The Need for Speed-to-Lead in Sales

Published on: 23 May 2019 Last Updated on: 16 July 2024

Salespeople can be awfully laissez-faire about when (and if) they contact leads, which is baffling given that the job is so centered on conversion. Many reps take a full three days to follow up on a new lead, giving the competition ample time to swoop in and make that all-important first touch.

Sales are the lifeblood of any business organization. no matter the shape, size, or scale of your business, you need to work towards generating sales. However, for most businesses investing in training sales professionals can be a hectic process. A better alternative can be found by working with platforms and experts that work on commission only sales. This simply means that you pay the salesperson only when they are able to successfully execute sales and close deals on behalf of your organization.

In a modern online world, prospects can rifle between competitors’ pages, compare offers, fill out multiple forms and survey even the most saturated markets in mere minutes – it, therefore, becomes incumbent on you as a diligent salesperson to vie for top-of-mind awareness. The best way to do that is to boost your speed to lead.

Speed-to-lead, put simply, is the time it takes you to contact a new lead entering your system. It’s something you should be mindful of when considering how to improve your outreach efforts as the rapidity with which you contact a lead has been shown, across multiple studies (more on those in a moment), to have a profound effect on engagement success.

Speed-to-Lead, by the Numbers:

According to a study undertaken in partnership between the Telfer School of Management and a leading sales engagement company, engaging the lead within the first hour is seven times more effective compared to waiting 24 hours. The Harvard Business Review conducted the same study, and they found the exact same thing.

Quick, But Not Too Quick:

That same Telfer study comes with a caveat, though: you can’t pick up the phone within seconds and hope for the same engagement success. The sweet spot seemed to be between ten and 60 minutes of the prospect of becoming a new lead. The reason for this ten-to-60 minute delay could be because an instantaneous response seems automated and pushy, but, of course, it’s impossible to tell.

Automate for Speed-to-Lead:

The best way to ensure that you make the first touch – and all subsequent touches – at the right time is with automated queue-based lead routing software. It’s a mouthful, for sure, but it’s essentially software that automates the prioritization of your sales reps’ leads to make sure that new leads are routed to the front of the call queue. The software then automates their call cadence to ensure consistent speed-to-lead and thorough follow-up.


The Psychology of Speed-to-Lead:

What is it about the speed that conveys value? From the prospect’s perspective, your speed might indicate a willingness to please, a certain eagerness they know will be valuable when it comes time for them to express their needs and pain points.

Alternately, it might simply be the fact that you were there first. As mentioned briefly above, top-of-mind awareness is an important principle in engaging a lead, and being the first to contact gives you a significant advantage. Not only over other competitors but over short attention spans (everyone has them occasionally).

Speed-to-lead is an important consideration for any sales organization looking to improve sales engagement and conversion. Automating rep workflow to contact new leads 10-60 minutes after they express an interest should have a profound effect on engagement success.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Your Product

Make Sure Your Product Hits the Market As Soon As Possible

If you have a product that you want to make and market, there are countless things that are surely on your mind. Be it supply, production, or marketing, it can be pretty overwhelming to keep track of everything. In most cases, the packaging comes last and at that point, people no longer have the energy and the will to innovate and experiment. That’s why most people work with box manufacture and design professionals. However, there is a way to optimize your packaging process and make sure that your product is available on the market as soon as possible. Here’s what you should do. Shape and Size Matter : Before you make a decision about what kind of packaging you need and want, you need to be clear about the size and the shape of your product. There are certain norms and traditions when packaging certain products. You can learn more about that here However, even if you don’t want to follow in the footsteps of others, there are still certain designs and shapes which are not suitable for certain product sizes and shapes. What’s more, even the weight and fragility of the product can be an issue that takes serious deliberations when picking the perfect packaging option. Choose the Right Material : Not only the design options are limited by your product, so are the materials you can use. For instance, it is really difficult to package fragile products in a thin, one-layer paperboard without risking breakage. Once again, there are some typical and traditional packaging options for various product types. For instance, high-end electronics are typically packaged in thick, highly compressed cardboard boxes, whereas food items tend to be safe enough in thin paperboard, and so on. However, if your product is not limited by such factors, it is entirely up to you what kind of material you choose. In that case, you can take other factors into account, including the price, the availability of printing options, and so on. Collaborate with Professionals : When choosing your partners, there are several factors which you need to take into account. Some people will give you fantastical prices and timelines which they are not very likely to uphold. Make sure that you only collaborate with people with good track records. You can do a lot of research online and find genuine and verified information about the company you want to do business with. The old maxim ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’ makes perfect sense in this situation. Manufacturing anything costs money and takes time. Assess whether your proposed partners can actually deliver what they are promising. You can also ask for samples of their work to evaluate the quality of their work. Speak Your Mind : Once you have been given the preliminary packaging concept, it is time to give your opinion. There is plenty of time to make adjustments and change things that you don’t like before the sample is manufactured on a larger scale. The graphic designers from your packaging manufacturers will surely do as much as they can to reach a mutually agreeable option. However, once you approve the design, it is likely too late to change anything in the packaging design, at least for the first batch, so make sure you genuinely like it and want it to represent your product. Once your product is ready to hit the market, you should be confident that you have chosen the right packaging and the right design options. Read Also : How To Get Product Ideas For Your E-commerce Business 5 Steps On How To Market Your Business Using Social Media Get The Details On How Sferic Protect Can Benefit Your Business & Its Safety

Key Components for Your Marketing Stack

Key Components for Your Marketing Stack

It's clear to see that marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business. You can have the best products and services on the planet, but if you don't market them effectively and get people interested and aware of what you have to offer, your business won't be able to grow, develop, and fulfill its true potential. This is where marketing comes in, and in today's technological world, marketing is more evolved and in-depth than ever before. The average company has many components making up its 'marketing stack' - a term used to refer to the group of technological tools and innovations used by companies in their marketing campaigns and activities. Stacks can vary from one business to the next, and the exact tools you use will depend on your company's own needs and aims, but, in general, there are certain components that are absolutely key in order to create, distribute, and evaluate your marketing strategies. This guide will look at some of those essential items. Email Marketing: In the past, marketing efforts were mostly conducted via print ads or on TV for the bigger brands, but in today's world, the digital space is where you'll bring in a lot of your leads and customers, with email marketing being one of the most effective forms of them all. They're affordable, accessible, and highly effective for boosting sales and building brand awareness, and there are various email marketing tools you can choose to strengthen this aspect of your stack. Many email marketing tools are focused on automation and integration. They're able to automatically send out personal, timely messages to your customers and potential leads, saving you a lot of time in the process, as well as integrating with other leading apps and services, allowing you to sync data seamlessly across platforms and track the effectiveness of your campaigns. In short, they can help you build, send, and monitor your email marketing efforts much more easily. Social Media Marketing: Along with email marketing, social media marketing is one of the most effective and efficient methods available to modern-day brands. There are countless users on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and you can grow your brand on a global scale by conducting the very best social media marketing campaigns. Again, various tools can assist with this, designed to save you time and make your campaigns stronger. There are certain tools that can help you distribute marketing content easily across social media platforms, for example, as well as other services that can assist you with managing and launching campaigns in the first place. Some platforms offer seamless integration with the major platforms like Twitter and Facebook, letting you create and manage content and then track how well your posts and pages perform. Customer Relationship Management: Customer relationship management, often shortened to CRM, is another major aspect of marketing in today's world. It's all about controlling and managing the way you interact with customers throughout their journey, and CRM software is able to handle most of this management behind the scenes, reducing the risks of human error or bias and giving you the information and tools you need to engage with customers in the most efficient ways. CRM tools for marketing can help with everything from lead generation and management to marketing automation, analysis of sales data, keeping track of contact and company profiles, email tracking, event tracking, sales management, and so much more. This kind of software can seem a little complex at first, but once you get to grips with it, the advantages are almost limitless. Analytics and Evaluation: A big part of marketing that can sometimes be overlooked is the process of analyzing and evaluating the success, or lack thereof, of your campaigns and looking for ways to make improvements. Businesses that want to grow and evolve should never simply settle with the status quo; you always need to be looking for ways to take your marketing game further, and analytics tools can help with this. Analytics tools often appear as features of some of the other tools mentioned above on the list; for example, an email marketing platform might come with an analytics section to show you the engagement levels of your campaigns. However, dedicated analytics tools go a lot further than this and offer much more widespread application, letting you track conversions, leads, customer experiences, and more across your site, social media accounts, and other campaigns too. Final Word: These are just some of the major components that should be included in your marketing stack in order to improve the effectiveness and potential of your campaigns. Explore your options today and build a stack you can rely on. Read Also: How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO Best 5 Instagram Marketing Tools You Should Be Using Exploring The Different Types Of Digital Marketing Strategies Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local Business Online Marketing : Selling Your Product And Services

Digital Marketing Agency

Getting The Best Digital Marketing Agency In Singapore For Your Business

The Internet is indispensable for any business in the digital world. Given that customers are increasingly using the internet to locate products and services, companies should be present online. Goods and services searching, procuring, and marketing have been revolutionized by the digital age. Subsequently, an increasing number of companies are moving into the digital world and understanding that digital marketing has become important not only in Singapore but around the globe. Your position in this digital transformation is that it puts you as a business owner/manager in the middle. You can see that digital marketing is a crucial factor in expanding your company but if you have no clue how to handle this intricate environment, it may turn out to be a problem. Here the right digital marketing agency in Singapore is everything. Learn how to select the best digital marketing agency for your business and unlock the potential of the internet in this article. The Competitive Landscape of Digital Marketing in Singapore The influence of the Internet on our everyday lives is such that more and more businesses tend to pay attention to the importance of creating and using effective e-marketing tools. With such changes taking place speedily in Singapore companies are seeking to not only survive but also flourish by adopting digital marketing systems. This part looks at the competitive edge of digital marketing in Singapore and why staying ahead matters for businesses in this dynamic setup. Singapore is renowned for its strong economy and cutting-edge technologies. Such an environment creates a very competitive marketplace. It is also worth noting that companies from different sectors are competing for the attention as well as the loyalty of consumers, and this competition is much more vigorous in the digital environment. The transition from the analog world to the digital world has completely changed how businesses can attract, involve, and transform their clients. However, it means simply being online is not enough for businesses to survive as they need to actively separate themselves from the crowd. This differentiation is now being based upon digital marketing, which offers flexible instruments and information-driven perceptions. In effect, it enables companies to come up with tailor-made strategies that are relevant to each of their target audiences, giving them an edge in the market. Personalization is a very important power to reckon with in the era of consumers whereby the users demand tailor-made experiences. Another thing that gives companies an advantage is the agility of digital marketing. The digital landscape is ever-changing, comprising various new technologies, trends, and platforms. In order to stay ahead in the face of these changes it is a question of making use of them to outperform competition in terms of customer experience too.  The Power of Digital Marketing in SG For companies of all sizes in Singapore, digital marketing is synonymous with success. As the online consumer number rises, the online market cannot be skipped. Here are a few reasons why digital marketing is vital: Wider Reach The internet knows no borders. Using digital marketing, you can reach customers around the world, allowing you to increase your customer base beyond physical borders. Cost-Effective Digital marketing is often cheaper than traditional marketing. It enables you to make your budget allocation efficient and select a specific audience to target. Data-Driven Insights The access to valuable data and analytics in digital marketing is critical. Using such data helps you make effective marketing strategies that translate to better results and high return on investment. Competitive Edge With a market like Singapore, digital marketing provides a competitive edge over others through tailored strategies and approaches. This makes you unique and enables you to connect with your audience while building your brand among the leaders in the market. Related: How Can Digital Marketing Increase Your Business? Discovering the Right Digital Marketing Agency Now that we understand the significance of digital marketing, let's explore how you can discover the best digital marketing agency in Singapore for your business: 1. Define Your Goals Before you start your search, it's crucial to have clear objectives. Determine what you want to achieve through digital marketing – whether it's increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. 2. Assess Their Expertise Look for a digital marketing agency with a proven track record. Check their portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies. An agency's past successes can give you insights into its capabilities. 3. Range of Services Different agencies offer varying services. Ensure that the agency you choose can cater to your specific needs. Services can include SEO, PPC advertising, social media management, content marketing, and more. 4. Customised Strategies Your business is one of a kind and so digital marketing should follow suit. To work with the agency, it should be ready to build customized solutions specific to your objectives and target customers. 5. Transparency In the digital world, transparency is all that matters. Be sure that this organisation will be transparent about its activities and will make regular reports. It will also keep dialogue with you during the entire campaign. 6. Budget Considerations Though one has to consider cost, one must strike a balance between the budget and the best of services. Quality is usually preferred over quantity in digital marketing. 7. Stay Updated Change is ever-evolving in the digital landscape. Keep the agency abreast of the current trends and technologies in digital marketing. 8. Communication Partnerships require effective communication. Make sure that you can easily contact the agency, and that they respond quickly to your questions. Conclusion It is not a luxury but a necessity to tap into the power of digital marketing in Singapore – a digital world that is experiencing a booming online marketplace. Picking the right digital marketing agency that helps you unlock the potential of the digital landscape could be a game changer. To find the best agency in Singapore for digital marketing of your business, you must first define what you want to achieve, evaluate which agency is the proper one in terms of their experience and then take into account factors such as transparency, communication and others to choose which will Do not miss this chance to leave a trace in the virtual space—start your way now! Contact us for more info. Read Also: Partner For Success: 7 Tips For Choosing The Best Digital Marketing Agency For Your Ecommerce SEO Understanding The Role Of SEO In B2B Digital Marketing: Optimising Your Website For Success What is a Digital Marketing Agency and What Can It Do For You?