Top Apps to Help You Manage Your Money

Published on: 03 October 2017 Last Updated on: 16 August 2019

Smart technology means better money management.

There aren’t many of us who can genuinely hold up our hands and say we’re really good with money. There’s always some room for improvement. Thanks to the smartphone, what was once a rather touchy subject for many people has been simplified and upgraded. If you’re not great at budgeting, you still don’t know how to save, you’re rubbish at paying bills or constantly living in your overdraft then…there’s an app for that.

It makes good sense to learn to manage you money better – it will help you avoid too much debt, and avoiding debt is a good way to keep or gain a good credit score. With a good credit score you will get the best deals on credit cards and secured loans and never again have to rely on bad credit loans for emergencies like the car breaking down.


The Mint app comes from the brains at Intuit who are also responsible for QuickBooks and TurboTax. It’s rated as one of the tops all in one app for money management, whatever your financial goals. The app helps you to stay on top of bills, identifying what you owe and what you can pay, and provides advice on how to spend and save better. Budgeting is easy and you can track all your spending by connecting up bank accounts and cards.


Artificial intelligence is the buzzword in apps right now and Penny is a prime example of just how helpful it can really be when it comes to personal finance. Download the app and you’ll have access to your own personal finance coach – Penny. Ask questions, look for solutions and she’ll even volunteer information that you didn’t know that you needed. Penny’s responses come with helpful illustrations, from graphs to GIFs, and are all based on the account information that you have synced up with the app.


One of the biggest challenges of money management is keeping track of what you spend. Most of us really have no idea where our money goes and why some months we seem to end up with much less than we had planned to. Wally is an app that can change all that. It’s an expense tracking app that has been designed to do all the hard work for you. Rather than manually entering expenses you can simply take photos of receipts and Wally will log and calculate everything to give you a clear idea of where you’re spending too much and where you could save.

Personal Capital

Despite the slightly highbrow claim to be able to “track and manage your net worth,” Personal Capital is actually an incredibly simple tool in the quest for better money management. It uses analytics to help you see what you’re worth, how you’re spending and budgeting, as well as what’s happening with any investments you have. The app also has a feature that allows you to get support from a real financial advisor about putting together a personal finance plan.


Toshl’s tag line is “save money, worry less” and the app has been specifically designed to focus on the elements of personal finance that tend to cause us the most stress: expense and budget tracking. Toshl will give you a clear overview of your money and your spending habits and you can also create your own expense reports and export them to PDF or Google so that you never have to be out of touch with what’s going into – or out of – your accounts.

Read also: Top 7 Free Instagram Apps To View And Enjoy Your Photos Like A Pro



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Soul App

Harmony In Art: Soul App And WABC Illuminate The Canvas Of Inclusivity

As winter's icy grip tightens its hold, China's well-known social app Soul App and the WABC Art Way Foundation in Shanghai took it upon themselves. They wish to kindle a heartwarming flame through a unique exhibition that envelops the season in a radiant glow.  This exhibition was all about allowing children dealing with autism, known in China as "children of the stars," to flex their creative abilities and express themselves through the medium of art and colors. The collaboration between WABC and Soul App was not just to underscore the importance of kindness and patience but also to elevate public knowledge and foster a deeper sense of inclusivity toward autism. An Introduction To The Exhibition… Most of these paintings that were part of the exhibition were so much more than just regular works of art. They were extraordinary creations by remarkably talented children. In every one of these creations, each stroke of the paintbrush captured a spectrum of themes infused with the unique creativity, enthusiasm, and vigor of each young artist.  And because these artworks were so extraordinary, Soul did not want to limit them to just a physical exhibition. So, the Soul App team took on the responsibility of transforming these artistic creations into a channel for change. By digitalizing these masterpieces, Soul created a collection of art-inspired merchandise. The proceeds from the sale of these products were pledged to support WABC's initiatives for autistic children. This transformative process not only amplified the impact of the children's art but also channeled the collective goodwill of the community towards a cause that transcends the canvas. The collaboration between Soul and WABC was meant to go beyond the realms of just art as well as philanthropy, and that is exactly what the event did. The exhibition not only showcased the works of these extremely talented children but also worked as a transformative bridge that allowed children with autism to communicate and connect with the world in their own special way. What Made Them Different And Unique? Each painting on display had a unique backstory, and the artistic flair of the creator brought it to life on canvas. From the stunning sunset that spread its last bit of orange glow over the seascape to the gathering of twinkling stars across the cosmic sky and the earth depicted as a colorful ball exuding energy all around, every painting was a portal into the imagination and artistic genius of the "children of the stars." Artists like Yangyang, Ah Ye, and Jielin brought together a medley of styles and stories that were as awe-inspiring as they were diverse. For instance, Jielin put her savant skills to work by painting an imaginative representation of space and time as viewed and perceived by her. While each painting was no doubt a personal narrative, it also offered an overall glimpse into the unique minds of autistic kids.  So, each of these paintings contributed in its own way to building autism awareness, challenging stereotypes, and above all, fostering a more inclusive society. Held for 8 days from December 18th to 25th, the event known as "Painting Away Loneliness Fur-ever," unfolded its enchanting narrative at No.794 in Shanghai’s Julu Road. Beyond being a visual feast of artistic expressions, the exhibition became a haven, as the venue was transformed into a cozy, tranquil refuge adorned with stuffed toys and plush, soft materials. This carefully curated ambiance aimed to do more than showcase art; it sought to dissolve the barriers of loneliness, aligning seamlessly with Soul's overarching vision of a world without lonely individuals. Physical Exhibition Space While the physical exhibition space provided a tangible experience for visitors, Soul recognized the importance of extending the warmth and inclusivity of the event beyond geographical constraints. For those unable to attend in person, Soul App facilitated virtual participation by engaging in discussions under the hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether. This online dialogue accomplished two important goals. First, it contributed to the exhibition's digital presence. Second, it echoed the collective warmth generated by the physical event. Because the physical exhibition space was embellished with fluffy decorations, ornaments, and mesmerizing plush dolls, the event became more than just a fundraiser. The environment was skillfully designed to instantly alleviate visitors' loneliness. So, the warm as well as soothing atmosphere became a space where emotional connections could flourish, further reinforcing the collaborative spirit between Soul App and WABC. What Was There For Consumers?  Soul extended an invitation to its consumers to explore the online exhibition version through an assigned in-app website page. But this page too, was more than just a virtual gallery. It built a foundation on which the event itself was built, and the goals of awareness and inclusivity were met.  So, it had comprehensive information about the exhibition, the painters, and of course, the exhibits. The hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether encouraged users to both discuss and share their opinions on the exhibition, amplifying its impact on social media platforms and fostering a digital community committed to the cause. The event was a roaring success not just because it involved people coming together for an exceptional cause but also because Soul App and WABC have been collaborating for a while to increase awareness of social issues. In the past, they partnered to host a variety of events, which included: The Different Socks Day, a charity event organized to promote inclusion as well as acceptance for individuals suffering from Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autopsy.  The exhibition of "Special Doesn't Mean Lonely". An event for "Soul's Happy Star Home" event,  The "Stars Meet Songs", was an online music party and a philanthropic event aimed at infusing adoration into the lives of the "children of the stars." The coming together of Soul and WABC was bound to be a symbiotic association with the latter committed to public advocacy and the former involved in offering young people a platform to contribute to philanthropy and make a difference in their own lives and the weaker sections of society by extending kindness to all. Established in 2016, WABC has long been associated with campaigns that were organized to raise awareness about community and public issues. Also, they have been providing no-cost art therapy to individuals with developmental disabilities and intellectual deficits.  Parting Thoughts As far as Soul App is concerned, almost 80% of total users belong to Generation Z, and these youngsters are keen on engaging in charity and volunteering work. Hence, it was a given that they would be involved in causes and campaigns that matter and are meant to make a difference. So, as the app continues to encourage warmth and foster its reputation on the platform, it remains dedicated to supporting highly vulnerable communities. Through a virtual social playground that organically expands based on user creativity, Soul strives towards its vision of a world where no one feels alone. This commitment goes beyond sporadic initiatives; it has become an integral part of Soul's identity—a platform that not only facilitates connections but also nurtures a spirit of giving back. 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TikTok app

The most downloaded app in September is China-based TikTok app

Just no ordinary app can surpass top downloads like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, but the TikTok app isn't just like your regular everyday app, and the recent ranking data released by SensorTower, a leading app intelligence firm, has TikTok as the number one downloaded/installed app in the month of September. The data shows that as at the 29th of September, the app was in the lead of as the most downloaded app with 29.7 percent more than other leading apps. As if that was enough, on the 30th of October, it was revealed that TikTok attained an all-time high value of 42.4 percent more than the other top apps in the ranking charts. The metrics for September downloads of the app shows it had amassed up to about 3.81 million combined downloads on both Google Play store and App Store. This shows its number of downloads had increased by 31 percent when compared to previous months. At the second position was Facebook which amazed a number of 3.53 million downloads. Checking the progress of the app from last year to this year puts things into perspective. The data showed that there was a 237 percent rise in the number of downloads from October 2017 to October 2018. That is an astronomical rise from the lowly 1.13 million downloads the app recorded in October 2017 There is still a long way for Tik Tok to go: Although there has been an increase in the number of downloads of the app, there is still a long way for the app to go in becoming a leading app in download stores. The download charts show that at present, TikTok, is stationed at number four, just a position higher than Messenger, and three ahead of Facebook. However, the app was still behind leading apps, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat who occupied the first three positions respectively. In terms of monthly user engagement, TikTok still has some catching up to do as it currently sits at just 29 percent in terms of usage. This value is a bit short of the high value of user engagement that Facebook (96 percent), Instagram (95 percent), Snapchat(95 percent) and YouTube (95 percent) have. The merger between andTikTok is often taken as part of the reasons why TikTok is on the rise. InChina, TikTok goes by another name "Drouin," and the app claims to have an active global audience of 500 million in over 150 countries around the value of on a monthly basis. But with Instagram reporting over one billion user son a monthly basis, it can be said that TikTok still has a long way to go. TikTok: TikTokWikileaks' entry shows the app was launched by its parent company ByteDance in September 2016. As a prominent short video platform with roots in Asia, the app has gained worldwide coverage, and it is becoming a leading app in its genre. Byte Dance: The parent company of the TikTokapp is a Chinese Internet Technology Company, which upon acquiring launched TikTok. As it stands, the company has more than 200 million users, and the August 2018 valuation of the Company, has it at $75 billion. If you want to become Read Also: 5 KPI’s All App Developers Should Track Top 7 Free Instagram Apps To View And Enjoy Your Photos Like A Pro

CRM Apps

The Business Advantages of Mobile CRM Apps

You’ve got great resources within your business: a rock star sales force, savvy human resource managers, capable customer service managers, and more. But do you have a proven system for reducing the friction, inside and outside of your business, to enable all of these key players to do their best work? The use of the CRM apps can make things easier for you. A good customer relationship management (CRM) system is the glue that holds a high-functioning business together. Once the purview of heavy desktop-only applications, modern CRM is delivering wins by the minute now in the palm of your hand, opening worlds of insightful data and always-on connections to your customers in meaningful ways through capable and intuitive mobile apps. The Business Advantages of Mobile CRM Apps: Your customers love it: Your customers, much like your workforce, are always connected through their mobile devices. Equipping your employees with CRM mobile apps facilitates customer engagement through popular social media platforms, adding accessibility and visibility to everyday nature of social media means you can keep a constant finger on the pulse of customer interactions and stay ready to respond to your customers when they engage you, building rapport, credibility, and relevance. Office on-the-go: When your salespeople go out into the field with a CRM mobile app, they have an enormous wealth of information right in their hands. Instant access to a single authoritative source of internal and customer data means salespeople can update relationship data any time, even in the middle of a conversation. There’s no more going back through hurried notes; easy-to-use apps make it simple to capture all the details, no matter how small they seem, because of every detail matters in cultivating long-lasting relationships. Instant access means immediate feedback, too, whether it’s insights from internal partners or direct customer engagements on social media. With a single tap, you’re up-to-date on everything from responses to your latest product launch to marketing’s newest promotion without having to trudge through an already-bursting inbox. Keep up the pace: Customers don’t just like instant answers – thanks to the fast-moving nature of news, media, and the internet – they expect them. And to be successful, your business must not only meet these expectations but exceed them on a daily basis. Buckets of emails, time-consuming phone calls, and extraneous sales meetings are all barriers to closing more deals. Meanwhile using mobile CRM apps can provide everything your business needs to adapt to these changes in an on-demand way, so there’s no delay. You already know what a talented group of people you have supporting your business; CRM tools like customer insights, aggregated relationship data, and instant feedback help your associates take their game, and your business, to the next level. Connected workforce: Do you have a distributed workforce? Agents who regularly travel or necessarily put in lots of time outside the office or away from their desks? Having your employees use mobile CRM apps enables them to serve customers from anywhere. It allows them to be more responsive to customers, makes it easier for them to adapt their own schedules, and helps them fulfill the needs of the customer relationship in the most efficient way possible. This is particularly important for salespeople. It may not sound like it at first, but the difference between consuming and cultivating relationship data on a phone or on a sometimes-cumbersome laptop can make a world of difference. Remember the last time you had a major insight or got a stellar lead on your way to catch the next leg of your flight? Those moments of inspiration are much more easily captured when you don’t have to stop, pull out a laptop, fumble for a mouse and charger, login, and only then get to work. CRM Apps and marketing automation: Are you still relying on promotional emails, mailers, or other means of customer engagement that give you no insight on engagement? Adding a powerful CRM mobile app to your toolbox that’s coupled to a consumer app for use by your customers means you can now send promotions, updates, and other marketing engagements right to their CRM apps. Imagine sending your biggest customer a personal promotion in a push notification right on their device! Not only are you removing roadblocks to getting your pitch in front of their eyes, but you also get baked-in insights on who has engaged, who show interest, and who may be planning to make a move all without them having to say a single word to you. Understand that yesterday’s options won’t cut it in today’s world. You’ve got to be on the leading edge to stand out these days, and the vast benefits of putting your relationship tools right in the hands of those who matter most could very well put you in the lead. Know your options, because knowledge is power and that knowledge could just be the one thing you’re missing right now. Read Also: 8 Best Shopping Apps For 2019 How To Make Money From Resale Apps 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App Why An Automated Sales CRM Platform Is What Your Business Needs To Take Off