Why is random blood sugar test prescribed?

Published on: 20 July 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
blood sugar test

Random blood sugar test is the glucose test taken of the non-fasting person. Also termed as a capillary-blood glucose test, it assumes the recent meal taken which has more of the reference value when compared to a fasting glucose blood test. The random sugar level of the person ranges between 70mg/dl-150mg/dl. The variation of the sugar level of blood is dependent on the food consumed, the quantity of food consumed and the time passed by when the person took the last meal. The test to check glucose level randomly is important for various reasons. Here the patient’s finger is pricked to draw the small bit of blood. This test is a powerful test to find out how well diabetes is managed. Indeed, it is mostly performed on those suffering from diabetes. High blood sugar is the result of consuming food high in carbs, glucagon which results in elevated blood sugar level. If the pancreas fails to secrete sufficient insulin then the condition will be high blood sugar, resulting in diabetes. Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar if not checked timely can result in heart diseases, kidney damage, nerve damage or loss of vision.

The importance of glucose testing :

Diabetes is the health condition which results when the pancreas fails to perform or fails to release sufficient insulin into the bloodstream. Only with insulin, glucose can enter the blood and get converted into energy. This mechanism does not take place efficiently when there is diabetes. Some of the symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst and frequent urination. Sugar builds up in the bloodstream while it fails to get absorbed by the body. When more water is flushed out from the body in the form of urine, there will be dehydration. Some of the symptoms of diabetes are blurred vision, weight loss, slower healing of injuries, cuts, and wounds, feeling of tiredness every time. The glucose test is a very valuable test which helps in the detection of diabetes and helps to manage it. Along with the glucose test, the doctor may prescribe a urine test. If the test is conducted on an empty stomach, sugar level must be below 100mg/dl. If it is between 100-125 level, it implies the pre-diabetes stage. There may be Type II diabetes resulting from prediabetes. If diabetes is found out through the report, the doctor prescribes you another test. It may be that the reading was inaccurate and so a high level of sugar is suggested. Along with the glucose test, you may be asked to do a urine test as well.

Random glucose testing helps to manage the condition :

Random glucose testing is the way of detecting an elevated level of glucose in the blood. The ones who don’t have diabetes, their random glucose test results will suggest similar readings no matter whether the meal is taken or not. There won’t be much difference in the glucose levels even if the test is taken normally twice or thrice the day.

For those who have prediabetes, their test reports would show varied results. The random test is carried out much outside the usual schedule. Just like blood urea nitrogen test detects nitrogen in the bloodstream, glucose test suggests the level of glucose in the blood.

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Scalp Micropigmentation

Everything Balding Men Need to Know About Scalp Micropigmentation

The Vancouver Paramedical Clinic ― scalp micropigmentation training is one of the leading training programs for one of the fastest growing careers in North America. With a client base numbering a least 50 million by conservative estimates, this should come as no surprise. Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a procedure that is quickly becoming one of the most preferred hair loss solutions for men. SMP also works for women who are suffering hair loss due to hormonal issues and those who are suffering from medical conditions. So, what exactly is scalp micropigmentation and what is in it for you? If you are one of the millions of balding men in North America, here’s everything you need to know about SMP. More than restore your youthful looks, you may even consider a career in this burgeoning industry that experts predict to continue to grow for the next 10 years. Scalp Micropigmentation: Scalp micropigmentation is a treatment that gives balding scalps the appearance of having tiny hair follicles. When done correctly, a bald spot will look more like it has been closely cropped or shaved. This non-invasive treatment is ideal for restoring receding hairlines, make hair look fuller for women with bald spots and even hide scars from hair transplant procedures. Those with thinning hair can also benefit from this treatment as skilled SMP technicians (also called artists) can give you the look of having a thicker head of hair. SMP can also help those who are suffering from alopecia, a medical condition characterized by hair loss and patients undergoing chemotherapy. There are several reasons why SMP better than other hair loss solutions. Scalp micropigmentation treatment can be completed within a matter of hours. Depending on how dark you want your SMP follicles to appear, you may need one or two more treatments to refine the initial treatment. Once you are done, you won’t need any medications, and your treated scalp will require little to no maintenance at all. Apart from restoring hairlines and hiding bald spots, scalp micropigmentation can also hide scarring on the scalp. A large number of those seeking SMP treatment usually do so to camouflage scalp damage due to strip and follicular unit transplant (FUT)/follicular unit excision (FUE) scarring that inevitably appears after hair transplant treatments. Skilled SMP technicians can also use various techniques to hide accident and alopecia scars, marks left by head acne and bumps from hair plugs. Scalp Micropigmentation vs. Hair Tattoo: While there are similarities between scalp micropigmentation and tattooing, these are two completely different disciplines. For one, SMP treatments require specialized equipment designed just for the procedure, which likewise require specialized training to use. Here are the major differences between SMP and tattooing: SMP clinics: Scalp micropigmentation treatments take place in a clinic as opposed to tattoo parlors. These treatment environments are sanitary and are compliant with workplace safety and biohazard requirements. SMP clinics ideally should also have surgical lighting as well as loupes that will enable the technicians to make more detailed needle strokes. SMP artists: Unlike tattoo artists, SMP technicians employ advanced techniques that are completely different to that used by a tattoo artist. SMP techs know exactly the type of settings and needles required for a specific scalp as well as the density and pigment of the ink to be deposited on the scalp. Medical grade pigments: Tattoo artists use ink. SMP treatments, on the other hand, use medical grade pigments that are specially made for the scalp. Such pigments are designed to remain unaffected by the natural oils on the scalp. The pigments are also hypoallergenic and resistant to fading. If you are considering an SMP treatment, it will be in your best interest to avoid tattoo parlors that are offering “hair tattooing.” Do yourself a favor by going directly to SMP technicians and save yourself the trouble of wearing a scalp with a botched hair tattoo. Scalp Micropigmentation Training: As popular as scalp micropigmentation has become in recent years, experts still predict the industry to grow even more within the next decade at least. This is because male pattern baldness continues to affect millions of males in North America alone, and there is no cure for this condition currently. Because it is a quick, convenient and safe alternative to surgery, scalp micropigmentation should continue to win proponents in the years to come. With the present cost of a regular SMP treatment, it may interest you to know that an SMP technician can earn on the upward of $300,000 annually at two clients a week. This should dispel any doubts from those who mistakenly think that the cost of SMP training is too high. What Is Involved in Scalp Micropigmentation Training? The training institution mentioned at the start of this article offers a five-day course with intensive hands-on training, along with comprehensive classroom lectures. The course covers color theory and skin pigment basics, hands-on equipment training on a live model, clinic set up and advice on the business and marketing aspect of SMP. Here’s what a five-day training course looks like: Day 1: Intro to SMP, pigments and color matching, pain control, skin structure, demo on the latest gear, basic procedure, needle positioning, and hands-on practice. Day 2: Dealing with pigment allergies, post-treatment care, and management, stroke correction, hiding scalp scars, consultation basics, forms and releases needed for your clinics, medical records, workplace safety and clinic sanitation, equipment sterilization, and hygiene. Day 3: Protective gear, preventing cross-contamination, pigment migration, more workplace safety tips, hands-on equipment training on a live model and making pigment corrections. Day 4: Pointillism techniques, hair replication strokes, equipment familiarization and maintenance, techniques, marketing and more hands-on treatment on a live model. Day 5: Hiding scars, scar pigment correction, blending, hair stroke techniques, needling, color mixing hair replication tricks and hands-on training. As more hairlines continue to recede in the coming years, the demand for more SMP technicians will increase even more. There is a current shortage of SMP artists, and this may be your chance to embark on a new and more financially rewarding career. If you think you have what it takes to become an SMP technician, enrolling in a comprehensive workshop offered by a reputable institution would be a good place to start. Read Also: 6 Proven Ways To Deal With Hair Loss For Women Possible Causes Of Hair Damage When Visiting A Salon Dealing With The Psychological Impact Of Alopecia

Back Pain

Easy Ways To Prevent Back Pain With A Seat Cushion When You Are Seated All Day Long

Most people think that just because you have a job where you sit all day long that you have it made. Well, this is not the case at all. In fact, it is far more likely that you will injure your back from sitting as compared to individuals that up and moving around. In fact, research that dates back to the 1950s shows a direct correlation between back pain and individuals that remain seated all day. It was also discovered that bus drivers are far more likely to suffer from heart attacks when compared to the conductors on the same bus. If you are an individual that sits all day long then these facts are probably truly frightening. Well, do not fret because there are some easy ways that you can prevent lower pain back. Get Exercise When You Can: Most people know that they should be exercising, but they simply just don't do it. They either convince themselves that they don't have the time or they are just too tired after eight hours of work. Well, you might be surprised that one hour of exercise and combat the effects of sitting for eight hours. One hour of exercise could cover your whole workday. Exercise doesn't have to be something that is dreaded or physically draining. You don't have to go to the gym and hits the weights. You can simply choose an activity like rowing, walking, or biking. Turn that exercise into a hobby and it will be easier to get motivated to do it every day. Take Advantage Of Back Stretching Exercises: It doesn't matter how many hours of the day you sit there are a number of back stretching exercises that you can take advantage of to help ease the soreness and pain. You can do these exercises when you are not at work or on your lunch break and they can help prevent injury or even provide relief if you are already suffering an injury. The best two exercises available are plank and 2-point superman. You have probably heard of the plank before as it is an extremely common exercise. It basically just involves laying on the floor with your forearms in front of you with your elbow in line with your shoulders. Once in this position, you will lift yourself up onto your toes and elbows for 15 seconds. The 2-point superman will require you to get on all fours and straighten your right leg behind you while raising your left arm in front of you. You will literally look like Superman flying through the air. You will want to hold this position for 10 seconds and then switch to the other side. Take Advantage Of The Right Posture Products: Many people know that posture is important, but that doesn't make it easy to maintain the right posture at all times. This is especially true if you have already developed bad posture. Well, there are a number of products available on the market like the coccyx cushion that can help make your posture better. These cushion products are also equipped with 100% memory foam with no additives. They are literally made of the same material that can be found in the world's leading memory foam mattresses. Such cushion with these abilities can be used to improve bad posture and relieve leg pain while driving or sitting for extended periods of time. Constantly Change Seating Positions: If you work in an office you have the advantage of getting up and moving around, but if you are a driver this is probably something that won't be available to you. Well, this is where changing up your seating positions can come in handy. Every hour so make sure that you are shifting around in your seat to prevent yourself from staying in the same position for an extended period of time. Read Also: What Are The Benefits Of Using A Pedal Exerciser? What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?

Live Stress-Free

How To Live Stress-Free

Life is full of challenges and it is your responsibility as an individual to make it work to your advantage. It is not that easy to balance between meeting your daily bills and living your dream. That is why you see everybody working very hard just trying to make ends meet. Sometimes life can be somehow unfair to you especially if you are the kind of person who is going through a financial or social crisis. Such frustrations in life are common and those who are affected are full of thoughts, thinking of how they can turn things around. That results in stress and if the stress levels are not well managed the situation might get worse and you end up suffering from depression. When you are stressed, the body releases more of the cortisol hormone, which ends up causing a lot of damage to the skin. That is why you get to complain about dry and itching skin when you are stressed. When your skin gets damaged by the stress-related hormones, wrinkles (parallel lines) appear on your face. The wrinkles make you look much older than your age and reflect your sufferings. They make you feel uncomfortable and the look is not that appealing. To ensure that your body is not exposed to such unbearable conditions, there are a few things you need to do to avoid living in hell and start living a healthy life. Give your body ample rest: Remember that when you overwork the body, the mind also becomes tired. You need to give your body ample rest so that the mind can relax too. You are supposed to sleep for not less than six hours a day so that the mind and body can have enough time to repair any damage from the day. When you go to sleep, ensure that your head is resting on a wrinkle prevention pillow. This is because in most cases when you are sleeping, the turns and twists may result in sleep wrinkles. A wrinkle prevention pillow reduces and prevents those sleep lines drastically and you wake up looking absolutely flawless. Eat food and drinks rich in antioxidants: Make sure that you eat food with high fiber content, low in saturated fats and rich in vitamins too. The leafy green veggies are a good source of fiber, while fruits provide vitamins. Nuts and berries are also useful together with foods rich in Omega-3 such as wild salmon. Try drinking herbal tea as it will help to calm your mind. Water is also very important as it helps to hydrate the skin and to detox the body. Go out and have fun: Many people work extremely hard and they forget to give themselves time to have fun. You need to set aside time for having fun! If you know what makes you happy, don’t sit back and wait. Go out there and have some fun. When you are having a good time with family or friends, you forget about the worries and stress at least for a moment. Life is too short, so stay happy always. Read Also: Art Activities For Stress Relief Releasing Stress Even If You Don’t Leave Home Make Your Vacation Less Stressful With The Following Tricks