Why You Need To Consult With Employment Attorney Law Firm In California


11 March 2023


Employment Attorney Law Firm In California

In the cases of whistleblowers, or employees who have been returned to the workplace after winning a wrongful termination suit, any action taken by an employer that is “materially detrimental” to an employee is considered retaliatory under the law.

The following are examples of materially detrimental actions:

  • Dismissal
  • Being moved to a less desired position
  • Being passed over for a promotion
  • Not being hired/promoted are all examples of adverse employment actions.

In addition, significantly unfavorable actions are measures that an employer might use to discourage an employee from engaging in a protected activity are also prohibited. Some of these unfavorable actions might include:

  • Negating compensation for work. Click here for more on employee compensation.
  • Suspending
  • Any abuse or threats
  • Damaging, erroneous assessments of, or reports about, family members’ treatment

So What May You Do Without Fear Of Reprisal?

According to the statute, workers are shielded from retaliation for engaging in certain “protected activities.” The following statutes establish these guaranteed rights, and the EEOC is responsible for enforcing most of them. Relevant laws are:

  • Specifically, the (ADA),
  • The Age Discrimination in the Workplace Act (ADEA)
  • The Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964
  • Section 501 of said Rehabilitation Act
  • There are also laws protecting employees’ right to fair compensation and privacy of medical information and the safeguarding of employee privileges
  • The US Dept of Labor established OSHA to shield workers who blow the whistle by filing complaints or exercising their rights from any kind of reprisal. Go to Whistleblowers.gov for additional information.

There are strict deadlines for reporting retaliation that must be met before a claim can be filed with OSHA.

Three Broad Types Of Lawful Pursuits

Three Broad Types Of Lawful Pursuits

These broad categories are summarized in this article and include the vast majority of legally sanctioned pursuits:

If an employee has a good faith and reasonable suspicion that their employer is engaging in unlawful conduct, he or she has a duty to disclose this suspicion, either to the company’s internal compliance department or to the appropriate authorities. An employer cannot take any action against an employee that would have a “materially detrimental effect” because of this protected behavior. Real-world scenarios where an employee could disclose criminal activity include:

  • Disclose sexual harassment incidents
  • Having experienced prejudice of some kind
  • Confronting dangerous workplace circumstances and reporting them
  • False claims that the employer violated the law by not paying overtime or providing mandatory breaks
  • What is known as “whistleblowing” is a distinct field, however, any of these circumstances may be covered under the broad term of whistleblowing.

Possessing And Using One’s Employee Rights

Possessing And Using One's Employee Rights

Many different agencies, both federal and state, have tackled the issue of protecting workers’ rights. Limits on drug testing, the right to a minimum salary, paid and unpaid parental leave, the ability to return to civilian employment after military duty, the right to a safe and healthy workplace environment, etc. all fall within this vast category of employment law. The threat of retaliatory wrongful termination (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrongful) exists whenever an employee seeks to exercise a legal privilege that is not to the liking of the employer.

Here are some frequent instances in which an employer may retaliate against a worker who is only asserting his or her rights:

  • Making a request for reasonable accommodations due to a disability or religious beliefs
  • Asking for a cut of tips received
  • Using paid time off for things like medical leave or civic duties like voting or jury duty
  • Taking part in a government inquiry – Employees have the right to take part in any legal proceedings, including investigations and hearings, that involve their employer.
  • This includes situations when an employee is asked to testify against their employer in court or when they voluntarily offer information to government authorities about the company’s procedures.

There is an almost infinite list of potential motives for retaliation against a worker. Retaliation cases have the largest volume and proportion of all EEOC claims. Retaliation allegations have been on the rise over the years, now making up about 45 percent of all claims filed with the commission.

Verifying Retaliation

These three conditions must be met before an employee may file a claim with the EEOC against their employer:

  • There had been a protected event.
  • Employer reprimand or discipline
  • All of the aforementioned are linked together because of a causal relationship, which proves retaliation.

It is reasonably difficult to prove the third criterion, the connection between the employee’s protected action and their subsequent firing. There can always be a “reason” for employee termination, especially in a right-to-work state. This means any and all evidence to the claim must be handled in a timely and efficient manner by an employment attorney to provide the appropriate documentation to file a case.

The link might be established based on either direct or circumstantial evidence. Finding remarks in writing or verbally that show the case is an example of direct evidence, whereas circumstances that suggest retribution were taken into account indirectly are examples of circumstantial evidence.

The burden of proof is with the employee; it is not on the employer to refute the allegation. For retaliation to be presumed to have taken place, there must be evidence that supports that likelihood.

Protections Against Retaliation

If the court finds that retaliation occurred, the following compensation is possible:

  • Pay in advance or readmission to work pending employment
  • Discretionary funds
  • The costs you spent before, during, and after your employment ended unfairly
  • Legal costs and time in court
  • Compensation for mental anguish
  • Damage awards against private companies as punishment

In many instances of retaliation, the parties are able to come to an agreement out of court and avoid going to trial. The amount of a retaliation settlement is determined by the nature of the dispute and the likelihood of the result. Companies often choose to settle employment disputes rather than risk the high costs of litigation if an employee has a compelling case.

However, it is always important to speak with a professional employment attorney as quickly as possible in order to ascertain the validity of your case.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Uttering Threats Can Get You in Trouble with the Law

How Uttering Threats Can Get You in Trouble with the Law

Most people are familiar with the old saying that “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The truth, of course, is that words actually can do a significant amount of damage, both to the person they are directed at and, under Canadian law, to the person who utters them. We tend to think of assault as involving physical harm to a person, but according to the Criminal Code of Canada, threats are considered a type of assault — even when they are delivered via text, email, social media, or simply an aggressive gesture. If the receiver chooses to contact the police, the sender can be charged with a criminal offence. In this article, we’ll explore the real-world consequences of words said in anger, and look at the options available to people who have unwittingly found themselves in legal trouble for uttering threats. What is a Threat? In the heat of the moment, people’s words can get away from them. But saying “you’re going to get what’s coming to you!” or “if you don’t shut that dog up, I will!” are actually considered a type of assault if the person you are directing your comments to receives them as a threat. All of the following are considered to be threats under Canadian law: Saying you will kill or cause bodily harm to a person Saying you will damage their property Saying you will injure, poison, or kill an animal owned by another person Even if you have no intention or means of doing anything, as long as you knowingly said the words and the person you said them to felt threatened by them, they can file a police report. This may lead to charges being laid, in which case you will need to hire a Toronto criminal defence lawyer to represent you in court. What are the Consequences of Uttering Threats? Being charged with an offence does not necessarily mean you will be found guilty. The prosecution will need to prove not only that you uttered threats, but that you did so with the intent to create a sense of fear in the alleged victim, and that the alleged victim received your words or actions as a threat. In order to mount a successful defence, you will need to prove either that your accuser did not actually feel threatened by your words, or that you did not say them with intent. For example, Toronto criminal lawyers who have experience with threat-related assault cases may try to show that the alleged victim did not actually feel threatened by your words, but has made their claim as a way of inflicting harm for other reasons. In some cases, assault charges involving threats are accompanied by harassment charges or domestic assault charges, so if you have been charged with this kind of offence, you should talk to a lawyer before deciding how to plead. Uttering threats can be punished by up to two years in jail and a $5,000 fine, leaving you with a lifelong criminal record. Words have power, and loose talk about inflicting violence on others is taken very seriously by the legal system. While a good criminal defence lawyer can help you navigate such charges, the best defence is simply to watch what you say. Read Also: Criminal Case – Dos And Donts Civil Cases Versus Criminal Cases: What You Need To Know The Basics of Criminal Appeals Law

Marriage tips

4 Warning Signs your Marriage is in a Serious Trouble

It’s safe to say that no one decides to marry expecting a divorce. If you were sure your marriage wasn’t going to last long, you would have spent your money on wedding preparations or walk down the aisle. However, marital challenges are something every couple faces. There are issues that could lead you and your spouse from a justice of the peace to a divorce attorney’s office. Here are signs your marriage is in deep trouble. 1. You’re contemplating an affair You may be tempted to have an affair for many reasons. For instance, you may be longing for the excitement that comes with a new relationship. Or you want to have a passionate, sensual session with a different partner. Some people think of having an affair because they want attention and appreciation or simply want to connect with a person you think is more similar to you than your partner. Regardless of the reason, you’re seeking another partner; sexual affairs are a warning sign of serious trouble in your marriage. These actions won’t solve your marital unhappiness. In fact, a cheating spouse and all other related infidelity issues often create unintended troubles. Once your emotional energy goes outside your marriage, all the problems that need immediate attention to take a back seat. More marital problems linger and even become worse. Deceit, guilt, lies, and shame are often by-products of cheating and lead to separateness and avoidance. Trust corrodes, and suspicion runs high. If your marriage was experiencing minor issues before your decision to stray, it would be in deep problems soon. Therefore, your extra-marital fantasies are simply a warning sign that you need to get your marriage on track. 2. You fight about the same issue regularly Let’s face it; marriage and minor conflicts go hand in hand. After all, it’s nearly impossible for two people to successfully live under the same roof with an argument no matter how minor it is. That isn’t a problem. While not all problems in a marriage can be fully resolved, if you realize you have been arguing over the same issue repeatedly and you never appreciate each other’s point of view, your marriage is headed for trouble. Frequents fights over the same issue make marriages unpleasant and you and your partner will begin focusing more on the negative side of your relationship. 3. Escalating arguments and fights In addition to fighting over the same issue repeatedly, if these arguments are growing in intensity, things might be going southwards. Escalating fights and arguments result in physical or verbal abuse, both of which can’t be accepted in a marriage relationship. 4. Having less time for each other For some people, everything is more important than having time for their partners. Whether its work, hobbies, relatives, kids, friends, and more, everything seems to take precedence over their marriage. What happens is that you and your spouse stop being close friends and your emotional connection suffers. You stop having sex like you used to do and over time, the connection and affection you had for each other fades away, which is why you should always try to keep the connection alive, regardless of how much sex you're having. If any of these risk factors sound familiar, it’s imperative that you take the right action to get your marriage on track. Read Also : Divorce Lawyers In Houston Texas: A Short Guide On Saving Your Marriage Benefits Of Using Divorce Lawyers

Discrimination In The Workplace

What To Do About Discrimination In The Workplace: First Steps To Take

Workplace disputes and challenges can be stressful. Daunting, even, when things take a more serious turn. When injustices transpire, it becomes more difficult to work without constantly fearing said injustices. Facing discrimination in workplace should not deter you from standing up for your rights as an employee. Instead, here are the primary steps to take when they do. Steps To Take Against Workplace Discrimination- 1. Talk To A Lawyer: Regardless of what kind of discrimination you face at work, the distressing fact is that the courts have strict rules for what qualifies under “work discrimination”. And you will need an expert who is knowledgeable about this segment of the law for you to be able to push your claim forward. Hiring a lawyer does not instantaneously mean you are to brace yourself for matters to be brought to the courts. Doing so is a kind of a “safeguard”. How? A lawyer can help you recount what had been done against you and inform you about what qualifies under work-discrimination, and what you can legally do about it. That, and in an objective manner. 2. List Down The Offensive Actions Committed Against You: We understand that recounting such actions can be painful, or traumatizing for others. Yet this is a crucial step that requires your attention--- listing down every offense your perpetrators have carried out. Called a journal for tracking discriminatory behavior, be as detailed as possible with your entries. Be sure to include the date, location, and time each one took place. Alongside these, the perpetrator/s, witnesses (if there were), and other relevant information. 3. Report The Incident: Your claim may be turned down if it becomes apparent that you have never reported the occurence/s. As such, the company should be told of these workplace events because they are required by law to act upon them. If they are not given the opportunity to do so (due to the lack of familiarity regarding this motion), this could be held against you. Report the incident to your superiors and have Human Resources, or any relevant department, get these in writing and on record. 4. Understand The Incident: Aside from speaking with your attorney about it, talk to your manager/s. Although quite in the minority, there are cases wherein acts were not deliberately made. Nevertheless, your superiors need to know of these in order to talk to the perpetrators and reiterate (or draft) company rules about work-discrimination. It’s also an approach to seeking help with respect to officially reporting the incident. Add to this standing under the umbrella of protection of the company’s employees who are situated in ranks of authority therein. 5. Be Prepared For Counterattacks And/Or Retaliation: Even with legal advisers at your side, be ready for retaliation from your perpetrators. Whether through actions, threatening words, work-related retribution (i.e. disapproval of a raise, vacation leaves, etc.), be ready for them. But do not fret because with a work-discrimination lawyer aiding you every step of the way. The law can be used as your foundation and shield against those who premeditatedly intend for your harm within the walls of your workplace. Read Also: 5 Safety Awareness Ideas to Maintain a Safe Workplace 5 Ways You Could Have Been Sexually Harassed in the Workplace How to Improve Workplace Security