The Physical and Occupational Therapy Changes in Medicare for 2020

Published on: 15 February 2020 Last Updated on: 23 June 2021
physical and occupational therapy

There has been no time more integral to the advancement of our society than the 21st century. The past 20 years have been essential to the technological increases that are impacting billions of people all across the globe. Many facets of our society have been affected in the modern era, and healthcare is one of the most impacted elements. There has been a transformation throughout the healthcare industry, as new technologies like procedural telemedicine, as well as new regulations, have become commonplace throughout the medical system. There is a multitude of different specialties in healthcare, but one of the top aspects is physical and occupational therapy. This facet is involved in helping people fix their bodily ailments without the use of more invasive procedures. 

What is Physical and Occupational Therapy?

Physical and Occupational Therapy

Physical and occupational therapy has become increasingly popular throughout the 21st century, as advancements in the field and a greater understanding of the body have helped to improve peoples’ wellbeing. Patients who frequently attend physical and occupational therapy often have chronic pain or muscular-skeletal issues that can be aided with different exercises and stretches that help to heal the body. Working as a physical or occupational therapist allows you to more effectively treat patients who need help and requires immense knowledge of the human body. As 2020 has already gotten underway, it has become evident that the many changes to the system, especially for Medicare patients, are continuing to affect physical and occupational therapy offices. Understanding these changes is essential if you work in this field. 

Learning about the 2020 Medicare Changes for PTA & OTA Modifiers

Working as a PTA (physical therapy assistant) or OTA (occupational therapy assistant) has undergone immense change since the beginning of the new decade in 2020. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has altered its billing policies, which has impacted the modifiers used in your office as well as the reimbursement procedures provided by PTAs and OTAs. Medicare changes 2020 has been implemented as a payment differential in the ways that PTAs and OTAs are paid.

The payment rate is now 85% of the rate of what assistants are paid. CMS has noted that any care that exceeds 10% of the total time of care would now be subject to reduced billing. The payment differential has to be applied to all private practice facilities, home health agencies, hospital outpatient departments, as well as rehabilitation agencies.

The codes that this can be applied include therapeutic services, as well as administrative or non-therapeutic services. Any timed or untimed coded procedures and modalities are also included, such as re-evaluations and initial evaluations. These many changes also include new documentation which provides a short description of the application of modifiers.

While many of these changes may sound a bit challenging, understanding them is essential for the success of any physical or occupational therapy office. 

Final Thoughts

Working in the physical or occupational therapy field can be very complex, especially when dealing with Medicare billing. Learning about the 2020 changes in Medicare billing is essential when running a physical or occupational therapy firm.

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benefits of drinking beer

Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer According To Experts

The preferred alcoholic beverage for millions over the world has strong health benefits. Yes, you read that right. As compared to other forms of alcoholic beverages, beer is healthier, has a positive impact on your body, and allows you to keep critical illnesses at bay. For a very long time, scientific studies and health studies have shown how beer drinkers tend to live longer, have better cognitive abilities, and lowers stress. While a lot of reports state that wine has several anti-oxidants, the same can be said for beer as well. Its core ingredients are hops and barley, both of which are known for their anti-oxidant properties. In the following section, we take help from experts at Melvin Brewing to try and understand how beneficial beer is for your health. Beer Has A Positive Impact On Mental Health Of An Individual The natural properties of beer allow it to be a great agent for helping improve the mood. In other words, it helps majorly in lowering stress levels, reduces anxiety, and prevents people from getting into depression. The same cannot be said about harder alcoholic beverages like whiskey, vodka, rum, or gin. It should be pointed out that the above observation has been pointed out in the case of moderate drinkers. Heavy drinking is likely to reverse this and add to additional stresses and pressures. However, if you are drinking socially, with friends or colleagues once or twice a week in moderation, you can experience lesser fatigue levels and a more productive brain. Beer Is Great For Your Kidney And Helps Lowers Cholesterol Studies have shown how drinking beer prevents the risks of kidney stones. Experts have pointed out that beer has a natural filtration process when it goes inside the body. This helps it remove any internal impurities and allows the same to be excreted out of the body through urine. As we have already mentioned, beer contains natural fibers like hops and barley. These fibers play a positive role in the reduction of LDL or bad levels of cholesterol. Fibre has been known to have several positive effects on the human body. It helps with maintaining blood sugar levels and controls cholesterol levels within the body. However, heavy drinking is likely to have the reverse effects as it reduces the body’s power to naturally absorb minerals and vitamins that come from dietary sources. Does Beer Help Improve Memory Focus And Brain Functions? According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, moderate drinking of beer promotes cognitive abilities. Why? Because hops, the major ingredient in beer has a property called ‘Xanthohumol’. This chemical is a proven agent that prevents brain and memory degradation. Similarly, historically, advanced civilization has attributed drinking to improving brain focus, attention, output, and productivity. Beer has selectively been seen to boost the retention power of the brain in many research subjects. Again, it should be pointed out that we are talking about drinking in moderate doses and not heavy ones. The positive effects can only be experienced if the individuals are drinking beer in moderate doses of one or two glasses per week. The Final Word You would be surprised as we were when we first came across the positive health benefits of beer drinking. We tried to dig deeper and found that medical experts did not want to publicize the same for fear that this would act as a license to give drinkers the right to drink more. To conclude, beer has several positives, but only when it is consumed at moderate levels. If you are looking to add to the list of benefits, might we suggest you use the comments section and add to the list of health benefits of drinking beer? Read Also -  Tequila, The Alcoholic Cure-all? A Guide in Choosing the Perfect Brewing Burner The Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Alcoholic Spirits

Lip Fillers

7 Things to Know About Lip Fillers

A study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that a cosmetic lip injection is performed once every twenty minutes. That's once every episode of New Girl, not including the credits or title sequence! Lip fillers are, of course, super common. They're also super precise, low-key, and effective. Maybe you're thinking of sliding under the needle yourself, or maybe you're just trying to tear yourself away from your ninth consecutive 'side of KUWTK. Either way, there are some things you should know about lip fillers. Here are 7 of them. 1. Prep for Lip Fillers Matters: Maybe this seems like a no-brainer--but if you're looking to have an awesome experience with lip fillers and enhancement, it's worth noting. Although lip injections have become a really common procedure (thanks, Kylie!), it's still not a one-size-fits-all sort of deal. It's essential that you consult carefully with your doctor to ensure you're clear on your personal lips' limitations and potentials. On your end of the deal, it's important to consider your own expectations and desired outcomes. Although lip injections have become pretty low-key, it's still necessary to decide for yourself the sort of impact you want your new lips to have on you and your face. For additional preparation, specialists suggest abstaining from painkillers like aspirin, Motrin, and Aleve, as well as fish oil, multivitamins, and vitamin E. Each of these acts as a blood thinner and can serve to make recovery more...bruises. 2. Different Fillers Do Different Things: You can expect to pay anywhere from $400 to $1000 for your fillers. The actual numbers depend on a few different things, including specific location and practice. Price can also depend on the particular type of injections you choose. People typically choose between Collagen or Hyaluronic Acid (HA) bases as their filler material. Collagen works simply, by plumping the lip through its presence. HA, on the other hand, plumps the lip directly, while also trapping water within the lip. There are several different brands and forms of HA that can have various effects. For example, a filler such as Juvederm (s/o to Kylie!) will usually result in a really soft, youthful--let's just say it--Kylie Jenner-esque pout. Other fillers, like Restylane or Volbella, utilize smaller particles to achieve a subtler plump. It's important to talk with your surgeon and decide together which of the potential fillers will work best for your lips, goals, and budget. 3. Lip Shapes Depend on Your Face: You can bring as many close-ups of Kylie's bottom lip to your surgeon as you want--but nothing can really guarantee the precise way your lips will look after the fact. Sure, the specific type of injection you go with can have some impact on the outcome of your lips' shape, but it all comes down to your face's natural set-up and allowances. Lip injections typically work better on people with naturally fuller lips (lame, we know), and the way your lips look once they're healed really does have a lot to do with how your face moves with your injection. The downside is that it's nearly impossible to "copy" someone's lips. But the plus side of this fact is that your lips will probably come out looking more natural and fitted to your face. They're still your lips, just...fuller. 4. You Can Handle the Pain: Maybe you, like a lot of people, aren't super keen on needles. Or pain. Or needles. Surprise! There's no magical way to administer lip injections without injecting the lip (although we wish there were). If you want fuller lips, the fact is, you'll need to undergo the needle. The cool thing about lip injections, though, is that your lips are put under--a numbing cream, that is. The salve is applied generously to the lower parts of the face surrounding the mouth, then let sit for 20 to 30 minutes while the numbing agent activates. This means that, by the time the needles come stabbing at your face, any pain you feel will be more of a dull discomfort that most people find more than bearable; you can tell by the way they come back time and again for top-ups. 5. Recovery is Low-Key: The major difference you'll notice immediately following your injections is some slight swelling and soreness. Some experience slight bruising. As your appointment wraps up, your surgeon will place an ice pack against your lips. He'll encourage you to use ice if you experience any soreness after, but that's about it. The initial swelling and soreness should go away after a day or two. You'll be healthy, free and looking fine to go about your days as normal; go to work, have a drink, whatever. The only real thing to avoid in a day or two following your injections is drinking from straws and sipping on especially hot liquids, although even these are mostly related to the lingering numbness. 6. Injections Won't Last Forever: Depending on the person and type of injection used, the exact length of time fillers can be expected to last vary. Some fillers will stick around for only 4 to 5 months, while others have been seen to last for nearly a year. On average, people find their way back to their surgeon's office for top-ups every 6 months. Everyone's body metabolizes materials differently, and there's no real way to predict this at the outset, but talking with your surgeon on the topic is the only good way to decide what's best for your face. 7. Don't Love Your Fillers? Ditch 'em. In the Leslie Ash days of lip injections, fillers were a seriously permanent thing. The good news for the rest of us (sorry, Leslie, you're too far gone) is that, if you decide after the fact that you're not into your lip fillers, you can have them dissolved! While Collagen fillers aren't so easily taken out, HA-based fillers can vanish at the tiny flick of a needle. If you decide to get rid of your fillers, your lips will be re-injected with an enzyme designed to safely and quickly break down the filler material. You'll be back to your old face in no time. It's important, first, to give your lips that day or two to heal, as the swelling and slight bruising that can occur might be affecting the way your lips actually look. Either way, it's always good to know that, if you want, you can take this decision back. Need Lip Fillers, Like, Now!? Be sure to take your time in choosing the right surgeon and practice for the job. You want someone who makes you feel comfortable and certain they'll do the thing right--after all, you're getting lip fillers to help you feel awesome about yourself! If you're not quite ready to set up a consultation, that's no big deal. Stick around and check out more fun beauty content from us! Read Also : How To Achieve Kissable And Healthy Lips


10 Tips for Saving on Prescription Drug Costs

Per capita spending on prescription drugs is higher in America than anywhere else. This is primarily due to the increase in brand-name prescription drug costs. For anyone dealing with ongoing health issues on a strict budget, this is a big concern. Many people in this situation end up going without much-needed drugs. Unfortunately, even with health insurance, many drugs can still be rather expensive. It's becoming more and more necessary for people to seek out ways to reduce costs while still staying healthy. This may seem impossible, but there are ways. In fact, there are more ways than you may realize. If you need to cut your prescription drug costs, keep reading. We're going over ten options that will help you save. 1. Take Advantage of Samples : Before you start a new medication, make sure you ask about samples. This way you don't pay for anything upfront while you test out the drug to make sure it's right for you. Doctors usually have plenty of sample packets of drugs, especially new ones. Pharmaceutical reps provide them when visiting offices. Drug manufacturers also offer 30-day samples for some drugs. Instead of paying for an entire month's supply, ask your doctor about samples. This is perfect if you have a short-term illness, or aren't sure the drug will work. 2. Always Ask for Generic : Prescription drug costs are always higher for brand-name options. However, many drugs have generic alternatives that aren't as expensive. The same manufacturing standards are applied to these generic versions, but they don't carry the same advertising and research costs. Essentially, you're getting the same drug for much less. Make sure you ask your doctor about generic alternatives to all drugs you're on. If you're skeptical about them, ask about their effectiveness and if they'll have the same effects as the name brands. 3. Get 90-Day Supplies : You can often save on prescription drug costs by opting for 90-day supplies instead of the standard 30-day. Many times, local pharmacies will offer discounted rates if you go with 90-day. Your insurance may also offer reduced prices and even provide free delivery. If you're trying a drug for the first time, it's a good idea to stick with a 30-day supply first to make sure the drug works for you. If it does, look into 90-day refills going forward. 4. Always Compare Prices : You may not realize this, but drug prices fluctuate between pharmacies. Instead of using the pharmacy closest to you, call around to different ones in your area and ask what they charge for the drug you need. This is especially helpful if you don't have insurance, as name brand drugs may have significant price differences from one pharmacy to the next. Once you find the pharmacy with the best deal, make them your go-to source. That way they have your information on file. Remember to always check pharmacies in grocery and retail stores. 5. Shop Online : When it comes to reducing your prescription drug costs, you have to consider shopping online. Web-based pharmacies have gained popularity over recent years, and for good reason. They carry most major drugs at low rates. For example, pharmacies have a user-friendly database of available drugs with price comparison and medication information. You should also look into mail-order pharmacies. Some insurance companies offer discounts for using them. 6. Split up Your Doses : A great technique for cutting down prescription drug costs is splitting your pills in half. It may be possible to get a higher dose of a drug from your doctor and then cut the tablets in half so you're still taking the proper amount. If the price for the higher dose is the same, you'll be cutting your cost in half. You also won't have to bother with refilling your prescription every month. It's crucial that you talk to your doctor about doing this first, as this isn't safe with some drugs. 7. Patient Assistance Programs : Some drug manufacturers offer aid for individuals on a budget. These assistance programs provide discounts for certain drugs. When you're searching online for these, make sure you enter the name of the drug you're on in your search query. Some of these programs come with conditions, such as only being available for a few months' worths of the prescription. But when you're trying to say money, every little bit helps. People on Medicare usually aren't eligible, so make sure you look into the details. 8. Seek Alternatives : There's a good chance a completely different drug is just as effective at treating an illness as the one you're on. And, it may be much cheaper. Many times, doctors aren't aware of the cost of certain drugs. That's why it benefits you to ask if something else could provide the same treatment. You may find that an alternative is much cheaper. 9. Discount Cards : Look into whether you're eligible for prescription drug discount cards. Some insurance providers will offer them, even auto insurance. Other organizations like AARP sometimes provide discount cards to members. Search online for pharmacy discount cards. You should always ask your pharmacist if they have any coupons available. Another place to check is the drug manufacturer's website. Sometimes you can request to have coupons mailed to you for certain medications. 10. Don't Rule out Over-the-Counter Drugs : It's important to stay on top of the treatment options for your illness. There may be an over-the-counter option that can effectively treat your symptoms. In fact, some prescriptions medications were once over-the-counter. If you're on multiple prescriptions, ask your doctor about the possibility of supplementing one of your medications with an over-the-counter drug. This could drastically bring down the cost. You also shouldn't rule out holistic treatment options. Don't Get Buried Under Prescription Drug Costs : The cost of visiting your doctor is high enough as it is. Even if you have health insurance, co-pays can add up. Add the high cost of prescriptions and your medical bills start becoming intimidating. Take some of the stress off by using the tips discussed above. You may be able to save some cash without giving up a healthy life. For more articles on living a healthy lifestyle, check out our blog. Read Also : What’s It Like In A Drug Recovery Center? How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society How To Choose The Right Online Pharmacy