Do You Really Want to Live on Mars? 3 Sustainability Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle


13 March 2019


sustainability tips

As I write this, over 316 million tons of household waste has already been produced this year. And it is only March.

Luckily, a report from 2014 shows that 55% of the developed world population consider the environment when making a purchase.

While being a conscience buyer helps, more needs to be done to cut emissions and waste. If we don’t, then there won’t be a planet to enjoy in a few decades.

I personally use these 3 sustainability tips to keep the Earth and my wallet lean and green.

1. Energy Eco Tips:

The energy we use at home provides a multitude of ways to cut back on our resources and carbon footprint. Use these simple green tips to save on the cost of your gas and electric while helping save the planet.

  • Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
  • Instead of turning up the heat or AC, dress for the weather.
  • Turn off and unplug electronics when not in use.
  • Switch to renewable energy by contacting local solar companies that can provide cheaper and eco-friendly energy options.
  • Use LED lights or open the shades for natural rays of sunshine.
  • Buy energy efficient appliances like a washer/dryer or gas stove.

2. Reuse and Recycle:

Being thrifty and nifty with your trash saves me from buying new things when I can fix up something old and keeps trash out of landfills when I follow these environment tips.

  • Save glass jars for storage or use as planters.
  • Buy second-hand clothes and furniture.
  • Separate your trash properly to make recycling easier.
  • Start a compost using your food scraps.
  • Fix broken appliances, furniture, and clothing.
  • Use reusable containers for food instead of plastic bags.

3. Healthy Living Sustainability Tips:

Sustainable living also includes our personal health and fitness as they can affect emissions too. From our mode of transportation to our diets, lifestyle choices take a toll on our environment just like our bodies.

These green tips for healthy living should not be left off our list.

  • Start a fitness routine to burn energy efficiently.
  • Avoid animal products as they increase carbon emissions and use more water.
  • Begin an organic garden to save food transportation costs, cut grocery bills, and eat a well-balanced diet.
  • Take a bike to work to save on gas emissions.
  • Use all-natural self-care products like sunscreen that won’t poison the ocean.
  • Skip eating out because you can choose the ingredients and save on traveling costs when we cook at home.

Saving the Planet has Never Been Easier:

This may sound like a lot of work, but finding ways to implement these sustainability tips in our daily lives couldn’t be easier or more essential than it is today.

Companies usually an offer green section for recycled or eco-friendly products, organic food has now become the norm in most grocery stores, and renewable energy is accessible in any part of the world.

Share with us your favorite ways to be environmentally friendly in the comments below.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Renewable Sources Of Energy

Is The World Shifting Fast Enough To Renewable Sources Of Energy?

‘Climate Change’ is not a myth or a figment of imagination anymore. Renewable sources of energy should be received in a manner that does not produce a change in society. It is one of the strongest realities, which humankind is experiencing every single day. Global Warming is melting our polar ice caps, spreading wildfires in our forests and exposing humanity to rising sea levels. Even though international organizations like the United Nations, activists like Greta Thunberg are spreading awareness and consciousness; the voices that matter are not doing enough. In this article, we will look at why the most powerful and richest country in the world, the United States of America should start taking renewable sources of energy more seriously. Besides, we will also discuss why it is important not to radically disturb the existing infrastructure in a major way. Why did the World continue to subsidize the Fossil Fuel Industry heavily? According to official reports, governments around the world gave nearly $300 Billion worth of subsidies to the fossil fuel industry 2017. This number is expected to cross nearly $400 Billion by 2020. At the same time, the entire world cumulatively gave only $290 Billion worth of subsidies to renewable sources of energy. Science has claimed that burning fossil fuels in thermal power plants, industries, factories, and automobiles are contributing to global warming in a major way. By using so much fossil fuels like coal, petroleum products, and others, we are overheating our planet. Companies that deal and do business in fossil fuels are multi-billion dollar corporations. They are some of the biggest corporations in the entire world. It is only natural that they use their influence to lobby for their industry and use their financial clout to stop unfavorable legislative attempts that aim to curb their business. Most politicians depend heavily on campaign funding from these companies and individuals. The quid-pro-quo dictates that once the politician comes to power, he will help the fossil fuel companies in any which way they require. This prevents progressive legislation, empties state coffers through subsidizations and kills innovation in alternative energy sources. What are some of the major fallouts of Climate Change and Global Warming? Almost every day, newspapers and television channels carry news items about uncontrollable forest fires, dust storms, snowing incidents in the desert, hurricanes, floods and rising sea levels. While naysayers dismiss these horrendous incidents, almost the entire scientific community believes it to the direct result of humans destroying their planets. The entire world is seeing a temperature increase on a year-on-year basis. This is not only causing huge environmental catastrophes but also leading us closer to the extinction of the human race. While efforts have been made to rebuild our forests, plant more trees and go electric, the damage being done is far faster than the rebuilding process. In late 2019 and early 2020, Australia saw one of history’s worst forest fires. It is estimated that the fires killed more than one billion animals and caused billions of dollars’ worth of destruction to the local economy. The historical city of Venice was in the news for being completely submerged in water following an increase in seawater levels in 2019. Likewise, 2020 also saw steep cold weather conditions in the Middle East, with snowing and heavy hailstorms being reported from UAE and Oman. What should we do to stop Climate Change and turn back Global Warming? While pessimists think that we have already lost the world, many optimists like Greta Thunberg who still believe we have a fighting chance. We must reduce our carbon footprint on a war footing. To do this government leaders and countries must take pro-active actions to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and promote renewable sources of energy and alternative sources of energy. Douglas Healy, one of the most famous legal experts on energy issues states that it is important to find a not destabilize the existing infrastructure in a major way. He states that renewable sources of energy should be ushered in a manner that does not create a crisis in society. Millions of people are employed in traditional power plants and closing them, down might create problems of a different nature. This is why it is important to use the existing infrastructure and weave away consumers as well as employers away from the traditional fossil fuel industry. Conclusion Everyone needs to do his or her bit to save our planet. From doing small things like carpooling to avoiding the use of single-use plastic, we can all come together to rebuild our surroundings. We must plant as many trees as possible to maintain the ecological balance of the world. What are you doing to help counter the effects of climate change? Let us know in the comments section below. Read Also: The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell Top Hi-Tech Airports in the Northern Hemisphere

cotton fabrics

Why Cotton is the Best Fabric

Shop cotton fabrics: Our heart flutters we just think about shopping. While shopping selecting the right fabric within the estimated budget is the most important factor. Most of us choose cotton fabric other than the other fabrics that are available in the market. It hides the most intimate parts of your body as well as depicts what kind of personality you are. Quality fabric: As all of us expect our garment to be durable, and to retain for certain duration cotton fabrics will solve your queries. To cut the cost manufacturers distinguish high-quality fabrics from low-quality ones. One thing what you have to notice is the price and quality are not always related. While purchasing the fabric you need to look into the following: Whether the fabric will suit a particular garment The quality of the fabric Man-made fibers are also available in the market. The basic difference between natural and synthetic fibers is that they are not obtained naturally. Pick the right fabric while shopping: After some experience and practice, you will understand the difference between the natural and synthetic blended fabric. Here are some of the tactics that you can follow while selecting the right fabric: Cotton fabric keeps your skin breathable and hydrated on any weather climate. Though the silk fabric looks good for everyone, they tend to crease up with your skin quickly. Even while choosing a linen fabric, the fabric should be 100% blended before using. Woven fabrics will help you in durability as the thread goes from left to right and up to down. Popular fabric in the world: Cotton is considered to be the most popular fabric in the world. It is amazingly versatile and all the garment decorators know how to get a detailed and well-crafted garment for your wardrobe. The most important quality of cotton that staples the minds of consumers is its durability, softness, material length etc. Since cotton is considered as natural fabric, smoothwares guide on clothing will help you in understanding. There are some common ways to obtain cotton fabrics. Cotton fabrics are found naturally due to geological processes. Jute, cotton, hemp etc are produced by the natural growing plants for which humans give different shapes and structures. Here is the reason why cotton fabric is best: Fabric made of long and lengthy fiber materials is generally considered to be high-quality fabric material. Below are the reasons why cotton fabric is the best. ● Lifetime durability: Fine yarns are more tightly bonded to make a strong fabric with more durability. Longer the fibers, finer the yarn will be. And also withstands water while washing. ● Adaptive breathability: Some fabrics do not contain breathable holes. Cotton fabric keeps its consumers comfortable by creating thermal insulation holes that are associated with breathability. ● Softness and resistance: Since the fabric has long fibers it will be easy to spin long fibers. Longer fabrics are closely bounded in different directions. ● Moisture control: As the fabric is said to be breathable, it also transmits moisturizers away from the body and removes the absorbent and keeps the body hydrated. It also allows you to remain comfortable during exercises and promotes a joint between skin and clothing. ● Hypoallergenic: Wearing cotton garments is always recommended by doctors for skin allergies. Because the cotton is said to be hypoallergenic as it is used in medical products such as gauze, bandages, buds, x-rays, tissues etc. ● Shrinkage and wrinkling: You should always make sure the cotton clothes fits you before buying, as the cotton has poor elasticity. Stretching out the shrunk cotton material using ironing or pressing gives more elasticity. ● Weatherproof: Most of the weather-resistant garments are manufactured with cotton materials. Dense fabric is used for weather-resistant clothing. ● Insulation: Cotton fibers hold the fabric away from the skin further allows the skin to feel comfortable and breathable. Types of cotton fabrics: The method of weaving and production varies to create a wide range of cotton fabrics. Plain and twill are the two methods of weaving. Cotton fabrics include: Muslin Percale Gingham Broadcloth Terry cloth Poplin Seersucker Flannel Uses of cotton fabric: As there are many uses of cotton fabric some of them are listed below: Accessories: Cotton is used in accessories such as trimmings, ribbons, handcuffs, umbrellas etc Textiles or home utilities: The fabric is used in table clothes, bedclothes, hand towels, kitchen clothes, carpets, furniture coverings, bath towels etc. Apparel fabrics: It includes blouses, shirts, nightwear, leisure wears, trousers etc. Industrial textiles: Shoes, bags, clothing, medical supplies such as bandages, gauge and sewing threads Bottom line: Though the other fabrics are easily affordable in the market, our opinion about cotton fabric is always on the upper hand when looking for a long term. Hopefully, all the above-mentioned criteria you will have a conclusion of why cotton fabric is the best among others. 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Sqm Club

SQM Club Reviews – Some Important Facts [2022 Updated]

The SQM Club is one of the popular organizations that was launched with the objective of helping to minimize CO2 emissions and enhance the quality of the air.  With more than a thousand members at present, the SQM club provides tools that enable SQL club members to manage and track their carbon footprint efficiently and effectively.  The club is working hard to eliminate the harmful emission of carbon dioxide into the air. Thousands of people and firms have joined this club to reduce their costs and create a healthy living environment.  What Is SQM Club? SQM Club is a unique nonprofit group that focuses on the sustainability of the environment. They are dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and technologies which helping for educating the public. Their main goal is to promote environmental responsibility among the dedicated club members. They educate every member about industrial pollution. And every club member makes efforts to control carbon emissions and Co2 production. Club is committed to reducing the carbon footprint which business organizations produce. Through community involvement, the club is involved in different types of events. They spread awareness regarding carbon emissions and the sustainability of the environment. SQM club works with local schools and different organizations to promote environmental responsibility among the audience. SQM club generates an online calculator for their members to calculate their carbon emissions. SQM Club - A Detailed Guide SQM Club was launched in the year 2009 and has helped its members to save nearly 1.5 million tons of CO2 since January 2015.  The headquarters of this club is situated in Oxford, United Kingdom. Therefore, most members also belong to Singapore, Poland, Israel, India, Germany, France, China, and Australia.  Besides, the organization has created a mission to improve the atmosphere for future generations by utilizing all the SQM club’s advice and tools.  Hence, club members have traced over 1.4 million emission reports so far. This club is very proud to work with the National Car Testing Service in the UK, which helps them save millions of pounds every year by efficiently handling CO2 emissions.  How does SQM Club Works? SQM club works globally and has already assisted many countries in improving their environmental issues, including government firms in the USA. As already discussed above, the main mission of the Club is to ensure that the emission of carbon dioxide and the overall carbon footprint is under control.  Since 2009, they have been trying their best to improve the atmosphere by protecting the environment and encouraging people to do the same. Therefore members of the SQM provide the best tips to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. The club works in such a manner to improve future generations with their valuable tips. With more than 1000+ members from different countries, the club works towards improving the environment for future generations. Hence they help its members calculate carbon dioxide emissions and then enable them to save money through small, simple, but effective measures. Their main motive is to track their CO2 emission. SQM Club Facts: Must Know! There are many facts related to the SQM club that you must know. Here are some of them that you must know: If you wish, you can join the club and start helping your environment today! The full form of SQM Club is Squak Mountain Club. This club is very proud to be a member of NATS in the UK. Club's online calculator can help members understand their own CO2 emissions based on their products.  SQM members have saved 1,675,433 tons of carbon dioxide since 2015. Club aims to protect the environment for future generations.  Members also encourage people to help them in improving the atmosphere around us.  The Headquarters of this renowned club is located in England at Oxford. Club working with corporations, international bodies, and countries that are looking to eliminate CO2 emissions.  The club is affiliated with many other popular organizations and businesses that are aiming to enhance air quality. Members of the SQM clubs work day and night to meet the demand of their customers.  What Are The Common SQM Club Events? SQM pack arranges various types of events and activities to promote environmental sustainability.  Here are the SQM Club event’s names. Workshops:  They host different workshops and lectures for various sustainability and environmental responsibility. Hence the SQM club schedules seminars and collaborates with the local school and the educational institute to organize the workshops. Earth Day Events:  The Club organizes the earth day event every year. The annual event is celebrated on April 22nd. Therefore club organizes seminars and workshops on that day to educate people about environmental sustainability. Fair: They also manage all types of sustainability fairs to promote products and new technologies. Therefore, they are taking initiatives to encourage the suitability of the environment. Eco Tour: Often they also arrange eco-tour and educates people about the sustainability of the environment. Hence these tours are conducted on different local farms and other eco-friendly business methods. How Does SQM Club Calculate The Carbon Footprint? SQM club uses different tools and techniques for measuring the carbon footprint of businesses and various companies. Here are some techniques the SQM club uses to calculate the carbon footprint. Carbon Footprint Auditing: SQM Club allows businesses and organizations to assess their company's carbon emissions. These audits run through analyzing the company's used energy and transportation. Hence, the club's present auditing report uses power and generates a carbon footprint. C Footprint Calculators:  The club offers online carbon footprint calculators for individual business associations. So every member can see their contribution to the carbon emissions, and based on these records, they can plan for their next business process. Environmental Management System: SQM club helps businesses and organizations implement the environmental management system. Therefore EMS is a systematic approach. Therefore the target is to identify the reducing environmental impacts and carbon emissions. Life Cycle Analysis:  This method is measuring up the life cycle of the products. Carbon production levels during extractions, disposal, and manufacturing measure up through the life cycle analysis. How Can Anyone Join SQM Club? SQM club is like any other membership club. Hence they also offer deals and exclusive discounts on members’ travel, lifestyle, and entertainment services. Step 1: Download the SQM application from the google play store without paying anything. Step 2: Or you can download the SQM website. Step 3: Fill up the club joining application form. Therefore your application process is complete, and now you are a member of the SQM club. Annual and monthly subscriptions are also available for interested candidates. Hence club also organizes an annual referral program that gives the members discounts on subscriptions who refer friends and family members to the club. The Final Thoughts: SQM Club For A Better World! SQM club is now becoming popular day by day due to its area of expertise. However, the best thing about this club is that they are helping to build a green and clean environment where no problem can occur at any cost. The Club has members from all over the world. Even though the headquarters is in England's Oxford, therefore the members are from France, Australia, Germany, and many other countries. Thus, this is all about the SQM members club, and you can even join this club today and help them to protect the environment. If you are searching for the facts and other information regarding the SQM Club, I hope that this article has been of help to you. Hence if there is any other related confusion, please write them down in the comment box below. Read Also: 7 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity and Create a Positive Culture 5 Great Reasons Your Home Needs a Wood-burning Stove