5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Lawyer


23 March 2019


Business Needs a Lawyer

In today’s business climate, it’s not only the large companies that need to have a lawyer working for them.  Legal complications and lawsuits can arise when you least expect it, and often for reasons you hadn’t even considered; it’s, therefore, vital that you are protected.  If you’re unsure just how important business law attorneys are, keep reading.  Here are five reasons why having a relationship with one is so crucial.

1. Ensure Agreements and Contracts are Airtight:

Many businesses don’t consider the importance of agreements and contracts until a problem arises, and by then it’s usually too late to do anything about it.  A business lawyer will be able to advise you on the types of contracts that you need, and what they need to contain, whether you work with employees, freelancers or contractors.  Having a lawyer set these up early can help to avoid costly oversights further down the line.

2. Help You Through a Lawsuit:

If you are ever hit with a lawsuit or threatened with legal action, you’ll be a step ahead if you already have an attorney on your team.  Your attorney will already understand the ins and outs of your company and will have constructed the legal agreements mentioned above that are designed to protect you.  They will be able to advise you on whether the defendant has a case, and be able to help you through the process.

3. Help You Avoid Mistakes You Weren’t Aware Of:

Running a business can feel like a legal minefield sometimes, and a business lawyer can help you to avoid many of the mistakes most business owners didn’t even realize were problems.  This is true both for large businesses and small, as well as solo entrepreneurs.  Hiring an attorney who has a specific interest in your business could help you to save a significant amount of time, worry, and stress.

4. Can Make it Easy to Get Paid:

In business, it’s not uncommon for certain clients or customers to drag out payments, often beyond the predetermined schedule you’d set up.  Many business owners end up spending a long time chasing these payments, which can take them away from the more important matters of their business.  And, in some cases, the clients don’t pay at all.  A business lawyer can draft a letter suggesting that you will be taking immediate action if your accounts aren’t paid up in full.  This is often enough to motivate a client into taking the required action.

5. They Can Refer You to Other Professionals:

Most business attorneys have contacts in other industries and this can be really useful, especially for small businesses and startups.  If you have specialized tax queries or need help with something else really specific, your lawyer should be able to put you in touch with a recommended professional who can help.  A well-connected lawyer can truly be worth their weight in gold.

Hopefully, after reading this article you now understand why a business attorney is so important.

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Employment Attorney Law Firm In California

Why You Need To Consult With Employment Attorney Law Firm In California

In the cases of whistleblowers, or employees who have been returned to the workplace after winning a wrongful termination suit, any action taken by an employer that is "materially detrimental" to an employee is considered retaliatory under the law. The following are examples of materially detrimental actions: Dismissal Being moved to a less desired position Being passed over for a promotion Not being hired/promoted are all examples of adverse employment actions. In addition, significantly unfavorable actions are measures that an employer might use to discourage an employee from engaging in a protected activity are also prohibited. Some of these unfavorable actions might include: Negating compensation for work. Click here for more on employee compensation. Suspending Any abuse or threats Damaging, erroneous assessments of, or reports about, family members' treatment So What May You Do Without Fear Of Reprisal? According to the statute, workers are shielded from retaliation for engaging in certain "protected activities." The following statutes establish these guaranteed rights, and the EEOC is responsible for enforcing most of them. Relevant laws are: Specifically, the (ADA), The Age Discrimination in the Workplace Act (ADEA) The Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 Section 501 of said Rehabilitation Act There are also laws protecting employees' right to fair compensation and privacy of medical information and the safeguarding of employee privileges The US Dept of Labor established OSHA to shield workers who blow the whistle by filing complaints or exercising their rights from any kind of reprisal. Go to Whistleblowers.gov for additional information. There are strict deadlines for reporting retaliation that must be met before a claim can be filed with OSHA. Three Broad Types Of Lawful Pursuits These broad categories are summarized in this article and include the vast majority of legally sanctioned pursuits: If an employee has a good faith and reasonable suspicion that their employer is engaging in unlawful conduct, he or she has a duty to disclose this suspicion, either to the company's internal compliance department or to the appropriate authorities. An employer cannot take any action against an employee that would have a "materially detrimental effect" because of this protected behavior. Real-world scenarios where an employee could disclose criminal activity include: Disclose sexual harassment incidents Having experienced prejudice of some kind Confronting dangerous workplace circumstances and reporting them False claims that the employer violated the law by not paying overtime or providing mandatory breaks What is known as "whistleblowing" is a distinct field, however, any of these circumstances may be covered under the broad term of whistleblowing. Possessing And Using One's Employee Rights Many different agencies, both federal and state, have tackled the issue of protecting workers' rights. Limits on drug testing, the right to a minimum salary, paid and unpaid parental leave, the ability to return to civilian employment after military duty, the right to a safe and healthy workplace environment, etc. all fall within this vast category of employment law. The threat of retaliatory wrongful termination (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrongful) exists whenever an employee seeks to exercise a legal privilege that is not to the liking of the employer. Here are some frequent instances in which an employer may retaliate against a worker who is only asserting his or her rights: Making a request for reasonable accommodations due to a disability or religious beliefs Asking for a cut of tips received Using paid time off for things like medical leave or civic duties like voting or jury duty Taking part in a government inquiry - Employees have the right to take part in any legal proceedings, including investigations and hearings, that involve their employer. This includes situations when an employee is asked to testify against their employer in court or when they voluntarily offer information to government authorities about the company's procedures. There is an almost infinite list of potential motives for retaliation against a worker. Retaliation cases have the largest volume and proportion of all EEOC claims. Retaliation allegations have been on the rise over the years, now making up about 45 percent of all claims filed with the commission. Verifying Retaliation These three conditions must be met before an employee may file a claim with the EEOC against their employer: There had been a protected event. Employer reprimand or discipline All of the aforementioned are linked together because of a causal relationship, which proves retaliation. It is reasonably difficult to prove the third criterion, the connection between the employee's protected action and their subsequent firing. There can always be a “reason” for employee termination, especially in a right-to-work state. This means any and all evidence to the claim must be handled in a timely and efficient manner by an employment attorney to provide the appropriate documentation to file a case. The link might be established based on either direct or circumstantial evidence. Finding remarks in writing or verbally that show the case is an example of direct evidence, whereas circumstances that suggest retribution were taken into account indirectly are examples of circumstantial evidence. The burden of proof is with the employee; it is not on the employer to refute the allegation. For retaliation to be presumed to have taken place, there must be evidence that supports that likelihood. Protections Against Retaliation If the court finds that retaliation occurred, the following compensation is possible: Pay in advance or readmission to work pending employment Discretionary funds The costs you spent before, during, and after your employment ended unfairly Legal costs and time in court Compensation for mental anguish Damage awards against private companies as punishment In many instances of retaliation, the parties are able to come to an agreement out of court and avoid going to trial. The amount of a retaliation settlement is determined by the nature of the dispute and the likelihood of the result. Companies often choose to settle employment disputes rather than risk the high costs of litigation if an employee has a compelling case. However, it is always important to speak with a professional employment attorney as quickly as possible in order to ascertain the validity of your case. Read Also: Can an Employee Claims for a Personal Injury When Working From Home? Understanding How Employee Recognition Can Aid Your Consulting Firm Picking the Right Law Firm for You and Your Family

Criminal Defence Lawyer

How To Find The Best Criminal Defence Lawyer In Sydney

Sydney in Australia is a bustling metropolis known for its vibrant culture, stunning landmarks, and thriving legal system. However, navigating the complexities of the legal world, especially in criminal cases, can be overwhelming and daunting. When confronted with criminal allegations, it becomes essential to enlist the assistance of a proficient and seasoned criminal defense attorney. This article will explore how to find the best criminal defence lawyer in Sydney, ensuring you have the right advocate when you need it the most. Key Factors to Consider Several critical factors must be considered when seeking the best criminal defense lawyer. By considering these factors, you can make a well-informed decision and guarantee that your legal representation is characterized by top-tier quality. 1. Experience and Expertise First and foremost, it is crucial to find a criminal defense lawyer with substantial experience and expertise in handling cases similar to yours. Criminal law encompasses a wide range of offenses, from drug charges to white-collar crimes and everything in between. Look for a lawyer specializing in your case's specific area of criminal law. This specialization ensures that your lawyer is well-versed in the nuances of the law relevant to your situation. 2. Reputation and Track Record A lawyer's reputation and track record often indicate their competence and success in the courtroom. Research the lawyer's background, read client reviews, and seek referrals from friends, family, or trusted acquaintances. A lawyer with a solid reputation for achieving favorable outcomes for clients is a strong indicator of their ability to represent you effectively. 3. Communication and Availability Effective communication is paramount in the attorney-client relationship. It is essential to select a lawyer who demonstrates accessibility, responsiveness, and a willingness to provide regular updates on the status of your case. The best lawyers in Sydney are skilled advocates and effective communicators who can guide you through the legal process. 4. Fees and Billing Structure Discuss the lawyer's fees and billing structure upfront to avoid surprises later. While legal services can be costly, it's essential to understand the cost of representation and how billing will work. Some lawyers offer flat fees, while others bill hourly. Be sure to clarify payment expectations to ensure a transparent and mutually beneficial arrangement. 5. Personal Compatibility Your relationship with your criminal defense lawyer should be built on trust and mutual respect. During an initial consultation, assess whether you feel comfortable working with the lawyer. Your attorney should lend a receptive ear to your concerns, comprehensively respond to your inquiries, and offer guidance tuned to your requirements and preferences. 6. Resources and Support Team Successful criminal defense often involves a team effort. In addition to the lawyer's skills, please inquire about the support team they have in place. Paralegals, investigators, and administrative staff can all play crucial roles in building a solid defense for your case. Conclusion Navigating the criminal defense lawyer in Sydney can be complex and challenging, but having the right lawyer by your side can make all the difference. By taking into account elements such as the lawyer's experience, their standing in the legal community, their ability to communicate effectively, their fee structure, the compatibility of your working relationship, and the strength of their support team, you can identify the attorney who will passionately champion your rights and deliver the legal representation you are entitled to receive. Remember that each case is unique, and finding the right lawyer tailored to your needs is paramount. With thorough research and careful consideration of all the factors, you can take the first step toward securing the best possible legal defense in Sydney. Read Also: 3 Personality Traits of a Successful and High-Ranking Criminal Lawyer 5 Reasons Why You Should Take A Criminal Lawsuit Seriously 7 Ways Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You


What Are the Costs of Our Aging Infrastructure?

After World War II, America became a global leader of commerce and saw an incredible boom in the prosperity of its citizens. This was fueled, in large part, by the building of infrastructure and the rise of the middle class in our country. Over a 50-year period, beginning in the 1950s, the United States invested billions of dollars into its infrastructure by building roads, airports and schools that were innovative and ambitious and that literally paved the way for one of the most impressive stretches of growth experienced by any nation in global history. This small bit of U.S. history is vital to understanding a major problem we currently face. The ambitious undertaking of building America’s infrastructure has slowly become a serious economic challenge. There is a seemingly endless stream of news reports and columns devoted to the daunting task of fixing all parts of our infrastructure, including our roads, bridges, airports, oil lines, water lines and waterways. But we don’t have to look to newspapers or scholarly essays about the challenges posed by our aging infrastructure. We experience it on a daily basis, from the potholes that cause tire blowouts to the corroded service lines that have unleashed dangerously high levels of lead and caused upheaval in a number of communities across our nation. There has been much effort devoted to examining the challenges, the costs and the need for fixing our infrastructure. Let’s break down just a few of the categories to get a better perspective on what we need and why we need it. Roads - Our roadway infrastructure, which includes highways, interstates and local roads, received a “D” grade from the American Society of Civil Engineers. Fixing our infrastructure will be costly, and the fact that federal funding accounts for only a small percentage of road funding is a reflection of the fact that our crumbling roads impact us at a very local and personal level. The costs come in the form of stretches of roads plagued with structural deficiencies that cause our vehicles to break down and roads whose initial design, while once adequate, now fails to keep pace with the traffic they currently need to accommodate. For example, think of the long list of cities that experience incredible congestion on a daily basis or the potholes which are left unattended on our neighborhood roads. Read also: Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends for 2017 Bridges - The ASCE actually gives our bridges a “C+” grade, which - believe it or not - is one of the three highest grades given to 16 categories graded by the organization. Even though it is graded slightly higher than other sectors of our infrastructure, it is still in dire need of repair. The cost to drivers also comes in the form of breaks in surfaces and inability to accommodate traffic flow, but perhaps more alarming is the possibility of collapse. Another important statistic before we move on to the next category: One out of every 10 bridges in the United States is structurally deficient. Pipelines - While our roads and our bridges are often several decades old, many of the pipes used in the United States are even older. It is not uncommon for certain systems to have been built over a century ago, long before we knew just how dangerous the materials used would become for future generations. Two examples highlight our challenges in this particular area. First is the lead contamination of our drinking water that has caused lead poisoning of communities across the country. The ASCE’s latest report card gives our drinking water infrastructure a “D” grade. The costs, they say, could be up to $1 trillion over the coming decades. The second example is frequent gas line explosions, one of which occurs, on average, every other day in the United States, as reported by USA Today. Our energy infrastructure gets a “D+” grade from the ASCE. Airports - Just like many other structures in the country, our airports are struggling to meet the demands of more passengers and higher volumes of traffic. The average airport in the United States is around 40 years old, and our country is struggling to fund the maintenance of these facilities, even as other countries are making available significant investments to improve their airports. The ASCE gives our airports a “D” grade and points to the Federal Aviation Administration’s estimated cost of congestion and delays at roughly $22 billion. The investment needed to modernize and fix the infrastructure of our airports is even greater, over $75 billion, according to the Airports Council International-North America. Schools - One of our biggest challenges is fixing the infrastructure which accommodates our young people. The majority of our schools were built for the baby boomer generation, according to the ASCE, who gives our school infrastructure a “D” grade. It will cost around $270 billion to modernize and maintain these facilities. The aging school buildings present a number of threats for children and teachers alike. Old water lines carry contaminated water into several school systems across the United States, and structural deficiencies also make these buildings hazardous to students. Yet another danger is the presence of asbestos in school buildings.  Any school building constructed prior to 1980 is likely to have asbestos. Once asbestos deteriorates or becomes airborne, it can cause serious complications to those who are exposed to it, including lung cancer or mesothelioma. Meeting Our Challenges The costs of fixing our infrastructure are great, but the costs currently being suffered by Americans are already taking a significant toll. We are paying for the challenges we face in ways that go way beyond tax dollars and construction projects. Unfortunately, we are paying the price through injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. The same country that built these incredible stretches of roads, bridges, and pipelines is also capable of repairing them, despite the large price tag that comes with such a task. When we consider what we need to do to move forward in this country, let’s not forget about the actual roads that lay in front of us. Ignoring this responsibility will not just place a burden on future generations -- it is a burden we are already carrying. The Law Offices of John R. Colvin focus primarily in the areas of Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Workers’ Compensation, and Social Security Disability. They represent clients in the Tennessee Valley region, including Tennessee and Alabama.