content can be an eBook, white paper or anything else, but it has to be valuable enough for people to give their contact info. Using these 7 proven marketing tactics will help a business in increasing its ROI in 2018 effectively. Read also: Building a Brand for Your Small Business  Avoid these 5 Mistakes before Starting an SEO Influence Marketing Tool to Move from Local to Global Market How to Write and Design an Article that Attracts New Customers to Your Business


The Need for Speed-to-Lead in Sales

Salespeople can be awfully laissez-faire about when (and if) they contact leads, which is baffling given that the job is so centered on conversion. Many reps take a full three days to follow up on a new lead, giving the competition ample time to swoop in and make that all-important first touch. Sales are the lifeblood of any business organization. no matter the shape, size, or scale of your business, you need to work towards generating sales. However, for most businesses investing in training sales professionals can be a hectic process. A better alternative can be found by working with platforms and experts that work on commission only sales. This simply means that you pay the salesperson only when they are able to successfully execute sales and close deals on behalf of your organization. In a modern online world, prospects can rifle between competitors’ pages, compare offers, fill out multiple forms and survey even the most saturated markets in mere minutes – it, therefore, becomes incumbent on you as a diligent salesperson to vie for top-of-mind awareness. The best way to do that is to boost your speed to lead. Speed-to-lead, put simply, is the time it takes you to contact a new lead entering your system. It’s something you should be mindful of when considering how to improve your outreach efforts as the rapidity with which you contact a lead has been shown, across multiple studies (more on those in a moment), to have a profound effect on engagement success. Speed-to-Lead, by the Numbers: According to a study undertaken in partnership between the Telfer School of Management and a leading sales engagement company, engaging the lead within the first hour is seven times more effective compared to waiting 24 hours. The Harvard Business Review conducted the same study, and they found the exact same thing. Quick, But Not Too Quick: That same Telfer study comes with a caveat, though: you can’t pick up the phone within seconds and hope for the same engagement success. The sweet spot seemed to be between ten and 60 minutes of the prospect of becoming a new lead. The reason for this ten-to-60 minute delay could be because an instantaneous response seems automated and pushy, but, of course, it’s impossible to tell. You may like also: Avoiding Sales And Operations Planning Mistakes Automate for Speed-to-Lead: The best way to ensure that you make the first touch – and all subsequent touches – at the right time is with automated queue-based lead routing software. It’s a mouthful, for sure, but it’s essentially software that automates the prioritization of your sales reps’ leads to make sure that new leads are routed to the front of the call queue. The software then automates their call cadence to ensure consistent speed-to-lead and thorough follow-up. The Psychology of Speed-to-Lead: What is it about the speed that conveys value? From the prospect’s perspective, your speed might indicate a willingness to please, a certain eagerness they know will be valuable when it comes time for them to express their needs and pain points. Alternately, it might simply be the fact that you were there first. As mentioned briefly above, top-of-mind awareness is an important principle in engaging a lead, and being the first to contact gives you a significant advantage. Not only over other competitors but over short attention spans (everyone has them occasionally). Speed-to-lead is an important consideration for any sales organization looking to improve sales engagement and conversion. Automating rep workflow to contact new leads 10-60 minutes after they express an interest should have a profound effect on engagement success. Read Also: This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales Why An Automated Sales CRM Platform Is What Your Business Needs To Take Off


5 Reasons to Use Magento for Your Next Ecommerce Website

Magento is a hugely popular platform for creating online stores and e-commerce sites. There are many reasons for this popularity including being a fast scalable platform that is also responsive and mobile-friendly. While still being easy to optimize for SEO. If you need help, there is a large community of developers constantly working on improving the platform. There are also helpful agencies like Bing Digital Magento Agency. Along with, a variety of extensions, plugins, and add-ons to completely customize your store and user experience. 5 Reasons to Use Magento for Your Next Ecommerce Website: 1. Flexible and Scalable With Multiple Store Management : Magento has been created with an open modular architecture. It optimizes web pages for faster delivery and has accelerated server response times. It also has efficient backend operations and boosted database flexibility to handle traffic surges. What this means is Magento can grow with your business. When you first build your store, you can start with one module hosting a small number of products.  As you add modules, you can grow your store into thousands of products. This allows unparalleled flexibility. You can also manage multiple stores through one convenient administrative panel. If your store takes off, and you get a lot of traffic the speed improvements will help keep your site up and running. 2. SEO Friendly : Site speed is an important SEO ranking factor. The improved performance of Magento will keep your site running fast and optimized for speed. This software is also helpful in optimizing page traffic, indexing, landing pages, and avoiding duplicate content issues. There are also some great Magento SEO plugins available such as SEO Suite Ultimate which helps with things like meta-tags and rich snippets. And advanced SEO Suite which helps with canonical URLs and things like pagination and indexing. 3. Large Community of Developers There is a large community of Magento developers. There are several very active Magento forums where people help each other and share ideas. Reddit also has a very active Magento community as do many programming websites. There is no shortage of Facebook groups. If you use Magento, you can be sure that there is an active group of developers working on the platform and available to help you if you need to hire someone. 4. Marketing and Shopping Cart Options : There are quite a few tools and plugins available to help with your marketing efforts. Whether you’re trying to create coupons, a multi-tier pricing system, or landing pages there is a Magento solution for you. There are also many shopping cart solutions that enable you to customize the purchasing process. 5. Mobile Friendly The growth of mobile is outpacing desktop use. You want your online store to be mobile-friendly. Fortunately, it’s easy to create a responsive website with Magento. There are many tools that will help make your website mobile-friendly. It’s also possible to have a mobile shopping platform that easily integrates into your existing web store. This platform is really an all-in-one solution for building e-commerce stores. Read Also :  Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website Would Your E-commerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong