Guide For Choosing a Smartphone: Top Tips

Published on: 17 February 2022 Last Updated on: 30 April 2022

With the number of flagship smartphones entering the market today and the endless high-quality options for people on a budget, it’s become very challenging to choose the best smartphone. The smartphone market is flooded with thousands of phones, making it overwhelming for people who are not clear about what they want.

If you are one of those people, this post is for you. We shall discuss the top tips to help guide you in choosing the best smartphone. Let’s delve in.

1. OS platform

The operating system of your smartphone is very important. Now, the operating system you choose will largely affect the app ecosystem. These include the following: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.

That is, if you pick an Android phone, you’ll have access to an enormous pool of apps. Almost all kinds of apps are available on Google Play Store. If you opt for iOS, it’s another story altogether.

Apple has a very small number of devices available in the market at any given time, which means that there are fewer opportunities to experience variety with your device. The Blackberry OS has now been completely phased out by the company that used to produce them.

This means that though iPhones can be seen as premium-looking phones, they lack diversity when it comes to models. This also implies that upgrading your iPhone without buying a new model isn’t possible.

All these facts mean that Android comes out on top in this category. It is the most flexible and diverse platform available, encouraging more developers to write apps for it.

2. Screen size and quality

2. Screen size and quality

The quality of the smartphone’s screen directly impacts how you view images and videos, as well as your experience when playing games or browsing the internet. A good smartphone must have a high-resolution display, which will allow you to view things clearly in different light sources at different angles.

Gamers should buy smartphones with the highest pixel density possible if they want excellent picture clarity while indulging in their hobby. Phones with lower resolutions are not advised for people who wish to sharpen images.

3. Processor

This is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a smartphone. The processor decides how fast your apps will load and impacts your phone’s performance in general. You should purchase phones with CPUs that are at least 1GHz or more in speed to receive reliable performance at all times.

Be aware of smartphones that come with processors less than this threshold, though, because they often lag during operation and may even freeze randomly while using them.

4. RAM

Another vital part of your smartphone’s hardware configuration is its RAM (Random Access Memory). This helps your phone run multiple tasks simultaneously without slowing down or hanging up on you mid-way. The higher the RAM, the more tasks your phone will be able to handle at once.

However, there are no specific or minimum requirements for smartphones these days. You should, however, make sure that you buy a smartphone with 4B of RAM or more if you want it to perform reliably without lagging.

5. Battery power

Battery power

Though smartphones have become incredibly sophisticated in recent years, battery life remains an issue for all. Consumers should choose devices that come with batteries between 3500mAh and 5000mAh capacity to receive decent battery performance from their phones.

According to the experts from  Hartman’s Jacksonville appliance repair, if you’re not too concerned about how long your phone lasts on a single charge and tend to carry around chargers everywhere you go, you can choose phones with lower battery capacity as well. However, those who go out for an hour of jogging will find that phones with lower battery capacities may die on them before they know it.

6. Operating System Version

It is important to know which version of the operating system your phone is running. If you want to buy a smartphone that will receive regular software updates and security patches from its manufacturer, make sure you purchase devices working on Android 10.0 or later versions of the Android platform. For iOS users, Apple offers upgrades regularly, including bug fixes and minor enhancements, so this aspect doesn’t matter as much as it does for Android users.

7. Storage space

Storage space is another important consideration when buying a smartphone. Though smartphones have to offer much less storage space than traditional laptops and PCs, consumers can get decent storage performance from them by opting for devices that come with at least 32GB of internal memory or more.

However, such large memories tend to drain the battery quickly, so it will be best if you select phones that house both an SD card slot and at least 64GB of fast internal memory. That way, you’ll be able to store all of your media files and still receive good battery life from your smartphone.

8. Camera


As with storage space, smartphones now offer much better camera quality than traditional digital cameras. However, you should ensure that the smartphone’s camera you intend to buy is at least 12MP to receive good picture clarity. Also, opt for phones with a front-facing camera since these are quite useful when taking selfies and using video calling services. Additionally, focus on devices with larger aperture values to let in more light into their cameras and produce well-lit photos even in low lighting conditions.

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Mobile Payments

How to Stay Safe When Making Mobile Payments

There’s no doubt that mobile payments are convenient. Just a few quick taps and your purchase is complete. And using a mobile payment is just as secure — if not more so — than other forms of payment because your personal information isn’t shared but rather tokenized and encrypted before being sent over the network. That being said, there are still some risks associated with using mobile payments, primarily due to the fact that your payment information is stored on your mobile device. By taking a few simple precautions, you can keep your information safe and protect yourself against hackers and thieves who are after your money and your identity. How to Stay Safe When Making Mobile Payments: Protect Against Malware: Regardless of the type of device you use, it is vulnerable to malware. Just as your computer can be infected by viruses and malware, so can your mobile device, and it may be days or weeks before you realize there is an issue. While taking common-sense precautions like not clicking on suspicious links (especially those that come via text). This is all about taking care with the apps you download and being aware of phishing attempts can keep your device free of malware. it’s also worth installing antivirus software. Use maximum internet security software to protect all of your devices, including your home computer, smartphones and tablets. In this way this would keep harmful programs away. Lock Your Device: It sounds simple, but it’s important to lock your device with a passcode. Even if your phone does fall into the wrong hands, they shouldn’t be able to access the information on it, especially since most devices will automatically lock down after several incorrect attempts. If your device offers additional security features, like facial recognition or biometrics, enable those as well. Learn to Use Security Features: Both Android and Apple devices include features that allow you to remotely lock and protect your device. In case, it is lost or stolen. Be sure to set up these features before something happens, and remember your login information as well. Therefore, you can lock and clear your device quickly before anything happens. Apple’s Find My iPhone service, for example, will not only give you a general idea of the location of your phone. But also allows you to remove any payment cards from your Wallet and disable any automatic logins. To restore your information when you locate the device, you’ll have to know your iCloud password. Using these features can go a long way toward keeping your data safe. Use Credit Cards: When setting up your mobile payment accounts, use a credit card rather than a debit card. Should something go wrong and a thief access your phone, you are protected against fraudulent charges on your account if you use a credit card. If a thief accesses your debit card, he or she could drain your account of all your cash before you even realize there is a problem. Also, sign up for your financial provider's alerts if you have a card attached to mobile payments. Most financial services companies will send alerts for transactions as they occur so you can stay on top of what’s happening. Avoid Public Wi-Fi: If you are making a mobile purchase in person, it’s reasonable to expect that the merchant is using a secure network. However, if you’re using mobile payment technology to make a purchase online. Also ensure that you aren’t on public Wi-Fi when you do so. Use your phone’s cellular network or wait until you are home on a password-protected network to avoid. After all, this would be making yourself vulnerable to hackers who watch public Wi-Fi networks for data. It is approachable that they can steal. 6. Use Trusted Apps: Finally, any time you use your device to make a financial transaction, whether a purchase or just checking your account, use an official app rather than a browser. Apps are usually designed with layers of security built in to protect customers during financial transactions. Using a web browser to access sites, on the other hand, can leave you vulnerable to hackers. It happens especially if you are using public Wi-Fi. Be sure you only download apps from trusted sources, and do not stay logged in when they aren’t in use to keep hackers from using them to access your mobile wallet. Using your phone to make purchases is easy and safe if you take the right precautions. Be smart about how you use your device, and you shouldn’t have any trouble. Read Also: Debt Consolidation Plans For Your Debt Relief 7 TIPS TO REDUCE CREDIT CARD BILLS Securing Mobile App Development With Blockchain Technology

Mobile Project

How to Estimate Your Mobile Project

Today’s world is the world of alternatives. You have a variety of choices. When you have so much to explore then why not to choose? You can create an interesting mobile application. You need to know the scope, time required and cost of the project. Given below are a few things you should know to estimate your mobile project. Things to do before estimating the Mobile project report   There are several factors you need to consider before you want to prepare your mobile project report. In this article, you will get the complete details of it.  1. Estimations: Many specialists recommend people to have an estimation of the future project. You should also do that. It is because the cost of software development is fixed. So you will be benefitted in the future. You should make a budget and execute the plan accordingly. You should clearly know how much you can afford. You will be able to act as per your efficiency. Generally, technology or any mobile project can be prepared in three months. You can plan everything in that duration. 2. Choose the platform: The mobile phones can be either Android or iOS. You need some time to develop an application for both Android and iOS. You can choose anyone. Many people prefer to develop an application for both of them simultaneously. You can also do that. The cost of both of them is equal. So you need not to worry about that. Don’t make a decision on the basis of cost. Make a decision as per your business model. If it permits you to create two applications you can choose both of them. Otherwise, it will be better if you create an application one by one. It will result in reduced energy and time. 3. Features for the future: Initially, you will have some features in your mind. You would love to add them up in the functioning of your application. Don’t commit a mistake by focusing on everything.  Listing of functions will work. You should list all the functions. Then you need to prepare designs. Then you have estimated the cost. Late on you can add up functions as per your wish. But make sure not to put extra features. It will be suggested to start with fewer features. Let the application work. You can add more functions later. You can also update the version. This concept of fewer functions is called MVP (Minimum viable product). 4. Design the designs: You will never be able to sell an app with poor UI/UX. You should have a brilliant designer in your team. He will transform your idea into an application. You should have some wireframes before having an estimate of the project. Designing the look of the application is very important. But make sure to have a good designer. He should be aware of the mobile environment. Only then he will be a helping hand for you.  An experienced designer will guide you throughout the process. You need to have a design for both Android and iOS. You can also have a different application for Android and tablets. But it will be a time-consuming process. 5. Backend: You should definitely have a backend developer of your project. A well-written API will save the time that developers will spend on supporting network functions. On the contrary, a poor API leads to prolongation of the development process. It is obvious that the project cost will increase due to it. If you have non-scalable API then correct it. You should rewrite it if it is badly written. It may appear to be time-consuming but it will be beneficial for future development. Like the designer, your backend developer should hold expertise and expertise. Be constantly in touch with him. Have a quality assurance. Need for estimating a mobile project: It is not mandatory to do preliminary project assessment. But it should be done to save time and money. It will help in understanding the evaluation procedure necessity. You may get new ideas and details the process of mobile application development. The process of preliminary evaluation appears to be complicated because of the difference in estimation. Many developers evaluate cost and time differently. The difference arises because of their personal experience. This problem can be tackled by not having many evaluators. Take less evaluator and rely on their estimation. Having a preliminary estimate of the timing and cost of application development is the fundamental need. Advantages of a Preliminary Assessment: You will have a competitive application budget. You can implement a lot of good ideas which were not implemented due to a shortage of finances. A correct evaluation will help you in arranging funds. You can forecast the future by assessing financial difficulties. You can schedule the work and distribute tasks accordingly. You will clearly know the cost, guideline, deadline, and materials required according to the project. In the absence of preliminary assessment time and energy are not fully used. You will know the mobile app design cost. Procedure to be followed: You should have a good team of professionals. A good team involves experienced evaluator, designer, backend developer etc. All of them should hold specialization in their fields. A good team will lead to an astonishing mobile application development. Resources will be fully used. There will be fewer errors. Secondly, you should know the target of your application. You should know answers to a few questions. After that, you will be able to prepare a budget. You should know who will use your mobile application. What are their expectations? Such kind of questions will help in the initial assessment. Just after the preparation of the budget, the mobile application design begins. You need to create a minimum viable product. There will arise many problems. You have to constantly evaluate them in order to make justice with your budget. You will come across some issue which developers might be facing. Be in constant touch to help them out. Conclusion: To have an estimate of a mobile project will surely help you out. The only condition is that you have to do that properly. Know the mobile app design cost and make an amazing mobile project. Read Also: Creating Successful Mobile Games: What You Need To Know Google Getting Into Phones – And It’s Changing The Mobile Internet

Smartphone Addiction

Smartphone Addiction In Our Era

People often associate addictions with drugs or alcohol, but can you be addicted to your Smartphone? The answer may shock you. Researchers believe it’s possible that the devices we cherish can foster addictive tendencies in people. Our phones are constantly within arm’s length, we sleep beside them, check the screen first thing in the morning, and look to the soft glow for updates and information throughout the day. Dr. David Greenfield, director of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, estimates that 90% of Americans have an unhealthy relationship with their Smartphone that borderlines addiction levels. The Science Of Smartphone Addiction: Addiction is a very serious issue that often affects an individual’s entire life. In recent years, researchers and experts have acknowledged activities which cause pleasure (shopping, gambling, and sex) can form an addiction. Smartphone use, along with Internet and gaming, falls into this category. Technology can influence the brain and cause distinct changes that mimic drug addiction. Addiction often requires an increased need for the stimuli, an inability to curb use, and the continuation of use regardless of the impact on a person’s life. Smartphone addiction wires the brain with rewards and pleasure, causing people to seek increased interaction with their device. Signs You Might Have A Problem: Like any addiction, it’s a good idea to keep track of warning signs that may signify a problem: Do you check your phone first thing in the morning? Do you check your phone while you are in bed? Is your phone always near you- even during special events? Do you feel anxious when you forget your phone? Do you crave looking at the screen and checking updates? Have you felt phantom vibrations from your phone? Do you constantly check for messages or notifications? Have your friends or family mentioned they feel you have a problem with your Smartphone? If you answer “yes” to a majority of the questions, you may have developed a dependency on your phone. 6 Strategies To Weaken The Lure Of Devices: Putting down your Smartphone can be difficult. We use them to check the Internet, stay up-to-date with your child’s school, keep in touch with friends and family, use online banking, get our news via the Internet, and plenty more apps and activities too numerous to mention. Realizing you may have a problem is a great first step, but here are six activities or strategies to help you dial back your reliance on your phone: Reclaim your home. Keep your devices out of the bedroom and power down during certain hours to promote family bonding and adequate rest. Reconnect with your friends in a face-to-face conversation. Meaningful relationships are worth the effort. Take advantage of the time you spend together to really connect. Take a break from your device to read a good book or newspaper. Find a hobby or passion to focus on. Limit Social Media for a predetermined time amount or set aside a time slot just to use your phone. Make a conscious decision to be focused on life around you. Stay in the moment, engage with people, focus on driving, and only use your phone when necessary. Cutting back can help a person remove the constant temptation to check updates and emails. Hanging Up Smartphone Addiction: Scientists and doctors are still debating if people are truly addicted to their Smartphones. While they may disagree about the technicalities and definitions, they do agree that the fast-paced world of the Internet and Social Media might be the true lure. Smartphones may just be the vehicle we use to get our fix, but they still represent a trending problem in our society. Read Also: How Smartphone Tracking Programs Assist Parents In Controlling Their Children