Scholarly Essays On Edgar Allen Poe


28 December 2022


Edgar Allen Poe

During his lifetime, Edgar Allen Poe wrote hundreds of stories, many of which are considered some of the best in the genre. He was known for his Horror tales and Detective stories, and his influence on modern writers is still seen today.


Among the first and foremost writers to develop the style known as horror fiction, Edgar Allen Poe was also a poet and critic. His writings inspired the French Symbolists of the late 19th century to alter the direction of modern literature.

Despite his literary ability, Poe had to work to support himself. He wrote for several journals, including the Gentleman’s Magazine and the Evening Mirror. His poems and short stories often featured criticism and analysis. He was a leading figure in the “art for art’s sake” movement.

As a youngster, Poe had a close relationship with his foster father, John Allan. Their relationship was strained by Poe’s excessive gambling and drinking. He became an editor for the Southern Literary Messenger, a periodical based in Richmond, Virginia.

Aesthetic philosophy

Various scholarly essays on Edgar Allen Poe have explored his aesthetic philosophy. These include such pieces as “The Raven,” “The Philosophy of Composition,” and “Poetry and Resurrection.” Each of these is a systematic account of Poe’s writing process. For example, the order essay on “The Raven” discusses the poem’s merits in terms of its setting, brevity, sound, and theme. It also examines the values of the refrain.

The essay on “The Raven” also introduces some of the main concepts of the aesthetic. These include the idea that art requires a delicate philosophy and careful and deliberate plan. Furthermore, these elements must all work in harmony. This is the same for a story since all aspects must be repeated to make a coherent whole.

The essay on “The Raven” presents some of the philosophical concepts that Poe used when he wrote this piece. He explained that the poem’s structure is based on themes, memory, and sounds. He describes how each element of the poetry contributes to its effect. He also elucidates his conception of versification.

Detective stories

Described as the father of detective fiction, Edgar Allan Poe is responsible for many of the features still used today. His first detective story, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” was published in 1841. It was also the first modern detective story written in English.

The story tells of two Parisian women who are brutally murdered. While the identity of the crime is not essential, the solution is. The main character, a detective, uses “analysis” to find the answer to how to buy essay. This concept is often used in future detective stories.

Among Poe’s many accomplishments, his creation of the elusive but not necessarily true detective story is considered one of the most impressive. His first detective story, “The Murders In The Rue Morgue,” was the first modern detective story to be published in a magazine.

Horror tales

During his life, Edgar Allan Poe wrote dozens of stories. He is best known for his gothic writing style. His works are dark and disturbing. He is credited with developing several types of horror fiction.

He is a prominent American author. His influence is felt in the art, music, and drama worlds. His stories address such issues as death, murder, and violence. Often, his stories deal with subconscious mental activities that cause ordinary people to commit terrible deeds.

The main philosophical concern of Poe was the relationship between material and mental existence. He believed that madness was a natural part of the human condition and that a person could fall into it at any moment. However, he also thought a wholesome physical and mental life was necessary for a peaceful existence of a good argumentative essay.

Influence on modern writers

Throughout the 19th century, the influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern writers was immense. Poe was considered one of the greatest writers of all time and greatly influenced many authors. He is famous for his writing style, macabre imagination, and detective stories. Several studies have been conducted to explore the influence of Poe on literature and the arts.

Poe was the most influential writer in the United States during his lifetime. However, in the late nineteenth century, his influence spread to other countries. In particular, French writers recognized his unique genius and embraced his works with specific resonance. In addition, he influenced members of the French symbolist movement, which altered the direction of modern literature.

Edgar Allan Poe was a prolific writer and editor. He wrote nearly 1000 articles, essays, and critical notices. He also served as a magazine editor and critic. His reviews often included technical examinations of the work. Moreover, he was the author of numerous books and poetry collections.


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grief coach

How To Get That God-Sent Grief Coach

We all go through loss at one point or the other in our daily life. This could be the death of a pet, the loss of a loved one, heartbreak, or a nasty divorce. It does not matter the circumstances, grief is a garment of many colors. What is significant is that the sorrowful periods in our lives may take a great deal of time for us to heal and move on. So To over come these things we need a grief coach though which we will able to over come our grief. However, some of us never really do, and the pain each day is like a fresh wound that never heals. This could eventually lead us to despair, drug abuse, and depression. Many of us find it hard to share our grief with friends or family. Depending on the loss we feel, we could be isolated, or taken for granted. The people close to us tend to underestimate the pain we go through. Although they may be supportive in the beginning, our family and friends inevitably become frustrated when we find it hard to let go of our grief. This is why we need professional help. This would be a competent and enduring grief counselor who can offer us the roadmap to recovery, wellness, and productivity. Unfortunately, the art of grief coaching is gradually being eroded in today's social media environment. Many rag-tag professionals who have no idea what grief therapy is all about, pretend to listen to their clients while distractingly surfing the web or interacting on social media platforms. A good grief counselor must pay 100% attention to you and ask relevant questions that are essential to helping you find your inner peace. God-Sent Grief Coach There are many more pointers to choosing the right grief coach. This includes: Comfort: This is a no-brainer. Your grief therapist must be a coach you are comfortable sharing your emotions. It does not matter the gender of the professional; you have to feel comfortable and safe when you interact with your therapist. First impressions matter, and if you do not feel safe or secure, chances are you would find it difficult to share your feelings or emotions leading to protracted and fruitless sessions. If you do not feel safe or secure, find another therapist as no obligations are requiring you to continue with future sessions. Ethics: A good grief therapist must always adhere to the ethical guidelines which are formulated to safeguard both coaches and clients from harm. This also speaks towards dual relationships, as a grief therapist is precluded from having any other relationship with a client once a therapeutic relationship has been contracted with such a client. The relationship must be kept strictly professional, and the only needs to be provided by the therapist are those which contribute towards the guidance, support, and healing of the client. Feedback A good grief coach or therapist is a dynamic individual, open to feedback, and constantly adjusting their strategy and sessions to suit the client. There is no 'one size fits all technique to provide quality grief coaching services. A good therapist knows this. A healthy therapist is willing to admit mistakes and open to adjusting their methods in order to provide succor and solace. The 'customer is king' is a well-known statement and this is also true for grief therapy. The needs of the client must always come first. It is popularly said that great people make lemonade out of the lemons life gives them. Bad things happen but your happiness should never be among the causality. Enlightened grieving will bring back the sparkle to your life – enabling you to see the beautiful silver lining in the cloud. Read Also: 8 Useful Tips For Personal Career Development Going To Rehab: What You Can Expect When You’re Getting Clean Stoke Your Spirit: 4 Soulful Ways To Reach Spiritual Wellness And Lead A Calmer Life

Jewish Religion

Understanding the Jewish Religion: Important and Common Practices

Judaism is a religion that focuses much more on deeds of individuals, rather than beliefs. It’s also called a practice, rather than just a religion. Since Judaism is a set of practices, many refer to it as a Way of Life. Those who aren’t familiar with Jewish believes and practices often don’t understand how everything works. For those who are interested in learning more, they can find some helpful and enlightening information about this religion here. Keep reading to learn more. Mitzvot: Religious Act or Commandment: Since WWII, the population of American Jewish individuals has grown significantly. There’s also information about Jewish practices available at; however, learning some basic or common principles first can be beneficial. The practices of Judaism, especially when they are used as vehicles to connect to God, are officially called mitzvot. This is the plural of the mitzvah, which is a word more people are familiar with. The word mitzvah actually means a religious act or commandment. It consists of both ethical acts and ritual, and they always follow the codifications of the principles outlined in the Torah. There are some practices that are under the umbrella category minhag (custom). An example of this is wearing the head covering (yarmulke or kippah). The most well-known mitzvot are the “Decalogue” or the “Ten Commandments.” The Bible never actually refers to these particularly as commandments. The thought behind this is because these are extremely fundamental and basic to the community. The ten principles, when numbered based on Jewish tradition, actually differ a bit from the Christian numbering. Ethical Behavior:  Ethical behavior principles that are elaborated by Jewish thinkers typically start with assumptions related to God along with the expectations God has for Jews, and generally human beings as a whole. This often makes it challenging to separate the quest for holiness from ethical behavior. While this is true, the Jewish literary tradition offers several works that effectively explore these underlying principles of ethics and that provide detailed explorations of various interpersonal ethics. Holiness: Leviticus 18:2 calls on the children of Israel to be holy. The concept of kedushah (holiness) is considered a theological concept. Specifically, it refers to the quest to live in a manner that brings individuals or that emulates the goal to contact the realm of the divine and the realm of existence that goes beyond what is considered verifiable and objective. The actual act of living a life of kedushah is considered a practical matter. It means that ideals related to generating codes of behavior, divinity, and alignment are identified and used to bring individuals into harmony with those specific ideals. There are many Jewish thinkers that have provide many suggestions on how to accomplish this, which often goes beyond the “letter” of Jewish law. Understanding the Jewish Religion: As anyone can see, there is complicated concept within the Jewish religion that may take time and practice to fully understand. However, for those who live and practice this way of life, it isn’t complicated. In fact, they considerate second nature. For those thinking about converting to Judaism, getting to know more about religion is important. It can help them better understand if this is something they agree with and believe that they can adhere to or follow now and in the future. Read Also: How To Make Doing Yoga At Home Interesting Everything You Need To Know About Healing Gemstones And Materials

Trade Show

Execute the Perfect Expo with This Trade Show Checklist

Are you heading to a trade show? Anyone who's ever tried putting together a public product launch knows a trade show checklist is essential to standing out. After all, your competition includes anywhere from 50-250 companies as hungry as yours. Each one will bring passion and planning to their table. You have to assume that anyway. With that assumption in mind, here's what your to-do list should look like. 1. Get the Budget on Paper Any preparing for a trade show checklist should start with the finances. How much money do you have allocated for things like marketing, travel, personnel, and materials? Will you be there for the launch of a new product? Or will your attendance be more informational in nature? Either way, there's going to be overheard. Will that overhead, justify the projected cost-benefit you hope to achieve from the trade show itself? This isn't something you should ballpark. Details reduce expenses and create profits. They also provide a benchmark for future trade show marketing efforts. Some other benefits of budgeting include the following: Ensuring you don't overspend Helping achieve profitability if you plan on selling anything Providing relevant numbers for tax purposes Giving you a clear idea of which spending efforts are producing the best results And that's just a start. You also may be able to create partnerships from these exhibitions that inform data such as the cost of customer acquisition or indirect revenue generation. 2. Make the SMART Objectives Any trade show exhibitor checklist will need to be written in the form of objectives. Objectives are specific things you hope to accomplish in the planning, execution, and breakdown of your trade show exhibition. But for objectives to be effective, they need to be SMART, not smart. (Okay, maybe it's both.) By SMART, we mean: Specific: Your list shouldn't say, "Pack up all trade show materials." It should say, "Pack booth into box truck rental." In other words, each item or group of items should have tailored directives. Measurable: You should be able to look at your objective and determine whether (and how) it was accomplished. This ensures you remember to pack the important stuff. It also helps avoid partial shipments. Action-oriented: Each piece of your inventory or each goal you hope to achieve should be attached to an action verb. Think "employ," "carry," "ensure," etc. Realistic: Can it actually be done? Or are you trying to do too much, too quickly? Time-sensitive: Being time-sensitive keeps you on track. It makes sure everything gets the level of attention it deserves. Make sure your trade show preparation aligns with these components. Doing so will ensure all your objectives are SMART ones. 3. Learn Your Audience Another essential step in how to prepare for a trade show is getting to know the people who will be there. Take the annual San Diego Comic-Con, for example. Superhero, horror, and fantasy films and TV series earn billions of dollars each year. But that's from general audience support. The audience at Comic-Con is a lot different. A lot more, shall we say, fanatical? Playing to their sensibilities have made Comic-Con one of the largest and most successful trade shows in the world. Exhibitors give the people what they want. These "fanatics" create a culture of fandom that helps put whatever property they're supporting on the radar of general consumers. Only when exhibitors fail to make that connection to the fanatics do their films/TV shows fall flat. So make sure your audience is priority number one. 4. Make Early Reservations Content should be your primary focus. You need your attention on it early and often. So get room and space reservations out of the way early. Determine how many are going, how many rooms you'll need, and when you plan on arriving. It usually doesn't cost anything to make a room reservation, especially when you get ahead of it. 5. Dot I's and Cross T's What are the legal terms of your attendance? Is there anything you may be overlooking? Don't just assume you can show up and be good to go. Read the fine print. It's not a bad idea to hand it off to your attorney either, especially when the contracts are written in legalese. 6. Figure out Your Materials Will you have any tents with your logo on them? Printed marquees or business cards? Flyers, handouts, reports, books - what will help you leave your mark so the audience doesn't forget you after visiting 40 other booths? Now's the time to figure it out. Don't be afraid to try something no one has thought of before. 7. Test Your Wares Launching a product at the trade show? You don't want the show itself to be the first test run you give to it. If it's possible for the product to break or malfunction, make sure it happens long before accepting your first customer. Do extensive testing on your advanced prototypes in the weeks or months leading up to the event. 8. Work out Installation Any trade show exhibit will have a "storefront" of some kind. It could be a simple gateleg table or a more elaborate booth. Whatever you choose, make sure you've got the manpower and the timing down to get it installed so your people can get comfortable with the environment before accepting guests. 9. Select Your Reps Ideally, your representatives will be an even mixture of competent and personable. Now that package can be hard to come by in just one employee. Do a deep assessment of your talent and make sure they complement one another. You wouldn't want a couple of Big Bang Theory-type programmers manning a software demonstration if they weren't very good with people. The goal is to make the product accessible to general customers. Always keep the intention in mind. 10. Make Sure You Document It What good is a successful trade show if you can't blast out pictures on social media? Whether paid or organic, the exposure you can get from a few well-tagged, well-captioned photos gives you a lot more bang for your buck - and meaningful relationships - than a dozen Super Bowl ads. 11. Identify Your Neighbors (And Competitors) Part of getting comfortable with the surroundings in which you'll be operating is reaching out to the people around you. You're both in a strange new setting. Even if you're competitors, it's not going to hurt to introduce yourself and share pleasantries while waiting for the crowds to build. Beyond passing the time, however, identifying your neighbors and competition gives you a chance to learn from them and they from you. Watching each other work in the same environment will tell you whether it's a positive or negative interaction, and it can give you ample ideas for next time. 12. Actively Promote Yourself on Social Media Promoting the event is important before, during, and afterward. It's important before for a rather obvious reason - you want people to show up. During the event? Just as essential. That's because you can pick up impulse traffic with your social media posts or provide updates to followers who couldn't feasibly be at your location. Finally, afterward is a nice time to reflect, post pictures, tag new and existing contacts, and make a new checklist of the things you'll do the same (and differently) next year. One final tip here is to consider building a paid marketing campaign before the event. That said, you can go a long way with organic if you bring your relationship marketing skills to the social network. 13. Bring Your A-Game to the Event In many cases, trade shows are the biggest events of the year for a business. They're a great way to get whatever you do in front of the people or companies who can help take them to the next level. As such, you don't want your B-Team working the room. As mentioned before, bring your most knowledgeable and outgoing people to the event. But don't stop there. Ensure they've prepared a list of personal objectives for the event. Make sure they get the proper rest and show up to the event in proper attire and ahead of schedule. 14. Ensure Demobilization Finally, demobilization is an important part of the trade show experience. That's because conference halls often limit the amount of time you have to clear out your displays and materials before they start charging past the contracted time. Either hire a moving company ahead of time or ensure you bring along the appropriate amount of muscle to disband and transport trade show materials away from the location. And it helps to have an effective portable trade show display going into the event. Make Your Trade Show Checklist a Priority Your trade show checklist will be one of the most important documents you have when gearing up for a major event. The other stuff is important too - exhibits, materials, accommodations, but something inevitably will fall by the wayside if you wing it. And while you're here, check out our top tips to help you build a brand for your small business.