Smart House Technology for Saving Energy


06 June 2019


Smart House Technology

From smart locks to futuristic thermostats, modern homes are living up to their name more every day. But these technologies aren’t just convenient and innovative. Though they do make life easier, they can also put a huge dent in your utility bills and help you consume less energy at home. This is possible with a smart thermostat, for example, which monitors your lifestyle habits (i.e., when the house is empty or when everyone turns in for the night) and makes temperature changes to optimize your energy use.

Smart House Technology for Saving Energy:

Adjusting your thermostat by 7-10 degrees for eight hours can make a significant difference in your energy consumption, and smart technology makes it easy to do so without having to compromise your family’s comfort at home. The device will simply make the temperature change when everyone is at work or school, for example. A similar but less talked about innovation is motorized window shades. These open and close at peak times throughout the day to help heat and cool your home naturally. These and other energy-saving smart technologies are outlined in greater detail in the infographic below.

Modern technologies are certainly eye-catching, but plenty of less thrilling appliances, such as efficient stoves and dishwashers, are also being innovated to consume less energy. A professionally installed new HVAC system, for instance, will keep you comfortable while lowering your utility bills. This will ensure you can cool off and warm up with a quality system while also integrating energy-saving technologies and practices at home — all without compromising your comfort.

Smart House Technology

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Why ServiceNow Is Essential for Your Tech Company

Why ServiceNow Is Essential for Your Tech Company

As the 21st century has progressed, the world has experienced a major transformation that has continually affected how our modern society functions. The past two decades have been a revolutionary era throughout the globe due to a multitude of different factors that have had a major impact. Investing in software like ServiceNow will ensure that you will be fruitful and will make sure your business is profitable.  While there are numerous causes as to why the modern era has been so transformative, the main driving force has been the Internet and other technologies becoming more pertinent to society than ever before.   How the Modern Economy is Transforming As our society has undergone massive changes throughout the past 20 years, it has become clear how important the Internet and other technologies truly are. The Internet has impacted numerous facets of our civilization in recent years, and one of the most affected entities has been the economy. The economy has been massively altered by the Internet, as a myriad of existing fields has had to go digital, and numerous others have actually been created from the Internet. This global technological revolution has led to an increase in the number of tech companies that are running all over the world, and it has truly helped the economy to grow. There are numerous types of tech companies that exist, and the most successful of these businesses utilize top technological tools. One of the most useful tools is a cloud-based software called ServiceNow which is helpful for a multitude of different actions.  Learning about ServiceNow As the tech industry has grown, it has become evident how important the program ServiceNow has become throughout the field. ServiceNow is a critical cloud-computing software that is used throughout a myriad of industries but is often used throughout the tech field. When your business goes through a process of ServiceNow implementation, you will be provided with a variety of benefits. ServiceNow is mainly utilized for IT service management (ITSM), IT business management (ITBM), and IT operations management (ITOM). Combining these three actions build a program for your tech company that will effectively manage your IT operations and will ensure a workflow program that boosts communication throughout your company, speeds up operations, and improves relationships all across your tech enterprise. ServiceNow also integrates with other tools that your company utilizes to create a less complex model for your business to follow.  What ServiceNow Will Do for Your Tech Company Learning about ServiceNow is incredibly important if you are considering investing in this software for your tech enterprise. While understanding the software is necessary, it is critical for you to learn how it can benefit your tech company as well. Tech companies utilize ServiceNow for a multitude of purposes – learning about these methods is essential. ServiceNow will integrate intelligent automation within your business model, which will improve upon your business’ machine learning initiatives and will keep your data both safe and more organized. ServiceNow will also aid in organizing and implementing tasks throughout your business and will ensure that your company is managed more effectively. Final Thoughts As the tech sector of the economy grows, it will become more important than ever for your business to utilize top tools to ensure success over your competitors. Investing in software like ServiceNow will ensure that you will be fruitful and will make sure your business is profitable.  Read Also: 5 Reasons Every Business Should Invest in Automation Software 5 Things to Take into Account to Hire Custom Software Development Services All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software

Outdoor AC Unit

Things to Consider Before Relocating the Outdoor AC Unit

In some situations, relocating your outdoor AC unit sounds like a good idea. Perhaps it is in the way of some landscaping project you have in mind, or it is too close to the window, causing some noise, or you simply want to have it moved for aesthetical reasons. Whatever your reason is, there are two things you need to be aware of. Yes, it is possible to move your outdoor AC unit, and you really need to consult HVAC professionals before doing anything about it. We reached out to some experienced HVAC experts and asked them to share some insights into this topic. The Relocation Isn’t Easy Here’s the problem with relocating your AC unit – it’s not as simple as unplugging an appliance and moving it to a different place and plugging it back in. There are some parts of the HVAC system which are hardwired in your home and changing that may require a lot of work on your home. So, before you definitely decide that you want to go for it, consider other options, like integrating the unit in your landscaping design or building a small fence around the unit at a reasonable distance from the unit itself. Sensitive Equipment One of the biggest problems with relocating your AC unit is certainly all of the sensitive equipment inside the unit itself. Not only are the fins of the condenser very thin and can easily be bent and damaged, but there is a lot more inside the unit that you may not be aware of. The refrigerant inside the condenser needs to be kept level in order to work properly, and some of the cables and lines, and especially the pump, are very fragile and need to be approached with care and expertise. How It’s Done If you have made up your mind and want to relocate your unit despite the difficulties, you will need to prepare your home and backyard first. As mentioned above, the outdoor HVAC unit needs to be level in order to function properly. That means that you will need to prepare the place where you expect your unit to sit. Most experts will recommend leveling the ground and using a cement to ensure that the new location is flat and sturdy enough to support the hefty unit. However, as long as you can achieve the flat surface for the unit, it is not necessary to use cement. There is also a matter of rerouting all of the hoses and pipes going from your house to the outdoor unit. In some cases, it can be fairly simple and straightforward, but if you are moving your unit a considerable distance, you may need to do some more extensive work on your home. You Do Need HVAC Experts In order to relocate your unit successfully and safely, you will need an HVAC technician to do it. Before you can do anything, you will need to pump out the refrigerant from the unit – something only a qualified HVAC expert can do safely. The other reason why you shouldn’t handle this task on your own is the electricity – you will need to disconnect and reconnect the unit once it has been moved. If you’re not a qualified electrician, the chances of you doing this right are not very good. Finally, once the unit has been relocated, you will need to inspect the unit and ensure that everything is working fine and that all of the connections are done correctly. Of course, the only person who can tell you that is a certified HVAC technician. Consulting an expert before you go into a project can be very valuable, especially if you are operating under a strict budget. Read Also: 13 Ways to Maintain the Coolness of Your Air Condition Unit Here’s What Makes Package Units Better than the Other ACs How To Become A Certified HVAC Technician In Canada

Commercial Boiler

How Servicing for Your Commercial Boiler Works

If you have a business, you could be making use of a commercial boiler. A commercial boiler would often be classified as such if the unit has a power rating of 70kW and above, and if your boiler unit produces this much power, then it is already categorized as a commercial boiler. You should also know that your commercial boiler needs to be regularly serviced by a professional. With regular boiler servicing, you can be sure that your property will not have any disruptions due to boiler issues, and you will not be left with more expenses in the end. But there is also a proper way to have your boiler serviced. First of all, it needs to be done by someone who is aptly qualified, such as an engineer who has a Gas Safety card. You should check that they have the right qualifications and can do commercial boiler checks and inspections. But when you have your commercial boiler serviced, here's how a proper inspection should be done. Step 1: a visual check: The technician should check that the pipework of your boiler, as well as your flue and the actual boiler, are correctly installed, and they should do a visual check of both the external and internal components as well. The technician should also check for the right ventilation as well as do a visual inspection of the flame and check for any signs of leaks or corrosion. Since you are operating a commercial boiler, they should also check that it follows regulations for non-domestic property. These regulations include gas safety rules as well as building regulations, by-laws for water, and European and British standards as well. Step 2: a check of components: The engineer or technician should then remove the casing of the boiler and inspect each internal element or component. Some parts which need to be inspected by the engineer include the gas flow and pressure, the combustion and flue, the heat exchanger, the burner, the main injector, the electrical connections, the spark probe, the seals and fans, the electrodes, the condensate pipe and trap, and the safety components or devices. After this, the engineer should clean the boiler’s insides to remove any blockage or debris. Step 3: the tests: The engineer should then perform tests to check that the boiler is functioning correctly according to Gas Safety regulations for installation and use. If any issues are found (e.g. gas leaks, faults, and parts which are damaged), the engineer should make a note of this in the report. Step 4: the report: Once they have thoroughly inspected the boiler and all its components, the engineer should give you a report of their findings and the process and checks they made, as confirmed by an experienced commercial gas engineer in north London. If there is an issue, it should also be in the report, particularly if it involves replacement or repair. If your boiler violates any regulations pertaining to Gas Safety or building regulations, the engineer should include this in the report as well. It is essential that you ask as many questions as you can and voice any of your concerns while the gas engineer is there. This is your chance to ask for guidance and advice as well – it is, after all, your business property, and by taking advantage of a full check and inspection, you are adequately protecting your assets too. Read Also: How To Become A Certified HVAC Technician In Canada 13 Ways To Maintain The Coolness Of Your Air Condition Unit