8 Tips on Selecting the Ideal Toy Gift

Published on: 28 April 2022 Last Updated on: 17 February 2025
Toy Gift

Shopping for children can be challenging, especially if you don’t know what the kids are into (let alone what’s safe for their age to play with).

Younger kids require toys that help them learn the fundamentals and strengthen their motor skills, whereas older children require toys focused on being more challenging and mentally stimulating.

When shopping for children’s gifts, look for a toy gift that inspires creative play, which will get them excited, whatever the occasion!

Top Tips For Selecting The Perfect Toy Gift

Sometimes adults tend to forget the purpose that toys serve. Children’s “job” is to play. That’s how they explore the world around them and learn new, essential skills.

As an adult, your job is to make sure that this learning happens in a conducive environment. When this is enjoyable, your kids learn that learning, exploring, being who they are, and sharing can be enjoyable activities. Toys that help children do these things are considered good.

In most cases, however, the toy gift that adults tend to buy reveals as much about them as adults do about the children they are getting for. Your values — the things you believe are important for your children to learn, i.e., skill sets, individuality, and relationships — are expressed in your gift.

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With that said, here are some of our top tips for getting the perfect toy:

1. Do Your Research

There’s no harm in jumping on the internet to find out what the popular toys are from knowledgeable individuals. Platforms like parent pages and websites could help navigate what toys are beneficial and safe to get for children of various age groups. Stores like Hearns Hobbies help you find meaningful toys.

2. Consider Their Age

Consider Their Age

The biggest mistake anyone could make is purchasing gifts that aren’t age-appropriate. Even if the kid you’re gifting loves puzzles.

If you buy a 3+ puzzle box when they’re nine, that might fail to stimulate them, and so the child is more likely to get bored or neglect the gift.

Likewise, with gifts advances beyond their years – getting a gift fit for 12+ for a seven-year-old might be a waste as:

  1. They might not fully comprehend how it’s to be used as they haven’t developed that far
  2. It might be a waste of money if they end up breaking it

Say you’re gifting a toddler or preschooler (between the ages of two and four);

They’re at the age where they’re just getting to know what they like and dislike. Even if they’ll be under adult supervision, it’s not advised to give them a toy gift with small, removable parts as they may be choking hazards. Make sure you pick something stimulating and an option that has been vetted for safety. This will allow children to explore their interests while also learning.

3. Multi-Purpose Toy Gifts

Ideally, go with a gift that has a high replay value. These could be simple toys that every well-stocked playroom will have, promoting children’s development in high-quality childcare programs, preschools, and kindergartens. Things like unit blocks come in various sizes to encourage creativity, construction, and balance, whether used alone or with others.

Unlike playing with specific toys, simple or “plain” toys will help encourage creativity and spark imagination in young kids. Think legos or another manipulative toy promoting fine motor skills development and creativity.

4. Fun with a Purpose

Fun with a Purpose

Good toys assist children in learning new skills and practicing relationships with others and their surroundings. The interactions that kids have with their toys at specific ages help shape the relationships they’ll one day have in the real world. Investing in toys that promote healthy interactions will be good for your baby.

Besides, choosing toys that stimulate their curiosity by teaching them new skills will go a long way in their mental and physical growth and development! Some age-appropriate board games from Toynk can encourage to promote team building, cooperation, and problem-solving skills.

5. It’s Okay To Share Memories

When selecting a toy, consider whether it is truly for the child or yourself. (It’s fine to buy toys for a nostalgic trip; just don’t be surprised if the child doesn’t share the same enthusiasm.)

6. There’s Nothing Like Gendered Toys

There’s Nothing Like Gendered Toys

Don’t get too caught up in gender-specific toys. Both little girls and little boys must get acquainted with and comfortable with babies and different machinery in the environment they will inhabit as adults. Get your little boys’ kitchen sets and your little girls’ army trucks if that’s what they want to play with.

It’s recommended to have dolls with different skin tones in the mix to expose your child to the different skin colors. When children love their dolls, they practice loving people who look different than them.

Toys for both genders include a play kitchen and a play toolbox. Kids enjoy imitating their parents and other adults around them, and their play helps them experience those activities.

7. Stuff Related to Art

There’s a lot of it. Little kids will enjoy playdoh, cookie cutters, chunky crayons, and paper. Older children enjoy glue, glitter, safety scissors, and various paper colors.

Paint with your fingers. Every child has the right to be a slob once in a while. You could also include a cheap plastic tablecloth on the floor when it’s time to finger paint.

Something to help you create rhythms and music. For children under two, a pot and a spoon will suffice, jingle bells would suffice, while older children would benefit from something more complicated, such as a thumb harp.

8. Active Toys

Active Toys

Balls, jump ropes, standard sports gear, and age-appropriate riding toys like scooters and tricycles are all items that encourage physical activity. It’s important to encourage kids to be still active and engage in play that promotes physical confidence and competence.


While most children’s toy companies claim that their products make your kid smarter, it’s not true for all toys. So, as parents, be vigilant about the toys you expose your kids to make sure that they truly contribute to their overall development!

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Safe Driving

5 Safe Driving Tips To Follow When With Children

In the US every year, 1,700 children are killed in accidents that mostly involve passenger vehicles, and another 50,000 are injured in car crashes. To keep the little ones safe, remember that the best way to protect your kids is to educate them about safety and teach them to take care of themselves. Kids who understand car safety basics are less likely to be injured if there's an accident. Not to mention, you, as a parent, will also need to play safe and drive more carefully than you did without children. Here are some safe driving tips to keep in mind when traveling with children. 5 Safe Driving Tips To Follow While Travelling With Children 1. Use child safety locks If you have kids, then you probably know that there are some dangers that you need to be wary of. In particular, driving with kids can be a dangerous activity. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to reduce the danger. One of the most important things that you can do is install child safety locks. These locks are designed to protect children who are riding in your car. They are designed to safely and securely hold your kids in their car seats. This also ensures that they don't get out of their car seats. Make sure to buckle kids up in their seats nicely. 2. Use proper and quality child seats and boosters A child seat is a type of restraint system for a child, typically used in vehicles. It consists of a combination of a chair and a harness system. Some systems also include a shield to protect the child from moving parts in the vehicle. The seat belt or the lower part of the chair would hold the child in place; the harness holds the child in the seat, away from the vehicle's interior, and the shield prevents the child from falling out of the seat. It is important to choose quality car seats and boosters from brands like Maxi-Cosi New Zealand. Ensure you choose the right size and type for your child and vehicle. 3. Drive attentively Distracted driving can have devastating consequences, and one of the most common distractions is young children. Because they are curious and energetic, they may demand your attention. If there are children in the car, make sure that you wear your seatbelt as it is the most effective way to protect you and your passengers in the event of a serious car accident. If you are a parent, you will want to make sure that your child is also buckled up. The main danger for children is a lack of vigilance from the driver. The driver should never assume that the child is sitting quietly in the back seat. Children often make noise, move around, and even talk to each other. They may also distract the driver by asking for food, and water, to use the bathroom, or to even change the radio station. If you are distracted for even a moment, the danger to the child is great. 4. Pay attention to the child's activities at the back It is necessary to notice that a child may become restless or impatient when you are on a long trip, especially if they are not used to being in the car with you. Therefore, when you are driving or even when you are stopped at a traffic light, it is important to keep an eye on the child's activities at the back. When children are in the car, they may be nervous and afraid in the beginning. It is a good habit to get the child to call out to you at the back at a safe distance so that you can hear him clearly. This habit may make the driver avoid running into things and can avoid a lot of unnecessary accidents. 5. Don't leave unmonitored kids in the car Children are curious by nature and can be easily distracted, which can lead to danger. Many children have accidentally been left in vehicles, resulting in death. This is a terrible and avoidable tragedy because you can prevent it. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 38 children have died this year due to being left in cars. This is a three-fold increase from previous years. If you need to get out of the car for an urgent matter, ensure someone else is with your child or take your child with you. Read Also: Prepping Your Vehicle For Winter Weather Driving7 Things to Do When Driving In Bad Weather Conditions7 Important Car Driving Safety Tips You Should Not Skip!5 Most Important Motorcycle Safety Tips All Riders Need to Know

Delta 8 Gummies

Why Are Delta 8 Gummies Gaining Popularity Among The Youth?

Delta 8 gummies are an alternative to smoking weed, and it is gaining popularity among the youth. The product can be consumed in the form of gummies, or it can be consumed by heating a liquid until it becomes a vapor. These gummies have been on the market for a long time, but they have recently seen increased popularity because they are easy to use and come in different flavors with diverse effects. Here’s Why Delta 8 Gummies Are Gaining Popularity Among The Youth 1. They Are Easy To Use Delta 8 gummies are an easy and convenient way to get your daily dose of CBD. Unlike other methods, such as tinctures or capsules, these gummies can be taken anywhere and at any time, making them the perfect option for people who are always on the go. With that said, it's important to note that not all edibles are created equal. Although most brands claim their products contain high concentrations of CBD per serving size, it's always best practice to read product labels thoroughly before purchasing anything new. For example, if you're looking for something with a higher concentration than 10 mg (the recommended daily amount), you should look elsewhere. 2. They Are Portable One of the main reasons why these gummies are gaining popularity among the youth is that they are easy to carry around. You can easily place them in your purse or pocket and take them with you on the go, making it much easier to consume the product. It's also easy to conceal these gummies because they're so small and compact, making them a good option if privacy is important to you. 3. They Come In Different Flavors Delta 8 gummies come in different flavors. You should pick the flavor that best suits your taste buds and preferences. The flavors include cherry, orange, grape, and watermelon. The reason why these flavors were chosen is that they make consuming these gummies more enjoyable. For example, if you are a fan of sweet fruits such as oranges and cherries, it’s best to go for orange or cherry. 4. They Are Legal Delta 8 gummies are legal in most states. They’re completely legal in Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. These gummies aren’t even considered a controlled substance in any of those countries, yet they can still be used to treat medical conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety disorders. In other words: if you order some gummies online (as we recommend doing), there’s no need to worry about getting arrested or going to court when you start using them. 5. They Are Easy To Dose These edibles come in different sizes and strengths. You can choose the right option based on your experience with cannabis and how often you consume it. For example, there are delta 8 gummies that contain 5 mg of THC per serving, which means they're suitable for occasional users who want a light buzz but don't want to get too high. You can also find these gummies with 10 mg of THC per serving if you want a better high or if you've taken this type of edible before and know what's suitable for your body. Significant Constituents In Delta 8 Gummies There are a lot of things that you should know about the significant ingredients in delta 8 gummies. The first ingredient is delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, which is also known as THC. It’s an active component in marijuana. The other two ingredients are vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, which help dissolve the good form of THC into a liquid solution; they also make it easier for you to swallow without having to worry about choking on anything! Lastly, natural flavors are added to taste better than just plain medicine-like gummies. Are There Any Drawbacks To Using Delta 8 Gummies? Although these gummies are gaining popularity, they have some drawbacks. The FDA has not approved these gummies, and warnings have been issued against their use. Due to this, they should not be taken by people under the age of 18 or pregnant women. Additionally, they should not be used with alcohol as it could increase your chances of overdosing on alcohol while also increasing your risk of experiencing side effects from taking delta 8 gummies. While the FDA disapproves delta 8 gummies, they are legal to purchase and use in most states. However, this does not mean that you should take them without talking to your doctor first. They may be a better alternative than alcohol but still have some side effects. Appropriate Dosage Of Delta 8 Gummies When it comes to the dosage of delta 8 gummies, you need to keep things simple. The right amount is only a fraction of what you'd find in a typical edible and won't be enough to get most people high. It should feel like taking a vitamin or two—something that soothes your body and mind without leaving you feeling overwhelmed or agitated by psychoactive effects. The recommended dose for delta 8 gummies is 5mg. This means that if you're using edibles, each piece will have about 2 mg of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in it—or if you're using tinctures, 1/10th teaspoon will give you around 2 mg of THC as well. By comparison: 1g contains 1000 mg, which means 100 doses per gram. You'll want to take them within an hour before eating any food since they can take up to an hour for their effects; however, some say they notice effects in 30 minutes, while others report feeling nothing after three hours. Factors To Consider While Consuming Delta 8 Gummies Although delta 8 gummies are very popular among the youth, they should be consumed in moderation. This is especially important because they contain high doses of THC just like THC edibles, which can harm the body. If you want to use these products, make sure that you consult with a doctor before doing so. Additionally, do not give them to children or teenagers, as they may negatively affect their development and health. Also, note that pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid consuming delta 8 gummies due to the potential harm caused by ingesting THC while pregnant/breastfeeding. Takeaway All in all, delta 8 gummies are an excellent product for any person looking to get the benefits of CBD. They are easy to use, portable, and come in different flavors. Most importantly, they are legal, and it’s easy to dose them properly. Additional: CBD for Kids Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin? When is it Time to Start Considering CBD Use? 5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD)

Essential Services You Must Hire For Your Upcoming Wedding Day

The Essential Services You Must Hire For Your Upcoming Wedding Day

Your wedding day is supposed to be the most special day in your entire life. Everyone gets stressed before their wedding because they want everything to be perfect on their special day. It’s important to plan everything months beforehand, and decide on what kind of services you want to be offered at your wedding ceremony for everything to go smoothly. Here are a few services that are essential to ensure that you have a perfect wedding. Wedding Planner: A wedding planner makes all the difference in the world when it comes to preparing for the wedding day. Maybe planning your wedding doesn’t seem hard but it is not as simple as you may think. The stress you are under trying to get everything to be perfect takes away the fun from the engagement period. If you’re a working woman juggling between your job, your home, and your social life, having a wedding to plan will barely let you catch some sleep. One of the most important things that a wedding planner will do is take the responsibility off your shoulders. In most cases, couples have an exact budget and a timeline they have to stick to. Trying to manage both of those things on your own can be hard to do. A good wedding planner will know how to manage both and deliver the wedding you wanted on a budget and on time. Even if you think you know exactly what you want for your wedding, wedding planners can always give you new ideas and suggest improvements that you may find better. You may not be aware of this until the big day, but the assistance the wedding planner offers on your wedding day will leave you much more relaxed, and allow you to focus solely on your bridal beauty. LED Video Wall: Many couples like to display a video montage in their wedding to show the timeline of their story and the highlights of their relationship. The people from Ellumiglow say that the best option to do this in big events is to use LED video walls. The quality of LED video walls is not affected by whether they are used indoors or outdoors. Adding them to your wedding will actually help your guests see everything that’s going on in the wedding from the comfort of their seats, as they can have the wedding videography live-streamed on them. Using an LED video wall for your video montage will add a personal and sentimental touch to your wedding as it will represent the love you and your partner have for one another. Photographer and Videographer: Many people think that hiring a photographer or videographer is not important, but that is totally false. Even if you can use mobile phones to take pictures, they will not be nearly as good as the pictures and videos were taken by a professional. A professional photographer will take pictures of the most important moments, moments that you wouldn't have thought you’d want to be photographed. The quality of the camera along with the professional shots and some editing will have the memories pop back to life years later. When speaking of memories, we must also shed some light on videography. Having a professional record of all the highlighted moments from the right angles at all the right times will allow you to relive the experience years later. A Caterer: Serving food is a big part of the wedding, especially the reception. You want to make sure that the food tastes, smells, and looks good which is why you need to hire a professional caterer. The caterer takes care of everything food-related, from preparing the food to presentation and serving the food. The caterer will only need a list of the foods you want to have at the wedding and the number of people they will be serving. Another essential thing that you will need a caterer for is the wedding cake. Cakes can be requested from bakeries, but having your caterer make the cake ensures that nothing can go wrong as they will be totally dedicated to fulfilling their commitment to your wedding with no other business at the time. To get in touch with a trusted caterer you can ask your wedding planner for options as they have insider connections with caterers and other event service givers. A Florist: No wedding can be complete without flowers. Flowers are used everywhere when it comes to weddings, in the entrance, the bride’s bouquet, the bridesmaids’ bouquets, the centerpieces, and maybe even a floral wall. One florist can take care of all that for you, and it is better than going around searching for flowers on your own as many florists have great and unique bridal options. If you’re looking to get in contact with a trusted florist, you can also ask your wedding planner to handle that for you. DJ and Music Bands: Another essential service you should hire for your wedding is a DJ. Weddings would be meaningless without music. Many people prefer to have bands and musicians play at their wedding, but DJs have their perks as well. Hiring a DJ ensures that you have nonstop music at your wedding as well as having all your favorite music player.   It is preferred to have musicians play at the ceremony itself as most people prefer classic wedding ceremony music. If your budget allows it, you can have all three options; musicians for the ceremony, a band for first dances (and a more intimate gesture if you get your favorite band), and a DJ to have nonstop music during the rest of the reception. If you find the options puzzling, or don’t know which band, DJ, or musicians to go for, always consult with your wedding planner. All the previously mentioned services will help you have your perfect day, and you can always find options that fit your budget. Make sure you get professionals to assist you with the planning and don’t forget about all the wonderful services that will help your day be the best it could be. Read Also: How to Organize an Eco-Friendly Wedding with Zero Waste? 6 Tips For Having Perfect City Hall Weddings! Top Wedding Invitation Tips