3 Things to Know About Long-Term VOC Exposure


Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are one of the leading causes of air pollution. They pose an immediate environmental risk to the average individual. VOCs can be both natural and manufactured. They are dangerous because of their volatility, which means the toxins evaporate into the air at room temperature. VOCs are released into the indoor air that we breathe and can cause exposure.

Beyond the danger of their short- and long-term effects, VOCs are particularly hazardous because most of the time, you cannot see or smell them. Learn the following about long-term exposure to VOCs and how you can reduce your risk.

You Can Be Exposed Through Everyday Activity:

Individuals can be exposed to VOCs in a variety of ways. Smoking cigarettes or being in the presence of secondhand smoke, using common household cleaners, working with commercial building and crafting chemicals, or using products that contain formaldehyde or benzene all increase your exposure to VOCs.

There are two ways to be exposed to VOCs. First, you can become exposed by inhaling air that contains volatile compounds. In addition, you can become exposed when your skin comes into contact with products that contain and release VOCs. Formaldehyde is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution via VOCs because of the significant amount of residential, commercial, and personal products that contain it.

Long-Term Exposure Can Cause Serious Issues:

The danger of VOC exposure varies depending on the amount of VOCs in the air, the length of time you have been exposed, and how often you are exposed to it. Short-range exposure can garner a variety of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, irritation to the eyes, and memory issues.

Being exposed to VOCs for longer periods can induce more serious symptoms. They can include consistent eyes, nose, and throat irritation; nausea; loss of coordination; prolonged periods of fatigue; damage to your liver, kidneys, and central nervous system; and in some cases, even cancer.

It’s Possible to Reduce Your Risk:

To limit your risk of VOC exposure, it is advised to reduce the amount of time you spend breathing in air that contains VOCs. Likewise, limit the time you spend using chemicals that contain and release VOCs, such as household cleaners or commercial crafting supplies. Whenever possible, buy and use naturally sourced cleaning supplies, cosmetics, or other personal items.

Taking measures to improve air quality can also help to reduce symptoms and any long-term damage. The installation of features such as air-cleaning ventilation systems can improve your air quality. These systems help take out the air that contains VOCs inside your home and replace it with preconditioned fresh air.

Volatile organic compounds are an immediate threat and can cause harmful long-term symptoms. However, there are ways you can protect your health. Start by limiting your exposure to air that contains VOCs. In addition, install ventilation systems to replace contaminated air inside your home. It doesn’t take a lot to make a difference, but it can save you from some serious health concerns in the long run.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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School Stress

5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back to School Stress

Now that school is back in session, you can look forward to seeing your college friends, attending frat parties and stressing out about your workload. It’s all a part of the college experience, but that doesn’t mean you have to let stress get you down. You may not be able to eliminate it completely, but you can definitely minimize your back to school stress with the right techniques. Here are five ways college students can minimize stress. 1. Prepare in advance : If possible, read the syllabus for each class before it starts. In this document, you should find out exactly what's expected of you throughout the semester. Put important dates and deadlines on your calendar so that you can plan the rest of your classes and social life around them. If you know anyone who has taken the same class before, ask them how it was. Another student can give you insight that you won’t get on an outline. He or she may even be able to tell you how to get on the professor’s good side, which is a priceless nugget of information. 2. Meditate : Meditation is a proven way to help combat stress by reducing cortisol levels. This doesn’t have to be a religious experience. Simply try to start each day with a quiet 5 or 10-minute meditation. This will help you focus better in class, prioritize your assignments and remain calm when it’s crunch time. To get started with meditation, you may want to try a guided meditation or some simple breathing exercises. Sit in a quiet area, relax your body and mind, and focus on your breaths in and out. Don’t worry if it seems haphazard at first. You’ll get better with practice. 3. Keep partying to a minimum : Drugs and alcohol seem like a part of college life for many students, but they can get in the way of your education if you let them. These things can have a negative impact on your memory and cognitive abilities, and they can increase your anxiety an stress levels. It’s okay to drink in moderation, but don’t drink so much that you have to start worrying about alcohol addiction. 4. Exercise regularly : Exercise is a natural stress-busting activity, so you should try to make it a regular part of your routine. Try to fit at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise into each day, if not more. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are responsible for that great post-workout euphoria. Endorphins are a natural antidote to the cortisol that courses through your body during midterms and finals. 5. Build a support network : College can be a fun time, but it can also be a stressful and difficult time. Make sure you have a good support system to help you through. Even just one or two good friends can help you get through the hard times. It can help to talk about your thoughts and feelings, but it’s especially beneficial to have someone to laugh with. Just like exercise, laughter causes the body to release feel-good endorphins. You may have a long year ahead with lots of work, but don’t let stress get the better of you. You’re stronger than you know. Read Also :  How Can Stress During Studies Affect The Health Of Your Children? 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Stress And Start Living A Peaceful Life 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress

CBD capsules & softgels

What is the best way to consume CBD? CBD capsules & softgels!

CBD comes in various forms and each proffer unique positive and negative. It is vital to stay aware of the differences so that we can stay informed on the best options for our circumstances. But what is the easiest way to take CBD? The reality is the different forms of CBD products have some diverse ideal circumstances for use. Sometimes, the best is pure oil but CBD capsules are perfect in some other cases. A thing is too clear today as when it comes to convenience, the capsules of CBD oil are king. What are the pros of CBD capsules? The convenient way Of all the ways to consume CBD products, gel caps are the most suitable. After all, it does not get too easier than swallowing any pill. Our CBD capsules are small and it is easy to swallow the same. Further, CBD capsules are now widely available in the UK and these are small so it is easy to take them.CBD capsules are too convenient for rapid use and also, are quite discrete too. You may get weird if you consume a drop of oil in public – but pop a pill of CBD oil and nobody is going to provide you a second sight. The controlling factor Any other benefit of CBD capsules is the exact dosages. When you use oil & tinctures of CBD, then you can get an accurate idea of the doses that you are taking. But through the capsules of CBD oil, you will get to know what you are consuming each time. To exemplify, the 25 grams of CBD oil capsules comprise 25 grams of CBD for each serving. Knowing the right content of CBD is an immense benefit of softgels of CBD. Tasteless and Odorless option CBD capsules are odorless as well as tasteless. That is good news for people who do not like the taste of CBD or are worried about the effects that it gives them while breathing. Pure CBD Oil has no bad taste but definitely, it holds a distinct flavor. Most people describe the CBD taste either as earthy or grassy. It is an acquired taste for some people. CBD gel capsules proffer a free-from flavor and odor option. CBD capsules or Oil – Which one is a good option? Apologies but there is no such perfect option while making a comparison. Both pills, as well as oil, are outstanding options and each can beat the other in some specific circumstances. Let us take a look at the pros below. Pros of CBD capsules: Exact doses No taste or effects. Shelf-time is long. Convenient option Pros of CBD oil It absorbs too quickly. It is too personalized. It is quite affordable. All in all, both are reliable options available. If you take any form of CBD, then it is not at all a winning decision. Most people pick up some alternative products. People opt for oil or tinctures when they are at their place but go for softgels when they are out. It offers both approaches as per the convenience of people and you can choose the one that fits the best. Conveniently, there is a vast range of CBD products in the form of tinctures, topical, and capsules. You’re on the fence to choose the perfect one. Read Also: When is it Time to Start Considering CBD Use? Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin? CBD the Solution to Insomnia


Why is Fitness Important for Weight Loss?

Being fit is an incredibly important part of weight loss. Yes, nutrition and eating right is an integral part of the process, however, your fitness regime is an equally vital part of the process. Here’s why. Fitness classes help to burn calories: If you want to lose weight, you ultimately need to burn calories. Ideally, you need to burn more than you take in so that you can get rid of the excess weight that you want to. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to do this because you’re expending a lot of energy while performing these activities. Here a few cardiovascular exercises as well as the number of calories that you can burn during these activities: A person, weighing in at 155 pounds, who runs at 7.5 miles per hour has the potential to burn 465 calories in 30 minutes. A person of the same weight will burn372 calories swimming breaststroke. Swimming butterfly for 30 minutes will burn 409 calories. Jogging burns 372 calories in 30 minutes if the 155-pound person jogs at a steady pace of 6 miles per hour. So, as you can see, cardiovascular exercise is a great calorie-buster for losing weight! Being fit promotes the creation of lean muscle mass: Strength and resistance training helps to create lean muscle mass. The way that it does this is by creating thicker muscle fibers. This is important in weight loss as the more lean muscle mass you have the more calories you will be burning at rest. Experts say that one pound of muscle burns 6.5 calories. Women often fear that weight training will make them bulky. This couldn’t be farther from the truth because a woman’s body is not designed to do this. However, what weight training does do is stimulate the creation of lean muscle mass. So, as part of your fitness regime, we encourage you to start lifting weights! Foods to eat to help create lean muscle mass: When you exercise, your muscles are microscopically torn. Thus, they need to build themselves up. In order to build them up to be stronger, they need protein to accomplish this. (Protein is an integral part of building muscle.) Know More About weight loss as the more lean muscle mass against. So after a workout, make sure that you take a protein shake (which is available from most health shops or pharmacies) or otherwise, eat a meal that is rich in protein. Foods that are recommended for your post-workout meals include: Eggs, Salmon, Lean chicken breasts, Soybeans, Lean beef, and Edamame beans. If you do decide to go for a protein shake, make sure that you choose one that is right for you. For example, if you are lactose intolerant rather choose a whey protein isolate powder. Fitness helps you feel good about yourself: Following a fitness plan, working out and eating properly helps you to feel good about yourself. Exercising stimulates the production of endorphins. These feel-good chemicals in your body stimulate feelings of happiness. When you feel happy when you’re exercising, you’re more likely to keep doing it because you like the way you feel afterward. And because you’re keeping on with a consistent exercise routine you’re more likely to lose weight because you’re burning more calories! Breathing is a very important part of the exercise and learning to harness this can help you to push harder as well as center yourself, reduce stress and increase your sense of general well-being. Exercise modalities such as Yoga and Pilates teach practitioners about how to use their breath during the class in conjunction with the movements. If you’re feeling stressed and/or anxious why not pop into one of these classes so that you can experience the feel-good properties of these disciplines. As you can see, fitness is an integral part of weight loss because being active is an integral part of losing weight. To achieve an optimal programme, combining cardiovascular activity with strength and resistance training so that you can reap the benefits that having a good amount of lean muscle mass has for your body. Read Also: Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Lose Belly Fat Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet Crucial Tips To Getting A Flat Stomach Easy Diet Tips To Summer Six Pack Abs