Use Structure-Style Tents to Expand Event Space

Published on: 17 January 2020 Last Updated on: 26 July 2024
Use Structure-Style Tents to Expand Event Space

Do you rent out event space? Or are you a field manager for a company that is involved in a lot of exhibitions? Either way, a structure-style tent can provide you with a convenience that saves cost and makes your life a lot easier.

You have lots of guests coming into the party, and when you need extra space to accommodate the influx, you shouldn’t worry. You can make an addition by using Structure-Style Tents to Expand Event Space. These sturdy temporary structures can be customized, and you can even convert a parking lot or even a rooftop to an event space.

There are many good reasons why you need to consider having a structured-style commercial canopy tent for your event space.

Here are some suggestions below:

Branding visibility

Are you hosting an exhibition or a training workshop? Why not pitch a branded structured style canvas at the entrance. That is not only good PR but also good branding of the organizations. Most canvas manufacturers will have customized branding of your structured style canvas for companies that are keen on branding their merchandise and properties.

Having a branded tent is not only free advertisement, but it also saves on the cost of requiring a banner every time you pitch one in a location. Its wall can have a well-printed brand message.

Versatility (ideal for all events)

A tent is not limited to a specific event only. From weddings to birthdays, reunions, and even barbeques, to name a few, a structured style tent will ideally expand your event space to make it comfortable as it can get.

When planning for an event away from the office, one of the options that you should inquire about is the availability of tented spaces. Outdoors function is fun compared to when enclosed in a building. Also, the fee for gathering in a tented area is always affordable.

Also, companies can have their own structured style canvas to be pitched in the garden or rooftop to hold group birthdays for their staff or event award parties.

Ideal for any themed event

themed event

Canvas is a blank canvas that gives you lots of room to play around with your creativity in terms of décor. It is more convenient to decorate a tent than it would be with a brick and mortar structure. With canvas, you have a blank slate, and you can customize the same from the ground up to realize your ideal theme.

Tents have no solid walls or layouts compared to a building, which has its color, lighting, and floor design, among others. With a tent, you can quickly achieve your vision 100% without having to compromise to blend with the existing layouts as with events held indoors.

Easy to manage spaces

Tented spaces are easy to manage and organize. If you are a site manager using a structured style tent to expand the event’s venue makes not only the area more significant, but it also makes your work even more relaxed.

There is no floor space to clean. You only need to pick up the trash. If you instead rented out a ten, you can talk with the canvas company to clean the space as they pack the tent. It’s that convenient.

There is no wall, and moving furniture around to design a theme according to a client’s needs is quite convenient. You can add or reduce event space by reducing the ground surface covered by the tent.


The tent protects outdoor events guests from all sorts of climatic conditions. If it’s cold, you can lower the canvas wall and let the guest have it warm inside the tent while feeling the ambiance of being outdoors. Same to when it rains.

If it’s hot out, you can bring up the walls and let fresh air breeze through the crowd. Also, the tented rooftop is dome-shaped to reduce the heat from the scorching sun.

What about the durability in all climatic conditions? You should know that anodized aluminum is used to make the skirtings and frames of the canvas to ensure they are corrosive resistant and durable. The structured style canvas nowadays is light but quite sturdy against strong wind and is not likely to tip over during an event.

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Businesses Should Invest In Backblaze's Cloud Storage

Why Businesses Should Invest In Backblaze’s Cloud Storage?

Online backup services are helping many businesses in storing their files on the web. It is better than using hard drives and other external storage for some reasons, especially for security purposes. IT nerds in California are so amazed at Backblaze because of how it keeps more data safely. It is named the best cloud storage service with its personal and business backup function. Cloud storage works to protect old and new files better than Dropbox and other online storage mediums. Its security level is also higher than expected with the help of experts behind it. Well, before securing your files & data on Cloud storage, you must always think about IT equipment disposal and server recycling. This is to get rid of all the unwanted hardware in the server room, thus creating new space. A data center decommissioning specialist like “Dataknox” can help in such complex ITAD solutions in Newark CA, in a professional way. If you are in doubt whether Backblaze is good for your business, below is a rundown of benefits you can consider in making decisions. Four Benefits of Backblaze’s Cloud Storage 1. Easy to Manage: Backblaze is easy to use and ideal for a wide range of users. Once the backup plan is set, the cloud server will be fully responsible for keeping your files secure. However, Backblaze is unlike other backup storage that allows user intervention over the files at any time. The software itself will do the tasks for you. This function may not be good for some users but benefits others. 2. Backups File Automatically: As said earlier, user intervention is limited with Backblaze’s backup storage. The good news is that it keeps files automatically for unlimited storage at a reasonable cost. This main feature of cloud storage makes the backup process run continuously. It assures keeping files safely at the right places with the help of data centers. Backblaze guarantees to manage your data with less hassle on your behalf.  3. Full Protection Against Data Loss: The disadvantage of other backup services is providing easy access to files through multiple devices. This may cause data loss if not manage very well. With Backblaze, it promotes data protection that helps to recover files easily when lost or stolen. It also boasts double-layer security by encrypting all of your files on drives to improve privacy. It helps to prevent hackers to steal your data whenever they wanted. 4. Unlimited Storage: Lastly, Backblaze can offer businesses extra storage up to quintillion bytes to hold their data. It is huge enough to keep even the files of larger enterprises. That is why this online backup service can be suitable for a wide range of usage. Moreover, it is very affordable with all the other features it has to offer. Its unlimited online backup is a plus that requires additional cost. Final Thoughts: Wrapping it all up, entrusting your business files with Backblaze is the right decision. It protects your data from possible security leaks, unlike other backup storage options. Backblaze is also affordable and yet provides the best storage features for your specific needs. The staff behind will be fully responsible for keeping your files secured and easy to access. For your data backup needs, contact Backblaze for more details. Read Also: 8 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing is Changing Education Best Server Management Tips for Startups What are the things you need to know while choosing Antivirus Software?


7 reasons to be an entrepreneur in the best area: IT

Being an entrepreneur is a great adventure. And adventures are not usually for anyone. They demand a lot of discipline, the vision of the future, personal delivery, multi-disciplinarity, persistence ... and courage, just to mention some of the qualities that this condition demands. Incidentally, the adventure has everything to do with dynamism and the latter is intrinsic to the area of Information Technology: by far the best area to undertake. Let us see 7 points that justify this opinion: 1. Endless fields of activity: When it comes to IT, you can program, support proprietary software packages, computer maintenance, project consulting, training, build a virtual store, and a range of options limited only by the entrepreneur's creativity. 2. Initial investment flexibility: Due to many possible business options in IT, the most varied initial investment volumes are possible to start your dream, after all, you do not always need a physical structure besides a computer and an internet connection. 3. No compulsory upper level: While in traditional professions registration in class organs are required, in IT (fortunately for some and unfortunately for others) it is possible to provide services even without a straw in hand. Making it clear, obviously, the study makes a lot of difference when it comes to successful entrepreneurs. 4. Free online support resources: On the internet you find everything, but when it comes to information technology, it dominates much of this "everything", many interesting communities, highly specialized forums, and can enjoy the help of high-level professionals, all at the lowest possible cost or even for free. The internet provides almost everything including when you want to find a cheap essay writing service. 5. Reduced bureaucracy: Keeping high costs with the open company may not be necessary in some cases, as it is very common and almost a rule in other fields of activity. This can guarantee you a good life until you settle down and start for a formalization of your business. 6. More diversification, more chances of success! The inherent versatility of Information Technology allows this ease of strategy change between different products and services with reduced cost, taking advantage of the demand of the moment. Your company can, in addition to selling products, provide support, training, business consulting, among many other activities. 7. Ability to reach - A global market! With remote access and other resources, it is possible to keep customers in various places in Brazil and around the world, regardless of the activity within IT and at the same time keep a relatively low cost. This means high competitiveness, especially for a small business that is taking its first steps. To undertake in times of crisis? Yes, why not? Undertake in an area that is in crisis counter-hand! Economists have a very common adage that serves as the basis for the investment decision: do not put all the eggs in the same basket. Unfortunately, your job is not (or at least no longer) a place so safe due to the current economic moment that the world lives, then having other alternative sources of income is a simple matter of survival. Read Also: Why Do Entrepreneurs Put Up Their Drop Shipping Websites For Sale? Information Technology And Business Success: The Things That Connect Them

Waste Management Tips

10 Waste Management Tips For Every Business

A lot of businesses are aware that they need to take care of their waste, but it can be difficult to get started. Here are 10 tips for managing your business' waste. 1. Start With A Strategy A strategy is a plan for the future. It's the process of defining what you want to achieve and how you'll go about it. For example, if your business is a retail store, you might want to increase sales by 10% over the next year. Then, you'd create an action plan that includes how many new products or services you'll offer and what marketing techniques will be used to attract more customers. You can't just decide on a goal without having some idea of how you're going to get there (and whether or not it's even feasible). When developing your waste management strategy, it's important to consider: Your budget and resources The current state of waste management at your company Potential opportunities and challenges 2. Educate Your Employees About Waste Management Make sure you dispose of your waste correctly. If you are unsure of how to do this, or if you want to find out which method is best for your business, speak with an expert on waste management services on how to; Educate your employees. Teach them how to recycle and dispose of waste properly. Make them aware of what not to put in the garbage, such as old batteries and electronics. 3. Reduce Paper Waste You already know how wasteful paper can be. Use it for something important and the rest of your documents can go the way of digital storage. If you have documents that need to be printed, switch to recycled paper to reduce costs and waste. Then, think about using email instead of printing out emails with attachments or sending faxes to clients. There are also more efficient ways to store your documents than storing them on paper—scanning important files into a cloud-based system is an excellent alternative that will cut down on clutter and save you money! 4. Do A Waste Audit A waste audit can be a great way to get your business on the right track when it comes to reducing and recycling. It's a simple process, but it must be done regularly. You will need to identify what types of waste are being generated by your business, how much of each type is being produced, and where they are going after they have been discarded. The goal should be to understand what types of materials are being thrown away so that you can work with employees or partners to find ways around them (or eliminate them). Outsourcing waste management services is also a great way to save time and money. You can outsource the waste management of your business to a professional company that has experience in this area, or you can hire a colleague who has experience with waste management and ask them if they are willing to help you out. 5. Compromise On Cleaning Products For Waste Management You will find that it is not necessary to use toxic chemicals and harsh cleaning products. Instead, you can opt for environmentally-friendly alternatives that are just as effective in maintaining the cleanliness of your business. For example, if you need a surface cleaner or disinfectant that will keep your office equipment free of germs and bacteria, look for an option that does not contain chlorine bleach (which has been linked to cancer and other health problems). Instead, choose something like "green" cleaners that have been specifically designed to be more environmentally friendly without sacrificing effectiveness. 6. Get Creative With Containers As you are trying to figure out how to dispose of your business’s waste, it is important to keep in mind that the most important thing is not what kind of container you use, but rather how easy it will be for your employees to carry around your business’s waste. If you have a lot of waste and it is going to be hard for employees to carry around containers full of garbage, then there are many more eco-friendly options available for businesses like yours than if there was just one kind of container at hand. Another thing worth considering when choosing which type of receptacle or bin will work best for storing all that trash is whether or not reusable materials would work better than disposable ones. For example: If possible (and legal), consider using traditional wooden crates instead of plastic ones because they are reusable and biodegradable! This can also help save money since these types 7. Rethink Your Water System In addition to recycling and reusing, you can also start thinking about your water system. The average American household uses 300 gallons of water per day. That’s a lot! Fortunately, there are several ways you can reduce your water use and help the environment in the process: More efficient use of fixtures. These include solid-surface counters, low-flow showerheads, and faucet aerators. Install rainwater harvesting systems on roofs of commercial buildings or at home (if possible). Rainwater is collected for future use as drinking water, lawn irrigation, or toilet flushing. Use greywater systems in homes where it is allowed by law; these systems recycle wastewater from sinks and showers for irrigation purposes. Get a meter installed on your building's existing plumbing system so you know how much water you're using on an ongoing basis. 8. Recycle Your Electronics Recycle your electronics. Electronic waste is a growing problem, and not only because it contains toxic materials that can harm our environment. The oil and other materials used to make electronic devices are becoming increasingly scarce, which means that recycling electronics is good for the planet. You should always recycle old cell phones or computers at an e-waste recycling center—if you throw them away, they could end up in landfills where they will take years to decompose and release harmful chemicals into the earth's soil and water supply. 9. Consider Food Waste Food waste is a major problem for all businesses, particularly the hospitality and food service industry. Estimates show that the average hotel loses 18% of its room nights due to guests not showing up; this means they're paying for rooms they aren't using—and that's on top of the cost of cleaning and preparing those rooms (which can range from $10–$100 per night). According to an expert in waste oil disposal in Liverpool, buffet restaurants often lose between 30% and 50% of their prepared food due to spoilage or over-ordering. Your company may also be losing money by taking care of its garbage cans improperly: if staff members don't line them with bags or otherwise protect them from water damage, you could end up having to buy new ones every few weeks at a cost that would add up quickly over time! 10. Beware Of Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste is a particular kind of waste that has special disposal requirements. It’s important to know what hazardous waste is and how to identify it because if you don’t dispose of your hazardous waste properly with toxic waste collection services, it can be costly and even dangerous for the environment. Hazardous wastes are those that meet any of these descriptions: Corrosives: substances that burn or destroy living tissue on contact with skin or eyes, like sulfuric acid (pH 1) and sodium hydroxide (pH 14) Ignitable: easily ignited by heat, flame, sparks, or another source at room temperature; includes liquids with flashpoints below 60° F/16° C and solids such as coal dust in air-contaminated dust with ignition temperatures below 130° F/54° C Conclusion - Waste Management Tips So, there you have it! A few simple steps can make a big difference to your business. We know that waste management is not always at the top of everyone’s priority list when they run their business, but it should be. The good news is that our tips will not only help with your waste but also save you money in other areas too! Read Also: Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture How A Business Loan Helps Business People In 2023 How To Market A Small Business In A Big City