Phone Recruiting – Out of Date, or Even Better?


17 December 2019


Phone Recruiting

The versatility of the smartphone lies in creating a single point of candidate contact using every conceivable form of messaging, anytime, anywhere. Phone recruiting has pushed traditional recruiting models to the verge of obsolescence and premature retirement.

It’s no secret that recruiters are facing difficulties finding the right talent these days. What it seemed to have been easy decades ago, it’s gotten way off the board now with all the commodities, but also drawbacks that new technologies tend to bring. Tools automating recruitment process, systems filtering quality candidates, emails automating replies – it does make you wonder: at what point does it start lacking in a personalized approach. It is basically one of the crucial factors in recognizing that one, the right talent.

Having the right recruitment platform is crucial for your business. RecruitLoop has touched on a similar subject questioning if in fact traditional recruiting is obsolete, or not, and we’d like to take it a little bit further.

Here are some hints to keep to understand where to start focusing your campaign:

  • 89% of job seekers believe that mobile devices facilitate the job-hunting process
  • 59% of job aspirants save jobs on a mobile device and apply through desktops
  • 45% of ardent job seekers browse jobs vacancies daily using a mobile device

The Reach and Potential of the Smartphone Maximizes Recruiting Options

A candidate with a smartphone is automatically empowered to receive any communication outreach that defines a corporate recruitment strategy.

  • Face to face text, voice, or video conferencing is a click away.
  • Candidate-specific job postings, employment pages, blog posts, and RSS feeds attract the right job seekers.
  • Employment details are shareable through emails, and companies can send and record text, audio, and videos through cloud-based platforms.
  • Job aspirants can file job applications, transmit pictures, edit resumes, and interact with nodal HR personnel directly.
  • Job applications are available for scrutiny in real-time from any source – Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Empowering HR with the Mobile Phone as a Top Recruiting Platform

Your recruitment master plan would be incomplete without tapping tech-savvy mobile users 24/7. We share insights that’ll motivate you to shift from time-consuming transactional recruiting to result-oriented strategic engagement.

Shed painstaking personal profiling and shift to a unified candidate communication interface

Traditional recruiters waste tons of time and energy picking up the phone interviewing potential candidates, going through an in-depth process of recruitment – whilst most of their managers say they know if they will hire that person within the first two minutes of an interview. According to research, a traditional interview process takes an average of 23 days – now try and sum up the time and money spent.

Using integrated sourcing tools and channels it’s possible to expand and update your candidate base, enabling you to track elaborate job boards and strategize Candidate Relations Management (CRM).

You kick-start targeted recruitment campaigns across multiple channels, laying the foundation for reaching out to candidates, campuses, and communities, enabling you to save tons of money, time, and energy.

Leverage phone recruiting to land the ideal candidate, instantly

Traditional recruiting methods tie hot-candidate requisition to elaborate recruitment protocols, denying recruiters instant access to talent pools.

Consider the phone recruiting alternative. Imagine strolling through a park in your spare time and coming face to face with skilled candidate profiles on your mobile. Within seconds of making up your mind, you use the cloud-empowered CRM database to fire off an instant reply to hook up the candidate on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Potential smartphone-enabled candidates are more receptive and respond faster to your messaging even when they’re away from their workstations or happen to be in idle time, weekends or vacations.

Communicate in a medium that resonates with targeted candidates

When you’re hiring remotely through phone recruiting, you are harnessing technology with comprehensive capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered software offers solutions covering every stage of your recruitment funnel. AI eliminates personal bias, focuses on candidate experience, and humanizes recruitment.

You’re in the ideal position of customizing messages that cater to individual candidate communication preferences.

With accurate candidate profiling, you can customize messages via short texts, more elaborate emails, purposeful videos, links to your blogs, or white papers.

Your communication can be designed to elicit instant responses using the medium that resonates perfectly with each candidate.

Making the Best Use of Smartphones as Your Prime Recruiting Channel

Best Use of Smartphones

Do you know what Dell, NYPD, The U.S. Army, and Microsoft have in common? They’ve all embraced AI to design and implement a mobile-centric recruitment strategy that delivers results. Let’s dig deeper into their modus operandi:

  • Maintain an uncluttered and updated candidate database that becomes a powerful tool for employment branding.
  • Check phone validity to sanitize your candidate database and reduce the bounce rate from unviable calls.
  • Proactively push Job Alerts to candidates that figure prominently in skill and experience profiling.
  • Notify selected candidates with calendar requests to bookmark trade shows, career fairs, and walk-in interviews.
  • Customize email messages to candidates advising interview timings, answering simple questions, guiding them through orientation events and seminars.
  • Harvest potential recruits by posting organizational events in social media complete with company branding and attractive imaging.
  • Barcode the recruitment campaign. This enables candidates to click the barcode and access websites where they can download job applications or enter personal particulars.
  • Enable RSS feeds to informative blogs that keep candidates updated on coming events and allow recruiters to retrieve candidate information in real-time.
  • Design short videos to project the best aspects of your company culture. Use a tone and style that inspires passion in your brand.
  • Humanize recruitment by using CRM tools for staying in touch by mailing greetings, appreciating achievements, endorsing personal milestones, or just say hello to stay connected.
  • Sponsor surveys to keep abreast of candidate interests, job preferences, and availability to continually update the database.

The Bottom-Line

There’s a candidate out there who is highly skilled, adequately experienced, and competent to address your specific needs, and that candidate carries a cell phone.

It’s a no brainer that the mobile phone is the ultimate gateway for harnessing candidates as and when you spot the talent that fits your needs.

More importantly, phone recruiting presents you with an integrated platform that gives you one-stop access through a device for mass communication. The handy mobile allows you to gift wrap your message in a medium that evokes a prompt response.

Phone recruiting has pushed traditional recruiting models to the verge of obsolescence and premature retirement. The moot question is – are you willing and able to “mobile-size” your recruitment strategy?

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Guide For Choosing a Smartphone: Top Tips

With the number of flagship smartphones entering the market today and the endless high-quality options for people on a budget, it’s become very challenging to choose the best smartphone. The smartphone market is flooded with thousands of phones, making it overwhelming for people who are not clear about what they want. If you are one of those people, this post is for you. We shall discuss the top tips to help guide you in choosing the best smartphone. Let’s delve in. 1. OS platform The operating system of your smartphone is very important. Now, the operating system you choose will largely affect the app ecosystem. These include the following: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. That is, if you pick an Android phone, you’ll have access to an enormous pool of apps. Almost all kinds of apps are available on Google Play Store. If you opt for iOS, it’s another story altogether. Apple has a very small number of devices available in the market at any given time, which means that there are fewer opportunities to experience variety with your device. The Blackberry OS has now been completely phased out by the company that used to produce them. This means that though iPhones can be seen as premium-looking phones, they lack diversity when it comes to models. This also implies that upgrading your iPhone without buying a new model isn’t possible. All these facts mean that Android comes out on top in this category. It is the most flexible and diverse platform available, encouraging more developers to write apps for it. 2. Screen size and quality The quality of the smartphone’s screen directly impacts how you view images and videos, as well as your experience when playing games or browsing the internet. A good smartphone must have a high-resolution display, which will allow you to view things clearly in different light sources at different angles. Gamers should buy smartphones with the highest pixel density possible if they want excellent picture clarity while indulging in their hobby. Phones with lower resolutions are not advised for people who wish to sharpen images. 3. Processor This is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a smartphone. The processor decides how fast your apps will load and impacts your phone’s performance in general. You should purchase phones with CPUs that are at least 1GHz or more in speed to receive reliable performance at all times. Be aware of smartphones that come with processors less than this threshold, though, because they often lag during operation and may even freeze randomly while using them. 4. RAM Another vital part of your smartphone’s hardware configuration is its RAM (Random Access Memory). This helps your phone run multiple tasks simultaneously without slowing down or hanging up on you mid-way. The higher the RAM, the more tasks your phone will be able to handle at once. However, there are no specific or minimum requirements for smartphones these days. You should, however, make sure that you buy a smartphone with 4B of RAM or more if you want it to perform reliably without lagging. 5. Battery power Though smartphones have become incredibly sophisticated in recent years, battery life remains an issue for all. Consumers should choose devices that come with batteries between 3500mAh and 5000mAh capacity to receive decent battery performance from their phones. According to the experts from  Hartman’s Jacksonville appliance repair, if you’re not too concerned about how long your phone lasts on a single charge and tend to carry around chargers everywhere you go, you can choose phones with lower battery capacity as well. However, those who go out for an hour of jogging will find that phones with lower battery capacities may die on them before they know it. 6. Operating System Version It is important to know which version of the operating system your phone is running. If you want to buy a smartphone that will receive regular software updates and security patches from its manufacturer, make sure you purchase devices working on Android 10.0 or later versions of the Android platform. For iOS users, Apple offers upgrades regularly, including bug fixes and minor enhancements, so this aspect doesn’t matter as much as it does for Android users. 7. Storage space Storage space is another important consideration when buying a smartphone. Though smartphones have to offer much less storage space than traditional laptops and PCs, consumers can get decent storage performance from them by opting for devices that come with at least 32GB of internal memory or more. However, such large memories tend to drain the battery quickly, so it will be best if you select phones that house both an SD card slot and at least 64GB of fast internal memory. That way, you’ll be able to store all of your media files and still receive good battery life from your smartphone. 8. Camera As with storage space, smartphones now offer much better camera quality than traditional digital cameras. However, you should ensure that the smartphone’s camera you intend to buy is at least 12MP to receive good picture clarity. Also, opt for phones with a front-facing camera since these are quite useful when taking selfies and using video calling services. Additionally, focus on devices with larger aperture values to let in more light into their cameras and produce well-lit photos even in low lighting conditions. Read Also: How Smartphone Tracking Programs assist Parents in Controlling their Children 5 Ways to Stream Free Movies and TV Shows on Your Smartphone How To Make Money With Your Smartphone Smartphone Addiction In Our Era


App Development Benefits: Here’s why you should go Mobile

The rapid proliferation of mobile devices has changed our lives. Right from fitness, shopping, cab-hailing, to travel, there is an app for everything. Everywhere you turn around; you’re likely to find someone using a smartphone app or tablet.   Cell phones and mobile internet are affordable and easier to adopt by users from all sections of society. 2016 has already revolutionized mobile app development to new heights. The mobile apps industry has also witnessed an increasing focus on emerging technologies like cloud computing, wearables, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT).  The evolution of this industry will continue on a consistent basis. Economies of Scale By 2017, it’s expected that over 268 billion downloads will generate $77 billion worth of revenue. The mobile app development industry is growing at an alarming pace and there is no stopping. This is the best time for businesses to develop mobile applications.  There is no dearth of expert mobile app developers. You can either hire developers dedicated for your project or outsource your project to a mobile development company. The number of skilled and experienced mobile app developers is increasing rapidly, allowing businesses to choose the best mobile app developer at affordable rates. It is about the right time to get a mobile app according to your budget. After all, the mobile application will help take your business to the next level. Location-Based Apps for Contextual Information Mobile apps are all about providing the right information to the user at the right time and location. Beacon technology is revolutionizing mobile apps with its ability to bridge the gap between the offline and online worlds. This technology is all set to transform the way retailers, event managers, enterprises, and education organizations interact with users indoor. The real focus of beacon technology depends on how applications use proximity for marketing and promotions, coupons, content delivery, catalogs, information display, in-store coupons, proximity-activated objects, people and object indoor tracking. Wearable Devices for Increased Personalization Wearable technology is currently in its early adoption phase. However, the launch of Apple Watch has helped the technology to go mainstream.  Wearable devices are no longer limited to being a fitness device. It is about connecting devices and helping users stay healthy and live a safe life. Read also:  Role of messaging apps in enhancing a company’s market prospects The wearable device can connect and communicate through cellular connectivity or through another device, such as a smartphone using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth®. Wearable devices have given mobility a different dimension altogether taking personalization to a new level. Companies that explore the full capabilities of wearable devices in order to build apps will enhance the user experience in an unimaginable way. Such companies will stand tall. Further, the adoption of this technology at the commercial level will help businesses gain a first-mover advantage. Forecast unit sales of wearables worldwide by category from 2014 to 2016 (in millions) [gallery size="full" columns="1" ids="1512"] Augmented Reality Augmented reality has completely changed the way we interact with technology and with each other. It is not limited to sci-fi technology or games. This revolutionary technology is making inroads into different business domains such as retail, travel, and education simplifying the most complex functional aspect of products. It is undoubtedly taking a mobile application to new heights. Here are some stats to assist you to decide… AR/VR could hit $150bn in revenue by 2020, with AR taking around $120 billion and VR $30 billion. source: Digi-Capital Facebook bought Oculus for $400 million in cash and $1.6 billion in stock – even though Oculus had not released a commercial product. Source: TechCrunch 336 startups list themselves under AR on Angelist. source: Angelist It is Now More about Personalization The mobile revolution is more about the empowerment of users. It is the ability to work and access information anytime, anywhere. Businesses across the globe are embracing the app personalization to drive higher user engagement levels and customer engagement. Enterprise apps are a new way forward and can dramatically reshape the way we do business. The focus is now shifting towards enterprise apps to leverage advanced functionality in order to make most out of products and services. Calvin is a technology enthusiast working with Hidden Brains Infotech UK – A well-known enterprise mobile application development company in the UK and likes to write about the latest mobile application trends.

Smartphone Addiction

Smartphone Addiction In Our Era

People often associate addictions with drugs or alcohol, but can you be addicted to your Smartphone? The answer may shock you. Researchers believe it’s possible that the devices we cherish can foster addictive tendencies in people. Our phones are constantly within arm’s length, we sleep beside them, check the screen first thing in the morning, and look to the soft glow for updates and information throughout the day. Dr. David Greenfield, director of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, estimates that 90% of Americans have an unhealthy relationship with their Smartphone that borderlines addiction levels. The Science Of Smartphone Addiction: Addiction is a very serious issue that often affects an individual’s entire life. In recent years, researchers and experts have acknowledged activities which cause pleasure (shopping, gambling, and sex) can form an addiction. Smartphone use, along with Internet and gaming, falls into this category. Technology can influence the brain and cause distinct changes that mimic drug addiction. Addiction often requires an increased need for the stimuli, an inability to curb use, and the continuation of use regardless of the impact on a person’s life. Smartphone addiction wires the brain with rewards and pleasure, causing people to seek increased interaction with their device. Signs You Might Have A Problem: Like any addiction, it’s a good idea to keep track of warning signs that may signify a problem: Do you check your phone first thing in the morning? Do you check your phone while you are in bed? Is your phone always near you- even during special events? Do you feel anxious when you forget your phone? Do you crave looking at the screen and checking updates? Have you felt phantom vibrations from your phone? Do you constantly check for messages or notifications? Have your friends or family mentioned they feel you have a problem with your Smartphone? If you answer “yes” to a majority of the questions, you may have developed a dependency on your phone. 6 Strategies To Weaken The Lure Of Devices: Putting down your Smartphone can be difficult. We use them to check the Internet, stay up-to-date with your child’s school, keep in touch with friends and family, use online banking, get our news via the Internet, and plenty more apps and activities too numerous to mention. Realizing you may have a problem is a great first step, but here are six activities or strategies to help you dial back your reliance on your phone: Reclaim your home. Keep your devices out of the bedroom and power down during certain hours to promote family bonding and adequate rest. Reconnect with your friends in a face-to-face conversation. Meaningful relationships are worth the effort. Take advantage of the time you spend together to really connect. Take a break from your device to read a good book or newspaper. Find a hobby or passion to focus on. Limit Social Media for a predetermined time amount or set aside a time slot just to use your phone. Make a conscious decision to be focused on life around you. Stay in the moment, engage with people, focus on driving, and only use your phone when necessary. Cutting back can help a person remove the constant temptation to check updates and emails. Hanging Up Smartphone Addiction: Scientists and doctors are still debating if people are truly addicted to their Smartphones. While they may disagree about the technicalities and definitions, they do agree that the fast-paced world of the Internet and Social Media might be the true lure. Smartphones may just be the vehicle we use to get our fix, but they still represent a trending problem in our society. Read Also: How Smartphone Tracking Programs Assist Parents In Controlling Their Children