What Is An Essay? Definition And What Are Its Parts

Published on: 30 April 2022 Last Updated on: 01 May 2022
What Is An Essay

Throughout your life as a student, you will probably have to face the preparation of an essay. This type of text is very common in the academic world. However, in order to write it correctly, it is important to understand its purpose and structure. So what is an essay?

In order to help you, we bring you this article in which we are going to explain the definition and what are the parts of an essay. First, I am going to start with the definition of the essay.

Essay Definition

If we take a look at the essay definition, we find that it is “writing in which an author develops his ideas on a given topic with personal character and style.” Perhaps this very academic way of explaining what an essay is has left you a bit confused, so we are going to explain it in an understandable way.

When we talk about ‘what is an essay, we refer to a text where the person who writes it gives their personal point of view on a specific topic. This opinion is not superficial but goes deeper and gives details and arguments as to why he thinks this way. Apart from giving an opinion, he exposes the reasons that he has to support his way of thinking. 

This is because the author aims to convince the reader through the essay. Nowadays, there are a lot of essay writing services online which can complete any essay instead of you, but it is still necessary for you to know what the parts of an essay are.

Related Resource: Essay Writing Service Qualities to Look for: How to Choose the Best Paper Writer

Parts Of An Essay

Having some parts or a well-defined structure helps the text to be better questioned, easier to read, and makes sense. Next, we are going to analyze each and every one of the parts of an essay that cannot be missed.

Before starting your essay, you must know ‘what is an essay outline. Know the topics you have to cover in the essay. Then start to write it.

Here Are The Easy Writing Structures Which You Need To Follow:

Here Are The Easy Writing Structures Which You Need To Follow

1. Start With an Introduction

The first part of ‘what is an essay, is the introduction, which should briefly explain the topic to be discussed in the essay. In a very general way, the reader must understand what is going to be discussed in the article and what point of view is going to be defended. 

Also, to arouse interest, it is advisable to end this section with a controversial question. If you find it challenging to write an essay us.grademiners.com would be a great option for you, as you will receive a high-quality essay in a short period of time.

2. Developing The Body Of Essay

This is the longest section of the essay. This part delves into everything you want to tell the reader. The author makes known in detail his way of thinking about the subject that is being treated.

The recommended thing, so that the reasoning of the essay gains strength, is to start this part with an argument that is irrefutable and which can be contrasted. 

Once this is done, you can continue with the exhibition giving great detail. In order for the arguments to be credible and solid, follow the advice that we tell you below.

3. Definitions And Data

Definitions And Data

You know ‘what is an essay, but there may be terms or words that the reader is not familiar with. It is advisable to add the definition of these words to facilitate the reading of the essay. 

By the way, if you set a correct goal for any professional writing service, it will create a high-quality essay for you with all the needed definitions.

Something that also gives strength to the exposed arguments is the use of an updated and reputable bibliography. If there are other authors with ideas that are in the same line as what is being exposed in the article, it will be easier to convince the public.

Also, do not forget that there is another potent tool that can be used in tests: statistics. Giving specific figures transmits realism.

4. Comparisons

The resource of comparisons is a good tool that should not be missing in any essay. However, it must be used correctly. For example, similar elements (people, events, objects, etc.) or arguments can be compared.  

Many of the students know ‘what is an essay and what its target is. These are the elements that you need to add to your essay.

5. Move Your Reader

Here we go from the objective to the subjective. The purpose is to touch the heart of who is reading the essay. Figures of speech can be used to achieve this purpose, but be careful not to abuse them, especially in scientific essays.


This part summarizes all the above descriptions of ‘what is an essay. It is a kind of recapitulation to which a few final words are added. By regrouping all the arguments above, the author helps the reader to reach a conclusion. This is best achieved by making the last words forceful, which will leave a deep impression on whoever gets their hands on the text.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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5 Counseling Specializations Undergraduate Students Should Understand

Many counseling degree programs give their enrolled students a broad educational background, offering courses that teach them a variety of ways to administer therapy to people who need help. If you want to become a counselor, it is important to acquire this wide scope of training for maximum career versatility. However, when you make the decision that counseling is the right career path for you, it is also wise to choose your counselings specialization as soon as you can. This will allow you to tailor your education to your career goals as closely as possible given the requirements of your degree program. The following counselling specialisations are possible in Australia: 1. School Counsellor : School counsellors can help students deal with problem behaviors such as bullying. Helpful electives for this specialisation could include courses like Educational Sociology; Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Multi-Problem Adolescents; Child Parent Relationship Training; Impacts of Autism Spectrum Disorder; and Supporting Students With Disabilities. Such specialised courses might not already be a part of the required foundation courses for the counselling degree program you're enrolled in. 2. Career Counsellor : Career counsellors often administer group session to job seekers. They also frequently give tailor-made advice helping individual job seekers understand the various options that are open to them. They also recommend specific actions their clients can take to achieve their career development goals. If you're considering a specialisation in career counselling, you may wish to select electives such as Employment Law Fundamentals and Managing Technology in Career Services. 3. Substance Abuse Counsellor : Substance abuse counsellors find ways of helping their clients detoxify from alcohol or drugs; then they attempt to help them permanently beat their unwanted addictions. If you want to pursue a career as a substance abuse counsellor, a few electives that could prove helpful include Psychopharmacology Fundamentals, Relapse Prevention Strategies, Art Therapy in Addiction Treatment, Twelve Step Fundamentals and Engaging Families of Youth in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. 4. Family and Marriage Counsellor : When couples experience marital difficulties, they often choose to work with a family and marriage counsellor instead of seeking the divorce. In many cases, an experienced counsellor can help them find reconciliation. Working With Neurodiverse Couples is an example of an elective course that could be helpful to an aspiring family and marriage counsellor. 5. Grief Counsellor : Grief is an emotion that often follows the significant loss. The death of a loved one or loss of a job can trigger intense grief. A grief counsellor's job is to comfort clients and then help them find productive ways of coping with the grief. A successful grief counsellor is able to help clients find solace in acceptance of the loss, although it may take quite some time for each client to reach this stage. An example of a useful elective for aspiring grief counsellors is Bereavement and Art Therapy. In Australia, you have several options if you want to prepare for a career in any of these counselling specialisations. You can complete either a bachelor's degree or a diploma of counselling. Some counsellors also earn a master's degree. Demand for counsellors is growing in Australia, the USA and many other countries around the world. Since this is a career path that requires empathy and human-to-human connections, it is not likely that robots will be able to complete the most important tasks counsellors perform in the foreseeable future. Therefore the employment outlook for counsellors in all of these specialisations is outstanding. It is an excellent time to seek training to become a counsellor. Read Also : 4 Emerging Trends In The Education Sector How Studying Abroad Can Benefit Your Career Benefits Of Using Divorce Lawyers


Best MBA Colleges in India Attracting the Best of Best Among Students

India is well known all over the world due to the quality education available at comparatively low costs. This is especially true of the best MBA colleges in India whose degrees are valued at an international level. It is true that an MBA degree from one of these colleges can give a boost to your career in the initial as well as future stages. This is the reason that best of the Indian students flock to these colleges. Even if the aspirants have graduated in a stream of science or commerce they prefer to add an MBA degree to their resume and there are many reputable colleges in India whose degrees add a lot of value. Good B schools in smaller cities Of course there are the large and reputable colleges in the larger cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad etc. However, the smaller cities are not to be ignored because there are the gems like XLRI in a small town like Jamshedpur. Many other smaller cities like Pune, Baroda etc. are known for their good management institutes. The faculty members at these colleges have highly qualified with many of them holding doctorates in management. Then again they have a global exposure due to the policy of the B schools of sending their faculty members abroad for seminars, conferences and training sessions. All this puts the management faculty in Indian B schools at par with the international ones. Overall development of students Another reason why students are attracted to the best B schools in the country is that they stand to gain much more than merely theoretical knowledge. Most B schools include case studies in their curriculums and also send their students for internships to various reputable organizations. This ensures that the students get practical knowledge and on graduation are equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle real life situations. Moreover, the overall development of the students on mental, emotional and physical levels is also taken care of with the help of sports and cultural activities. These activities inculcate the leadership qualities and team spirit which become necessary when the aspirants take up senior management roles in the future. The libraries of the best MBA colleges in India are well stocked with management books written by well-known writers and international journals which help them to stay abreast of the international happenings in the field of management. In case you need assistance, you can get college papers with ideas from admission essay writing service. The most important thing is to get a custom paper that will enhance your studies and help you to develop at the individual level. How to find the best B schools in India It is necessary to be careful while choosing an MBA college in the country because of the large numbers of fraudulent institutes whose degrees are not worth the paper that they are printed on. It is always advisable to gain some expert guidance from a reputable educational consultant before applying for admission in a B school. Most of the educational consultants have tie ups with the best B schools in the country and help you to choose the most suitable one from among them. These consultants also help you to choose the subjects with which you have the maximum affinity and assist with the complicated admission procedure. Not only this, these consultants also provide coaching for clearing the entrance exams conducted by most institutes. Read More: Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017 10 Tips For Writing A Dissertation 7 Tips For Writing A Dissertation


Preparing Your Child for Future is Not Just About Education Anymore

Parents play a crucial role in the growth and development of their child. Children learn from their parents by simply observing them from a young age. Children are really inquisitive and ask tons of questions about everything. Though your child is growing up fast, the world is moving faster. This is the time to understand that preparing your child for the future is not limited to education any longer. You need to prepare your child for a global world, and this means you need to go farther than education. As a smart parent, you need to teach wise money management skills to your children. Children observe you deal with money matters in your home and learn from your actions. If you are a spendthrift, your children will consider it okay to spend money on unnecessary items. However, if you carefully plan your finances and build a budget, your children will learn to do the same. Every parent wants to ensure that their child is financially responsible, and this can be achieved through simple but consistent steps. Here is how you can prepare your child for being financially independent and responsible. 1. Set an Example : Young children watch you and learn. If they constantly see you use plastic money, they will notice that it is easy to swipe the card and when you argue with your partner about money, they will notice it too. You need to set an example for them in order to ensure that they understand and follow the same as they grow up. 2. Practically Explain the Importance of Money : Children need to understand that it is not easy to earn money. To do this, you need to physically hand them money and accompany them to a store, ask them to pick up a few items and make the payment for the same. This will work better than a ten-minute lecture on the importance of money.  3. Stay Away from Impulse Buys : In order to set a healthy example, you need to stay away from making impulse buys. You need to restrain yourself from using money without thinking over it. If your children ask you to buy them something every time you are at the store, you need to avoid it and encourage your children to wait for at least a day before making the purchase. Ask them to think over it and consider if they really want to spend the money on the purchase. 4. Build A Budget : If your child is a teenager, it is the right time to introduce the importance of the budget to them. Set a simple budget and ask your child to stick to it. This will help your teen understand financial discipline and to stick to a limited budget through the week or the month. As your child grows, you can ask him or her to make their own budget within the specified amount and to follow the same.  5. Teach Children to Stay Away from Loans : It seems extremely simple to apply for a loan and borrow money. But it does not come for free; there is a responsibility of making payments within the due time. Before your teen starts college or applies for the first job, you need to explain to him/her that it is best to steer clear of the loans. Talk through alternatives and encourage the habit of saving. It is best to spend the money within your limits instead of getting under a pile of debt. 6. Enroll them For Financial Certification Exams : There are various certification exams conducted by NSE, BSE, etc. Ask your child to enroll for the same. These examinations will help them learn about the investment domain. There are various modules to select, like mutual funds, derivatives, banking fundamentals, financial markets, etc. As you prepare your child for their bright future, you must also fulfill your responsibility towards securing their future. What this means is financial planning for their higher education and career. The best way to do so is by investing in the child education plan. If you have got time on your side, you can put your funds in child education plans such as SIPs in equity-oriented funds. Equities are the best option available to create wealth in the long term. However, considering the volatility involved indirectly investing in stocks, the SIP route of mutual fund investing provides a better option for parents who are looking to create a considerable corpus for their child’s future. Moreover, your investment in child education plan is managed by professionals who have expertise in cherry-picking stocks. Thus, you have a highly diversified portfolio which can provide considerable returns over the long run (*mutual funds returns vary according to on-going market conditions). Conclusion: Financial freedom is only valuable if it is accompanied by financial responsibility. Teaching children about finances at a young age will help them in getting future-ready.