5 Things You Should Look For When Applying To A Higher Educational Institution

Published on: 15 March 2021 Last Updated on: 02 April 2021
Higher Educational Institution

You must have heard that choosing a higher educational institution is one of the most important decisions of your life. It decides your future career and the path you will walk into the future. And in fact, it is true.

However, it is the truth as well, where students select higher education based on emotions that vary from person to person. While emotion will not preclude you from making the right decision, such an important decision must go through scrutiny.

If you are shopping around for colleges, you will come across a wide range of factors that will influence you to select a particular higher educational institute. Some of these factors are given below.

  • Academic quality.
  • Size of the campus.
  • Campus safety.,
  • Choice of majors.
  • Academic fees.
  • And then there are your personal emotions.

Key Things To Consider While Choosing Higher Education Programs:

Academics are important, but that is not everything. There are many things that go into a student’s mind while looking for a college for higher studies.

For instance, if you are looking for a high-quality academic facility, Colleges in Dubai will be greater. However, if you are looking for convenience, something near your house will get the job done.

The following factors might help you select the most appropriate higher education institution for you.

1. Academic Quality:

Academic Quality

The first thing every student looks for is the quality of education they can get from a higher education institute. Take time to find out what kind of educational culture you want. For instance, you look for how qualified the teachers are, does the institute offers a positive school spirit or does it have a sense of community.

Different people see academic quality in different ways. Find out what kind of academic quality you want and pursue to find an institution that caters to the same.

2. Accreditation:

Before you select any colleges, ensure that the college is accredited. What does that mean? It means that the college you will be applying to has the license to provide academic solutions to the students. If an institution lacks accreditation, stay away from this kind of institute.

Most colleges will readily provide this information on their website or will use this as a marketing campaign to win students during the admission season. However, there will be institutes that will try to hide this fact as they do not have any license to show you.

3. Geographic Locations:

Most students already know what they want, whether they will stay close to home or will find a good college in a different location. Well, this kind of scenario involves several variables. For instance, can you afford to go out, especially in an expensive city?

Geographic location plays an important role for the students to select their higher educational institutions. Moving to a new place for higher education is a lot tougher than how enjoyable it looks.

4. Size Of The Campus:

Size Of The Campus

The size of the institution matters a lot. Why? With a big size, you will be able to choose your favorite major. It depends on whether they want to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond. It all comes down to comfortableness.

Large colleges have more resources to offer. This can include campus facilities like housing, libraries, and other forms of entertainment. On the other hand, small colleges have plenty to offer. But that does not mean they are at a disadvantage. Some colleges choose to remain small to specialize in something.

5. Cost:

Yes, other factors are important on a personal level. However, some way or another, the cost easily trumps them all. There are many educational institutes that need substantial amounts of financial support. Of course, if you are able to get an academic scholarship, then that all changes. Colleges will look at a number of things, including SAT scores, GPA, volunteer work, and strength of schedule. SAT prep is one of the best ways to improve your chances of getting a scholarship because it is much easier to raise your SAT score than it is to raise your overall GPA and make up for a lack of student activities.

Take Away:

There you have it; things to consider while choosing a high educational institute. Here we have enlisted all the important factors that influence the students’ decisions. There are other factors as well, but those factors are more personal than generic.

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HVAC Technician

How To Become A Certified HVAC Technician In Canada

The technology of heating, ventilation as well as air conditioning that is meant for vehicular and indoor environmental comfort is known as HVAC. The installation, maintenance, and repair of heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning systems are carried out by HVAC technicians. If you desire to become a certified HVAC technician in Canada you need to explore the latest market trends and research in detail about the valuable skills required by the employers in the current scenario. Let us dive into the details of this stepwise guide what it takes to become a commercial HVAC contractor in Canada. How To Become A Certified HVAC Technician In Canada: 1. Getting a GED or a High-School Diploma : Becoming an HVAC technician calls for an in-depth knowledge of the technical sciences and math. You can start with your HVAC while you are in high school by selecting courses that are beneficial for your field. Some of the relevant courses include Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, etc. If you know how to use power tools beforehand then it will be comparatively easier for you when the real training begins. Mechanical drawing courses are nowadays provided by many schools that provide a direct practical knowledge of the technical field. 2. Opting For a Formal Technical Training Or An Apprentice Program : The best way of learning a skill by heart is to assist experts in their work. Depending on your pace of learning, the apprenticeship can go on for 3-5 years. It provides an amazing opportunity to earn a few bucks while learning what it takes to become a skilled technician. From insulating refrigerator lines to soldering and cutting, a trainee is made to perform tasks that help him understand the practical applications and requirements of the job. Only when you work with real tools and in the appropriate environment, you develop the ability to efficiently carry out technical tasks with full expertise. The training enables you to learn the use of the tools in detail and how to use them safely for handling technical requirements. It develops your troubleshooting skills and the aptitude needed to handle different kinds of customers. The biggest perk of opting for a formal training program is that it provides you an edge over the crowd out there. 3. Obtaining Certification : Technical academies, trade schools, and community colleges provide certifications or an associate's degree to the aspirants. The programs provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge of the course along with access to various internship programs. They teach applicants about exercising safety measures in the work environment and how they can utilize the fundamentals of electricity, fuels, furnace, boilers, and hydraulics during work. In order to obtain a certification, you must pass a written and practical examination. The biggest advantage of obtaining a certification in HVAC training is that it makes far easier for you to seek up jobs in the field of your choice. A certification builds up a certain level of trust and the employer considers you qualified and skilled for the job. 4. Getting Licensed : Most of the states and localities require HVAC technicians to qualify for a license in order to practice. In order to obtain a license, you need to clear a state exam. Depending on the state you live in, the requirements for a license can vary greatly. Some states demand 2-5 years of work experience in the same field before they license an aspirant. Getting licensed is the peak of your career as an HVAC technician. Conclusion: Just like any other field, being an HVAC technician requires a step-by-step process involving education and formal training. Therefore, if you aspire to become one, it is time to rise and work towards acquiring your dream job. Read Also :  13 Ways To Maintain The Coolness Of Your Air Condition Unit 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your MCSA Certification Today

Modern Education

Ten Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education

No one can deny the fact that the use of technology in education is having a tremendous impact on the learning process. How technology is changing education, though, is a topic that is being hotly debated right now by educators. Some believe that it has a positive impact on education while others believe that its impact is highly negative. That is why we have come up with a list of ten ways the latest technology in education is affecting the learning process. Five Positive Impacts of Technology on Education 1. Education is more accessible : In recent decades, one had to go to a university in order to learn new information, but with the advent of the internet, information is becoming so accessible and widespread, that you can now learn for free what would normally cost $50,000 to learn at a university. In addition to free information, many educational institutions, from Harvard to the Naval War College, offer distance learning for busy professionals who would otherwise be unable to further their education. This type of learning certainly is not free, but it does make learning easier for a large number of people who want to better themselves. 2. Getting access to information is faster and more efficient : Accessing educational resources is no longer a slow, painstaking process thanks to search engines and online databases and libraries. Technology has even made going to the library to find an actual book easier. Google has an application that allows you to find out which libraries have the books you are looking for almost instantly. 3. Multiple Ways to Disseminate Information to Students : Thanks to Blackboard and smartboards, teachers are now able to present and disseminate information to students in a number of ways. Blackboard enables teachers to keep students apprised of their grades and upcoming due dates, while smartboards allow them to enhance the learning experience by giving them the opportunity to use everything from videos to interactive presentations in the classroom. 4. Technology makes it easier to stay organized : Before hard drives and Blackboard, students and teachers used multiple paper folders, binders, and filing cabinets to stay on top of homework and grading. Now students can save their homework on a hard drive and turn it via Blackboard when they are finished, while teachers can use this same technology to organize their time, make lesson plans, and keep parents apprised of their children’s grades. 5. Technology is preparing students for the future : Many of the devices and programs being utilized in the classroom, such as laptops and Microsoft Office, are used in the workplace, as well. While not all students will learn how to write code, many will be able to gain valuable user-level knowledge of these programs so that they can use them effectively in the future. The Five Negative Impacts of Technology in The Classroom 1. Technology is making students lazy : This is one of the major complaints teachers have about students these days. Rather than spending the time needed to do good research on a topic, many students will simply google the answer, and when they can’t find what they are looking for in the first few search results, they give up and invariably say: “I can’t do it. I don’t know.” Full report and statistic that you can find on the internet. Thanks to search engines, these students think that the answer should be available to them instantly, and when it isn’t, they give up. 2. Technology is making students stupid : Since many students now expect to find answers instantly, they have forgotten how to engage in critical thinking that would ordinarily allow them to find answers on their own. Another impact technology is having is that it is shortening the attention spans of students. According to Pew, 90 percent of teachers believe this to be true. Many more students cannot differentiate between valid and non-valid sources of information; as a result, many students believe Instagram posts are valuable sources of information when doing academic writing. 3. Technology is Distracting : “Turn that off” is now a common phrase in the classroom because students are constantly on their cell phones or laptops playing games and texting when they should be listening to the instruction of the teacher. Students are losing a valuable opportunity to learn, while teachers are losing their patience with the students. 4. Technology is seen as a solution to every problem : There are many problems in classrooms across the country, and technology is expected to solve every one of them. Technology can’t solve them all, and in some cases, it only exacerbates the problems. But, technocrats in Silicon Valley are insistent that they can bring about a utopia devoid of problems, and they lobby Congress frequently to force unwanted technologies and curriculums on schools across the country. 5. Technology isn’t preparing every student for the future : “Technology prepares students for the future” is popular slogan politicians love to throw around, but it is not completely true. Not all students can grasp how to properly use technology other than to play games and listen to the music due to variables ranging from parenting to IQ. As a result, much of the money spent on tech in the classroom is wasted. As you can see, there are many benefits and drawbacks to using technology in the classroom. Like most things in life, we have to take the good with the bad. Read Also : 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017    


What Is Quizziz? Everything You Need To Know About This AI Tool!

Are you searching for an AI platform that can help you learn about your subjects and memorize that efficiently? If so, then you must have heard about Qiuzziz. There are a few effective ways to quickly remember your lessons. However, among all of them, Qiuzziz is the most effective one. To help you quickly comprehend the material, longer texts are broken up into manageable questions that you can read to quickly comprehend the material. If you have been searching for more information about this platform, you do not have to look any further. In this article, I will be focusing on Qiuzziz, the platform that you need to excel in your studies. So, keep reading this blog till the end to learn more… What Is Qiuzziz? Image Source Quizizz is a unique learning platform that utilizes gamification in order to make content that is engaging and immersive. Any device, whether in person or remotely, is available to participants for live and asynchronous learning. Students participate in fun, competitive quizzes and interactive presentations with gamification features, while teachers and trainers receive immediate data and feedback. An Indian company based in Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, Qiuzziz is a completely web-based device. It is compatible with any platform, including Chrome apps, iOS, Android, and browsers. You can choose from a variety of pre-made learning tests or create your own. Join as an educator, pick a test, and afterward utilize the code to give your understudies admittance to a virtual homeroom, you can do it all with the help of this platform. According to the platform, they are “on a mission to motivate every student.” more than ten million people, mainly students, use this tool to grow. Founded in the year 2015 by two young guys named Deepak and Ankit, “Quizizz supports millions of students in over 100 countries and has offices in Bangalore and Santa Monica, California.” How Can You Teach With Quizizz? Image Source Quizizz can be used in a variety of classroom settings. While interactive lessons encourage more in-depth learning, straight-up quiz-show-style assessments can help students recall facts and prepare for traditional tests. For a speedy survey of content, make or snatch and alter a current test to measure where understudies need extra guidance. For more profound learning, go with an illustration that integrates recordings, sound, pictures, and questions that will assist messes with understanding ideas and give instructors and guardians valuable criticism to illuminate and change guidance. While instructors and teachers can make tests or examples without any preparation, there's likewise a convenient information base with lots of existing tests and illustrations that can be snatched and altered on a case-by-case basis. Not all are excellent, but rather you can really look at the quantity of plays to perceive how famous everyone is. It is simple to modify and personalize instruction using results from the post-quiz and lesson reports. Students' responses to each question can be viewed by teachers, who can then use that data to determine which students require individual or small-group reinforcement and which need to be retaught or readjusted. Teachers could invite different students each week to create sharable reviews of the week's content because Quizizz makes creating quizzes and lessons pretty simple. How Does Qiuzzis Work? Image Source The tool Qiuzziz is free. It can help students improve their vocabulary. so that children can learn to comprehend increasingly difficult concepts written in English. This application costs nothing at all. It has distinct instructions for various students. The computer will make quizzes for you after you enter all of the lecture-related data into this platform. You must respond to each and every question there. You should put them into practice on a regular basis to achieve better results. After each test, the results are displayed. Consequently, you will be able to comprehend your place in the learning process fully.  “Qiuzziz is a learning platform with various tools that make learning fun. Students are more likely to participate and retain information when given this opportunity,” as per sources. In case you are wondering how it can help the students, here is the deal. Through quizzes, undergraduates can acquire new course-related terminology. It's not just for individuals who need to work on their jargon. In any case, you can use it for a different subject test. You'll gain a better understanding of your topic as a result. It will produce questions connected with your theme utilizing a man-made intelligence-based calculation. Utilizing the currently available prepaid test can save you time. Subjects Available At Qiuzziz Image Source Now that you know what Qiuzziz is, it is time for you to learn about the subjects that this platform will help you learn. Here is a list of all the subjects that you will be able to learn with the help of this AI platform: English Social Studies Science Languages Humanities Health Maths Education in the Arts Computers Various Modes Available At Quizziz! Image Source Here are some of the things that you need to know about this platform. Check out these modes of making learning fun with the help of Quizziz: ModeWhat Is It?Assigned ModeThis is the mode that is set for assigning homework to the students. You can set a due date for your understudies here as well as booking the interactive discussion. Each student should take the quiz and complete it before the due date. As they do so, they will get their results once they submit their assignments. You can evaluate the performance as a whole by logging into your account.Class ModeThis is the mode that is set for assigning homework to the students. You can set a due date for your understudies here as well as book the interactive discussion. Each student should take the quiz and complete it before the due date. As they do so, they will get their results once they submit their assignments. You can evaluate the performance as a whole by logging into your account. What Is The Pricing Of Quizizz? If you are interested to use this platform to learn more every day and want the same for your children, you must be wondering about the pricing of the tool. Well, to understand the price of Quizizz, you need to know about the plans of the same. Take a look at the chart: PlansBasicSchoolsDistrictsOpen Library AccessLimitedAvailableAvailableUnlimited Storage20 activity limitAvailableAvailableTeleport from 30M+ teacher-created activitiesLimitedAvailableAvailableAll Question TypesLimitedAvailableAvailableImage & Video SearchLimitedAvailableAvailableImport from Google DriveAvailableAvailableAvailableGamified Learning ElementsAvailableAvailableAvailableMake activities PrivateNot AvailableAvailableAvailable These are just a few of the many services that are available in the three plans that Quizizz provides to the users. When it comes to the pricing of the same, here are the things that you need to know about: The Standard pricing starts at $19.00 per month. The Premier pricing starts at $48.00 per month. Based on your needs, you can choose the plan and the pricing to enjoy all the services of this tool. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Now that you are almost at the end of this blog, you might be feeling like you know it all. However, I would advise you to look at the following questions that readers often ask about Quizizz before you leave. 1. Where Is The Headquarters Of Quizizz Located? The headquarters of Quizizz is located in Santa Monica, California, United States. 2. What Are Some Alternative Platforms For Quizizz? There are some alternatives to Quizizz that you need to know about. They are: Mentimeter Crowdpurr Slido Quizlet Blackboard Learn 3. Can You Install Quizizz On Your Phone? Yes. you can easily install the platform on your smartphone. Quizizz is available for download and installation on both iOS as well as Android platforms. So just install it and learn as you are on the go! Wrapping It Up! Qiuzziz can be used by students to test a variety of subjects. You can demonstrate your mastery of the most important climbing routes or cooking methods. One that assesses your experience with a few overall dim gaming networks might exist! In case you were searching for information related to Qiuzziz, I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. And then put in your suggestions and queries in the comment box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you as soon as possible. Read Also: How To Impress A Recruiter If You Are Still A Student? 5 Reasons Students Need Technology In The Classroom Never Forget French: 7 Ways To Memorize Vocabulary Quickly Mass communication students: (All You Need to Study at Home)