Tips for Winning Your DUI Car Accident Case

Published on: 03 December 2019 Last Updated on: 25 November 2020
DUI Car Accident Case

Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents, especially in Dallas, Texas, where 46% of drivers are highly likely to be involved in an accident, as reported by Allstate Insurance Co. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), as many as 10,000 people die as a result of intoxicated drivers. Surviving victims often suffer from severe and debilitating injuries. When this happens, victims can receive compensation. Here is how they can get the best compensation following a DWI accident.

Tips for Winning Your DUI Car Accident Case:

Call the Police:

Call the Police

Immediately after the accident, call the police if you can. When the police are on the scene, you can have the assurance that the incident is recorded. This record is crucial when you need to file an insurance claim or prepare a lawsuit against a drunk driver. Failing to contact the police can weaken your case and only put the negligent driver back behind the wheel again.

You also need to understand that this might be something, where a Traffic Lawyer Kansas City can prove to be a real asset. By working with the law enforcement agencies, collecting information about the incident, and doing other things, the best traffic lawyers build a favorable case in your favor.

Collect All Necessary Information:

When you can, gather all the information you can get, such as the driver’s name and contact details, the license plate of the vehicle, date and time of the accident, and persons involved. It will also help your case if you can talk with potential eyewitnesses and get records of dashcam footage. If you find it challenging to converse with the drunk driver, don’t forget to collect all this information from the police. Don’t forget to get the name of the responding police officers, so it is easy to make follow-ups regarding the case. Never leave the location of the incident until you get all the data you need.

Get Medical Help:

Medical Help

No matter how small your injury is, get emergency medical help, as this will also serve as your evidence of harm should you need to file a claim. It is crucial to get a thorough physical exam as sometimes injuries are not obvious during the first few hours of the accident. Don’t forget to get the name of the attending doctor, so it is easy to get statements later on.

Be Cautious of Early Settlement Offers:

In most cases, DWI victims often receive a call from the insurance company representing the driver in an effort to settle with you. They do this so they can pay you off and stop you from getting more money from them. Never ever settle without the medical report. Always consider present and future expenses when negotiating a settlement. As much as possible, do not agree to an initial settlement.

Keep Records of Your Treatments:

Most DWI victims do not know that they can get compensation for all their medical expenses. If you want the insurance company to compensate you adequately, keep all records of your treatments, medications, and procedures.

Prepare for a Lawsuit:

While you are working on having adequate compensation for your injuries, you must also seriously consider your legal rights. Often, insurance companies will pressure you to settle right away. Contact Dallas DWI attorneys to help you explore your legal options. When looking for an attorney to represent you, always ask these questions:

  • The attorney’s experience with DWI cases
  • The date of their last trial and the verdict

It is important to get someone who can represent you well and who will not buckle against the pressure of a defense lawyer. Make sure to ask about whether the lawyer works based on contingency fees, especially if you are cash-strapped at the moment.

Final Thoughts:

Suffering from debilitating injuries is life-changing. Often, victims choose to go into a trial, not because of the compensation they can get but because they don’t want to let the drunk driver roam free and cause accidents in the future.

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Living Alone

Discusses the Growing Problems of Living Alone

Researchers have concluded that living alone, being socially isolated, and feeling lonely can pose significant health risks, particularly in older adults. Although the terms living alone, social isolation and loneliness are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Specifically, living alone and being socially isolated are objective determinations either that a person lives solo, or has few relationships or infrequent social contact. According to the Administration on Aging (a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), nearly one-third (28%) of non-institutionalized adults 65 and older – 13.8 million people – live alone. Despite living alone, however, these adults may or may not be included within the category of social isolation depending on the nature of their relationships and the frequency of their social contacts. In contrast, loneliness is determined on a subjective basis. Loneliness is based on a person’s individual feelings of disconnectedness, isolation, or not belonging. Said differently, loneliness arises because of the divergence between a person’s desired level of social connection and the actual level of connection. To be clear, a person living alone may not necessarily feel lonely, whereas someone living with a number of other people may still experience loneliness. Risk Factors A recent survey of older adults determined that 43% feel lonely on a regular basis. More concerning is that among those who report feeling lonely, there is a 45% increased mortality risk. Steve Cole, the director of the Social Genomics Core Laboratory at UCLA, explains: “Loneliness acts as a fertilizer for other diseases. The biology of loneliness can accelerate the buildup of plaque in the arteries, help cancer cells grow and spread, and promote inflammation in the brain leading to Alzheimer’s disease. Loneliness promotes several different types of wear and tear on the body.” Research has established links between living alone, social isolation, and loneliness to a variety of physical and mental conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis – representing cumulative evidence from 148 studies involving over 300,000 participants – determined that greater social connection is associated with a 50% reduced risk of early death. A second meta-analysis by the same researchers – representing cumulative evidence from 70 studies involving more than 3.4 million participants followed for an average of 7 years – similarly concluded that living alone (objective determination), social isolation (objective) and loneliness (subjective) each had a significant effect on the risk of mortality. Specifically, the analysis concluded that the likelihood of death increased a statistically significant 26% for loneliness, 29% for social isolation, and 32% for living alone. To put those risks in context, the researchers determined that the magnitude of risk is comparable to – and in some cases even exceeds – other well-accepted risk factors such as smoking (up to 15 cigarettes a day), obesity, lack of physical exercise and high blood pressure. Loneliness has also been associated with increased emergency admissions to a hospital, longer length of stays, and delayed discharges. In fact, a November 2017 study concluded that the lack of social contacts among older adults is associated with an estimated annual increase in Medicare spending of $6.7 billion. One Can Be the Loneliest Number, But it Doesn’t Have to Be Greg Bishop, an attorney in Park City, suggests that retirement is a great opportunity to develop the types of connections that can prevent or alleviate the health consequences of living alone, being socially isolated, or feeling lonely. He notes that although there is a general consensus about the potential problem areas, the solutions are more elusive. He explains that although living alone and being socially isolated are determined objectively, the underlying causes are overtly personal. For example, living alone may be the result of the death of a partner or because of a recent divorce, whereas being socially isolated may arise from relocating after retirement or from the children moving away. Given that the underlying causes vary drastically, the solutions for living alone, being socially isolated, and feeling lonely will also differ. In short, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to these issues. That said, older adults will likely benefit from the following suggestions: Proactively stay involved in the lives of your family and friends. Find meaningful ways to connect with them via video chats, phone calls, text messages and letters Establish new social connections – go to the gym, take a dance class, learn to play chess, or join a book club Establish a more meaningful relationship with a church or social groups Look for opportunities to help and serve others. Fred Rogers – the television icon from Mister Roger’s Neighborhood – shared that when he was a boy and saw scary things on the television news, his mother told him to “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” While that advice comforted him as a child, perhaps better advice for older adults dealing with social isolation and loneliness would be to “Look to be a helper. There are always people who are in need of help.” Read Also: Why Do You Need a Queens Personal Injury Attorney 6 Signs That You Need To Hire a Personal Injury Attorney Don’t Battle It All Alone: 5 Reasons Why You Need an Adoption Attorney These Four Qualities Are What You Should Be Looking For In Attorneys!  


Most Common Misdemeanors You Could Be Accused Of

If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor crime, you need to be proactive in your criminal defense. Your arrest is only the beginning of the criminal justice process. You should contact a criminal defense lawyer who has experience with your type of case. There are several things you need to know when facing misdemeanor charges. Here are Most Common Misdemeanors You Could Be Accused Of: 1. Consequences of a Misdemeanor Conviction: Misdemeanor charges range from improper smoking to attempting to escape from jail. Misdemeanor convictions are fairly common in Michigan. The state courts see thousands of cases going through courts annually. There are three types of misdemeanors to look out for: 93-day misdemeanors 1-year misdemeanors High court misdemeanors These time periods refer to the maximum jail sentence that you can serve. High court misdemeanors are more serious crimes and are punishable by a prison term of up to two years. While less serious than felony charges, all misdemeanors are considered crimes, and a conviction can result in jail, fines, and a criminal record. Michigan legal help like the Law Office of Rathi & Associates for legal needs when facing Michigan misdemeanor court. If you are facing misdemeanor charges then a misdemeanor lawyer will help you avoid the worst of any incoming punishments. 2. Misdemeanor Property Crimes: Property crimes are offenses that involve the appropriation or destruction of physical items, but can also involve thefts of services or intellectual properties. Like most jurisdictions, state law determines whether a property crime will be classified as a misdemeanor or felony based on the dollar amount and extenuating circumstances around the crime. Some of the more common misdemeanor property crimes include: Petty (or petit) theft under $200 Petty theft under $1,000 Vandalism with under $200 in damage Vandalism with under $1,000 in damage Public urination Trespassing 3. Misdemeanor Crimes Against Persons: Crimes against persons can involve touching or striking a person against their will, creating disturbances and other offenses that affect individuals and groups of individuals. As is the case with property crimes, a crime against a person can be either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the circumstances surrounding the crime and the severity of the offense. Some of the more common misdemeanor crimes against persons include the following: Assault and battery Domestic assault Misdemeanor stalking Disorderly conduct Resisting arrest Prostitution These are the common crimes committed against a person. If you’ve been charged with any of these crimes, you may have to face punishment, including imprisonment, fines, probation, and loss of civil rights. In some cases, you may also be required to pay restitution to the victim. However, the specific consequences may vary depending on the severity of the charges, the state in which the crime was committed, and the accused’s prior criminal record. For example, if you’ve been accused of domestic violence charges, regardless of your location, it’s important to work with an attorney who can guide you in protecting your rights and interests. 4. Misdemeanors Traffic Crimes and DUI: Driving Under the Influence is usually a misdemeanor unless there are extenuating circumstances like multiple DUI prior offenses, drug possession, or an accident involving injuries. There are also some non-alcohol-related traffic violations that are classified as misdemeanors. Some of the more common misdemeanor traffic crimes include: 1st or 2nd DUI Open container Fleeing and eluding Leaving the scene of an accident Reckless driving Driving on a suspended or revoked license Drag racing Indeed, there are several traffic crimes that you could be accused of, depending on your personal circumstances. Like other misdemeanors, a conviction for traffic crimes, including a DUI offense, can carry many consequences. Moreover, it’s important to note that the consequences of traffic crimes can be serious, so it's best to drive safely and obey the law. If you’re convicted of a traffic crime, consulting with an attorney to discuss your options would be beneficial. They can evaluate the facts of your case and develop the right defense strategy. 5. Misdemeanor Drug Crimes: With the exception of marijuana possession, many drug crimes in most states are felonies. Possession of marijuana in any amount is a misdemeanor, but other activities related to the drug, such as selling it to others, can constitute a felony. In certain states, a person can legally carry up to 2.5 ounces of medical marijuana with a valid prescription. Conclusion Being accused of a misdemeanor can be frustrating and stressful. Therefore, to mitigate the impact of a potential misdemeanor charge on your life, keep the above information in mind and seek legal counsel if necessary. Read Also: Protect Your Rights Today With Domestic Violence Lawyers 6 Reasons to Contact a Lawyer before an Arrest in Knoxville

Trial Lawyers

Three Practical Tips And Techniques For New Trial Lawyers

The trial lawyers that are new to the art should have a few tips that will make it easier for them to make the best choices while they are in the courtroom.  There are many people who would like to use the tips because they think that they need to get some information that will guide them through their trials.  You will feel as though you have a chance to guide the case on your terms when you are just starting out.  If you can guide the case, you have better chances of winning. 1. Only Ask Questions You Know The Answers To: You need to start reading as much as you can at places like because you need to know how to ask questions during the trial.  You should only ask questions that you know the answers to.  You need to be sure that you have asked questions that will give people a chance to talk, and you must allow them the chance to talk.  Someone who is asking questions that are very open-ended can get some revealing answers.  You might have people musing on the stand, and they might give away things that you did not know. 2. Share Everything: Evidence in the case needs to be shared during discovery.  You will be penalized by the court, and that evidence might not be admitted into the case.  This means that you will have a much better chance of winning because you are also getting all the information from the other side.  You have to be willing to investigate everything that you are using, and you can create a profile for the case that will bring you a win.  Someone who is sharing their information is following the law while also getting back information they need. 3. Never Badger A Witness: You will never get anywhere when you badger witnesses.  They will not give you any information, and they will not respond the way that they do in the movies.  This means that you need to be as calm as possible.  You might be very upset, and you need to be sure that you have calmed yourself before you start talking.  The people who are questioning in court need to have a list of things to ask, and they need to do so in a way that gets people to answer in kind.  You never want to force the witnesses to hide things that you need to find out later on. Conclusion: The court case that you go through should be handled by someone who knows all the rules of the court.  You can learn them right now by studying this list.  You also need to be sure that you have calmed yourself so that you are not badgering witnesses.  Share everything you find in the case with the other side, make a profile for the case, and be certain that you have never asked questions you do not know the answer to in open court. Read Also: What You Need To Know To Win Your Slip & Fall Case 9 Money Tips For Millennial Injury Lawyers In Los Angeles Under What Circumstances Can You Bring A Claim Against An Employer?