A Guide To Process Painting And How It Benefits Women’s Mental Health

Process Painting

Expressive arts therapy, such as process painting, serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind.

Its primary focus is to shed light on blocked or stagnant areas in therapy. By emphasizing the creative process rather than just verbal communication, it unveils new insights or meanings that traditional talk therapy might not uncover. 

The best thing about them is that they’re suitable for people of almost any age, as it has the core potential to improve your —

  • Emotional, 
  • Spiritual, 
  • Cognitive, and 
  • Physical wellness. 

You wouldn’t need artistic talent, but within this therapy, various methods intensify and enrich the experience — especially for an emotionally troubled woman. 

But what is a process painting group? 

How do they operate? 

What are the positives they can have on you?

We have answered all of these questions elaborately through this article. So, without any further ado, let’s get started with the same right away.

What is Process Painting?

“Process painting” is all about focusing more on how you paint rather than just the final picture. 

Instead of caring a lot about being really good or making something perfect, it’s about enjoying the act of painting itself. In this approach, the canvas works like a playground for expressing yourself without worrying about being skilled or getting a perfect result.

Process painting sets you free from the stress of being perfect, or meeting set rules. Instead, it’s about enjoying making art without worrying about how good it looks. 

You let your feelings and ideas guide your painting without judging yourself. It’s like a journey where each stroke and color helps you explore your thoughts and emotions.

While this type of mindful activity can be done alone, doing it with a group of people can boost its benefits even more. Move on to the next section to learn more about it.

The Benefits of Process Painting

Benefits of Process Painting

Process painting can open a new window of spark and mindfulness in your mind and assist you in thinking better or more efficiently. Let’s keep reading to know more about it.

1: It Can Encourage Your Unfolding Unconscious

When people use creative activities like painting, dancing, or making sculptures, hidden thoughts and feelings can surface without them realizing it. Unlike just talking about things, these activities help bring out stuff that might otherwise stay hidden. 

For example, looking at a picture might remind someone of a forgotten memory, or making a mask might help someone understand a new side of themselves. 

Whether someone uses the art materials or their own abilities like singing or moving, these activities help bring out thoughts and feelings that might be hard to explain with words.

2: It Creates a Line of Communication between You and Your Therapist

Expressive arts therapy helps people communicate deeply, both in what they say and what they create. When someone expresses themselves through art or movement, it mostly brings out new emotions and thoughts. For instance, making a dance piece might bring up unexpected feelings that can then be talked about with a therapist

The art itself, like a painting representing grief, can add more layers of meaning and become a starting point for a conversation about the colors, lines, and symbols used.

3: Helps You Get Control Over Yourself and the Therapeutic Process

Creating a physical representation of your thoughts or emotions can help you feel more in control. For instance, drawing how you feel something can reveal things you might not realize consciously. It also lets you step back and observe your feelings from a distance, which can be really helpful, especially with tough memories. 

Like watching a movie, talking about your experience as an observer can help you detach from any painful feelings at the moment.

4: It May Give a Spark to Your Therapy

Expressive arts therapy helps people imagine and discover new things. It’s like a lightbulb moment where you find something new or understand something in a different way. 

It can help you get unstuck, uncover hidden feelings, and understand the past better. It gives you a new way to express yourself, especially when words don’t capture what you’re going through.

5: It Can Support Integrative Learning

Encouraging people to explore unknown knowledge within themselves is usually boosted by experiencing things through different senses. When we combine these experiences, they create new thoughts, feelings, and images that we wouldn’t typically have. 

For instance, asking someone to focus on the sounds around them can lead to uncovering emotions or sensations they hadn’t noticed before, like hidden pain.

Process Painting – The Procedure

Process painting, as a therapeutic procedure, usually follows a set of rules or steps. We’ve given a glimpse of the same here. However, if you want to know more about it, be sure to join one of the process painting groups. This will give you a practical experience of the same.

1: Set the Space for Process Painting

Setting up the right environment is essential for the painting process. A calm, brightly lit area with enough space to move around enables artists to completely engage in the creative process. 

Supplies like acrylic or tempera paints, different brush sizes, canvas, paper, and other preferred tools are arranged, encouraging free exploration without constraints.

2: Begin without Any Expectation

Individuals start by selecting a color or dipping a brush into the palette without predetermined notions. Once the brush touches the canvas or surface, the painting journey begins. 

The focus, in general, is on embracing the present, enabling colors to mix freely, and allowing organic shapes and forms to take shape spontaneously.

3: Embracing the Flow

During the painting session, people engage with the artwork as it develops, trying out different colors, strokes, and techniques to explore textures and dimensions. They prioritize the creative process over the final outcome, embracing a free-flowing approach without criticism.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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7 Simple Exercises That Can Relieve Back Pain In No Time

Back pain can be very excruciating. This leaves sufferers with no option than to find solutions to the problem. The pain that shoots across the back whenever you bend or try to stand up is not something you should leave for long. It is true that drugs can be a relief. Yet, there are other ways to put it off without taking daily dosages. The answer lies in exercises. These simple exercises can help you to get back on track after moments of excruciating pains. 1. Engage in Side Plank to Relieve Back Pain: This exercise helps you to strengthen the lower back and the waist. Also, it builds up the strength of the stabilizing muscles. For sure, you can do away with back pain after some weeks of the side plank exercise. So, let’s see how you can pull it off. Procedure: Lay on your right side. It will better to lie on the floor with the right side of the body. Attempt lifting up the body while supporting the frame with the right hand rooted to the floor. While lifting up, clench the stomach muscles. This helps you to maintain stability. Make sure to stay in the position for 40-60 seconds. Gently lower the body to the floor, and repeat the process over again. 2. Wall Sits can Relieve Back Pain: Break away from the boredom of sitting for long hours. Kick-start your back pain relief with the wall sit exercise. These tips will help you pull it off. Stand with your back against the wall at a distance of 10-12 inches. Lean back into the wall until your back flattens against it. Slowly slide down the wall until your knees get a slight bend. Hold on to the position for a count of 10. Slide back up the wall, and repeat for 12 more times. 3. Bird Dog is a Relief for Back Pain: This is a nice way to mobile the back. To get started, get on all fours. Make sure your head is in line with the neutrally-positioned spine. Procedure: Get on all fours. Let the knees, hands, and the tip of the feet are touching the ground. Raise the opposite hand and leg in a horizontal position, and hold the position for a count of 3. Increase the time-frame from 3 to 10. While at it, try to raise the opposite legs and hands. Remember to keep the elbows locked, and the stomach tightened. 4. Hip Bridge Relieves Back Pain: This exercise helps to keep pressure off the back and strengthen the lower back muscles. Here are tips to get it right. Lie on your back and keep the legs slightly apart. Prop up the buttocks to lift up the body. Maintain this until it gets to the shoulder length. At the count of 5, lift the body down to the floor. You can try up to 12 times per session to get the best result. 5. Hamstring Stretches reduce Back Pain: The hamstring muscles located at the back of the legs, tend to be stiff during back pain. It is important to stretch it out, and in extension, relieve the pain at the back. This is how to do it: Lie on your back and bend one knee. Loop a towel under the ball of the raised foot. Straighten the knee and pull back on the towel. Try not to exert more force when you feel a gentle stretch down the back of the leg. Try to maintain the position for 30 seconds. Repeat the process four times on each leg. 6. Hip Stretch puts off Back Pain: There is no doubt that this exercise gets to the core point in the body. Also, it is a nice way to get relief from back pain. These practical steps will put you through: Kneel with one knee on the floor. Tilt the other foot forward. Push the hips forward while keeping the back in an upright posture. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Change positions and repeat with the other knee. Repeat the process twice for each knee. 7. Lower Back Stretch can Relieve Back Pain: Have you always wanted to get rid of back pain? A simple stretch at the lower back can do a lot of good. Try your hands at the lower back stretch exercise by putting these steps to work: Kneel with your knees directly under the hips, and the hands directly under the shoulders. Keep the spine in a neutral position. Do not lock the elbows. Now, keep the head in line with the back of the shoulders and the spine. Take the bottom back towards the heels. Maintain the position for 30 seconds. Get back to the first formation and start all over again. Repeat the process for 8 times per session. Get Relief for Back Pain: There is no one who wants to experience pain. It gets worse when it has to do with the excruciating shot that passes across the back. Without taking any drugs, the above exercises will help you get rid of back pain. Get on all fours, and stretch the body as you can to get relief from back pain. If you want to learn more about back pain relief, expert tips and helpful information about chronic pain, just visit Freeyourspine.info. Read Also: Can A Mattress Cause Back Pain? 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Vegetarian Diet

9 Magical Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

No matter whether you don’t include meat into your diet because of ethics or you just don’t tolerate it, you follow a vegetarian diet. It’s highly beneficial if handled properly – with enough protein, healthy fats, carbs, and vital vitamins. If all the rules are followed, you’ll gain at least 9 benefits. Mood Improvement A vegetarian diet is usually not rich with arachidonic acid, which is found in animal products. It was discovered that this acid and mood swings are deeply connected, so the less of it you include into your diet, the better your mood becomes. Psoriasis Treatment Psoriasis is a serious problem for many people, as it affects the skin, making it red and irritated. It was noticed that the symptoms of psoriasis improved greatly in people who gave up on meat. Diabetes Symptoms Reduction Most vegetarian diets improve the health condition of people who have been affected by diabetes. Moreover, this kind of diets reduces the possibility of being affected by the condition. Eating legumes, like black beans , will greatly help in this case. Cataract Risk Reduction There’s a strong connection between what you eat and different diseases, including cataracts. It was noticed that people who don’t include meat in their diet have a lower risk of being affected by the disease in old age. Cholesterol Level Lowering A vegetarian diet helps lower cholesterol levels, mostly because of the absence of saturated fats. However, it’s important to include unsaturated fats that are stored in nuts, seeds, and legumes. To be sure you eat organic sources of unsaturated fat, but them at organic shops like FoodToLive.com. You’ll find many products you need in your diet, along with detailed descriptions of the contents of each product. You won’t have troubles with cholesterol in case you eat organic sources of fats and vitamins. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Vegetarians eat lots of products high in vitamins and antioxidants. It means their bodies are cleaner, and most diseases don’t affect them. Cardiovascular disease is one of those, so if you follow a vegetarian diet, you won’t get atherosclerosis and your heart will be healthier. Obesity Prevention Vegetarians not only eat better food, but they also choose it more thoroughly, which eliminates the possibility of binge eating. It most often leads to rapid weight gain and obesity. Besides, plant-based foods are usually low in calories and high in nutrients, which contributes to your slim and healthy body. Read also: Tips to Lose Weight Naturally Kidney Stones Prevention Giving up on meat and switching to fresh plant-based foods will help you maintain a healthy urine pH. This is one of the main points of kidney stones prevention, as low pH leads to their formation. Nutritional Norms Following It was proved many times that a healthy vegetarian diet meets all nutritional requirements for any person of any age or way of life. Athletes get necessary proteins, infants get vital vitamins, and elderly get all nutrients necessary to support their bodies for longer. If you still think that vegetarians have a poor diet and they are always hungry only because they excluded meat from their meals, consider this question once more after looking at all the benefits of a vegetarian diet! References: globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/9-health-benefits-of-a-vegetarian-diet/

signs of addiction

Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For

Almost ten percent of Americans have used some sort of illicit drug in the past month. Many of those people won't develop any signs of addiction. Typically, people start to use drugs on a recreational basis and over time move from only using in a social setting to using on their own. As time goes on and the disease of addiction progresses, they will begin to exhibit more signs and engage in riskier behavior. Fortunately, there are ways to catch addictions while they are forming. You can approach a loved one before their habit becomes a real problem, but only if you know what to look for. Learn more here. 1. An Increase of Stress and Feelings of Paranoia: Most people turn to drugs and alcohol at stressful times in their life. If you know someone who has a history of turning to substances when they are upset and you find out they are going through a stressful period, you may want to reach out to lend them support. If you reach out and you notice your friend responds with feelings of paranoia, they may be already headed towards developing an addiction. Talk to them about their recent drug and alcohol use. 2. Changes in Behavior: Depending on how often you are able to see your loved one, you will be able to notice changes in their behavior developing. They may start to miss work more, have problems in school, and not care about showing up at social engagements. They may also start to isolate themselves more so that they are able to make more time for using. Their conversations will become dominated by talk of drug and alcohol use. And, they will most likely fall on hard financial times and constantly need more money. 3. Cold or Flu-Like Symptoms: Cold or flu-like symptoms can develop due to long term use of many drugs including meth and opioids. For those who inject the drugs, they will often develop a cough and a runny nose as well as puffy eyes. If you notice that your loved one has some of these symptoms but they don't want to go to the doctor, it could be because they have something to hide. 4. Manipulative Behavior: Drug and alcohol addictions are expensive. Depending on how much access a drug user has to cash, they may frequently be in need of more money to feed their habit. When combined with the threat of withdrawal symptoms, many addicts will choose to steal or manipulate their loved ones in order to get the money they need. They will come up with lies and tell stories in order to borrow more cash. They may also steal valuables from their loved ones that they can sell later for cash. 5. Unexplained Disappearances: Unexplained disappearances are a common indicator of addiction. In order to become an addict, you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. The more time an addict spends high, the less comfortable they tend to feel around friends and family members that don't use. Over time, they may start disappearing for a few hours. After a while, it could become more frequent with disappearances that last for days or even weeks. 6. Dishonesty: If you are using drugs and alcohol frequently, there are very few people in the world who will allow you to openly continue to your behavior. Many addicts feel they have to lie in order to support their habit. If you notice that you keep catching your loved one in lies but aren't sure what's at the root of it all, you should consider whether they might be using drugs or alcohol. 7. The frequency of Use: As mentioned earlier, many people who abuse substances start off by having more control over their use. Over time, they begin to develop a tolerance that causes their body to feel like it needs more just to get high. The more you ingest, the higher your chance of getting addicted. Many addicts feel like they can quit any time they want. This should be a red flag about someone's use since if the problem is being talked about, they probably should have already stopped. 8. Discovery of Drug Paraphernalia: If someone is using drugs, you may not always find their stash. But, you can usually find some evidence of their use, such as drug paraphernalia. Make sure if you confront a loved one about what you have found, that you have all your facts straight before you make the accusation. Most addicts will deny any evidence they are confronted with. 9. Development of a Tolerance: If you have been using drugs and alcohol yourself and you're concerned that you may be pushing it too far, you should consider whether or not you have developed a tolerance to the substances. Tolerance is your body's way of telling you that it has made a permanent adjustment to craving that substance. It's a dangerous indicator of addiction. Other Signs of Addiction: If you have any of the signs of addiction on this list, then it may be time for you to consider a recovery facility. But there is one more major sign left to mention - continuing despite negative consequences. If using substances has been leading to problems in your relationships or finances, then you need to take the problem seriously and get help today. Learn more about rehab here. More Helpful Advice: Now that you know the signs of addiction, you can keep an eye on your loved ones to make sure they stay safe and healthy. For more health and fitness advice, check out our other posts today. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics And The Symptoms Of Their Addiction How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Not On The Straight And Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs Of Drug Use In Teens