How To Get Your Team To Stop Reinventing The Wheel


16 August 2023



You and your team only have so much time. It’s a limited resource, so you need to make the most of what you’ve got. Paradoxically, many teams burn away their precious hours in an attempt to save minutes here and there.

This can happen when teams are trying to create methods of working or task pipelines from scratch. Instead, it’s perfectly reasonable to simply outsource certain work or adopt practices that have already proven their efficacy. With this in mind, here are a few ways your team can stop reinventing the wheel and start moving forward.

1. Outsource Content Development

Every business needs good content to attract prospects and improve the experience of existing customers. And yes, that includes yours. You may think content development is limited to social media posts, but it’s not. To compete in the market, you need to produce content assets like webpages, newsletters, case studies, product descriptions, and much more. However, creating content is a full-time endeavor that can be difficult to master.

Now, you or a team member could devote the time and energy it takes to make great content for your business. Or you could hire someone to do it for you instead. There are numerous professionals in your market that specialize in producing the kind of content you need. Whether you require social media management or technical writing services, a trained pro will save you precious time and money in the long run. Hiring these individuals will give you more time to focus on what you’re in business to do: deliver your product or service.

2. Adopt Project Management Tools

Project Management Tools

Developing efficient workflows is another major time sink for many teams. Working through the best ways to tackle your projects can eat away the hours. Then more hours disappear in holding meetings and writing emails to assign action items and keep track of deadlines. Rather than watch the sands of time slip through your fingers, adopt a project management tool instead.

Project management tools facilitate seamless collaboration and information sharing. They allow teams to divvy up tasks, automate handoffs, and keep everyone apprised of project milestones. In so doing, they serve as a centralized platform that provides visual representations of your projects for every step from start to finish.

Most project management tools also provide detailed historical data so you can analyze current and past projects for improvement opportunities.  You’ll be able to understand at a glance where your work engine is humming and what parts need help.

3. Synchronize on a Digital Calendar

If you’re looking for more ways to increase efficiency by centralizing information, start making full use of a digital calendar. By doing so, your team will be able to circumvent troublesome scheduling conflicts. Also, most digital calendars can sync with other work tools to foster collaboration. For example, calendar invites can include links to meeting agendas where participants can add agenda items and ask — or answer — questions beforehand.

In addition to saving time and increasing efficiency, digital calendars also help otherwise disparate teams function more compatibly. With the sharp increase in remote work, many teams struggle to balance schedules across multiple time zones. Digital calendars virtually eliminate this problem, as you’ll easily be able to see overlapping work hours. You’ll never have to wonder when someone is free to participate, so you can schedule meetings with confidence.

4. Learn From Other Leaders

This one’s for you, the team leader. Because even if your project may be the first of its kind, the best ways to lead your team through it probably aren’t. And they don’t have to be. Rather than trying to revolutionize your leadership style, seek the wisdom of those who have walked before you. History is punctuated by leaders both great and terrible, so take inspiration from its lessons.

In addition, reach out to leadership pioneers within and without your field for advice. You’d be surprised how willing thought leaders can be to participate in an informational interview with curious aspirants. Of course, you could also take classes and attend seminars and workshops to refine your leadership style. You’ll save your team time and grief by investing your efforts in bettering your leadership today.

5. Enable Professional Development

Just as it’s important to invest in your growth, you also need to invest in your team’s growth. Again, no matter what industry you work in, there are many who’ve come this way before you. Rather than developing training courses from scratch, sometimes it’s best to take what works and adapt it to your situation.

Online learning courses are a popular and relatively inexpensive way to enable your team members to gain new capabilities. Whether it’s learning a new programming language, honing their writing skills, or attaining an industry certification, an online course can likely meet the need. Or leverage the learning your senior employees have already done by matching them with a mentee who can benefit from their experience.

It’s Not Rocket Science

Your team doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel to get ahead of the competition. Sometimes standing out from the crowd is about taking better advantage of existing methods and technologies to do the best work. Your team can do this by outsourcing non-core activities, adopting efficient technologies, and prioritizing personal and professional self-development.

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Management Software

Five Reasons Your Business Needs Incident Management Software

There are all kinds of ingredients that go into making a business successful. You have the obvious things such as providing products and services that customers/clients want and need, you need both online and offline marketing tools, a strong business plan and, of course, cash flow. Then there are those things that don’t always get talked about as much, but that can help to streamline processes, provide a better customer experience, save the company money, and just make things more efficient overall. One of those less talked about tools in ensuring that your business reaches its maximum level of success is IT incident management software. Now, this may not be something your company currently has, nor are you convinced you need it. Here we’ll take a look at the top reasons your business does, in fact, need the software, and why it’s time you went ahead and invested in it. It's All About Efficiency: When it comes down to it, efficiency in a business can either make it or break it. If a company has found ways to be efficient in all different aspects and levels of the company, then its odds of being successful are much better. IT incident management software is a great way to improve efficiency. Sure, your IT staff are important, and they probably do a great job, but they also need the right tools at their disposal. This kind of software allows them to elevate their degree of effectiveness in your company. Take, for example, theSysAid ITIL incident management software, which allows users to log, manage, process, and then report on any and all IT issues that arise. It’s a streamlined approach that ensures all incidents are caught and made note of, so they can be corrected. Make It Possible for Employees to Work Remotely: Today there is a real push for employees to be able to work remotely, but that also means they need the right tools at their fingertips. With incident management software, they will be able to access it no matter where they are, which means they won’t miss a beat. Put in Place Standardized Procedures: With dedicated IT management software, there will also be a standardized process that is put in place. This means all staff will need to follow a specific list of procedures and steps, which means everyone is on the same page and nothing slips through the cracks. It helps to eliminate questions regarding what each person is expected to do when an incident pops up. Enjoy Cost Savings: By using incident management software, you and the company can also enjoy reduced costs. This type of software is designed to save money and time, which helps the bottom line. Prioritize the Workload: Another way this software can help us to prioritize the workload and tickets. Let's face it, not all issues are urgent; some can stand to wait a bit. A Wise Investment for Businesses: When looking for ways to streamline your business and make things more efficient, IT incident management software could be the solution to all your problems, thanks to the many benefits it provides. Read Also: Tips To Choose The Best Inventory Management Software

Improve Workplace Safety

6 Useful Tips To Improve Workplace Safety

The workplace is one of the most important places in our lives. It is where we make money, build relationships and meet new people. For us to be able to do all these things, we must have a safe environment to work in. The safety of employees should be paramount but sadly this isn't always the case as many businesses are not taking the necessary precautions when it comes to workplace safety. Below are some tips on how you can improve your workplace's safety standards. Safety Audit Conducting a safety audit is a great way to identify potential hazards and ensure that everyone in the workplace is safe. The first step in conducting a safety audit is to take stock of everything you can think of from your office building’s structure to the equipment in the kitchen, everything should be scrutinized for any risks or dangers. Keep an eye out for anything that could cause bodily harm if it were to be tripped over or otherwise mishandled. Next, it’s time for some hands-on testing! Look at every surface that might have sharp edges or jagged corners; make sure every tool has its own place where it won't get lost or forgotten about; look at staircases and make sure they're clear of clutter (or better yet, eliminate them entirely). You may even want to go around with different people who work in different parts of the building so that no one area gets overlooked—it's important not only that all employees are aware of their own responsibilities but also those around them as well! When you’ve finished checking all areas thoroughly, write down what needs improvement on pieces of paper—you’ll need these later when presenting your findings back to everyone involved so they know exactly what needs changing before someone gets hurt again due to negligence. If you are still confused, try to go for employer of record, which is a prominent outsourcing process for your business process. Safety Issues Report If you want to improve workplace safety, you need to make it easy for your employees to report problems. You don't have to be a jerk about it—just make sure they feel comfortable reporting whatever issues are on their minds so that you can take appropriate action. Don't punish people who report safety issues. It's not as simple as saying "don't ever punish someone for reporting a safety issue." Sometimes, if an employee has done something wrong and is being honest about the problem, he or she may need to be disciplined. But if an employee reports an unsafe situation because he or she feels strongly about doing the right thing in terms of workplace safety, then that person should not be punished for doing so (especially if there was no harm done). Make it anonymous—but not too much more than anonymous. In other words: allow for some anonymity (so people don't feel afraid), but also encourage them by making sure everyone knows who reported what issue and why so that everyone at least has some idea of where improvements are needed (and thus can work together on making those improvements) Safety Culture A safety culture is a set of norms and values that promote safety in the workplace. It's more than just good policies, it's how people think about and manage their own behavior. Safety culture is based on shared values, not just written rules and procedures. You can develop a positive safety culture by: Promoting a sense of ownership among employees—giving them opportunities to suggest ways to improve workplace safety and rewarding those who do so with the recognition Making sure all employees understand the importance of their role in keeping themselves safe as well as others Camera Spotter Installation Camera spotters are a great way to improve safety in your workplace. These cameras are designed to be installed in many different places, including around the perimeter of your site, underneath traffic lights and stop signs, and even on top of buildings. Camera spotters can be used for many purposes: they can help monitor people as they walk down hallways or drive through parking lots; they can help monitor traffic by recording speeding vehicles; and they can alert security when pedestrians or vehicles enter restricted areas. The camera spotter you install should be able to detect motion at long distances so that it will pick up any activity within its field of view. This way no one will ever sneak around unnoticed—you'll always know when something dangerous is happening! Drug Testing Policy It's important to have an Australian drug testing policy in place to ensure that your employees are not using drugs or alcohol at work. It can help prevent accidents and injuries, increase productivity, and improve employee morale. A drug testing policy is an important part of maintaining a safe workplace. It helps protect the health and safety of everyone who works there by setting expectations for how the company will respond when someone tests positive for drug or alcohol use. Each state has its laws governing workplace drug testing policies—which substances are allowed to be tested for (alcohol alone? alcohol with drugs?), what type of tests can be used (urine tests? hair follicle samples?), how much-advance notice employees must receive before being tested, etc. Some states even require employers who regularly employ more than five people within their jurisdiction to implement a written drug-free program that includes components such as: Work Licence Update Having a work licence lawyer working on licence updates is important. Your work licence is a legal document that allows you to work in Australia and is required for every person who wants to work in Australia, including those who are Australian citizens or permanent residents. If you are an overseas worker and have a current subclass 457 visa or a subclass 186 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa, then you will need to apply for a new subclass 400 Temporary Work (Skilled) visa if your current visa expires within 12 months of the expiry date on your old subclass 457/186 visa.You need to renew your work licence every 3 years after its issue date (or 2 years after its issue date if it was issued by way of an automated process). Conclusion This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many things that you can do to ensure your workplace is safe and healthy. At the end of the day, it’s all about prioritizing safety and making sure that everyone in your company feels comfortable at work. Read Also: Should You Be Friends With Your Co-Workers? 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product launch tips

3 Product Launch Tips that Dramatically Increase Your Success Chances

The product launch is a proud day for your company and a vital one as well. If you want that product to succeed, you need to find a meaningful way to connect with the customers. That can be more challenging than you might realize at first. We’ll run down the three things you should do to make sure your product launch works. Doing these three things won’t guarantee the product’s success, but it gives you the best chance to get the market penetration for which you’re undoubtedly hoping. Product Launch Tips that Dramatically Increase Your Success Chances There are various product launch tips that can increase your success chances significantly and some of the major ones we have described below. Have a look! 1. Announce the Product Via the Right Venue or Channel As you’re getting ready for your product launch, your company’s employees might be a little bit nervous. Your R and D department might have worked on that product for weeks, months, or even years. You might need this product to succeed if your company is going to remain afloat or gain ground over your competitors. If you want to give that product the best successful chance, you should announce it at the right venue or using the proper channel. That venue might be your website, but it could also be a podcast. You might also set up a press conference and announce the new product that way. If your company is just a startup, though, a press conference is probably not a possibility. You haven’t established yourself yet, so there’s no reason why the press would care enough to show up. You might choose social media as a way to announce your new product is out now. If you do, you’ll need to figure out the right platform to use.  You should utilize what social media platform you know your customers use the most. Using an online video editor, you can create a video introducing your product. It could be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or something else. You might also announce the new product via your website. Again, that’s only going to work if you’ve already established your company and a good amount of people know about it. 2. Build the Anticipation to a Fever Pitch You also need to run a marketing campaign before dropping the product to attract as much attention as possible. Think about the marketing leading up to a new movie or album release. Consider the various ways the marketing team drums up as much anticipation as possible. Exactly how you can promote the product before the launch depends on several factors, such as what the product is, how much money you have to work with, and what channels you have available. You might release featurettes on your YouTube channel about the product for months in advance. You can offer related merchandise if that’s practical. You might offer a limited edition of the product for those who preorder it. Try to fill up the waitlist on your website. You could include a special giveaway that comes with the product, but only for the first 500 customers. 3. Make Sure Your Product Fills a Need The last thing you need to think about is whether your product addresses a customer pain point. The pain point is something the customer wants or a need they have. If you do a lot of market research using advanced analytics and customer surveys, you should develop a very clear idea of what your customers want. If you don’t bother to do that, you’re leaving the product’s success up to chance. That can’t happen, especially if you’ve sunk a lot of time and energy into this particular product. If you miss the mark when you feel like you’ve determined what your customers want, that can be an error from which your company might not recover. Remember that if you’re deviating too much from what your customer base has bought in the past, you’re taking a significant risk. If you launch a product that’s a major departure from your prior offerings, offer it in a much more limited capacity. If it catches on, you can mass-produce it. You have a much better product success chance if you derive your product from what you already make. If you’re a clothing manufacturer, for instance, and you decide to expand your brand to something wildly different, like office supplies, the odds are against it succeeding. The Final Thoughts You’ll need to plan the launch meticulously, with painstaking research and customer focus groups beforehand. If you do all that, you can probably count on a strong reception. With any luck, your product might go viral. It could be what propels your company to new recognition and previously unseen success. Hence, this is all about product launch tips that will help you to dramatically increase your success chances.  Read Also: How Customer Success Can Help Grow Your Business Five things to consider before starting a Business 7 Growth Hacking Ideas that will Boost your Startup