5 Ways First Time Traders Can Protect Their Bitcoins Against Thefts In 2021

Published on: 07 October 2021 Last Updated on: 10 February 2023

Hacking is the new way of robbery that has happened in the digital world. If you think that your Cryptocurrency assets are safe just because it is online, then think again.

If you are new to the Cryptocurrency industry, you must be aware that this industry lacks the same level of security that you get from the banks. Before you can move forward with your Crypto investment, let’s first understand how secure Cryptocurrency is.

How Secure Cryptocurrency Is

If you are thinking of investing in Cryptocurrency, you will be aware of the Blockchain technology backing the Cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology records the transaction in the blocks with a timestamp. This process is quite lengthy and complicated, but the result is a secure digital ledger.

The transaction also goes through two-factor authentication. While the security measures are in place, this doesn’t mean that Cryptocurrency is immune to any external threat.

Although Cryptocurrency is considered the safest mode of transaction, its connection to the internet makes it vulnerable.

Save Bitcoins Against Thefts – Protection Of Cryptocurrency

There are various paths to safeguard and reduce the chances of stealing. For example, using a secure platform like bitcoin prime, you can ensure that your digital assets are safe and secure.

Here are the other methods you can use to protect your Cryptocurrency assets.

Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #1. Use Strong Passwords

Using a strong password is the key to safeguarding your digital assets. Never reuse passwords across your accounts, especially for Cryptocurrency accounts. Assume that all of the accounts will eventually face data breaches, and having the same password for all of them means all your accounts will be hacked.

To ensure such a scenario never surfaces up, use different passwords for different accounts. This helps you keep other accounts safe in case one of your accounts gets hacked.

Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #2. Work With Reputable Crypto Wallet

Before deciding a platform to use for their Crypto investment, you must take your time, do thorough research and select only the best Crypto wallet for trade. Make a checklist of the security features that the platform needs to have before qualifying as a safe call for investing.

Using more than one platform can add an extra security layer as long as the two accounts have different strong passwords.

Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #3. Avoid Sharing The Secret Key

The secret keys are used to validate the transactions. Hence, the secret keys should never be shared with anyone, even if you think that the person standing in front of you is trustworthy enough.

The safest way to store your private keys is to store them in cold storage. Cold storage is the process of printing out your keys and erasing their digital footprints and traces. With how easily hackers can get access to the machine, keeping your data online is highly risky.

Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #4. Protect Yourself From Phishing

Many people with Cryptocurrency wallets use mobile applications to trade. However, as their prices soar high, hackers target users using mobile phones to make transactions and trades.

These social engineering attacks can come from any angle. For instance, you might receive unknown text messages, social media messages, or emails.

Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #5. Ensure Vendor Provides Indemnity

This is related to the vendor’s error, failure to perform, and negligence in managing the platform. Having a strong indemnity provision added to the contract so that it protects your digital assets.

When you are taking help from a platform, ensure that the platform is offering:

  • A large balance sheet to back their indemnity.
  • Insurance to cover financial harm you accrue due to their negligence.


Cryptocurrency is a dynamic industry. You need to be proactive to keep up with the changes. The same thing can be said for its cybersecurity. Digital assets being connected with the internet are more prone to risk than traditional assets. Hence, it is important to implement the right cybersecurity protocol to keep them safe.

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Tips To Save Up Money

Top 7 Tips To Save Up Money

A lot of students or newbie job seekers are always stressed about saving up money. They ought to earn their own money and manage all their expenses including food, groceries, housing, internet and phone bills, and whatnot. Well, there are certain expenditures that go unnecessary and which we don’t notice in our cliche lives. Here are 7 tips to help you save up: 1. Getting call tracking services: With our busy lives around we usually do not stress much about our phone bills and ignore how much we are paying for it, considering it as a necessity. You will see the difference in your spendings once you refer to the best call tracking services in Australia. It gives you the opportunity to show how much revenue is being generated during your phone calls and helps you save some money with it. 2. Eating at home: Junk food and fancy restaurants drive most of us crazy. The delicious Chinese, Italian food we crave after each day of work makes us spend a lot on food. To save up, try cutting down junk food. If you crave for some, try making it at your home. This way you will be safe from unhealthy ingredients and will have a fun family or friends time while cooking. 3. Cut off gym: This might sound a bit offending to some people but if you are really not that regular with your gym, better end up the membership and try walking to your place of work instead of using public transport or your car which uses a lot of oil. 4. Ignore car washes: Instead of getting your car washed every weekend and having to pay for it, try giving your car some time and clean it on your own on weekends. If you are not really good at it, give it a professional wash once in two months. 5. Shopping measures: This is one small but very helpful tip. When it’s summer, all you wear is the big jackets and cover your inner clothes up which makes them hidden. So instead of buying new clothes in the winters, wear the old ones as they are gonna be hidden anyway and just buy necessary overcoats. 6. Grocery: Make sure the grocery you are buying is of use and nothing will rot in the back of your refrigerator. A lot of us buy stuff imagining a new recipe and end up forgetting about them. This wastes not only our money but also the fresh food we just brought. Either don’t buy fancy products (if you are not really interested in cooking) or do not keep them hidden. You can have a timetable made if you are pretty organized. 7. Drinks: If you buy canned juices or soft drinks because you are a liquid stuff addict, you should know the preservatives and amount of sugar used in them. Usage in huge amounts might end up hurting your stomach and is a wastage of money. Try exploring and making your own juices or smoothies and store them in your refrigerators. Read Also: The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock of a Bright Financial Future Can Families Be Happier and Healthier And Still Saving Money? Don’t Get a Second Job: 10 Unconventional Ways to Make Money

Invest in Gold

Smart Ways to Invest in Gold

Gold has been in existence for many years and its market has been quite stable. Unlike other assets, it is not volatile and doesn’t fluctuate. It can also give huge returns when held for a long time. In this article, we will explore the benefits and methods of investing in yellow metal. Benefits of Investing in Gold The benefits of investing in gold are: 1. It Holds Value Unlike paper assets, gold is an age-long method of storing wealth. It maintains its value for a longer period. It is the complete physical qualities of Gold that make it highly esteemed. For instance, it is resistant to corrosion. Goldsmiths can work on the metal and turn it into different articles. 2.  Serves as a Hedge Against Economic Instability Gold is well known to protect wealth against inflation. During periods of economic downturns, currencies might be devalued but with gold, things are different. Its value will never become zero. In the past, we saw stocks rise and fall, but gold prices soared because people buy more gold when they anticipate economic instability. 3. Protects Against Political Instability When there is a political crisis, governments place stringent measures to increase revenue. For example, they may stop people from accessing the money in their accounts. But if you own physical gold, you can always collect it and move to another country. How to Invest in Gold The following are smart ways to invest in gold: 1. Physical Bars and Coins Unlike other commodities, investors can easily access gold in the form of bars and coins. They can buy them from brokerage firms, banks, or online bullion dealers. Bullion bars come in a brick of 400 ounces or a quarter of an ounce wafer. When buying coins, you need to be sure of what you are purchasing. There are regular coins and vintage numismatic commodities that are priced based on how much gold they contain. However, if you intend to sell your assets quickly, stick to coins that are in circulation. These include the Canadian Maple Leaf, South African Krugerrand, and the American Eagle. Another important point to note when buying physical bullion is the dealer. Whether you want to buy from an online dealer or a physical store, ensure the dealer is reliable. Also, make sure you get insurance for your bullion because you need to keep them safe. You can read this article to learn how to secure your bullion. Additionally, you can invest in jewelry. Many people enjoy wearing gold jewelry, so they can show off their wealth to friends and onlookers. These pieces of jewelry could be combined with silver, platinum, or precious gems to improve their aesthetics, making them more valuable. In some families, pieces of jewelry are passed down from one generation to another. As a result, the sentiment that family members attach to the pieces increases down the line even beyond the real value of the jewelry. If you are looking to invest in gold jewelry, make sure you know the purity level of the commodity. For instance, if you are paying for 24 karats, be sure that the dealer is not selling 18 karats pieces to you. Many insurance policies cover jewelry. So, make sure to insure your precious pieces in case they go missing. 2. Gold Funds If you do not want to go through the stress of owning physical bullion, you can invest in gold funds. These include ETFs (exchange-traded funds) and mutual funds. These funds follow the price movement of the metal and are traded on the Stock Exchange like stock. Some ETFs offer shares that are equivalent to a tenth of an ounce of gold. So, if the yellow metal trades at $1200 per ounce, each share will be approximately $120. Some ETFs invest in physical precious metals on behalf of investors, giving them exposure to gold’s price movements. Others invest in both bullion and shares of companies involved in mining and refining precious metals. Usually, stocks fluctuate faster than gold’s spot price. Also, companies may be affected by political, economic, and environmental problems that are not related to the price of bullion. However, these should not discourage you from investing in gold funds. ETFs have the potential to appreciate than when you invest in physical bullion. You can check out https://www.thebalance.com/ to get more information about ETFs. 3. Stocks of Gold Mining Companies Investors who cannot access physical precious metals can invest in stocks of gold mining companies. However, you should know that these stocks do not move with the prices of gold. This is because the success or failure of a mining company depends on its management. This affects how the company utilizes funds and makes profits. Therefore, if the company is unsuccessful, you can’t lay claim on the metal. Which Gold Investment Method is the Best for Beginners? There is no best way to hold gold because each method has pros and cons. However, you may want to consider investing in physical gold through a self-directed individual retirement account or a precious metal IRA. This gives you a tax advantage because you won’t pay income tax on your assets until you want to withdraw. Usually, distributions are allowed during retirement or as soon as you attain fifty-nine and a half years. Precious metal IRAs are good for long-term holdings, thereby, increasing the value of your investment. For instance, if you purchased bullion at $1000 per ounce before you retire, the price may have tripled.  But you must make sure the IRA custodian you choose is reliable. Reading reviews like the USAGold review will help you make the right choice when selecting a company to invest with. Gold investment is purely based on speculation, which is not outrightly bad. But you do not need to fill up your portfolio with only one type of asset. It is advisable to have about 4 to 5 percent gold investment in your portfolio to balance the other classes of assets you may already own such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Read Also: Mutual Funds Vs Stocks: Which One Is The Best Option For You How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore Which Type Of Portfolio Might A Young Investor Who Is Not Afraid Of Risk Choose? What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended

Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended for Credit Card Consolidation

Debt consolidation has become a very common practice in the modern world. Financial advisers encourage people to take this approach especially if you want to become debt-free. Always go for a credit card loan during emergencies and look for means and ways of clearing it fast. Credit cards loans only assist you because you get them very fast. However, they come with more disadvantages the benefits to the borrower. At this point, consolidating all your credit card loans into one big but cheaper loan becomes a necessity. Importance of Debt Consolidation: Debt consolidation loan refers to taking out a personal loan that is equivalent to the sum you owe on your high-interest credit cards. After you use the loan to pay off the credit card, you must now pay back the lender that extend the loan to you. If you can find a personal loan with a low-interest rate, you will be saving money in repaying your credit card debt. Lower interest rate means that you can pay off your credit card debt and become debt-free faster. How Debt Consolidation Works: Many online personal loan lenders offer a loan amount of up to $35,000 to more than $100,000. The loan amount that you get approved will depend on whether you have the income to pay back. Once you are approved of the loan, they may send you a check or direct deposit the amount into your bank. You can then use the funds to pay back the credit card debt yourself. Some lenders can help you to submit the payment to your preferred credit card companies. In this case, you have to tell them what lenders to submit the payment and the amount to submit for each lender. Read More: Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans Other benefits of Debt Consolidation: Now that you can afford to pay back the loan, you must be diligent in making the repayment every month. In this way, your credit score will be build-up by the time you finish repaying the loan. You should check your credit report prior to applying for a personal loan use for the purpose of debt consolidation. The debt consolidation loan could also help to extend your loan term and reduce the monthly payment. Making a minimum payment on the loan means that you are only paying the interest rate. The actual amount you owe will remain the same in this case. This option is ideal for people who have limited income and need help in repaying the loan. The lender will review your credit profile and financial documents when deciding whether to approve the loan. It is easy to get a low-interest debt consolidation loan when you have a good/excellent credit score. In addition, you also must have a low outstanding debt to qualify for a low-interest rate. The length of repayment will also affect the interest rate. Longer repayment term causes you to pay a higher interest rate. A debt consolidation loan can consolidate your credit card debts into a single monthly payment. Before that, you have to remember different due dates from different credit cards to make sure you promptly submit the payment to the credit card company. It is easy to miss a payment when you have multiple due dates to remember. Now, you just have one repayment date to remember. This ensures that you will always remember to make the repayment on time. Read More: How To Get An Auto Loan At A Low-Interest Rate Conclusion: It’s a nice move to consolidate all your credit cards debts into a single but less expensive loan. You will have a peace of mind from the single installment and reduced interest rates. You will also rebuild your credit history as you continue repaying the loan as long as you make timely monthly installments. Read More: Best Home Buying Tips For First Time Buyers Oh, Crop! Killer E-Commerce Mistakes You Need To Conquer Questions To Ask When Working With A Web Developer