5 Easy Ways of Improving Internet Access with Speed Tests

Published on: 27 May 2019 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
Internet Speed Tests

Speed tests are a very handy tool to have around. Most people just use them sporadically when experiencing internet issues. At most, they want to check what speeds they’re getting with their internet plans. Speed tests, as the name suggests, give you information on the upload and download speeds you’re getting with your internet connection. But did you know you can actually use that information to improve your internet access? This blog explores five ways you can use speed tests for a better internet experience.

Improving Internet Access with Speed Tests

Speed tests usually test the upload and download speeds as well as the ping on your internet connections. These days, when everyone is connected to the internet, almost every household experiences internet issues of some sort.

People use speed tests at times like these to check their broadband, Wi-Fi and cellular speeds. But there’s actually a lot more than you can do with an accurate speed testing application like Ookla. Here are 5 easy ways you can use a speed test to improve your internet experience:

  1. Find the Fastest Internet Service, Provider
  2. Identify and Fix Dead Spots Around the House
  3. Confirming You Are Getting the Advertised Speeds
  4. Finding Places with the Best Internet Service
  5. Isolating Problems with Your Router or ISP

Below follows more on these simple uses for a speed test you probably never thought of.

Find the Fastest Internet Service, Provider

Speed check is a great way to find the fastest internet service provider in your area. You will need the help of a few friends and family members with different service providers in your area. Get each person to run an Ookla speed test. Everyone should run the test on their internet connections at exactly the same time.

Ask everyone to make sure their Wi-Fi is switched off when they run the tests. Share the test results with each other and compare them to figure out the fastest ISP in your area. After that, it is a simple matter of switching from your current provider to the fastest one.

Identify and Fix Dead Spots Around the House

A dead spot is a spot inside your home where Wi-Fi signals are patchy at best or dead at worst. Dead spots can be really annoying when you try to use the internet near them. Streaming, gaming, even working may face disruptions in Wi-Fi dead spots. Luckily, speed tests can help you identify and fix dead spots inside your home.

Run a speed test in the areas you experience patchy network signals. This will tell you if you’re working in a dead spot or if your router is placed in one. Often enough, moving the router can fix most dead spots. However, if that is not a possibility, then look into Google WiFi or similar mesh systems for a better signal around the house.

Confirming You Are Getting the Advertised Speeds

Advertised Speeds

Speed tests are a great way to test your internet connection to check if you are getting the speeds you paid for. Simply use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to the router. Then run a speed test and see what speeds you get with a wired connection. Most internet service providers advertise speeds based on a wired connection to the gateway. This means the speeds you get over Wi-Fi may vary. But if you’re getting slower speeds on a wired connection, you should get in touch with your ISP right away. Use the speed test results as proof of not getting the speeds you are paying for.

Finding Places with the Best Internet Service

Let’s say you decide to work from home one day but your service is on the fritz. So you go to the nearest coffee shop only to find the Wi-Fi there isn’t working well either. Nightmare situation, isn’t it? You can’t miss your deadlines, so what should you do?

Use speed tests at different places with free internet. This will help you locate a place that has the best internet service. Of course, public Wi-Fi speeds also vary according to the time of day. During crowded times like weekends, holidays or even lunch hours, there are more people connected to the same network. The more people use the same network, the more bandwidth splits and the slower the connection gets for everyone.

Isolating Problems with Your Router or ISP

When there’s a slow Wi-Fi connection, the problem could be with your ISP or with your router. 2 Speed tests can help you identify where the problem lies. For the first one, connect your computer directly to your router via Ethernet and run a speed test. Then disconnect your computer from the cable and run another test while connected to Wi-Fi.

Bear in mind that Wi-Fi will always be slower than a wired connection. But if the difference in speeds is significant, you may need a new router. Most providers offer their own equipment. So it’s better to call customer service, if your router is outdated or not working. Hopefully, this blog will have helped you with useful information to improve your internet experience at home. Let us know if you found this blog helpful.

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Machine Automation

Why Sensors are Essential in Machine Automation

In machine design, the role of a sensor is paramount in converting any physical property into an analogue signal which facilitates automation. Machine automation is responsible for the industrial revolution that bolstered economies around the world. Different physical properties require the interpretation of a sensor such as distance, position, temperature, and liquid flow. This article aims to describe each sub-category of sensors according to the property converted. Reason For Using The Machine Automation Sensors  There are different reasons for using the machine automation sensors that you need to take care off while you want to improve your learning process. Position sensing: Detecting the position of an object is possible using different types of sensors specifically measuring linear or angular motion. Encoders, potentiometers, and linear transducers are some of the preferred methods of sensing linear displacement. These devices are compatible with different types of machine assembly. Linear sensors used in rugged industrial applications commonly use a non-contact inductive technology to reduce the effect of friction and wear and tear. Distance sensing: Distance sensors can measure the rough distance and often function as a “within range” detecting device. Some distance sensors are programmable such that you can identify the distance of a target object even at an approximate location. Photoelectric sensors which use light in sensing distance can also work as a distance transmitter. A photoelectric transmitter can detect a distance range of between less than 5 mm to more than 10 m. The resolution is better at short range, but even if the resolution quality decreases at a more extended measurement range, it is still good enough for most machine automation applications. Speed sensing: Hall-effect, photoelectric, and inductive sensors are commonly used to sense speed and location. The preferred output is usually a train of digital pulses. A speed switch is typically used for machine automation in monitoring the speed of rotating shafts and identifying whether it is turning too fast or too slow; hence creating problems with the process. As a control mechanism, a sensor signals when the machine is running too fast so that it can automatically shut off. Fluid flow sensing: A fluid flow indicator is a sensor used explicitly in measuring the flow rate of liquid or gas. A typical flow sensor consists of a paddle wheel or a float. Some practical applications of a fluid flow sensor include water monitoring in wastewater processing plants and flow indication in HVAC systems. In most applications using a flow sensor, the sensor can provide either a digital or analogue output. Although there are several ways to measure liquid flow, one that works to detect differential pressure produces the most precise measurements and fastest response time. Temperature sensing: Sensors used in monitoring temperature come in a wide range of configurations suited for different applications. Sensing changes in temperature in machine automation is essential. It helps determine when a machine overheats, and to maintain the optimal setting for the device to work correctly. Examples of uses for temperature sensors include boilers, large motors, and compressors. Aside from the temperature sensor, switches are also included in the configuration to aid with temperature control and monitoring. Read Also: How Portable Metrology Tools Are Making Manufacturers More Flexible Image: Unsplash.com  


Add Accuracy To Your Testing With The Help Of Multimeter

A multimeter is also known as a multi-tester. This small device helps you to find the accurate measurement of voltage, current, resistance, and power. With the help of an analog multimeter, you can troubleshoot the electrical problems with accuracy with the help of pointer on a scale. You can also use this multimeter in technical industries as well as in domestic appliances. You can use this multimeter for testing heavy motors, machines, wiring systems, and power supply and in home appliances like television, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner etc. Hence, it is a very useful device for both domestic and professional use. How do needle based multimeters work? The main work of needle based multimeter is to pass the current through a coil which is suspendedbetween two permanent magnets. After choosing the voltage scale, when the voltage is applied, a resistor of known value is placed in series with a measurement lead. This multimeter is a very sensitive piece of electrical testing device. It is common not only in home appliance installations but isalso very useful in servicing and repairs. Sometimes, when there is fluctuation in power supply this needle based multimeter gives you an accurate reading, which is not possible in the digital meter. Advantages of using the needle based multimeter: As you know that multimeters are of two types, analog and digital, the former one is very low in cost and available at every hardware store. You can get an accurate measurement by an analog meter, and you don’t even need a battery to operate it unless you have to measure the resistance. But in digital meters, you need a battery to operate it. While an analog meter needs DC power to measure resistance, it forces the current to flow in the capacitor and when it is stabilized, you will get the reading of the faulty wiring. How to check the voltage by an analog meter? If you want to check the voltage with the help of a needle based multimeter, you have to just follow a few tips. Thenumberto which the needle moves from 0 is known as “deflection “and full scale deflection is that goes till the end of the scale, anything beyond the scale is not measurable. In other words, this process is also known as full scale deflection. Users mostly drop the deflection part because it is rarely relevant anymore. Current measurement by an analog meter: Both AC and DC current can be checked with the help of needle-based multimeter by connecting the series in the meter in the circuit. For AC current measurement, an analog meter consists of diode rectifier that converts AC to corresponding DC current. Before measuring the current, one should consider the following: Insert the red and the black leads in their respective slot depending on very high or very low current measurements. Set range selector switch to DC current, and also select the expected range. Multimeter users can also ensure maximum range for measurements. They can also reduce the range if needed. Read Also: How To Get Started With Arduino Uno R3 Demystifying The Common GDPR Myths

Cloud Computing

8 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing is Changing Education

Higher education may face a fall in the number of students enrolling during and after the pandemic. Many universities in the UAE and worldwide have taken a different approach to education. Most offer online learning, while others offer online and in-person learning. Most students will not wait for the end of the pandemic to start or continue their studies; they will study online from anywhere in the world. This will create stiff competition among universities because students don’t have to go to colleges closer to their homes; they can finally study in the best universities. Understanding Cloud Computing This is the delivery of computing services such as databases, servers, networking, software, storage, intelligence, and analytics over the cloud (the internet). Companies and other institutions don’t have to own data centers or computing resources; they only have to pay for the cloud services they use. This is affordable and effective when applied in higher education. Most students will prefer higher education institutions that offer excellent digital services to those with a more traditional approach to education. Cloud computing consulting will help the educational institution elevate the existing education system and deliver remote learning. How Cloud Computing is Changing Higher Education Cloud computing is not a new trend that universities have to keep up with; remote learning has always been around. This is about utilizing existing resources and technology to provide better and affordable education. Here are some ways cloud computing is changing higher education. 1. Textbooks are Expensive University textbooks can be quite expensive, and not all students can afford them, and the cost rises each year. Some students prefer not to buy textbooks because they have other essential expenses to pay. Cloud-based books, on the other hand, are an excellent solution to this issue. Digital resources are affordable; this allows most students who are not financially stable to access the same educational materials and resources as other learners. This makes it convenient to study at your dream university in Dubai. 2. Enhances Student Experience One of the reasons why you should study in a reputable university in Dubai is that it will utilize modern technology in all areas. Digital-based learning can review and improve individual student learning processes. It provides an in-depth summary of learning activities, transforms learning processes to accommodate every individual, and assesses students’ wellbeing. 3. Virtual Classes Cloud-based software makes it possible for higher institutions to organize virtual classrooms for their learners. This reduces most of the infrastructural costs. Teachers can also create courses and resources for students to use remotely. Virtual exams can reduce expenses and save time for both the teachers and students. 4. Accessibility Cloud computing is very useful because it makes learning easy and readily available for every student regardless of location or time. You can access resources, learning materials, applications, and course contents at any time. You can enroll in a university in Dubai and participate in group discussions and virtual classes. You are no longer limited by time and location. The good thing is that you can access these resources even on your Smartphone. 5. Updated Learning Materials College textbooks are expensive; this makes some students forego buying them while others use books with obsolete information. Cloud-based learning allows students to access relevant information and resources without much hassle. This makes learning enjoyable and convenient. Students excel in their studies and become productive members of society. 6. No More Expensive Hardware Cloud-based resources rely on web browsers and can run on any Smartphone and hand-held devices like tablets. Students and higher learning institutions don’t need to own laptops or computers to access resources. You can use a basic Smartphone to access learning materials. You don’t need to spend much on external storage devices; you can utilize avenues that provide free cloud-based storage. These platforms can safely store your data; higher education institutions that use this system use a VPN for security. 7. Diversity Cloud computing in higher education gives students many opportunities. This is beneficial for students who feel left out by the traditional education system. Learners can learn remotely or pursue studies abroad. Professionals who have no time for full-time classes can pursue virtual learning to upgrade their skills. 8. Real-Time Feedback Feedback is crucial in learning because it enables the instructor to see whether students understand the course. Students’ feedback is necessary; they can provide real-time feedback, allowing the institution and professors to make adjustments to cater to their needs. This shows learners that their voice is heard and appreciated, increasing student experience, which leads to smooth learning and better grades. Cloud computing can be used in various sectors, including higher education. Students and institutions benefit from this technology in many ways; it reduces expenses for both parties and is more convenient than the traditional education system. The goal is to utilize digital services to provide high-quality education to students. Institutions that have already adapted to this technology will continue to improve education for many students. Read also: Ten Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education 7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular Cloud Hosting: Top five reasons to take your business to the cloud