What To Look For When Renting A Property In St Albans: Checklist & Advice

Published on: 25 August 2021 Last Updated on: 01 March 2024
Renting A Property In St Albans

St. Albans, a city with a 2000-year history, is just an 18-minute rail trip from London. It is home to the country’s longest nave cathedral, the UK’s only fully excavated Roman amphitheater, England’s oldest tavern, magnificent coaching Inns, and much more.

For commuters, living in St Albans is an excellent option. The town has strong London commuter connections. The region also provides the luxury of more affordable housing than many parts of the city.

Renting a home in St. Albans as a family is a great idea as it has plenty of amenities for easy and comfortable living. St Albans neighborhood is filled with excellent healthcare facilities, schools, and entertainment options. You can find the best property that suits your needs with the help of letting agents in St Albans who can make the letting process easier.

On the other hand, if you are on a property UK hunt and you have shortlisted a few properties, we have prepared a list of things that you need to look for while renting a home in St. Albans.

1. Look for damage or stains on the floors, walls, and carpets

1. Look for damage or stains on the floors, walls, and carpets

The flooring, walls, and carpets are usually the first things you notice when entering a residential rental home. While it’s normal for the walls to have a few small holes from the previous tenant’s pictures or art (provided the landlord didn’t repaint or repair the walls after the previous tenant moved out), and the hardwood floors to have a few small scuffs, you’ll want to make sure that more obvious damage (like large holes in the walls or noticeable stains on the carpets) is noted in the inspection report.

Usually, landlords take pictures of the damages. If not, you can photograph them for reference so that it does not affect your deposit in the future.

2. Make sure that the windows, lights, and light switches all work

If you’re looking at the rental apartment during the day and there’s plenty of natural light, you might forget to turn on the lights in every room to make sure they’re working. Remember to switch on and off all lights and switches, and also, it’s a good opportunity to check with the landlord to see if you’ll be liable for replacing light switches or bulbs in light fixtures if they don’t seem to work.

3. Examine the thermostat as well as the HVAC (Heating,            Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system

In a rented unit, the thermostat should display a temperature that corresponds to what you believe the temperature should be. So, for example, if an apartment you wish to rent is clearly cold yet the thermostat display indicates that it is at room temperature, it’s a good idea to check with your landlord to see if the air conditioning is working properly.

4. Check to see whether any safety equipment, such as smoke alarms, is operational

If you live in a rental home and there is an emergency, you want to know that the safety devices, such as smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, are functioning properly so that you can be notified of the danger. If you discover a smoke detector that isn’t lit up (the light or lights on the device aren’t on), you should ask your landlord to make sure these devices are operational before you move in.

5. Make sure the toilet and faucets in the bathroom are working

5. Make sure the toilet and faucets in the bathroom are working

When you’re completing a tour with the landlord of a rental suite, you might not think about flushing the toilet or turning on the bathroom faucets. Even if there are no obvious problems (such as cracks in the toilet or a missing handle on the faucet), it’s a good idea to examine them just to be sure the plumbing is in good operating order.

6. Inspect the kitchen, refrigerator, stove, and sink

You might not think to turn on the oven and check the temperature of the fridge in the kitchen, just as you might not think to check the toilet and sink in the bathroom. The fridge, stove, oven, and sink in the kitchen are all examples of how appearances may be deceiving: just because there is no visible physical damage does not mean that everything is in working order.

7. Check if there are pests

7. Check if there are pests

You don’t want to move into a new apartment only to discover that there’s a pest problem, such as bed bugs or cockroaches, so make sure you’re on the lookout for signs of pests during your walkthrough of the rental property. When cockroaches are an issue, for example, sticky traps are commonly used, so if you find them about the premises, you should absolutely inquire as to why they are there.

8. Things to do as a tenant

Before you decide to rent a residential property, make sure you consider not just what’s around the property, such as public transportation, parks, and schools, but also what’s inside the rental property. It’s never joy moving into a new place only to discover a slew of minor flaws that you’ll have to bug your new landlord to repair. Keep eyes on basic rights you can have as a tenant, and you may easily avoid taking responsibility for most faults in your rental by bringing them up during your move-in walkthrough with your landlord.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Apartment Home

Apartment Home Hunting Like a Pro

A house is not a home, and neither is an apartment home is where the heart is. If your heart is everywhere, then the very outdoors could be your home—but that’s not the case for most people. The point is, even if you’re just going to rent a place for a little bit, you want somewhere you can rest your heart comfortably. Now what makes you comfortable at your core is necessarily going to differ from that which makes someone else comfortable. Everyone has their own deal makers and their own deal-breakers. Following, we’ll examine a few features of apartment home-hunting that, for the most part, are generally agreed to be relevant. Before we get into them, keep in mind: to get a good idea of what’s available, it’s fundamentally essential that you examine multiple units. Try to look at five, minimum, before deciding. If you can see twenty units and closely examine them all, that’s ideal; but for most, five will be a good minimum spread. That said, consider the following tactics. Techniques To Follow For Apartment Home Hunting Set A Price Range, Consider Travel, Know Leases How much are you willing to spend? This number can’t be static, it’s got to have a range. You can get a better apartment home for less if you’re willing to rent from landlords on the outskirts of the city where you work. However, what you pay in wear-and-tear for your vehicle and gasoline may actually end up being more expensive over the long term. If you found an apartment right on top of where you work in Dallas, Texas, and one on the outskirts of town for half the price, it could be that the centrally-located unit saves you money. The commute in and out of the city center will be an hour, minimum; meaning two hours a day. If you work five hours a week, that’s 520 lost hours a year (assuming you work 52 weeks). If your time is worth $10, that’s $5,200 you’re losing. If your time is worth $100 an hour, then that’s $52,000 you lose in time alone. There’s an opportunity cost to a commute, depending on how productive you are when you aren’t working. That doesn’t take into account gas or wear-and-tear, either. At .58 cents a mile, and 40 miles’ round-trip commute five days a week, that’s $6,032. A long commute can collaterally cost you as much as $11,232 a year. That’s $936 a month. If you’ve got an apartment home right on top of where you work, and you can walk, that’s preferable to the commute even considering the increased cost. The difficulty is how long you’re locked into a lease, and how long you’ll be working where you are. Top-Tier Units Have Collateral Advantages It might be worthwhile to check out some of these good looking apartments in Galleria, Dallas. Sites such as that in the link provide you a broad spread of communities that have varying advantages and benefits. You want the broadest spread of potential units to choose from in order to make the best choice. Additionally, those units should be relatively qualitative. While “home is what you make it” may have some validity, it’s a lot easier to get comfortable in new apartment home where all the appliances work and you can trust your neighbors. Certainly, you can make a home of rent-controlled units or low-income housing options, but that’s going to get iffy real quick; especially when your recovering addict neighbor knocks on your door at two in the morning to borrow rice or toilet paper or something. General Quality Of Units Apartments are generally rentals, so you may not need to find something that has any resale value down the line. You’re looking for a right-now solution. Renting doesn’t build equity. Buying does. If you’re buying a condo or an apartment, that’s a different story. The quality of the unit you inhabit will depend on your overall purpose in purchasing it. Making The Best Choice Know your price range, what kind of travel you’ll have to deal with, how much money you’ll be making every month, how long you plan on staying in the apartment, and what sort of quality you can handle. Once you know these things, look at a minimum of five units which fit such qualifications, and do some. Read Also: Buying A House Vs Renting An Apartment: Which Is More Affordable? Brunswick Apartments For Sale: 4 Inspection Tips For Buyers Preparing To Stay In A Luxury Apartment On A Vacation

Body Corporate issues

5 Common Body Corporate Issues Faced by Strata Management

Most body corporates tend to be well managed. However, there are still numerous issues that come with such management. It is actually possible for different issues to arise in two buildings that have been built the same way. Here are the top five problems that are faced by many body corporate managers: 1. Financial Stability: A body corporate is only as stable as its financial foundation. Like many legal entities, a body corporate requires strong financial stability if it is to run smoothly. There are credit contracts to be made, tax returns to be filed and bank accounts to be managed. If the finances of the body corporate are not managed effectively, many problems start cropping up. Bankruptcy actually becomes a possibility when the entity’s finances are poorly managed. Most times, however, members often contribute funds to prevent the entity from sinking into debt. To avoid falling into this pitfall, take a good look at the body corporate’s finances before you invest in it. Look at the cash levels and debt ratios. This should give you a sound estimation of the entity’s financial stability. 2. Compliance with The Law: Another common issue that many body corporate managers face includes compliance with regulatory requirements. Compliance with legislation means much more than simply complying with the BCCM Act.   There are fire safety rules to comply with and pool safety regulations to be adhered to. Sure, complying with the law will increase your management costs, but it’s much cheaper than having to pay fines or to face the consequences that the law is trying to prevent. 3. Management Problems: Poor management can be just as costly as non- compliance with legislation. Usually, the problem with management comes where the committee members are volunteers. This means that they have to squeeze in hours to do the management work in addition to their regular jobs and their family responsibilities. Poor management can be costly to any body corporate manager. Before you decide to venture into this investment, make sure that the properties are properly managed. Look at compliance with the law, fiscal strength and how well the management promotes harmonious living. 4. Dispute Resolution: When people live together, disputes are inevitable. In strata management, disputes can also be very expensive. Whether the cause of the dispute is noise or failure to abide by the set rules, it can be a very stressful time. Sometimes, disputes end up in court or arbitration, and this is both time consuming and costly. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, it is best to have clear rules that are enforced strongly. 5. Building Condition: The state of the buildings can also be a cause of a headache for property management. New buildings are often riddled with many defects; and old ones require renovation and refurbishment. You might think, but there are insurance companies to take care of the defects, right? However, sometimes the insurance companies just won’t pay, and you are suddenly faced with the problem of having to improve the state of the buildings. This can be rather stressful and costly. Conclusion: Most of the above problems are related. Poor management will certainly lead to poor dispute resolution as well as financial instability. If there is no money available, renovating buildings and fixing problems will be impossible. Although most body corporates are properly managed, a fair share are riddled with issues. And sometimes, those issues can go unresolved for a long time. Read Also: Tips For Finding A Joint Venture Partner Is Property Investment Still A Good Way To Make Money?

estate planning tips

5 Easy Estate Planning Tips to Help You Plan for the Future

Whether your estate is worth $10,000 or 1 million dollars, you'll want to have an estate plan in place to make sure your assets go to the right people. If you die unexpectedly without a will, much of your estate will get eaten up in taxes and lawyer fees to settle the estate and the money may not end up where you intend it to. Keep reading for 5 easy estate planning tips to make sure your affairs are in order should anything happen. 5 Estate Planning Tips You Should Take Now: Did you know that more than half of all Americans don't have a will? As unpleasant as it may be to think about planning for your death, it's necessary to protect your assets and your family. Take steps now to make sure your family doesn't have to stress about dealing with your assets upon your death. Here are some estate planning tips to make the process easy and painless. 1. Determine What Assets You Have: Before writing your will, going to an attorney, or planning your estate, you need to know what you have. Take an inventory of all of your assets and liabilities to determine what you are worth. Property, retirement accounts, bank accounts, investments, and life insurance policies. You'll need to list all of your assets to determine who gets what and how much of it they get. Some assets, such as a business, will require special consideration in your will or estate plan. 2. Decide Who Gets What and How It's Distributed: Now that you know what you have, you'll need to decide who (or what) your beneficiaries will be. Spouses, children, other family members, charitable organizations, etc. who get any part of your estate will be designated. Not only do you need to decide who gets your assets, but you will also need to specify how much or what percentage they get. If you have life insurance through your employer or another policy or other retirement accounts with designated beneficiaries, make sure you keep those updated. If you get married, divorced, or have more children, you may want to modify the stated beneficiaries on those policies. 3. Take Steps to Minimize Estate Taxes: If there might be significant taxes that your beneficiaries will owe, you can take steps to minimize these taxes ahead of time. You could leave taxable assets to charities or other non-profit organizations, take out life insurance policies to cover any estate taxes, or gift money to your beneficiaries before your death. 4. Choose Who Will Run the Estate: You'll need to choose an executor of your will. This could be a family member or an attorney, depending on the complexity of your estate. Choose someone whom you trust. You also will want to select someone to have the power of attorney if you become incapacitated. A health care directive is also smart to have, as this will allow your designee to make major medical decisions on your behalf should you be unable to. 5. Consider Hiring an Estate Planning Expert: Consider hiring a probate attorney to handle all of this for you. They will walk you through the process, advise you on the best course of action, and then handle any issues with the estate after your passing. The Bottom Line: Although no one wants to think about their death, making sure your assets are protected and that your beneficiaries are taken care of is a smart move to make. Use these estate planning tips to get yourself started. For more lifestyle tips and resources, explore some of our other blog posts. Read Also: The Best Strategies For Retirement Funds Distribution How Do Law Firms Help Companies With Their Real Estate Issues?