Trading Versus Investing: Which Is Right For You?


05 July 2023



There are two distinct stakeholders in every market, we have the traders and the investors. These two sets of people have one thing in common, they both want to make a profit however they approach the market differently.

If you are reading this article you are probably interested in the market but, you are a little bit dazed about either deciding on trading or investing. It’s time to cheer up friends, don’t be disturbed anymore, your questions would be clarified after reading this article.

This article would share the necessary information you require to make your decision; trading or investing. Let’s get started.

What is trading?

trading strategy

Trading is a financial activity carried out to earn a profit from short-term fluctuations in the market.

Trading involves buying and selling financial instruments; stocks, currencies, commodities, and derivatives to make profits from their price movements within short periods.

What is investing?

Investing is a long-term financial activity where investors buy a financial instrument; for example, stocks that can yield returns in the long run.

Unlike trading, investing requires creating a variety of portfolios of assets and keeping them through every stage of the market till the period they wish or project to take their returns.

Unlike trading which is reliant on price movements for returns, investing grants numerous benefits such as bonuses, dividends, buybacks, stock splits, and more.

The similarities between trading and investing

Trading and investing have a similar objective which is to make a profit. They both offer the possibility of getting rewards.

Trading and investment both hold the possibility of a loss; they both have financial risks.

You need an account/broker to either trade or invest. Without an account, you cannot buy and sell or invest in stocks, ETFs, options, currencies, and others.

The differences between trading and investing

The table below would give you a better understanding of the differences between traders and investing:

Capital growthFrom short-term profitAmass gains/wealth overtime while minimizing risks
IntentionPurchase assets during the short term and take advantage of mispricing/irregular price movements in the marketBuy investments and hold them for a long period to grow capital
Leverage offeredYesNo
Analysis neededTechnical analysisFundamental analysis
Capital gainsMajorly short termBoth short-term and long term
Period of investment trackingHigh/ConsistentMedium/less
Asset durationSeconds, minutes, a few hoursWeeks, months, years/decades
AssetsStocks, optionsStocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds


When you are about to make a decision; trading or investing, be introspective. Ask yourself and consider how patient you are. Are you knowledgeable about investing or trading? What are your skills or expertise? Can you manage risks? Or do you prefer to play safe?

Based on these questions and your strengths or weaknesses you can think about, you can now decide which; trading or investing is best for you.

Remember, trading is more susceptible to financial risk because it is a short-term activity while investing is long-term and less susceptible to financial risk. Trading and investing are not profitable though trading can be a way to earn quick profits while investing wins come in the long run but with fewer losses than trading. You can find your perfect binary options broker as a trader or investor today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I. Do traders earn more than investors?

We can not authoritatively say that a trader is earning more than an investor vis-a-vis.

Traders and investors both have the potential to profit. But they both have to make the right and smart decisions otherwise they would lose money.

II. What types of trading can I engage with?

There are four types of trading; day trading, position trading, swing trading, and scalp trading.

  1. Day trading:

Positions are held during the day alone.

  1. Position trading:

Positions are held for months to decades.

  1. Swing trading:

Positions are held within days to weeks.

  1. Scalp trading:

Positions are held within seconds to minutes. Scalp trading is usually operated during the day alone.

III. What types of investing can I engage with?

Some of the types of investing you can engage in are index investing, active investing, passive investing, value investing, market cap-based investing and growth investing.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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6 Tips on How to Pay Off Your Tax Debt

6 Tips on How to Pay Off Your Tax Debt

For the tax year 2015, the IRS reported that taxpayers filed 150.5 million individual income tax returns, which is an increase of 1.3 percent compared to the previous year. This yielded $10.4 trillion income for the said tax year and also a 4.5 percent increase from 2014. Here’s the thing: not everyone is able to file and pay taxes for the income earned. If you happen to be one of them, then you need to read this post to find out how you can pay off your tax debt and prevent penalties, possible jail time, and garnishment of your assets: 1. Know how much you owe :  You can’t just pay any amount just to “lower” your tax debt. Paying the amount stated on the letter from IRS doesn’t automatically mean it reflects the actual tax debt since you could be eligible for a tax credit (or IRS could be wrong too). Therefore, find out first how much you actually owe for each tax year. This will give you a summary of your tax situation, thereby making it easier for you and your tax debt lawyers to come up with strategies that lower your debt. You can also use a tax calculator online to give you an idea of your total tax debt. 2. Consolidate the tax debt with your credit card :  First things first, it is not advisable to pay off one debt using another debt. If you owe something especially taxes, then you might want to break this rule. IRS accepts all major credit cards like MasterCard or Visa to pay off your tax debt. Simply go to the payment page of the IRS to make a payment. Keep in mind that IRS doesn’t charge a fee for doing such transaction, although processing companies who process the payment charge up to as much as 2.35 percent. Nevertheless, make sure to pay your credit card in time. 3. Try refinancing your home :  Why not? Believe it or not, the IRS could recommend re-financing depending on the situation. If you happen to have equity such as a house and you can afford it, then you can use your assets to pay off your existing tax debt. The good thing about this movie is that mortgage rates are typically lower compared to the rate charged by credit card companies. Also, you can take away home mortgage interest on your income tax return – and how can you say no to that? 4. Apply for Short-Term Extension to Pay :  This is only applicable if you can pay your tax debt in 120 days or less. The good thing about this arrangement is that there is no set-up fee and you can apply either online by filling out the Online Payment Agreement application or by phone. Penalties and interest fees are likewise lower, so make sure you pay within the given period granted to you. 5. Enter into an installment agreement : Ideally, you would be able to pay off your tax debt at once. On the other hand, there are instances when you need a little more time to pay it off. In that case, consider entering into an installment agreement with the IRS. The good thing about installment agreement is that you can apply either online or by mail. You don’t have to worry about reminders and missed payments, especially if you sign up for the monthly payment plan. You can apply for the installment agreement if you owe $50,000 or less, which already includes combined individual income tax, interest, and penalties. When you apply for this, make sure that you filed all of your returns in order to qualify for this agreement. How does installment agreement work? A direct debit payment plan is highly recommended because of the lower cost, hassle-free payment, and the cost for a set-up fee is more affordable compared to other payment plans. What if you have more than $50,000 tax debt? In that case, the next tip would be your most feasible option. 6. Consider an Officer in Compromise :  Also known as OIC, this strategy could also be helpful if you want to pay off your tax debt. Unlike the Installment Agreement, Officer in Compromise is more applicable for a larger amount of tax debt. How does this work? OIC will allow you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you actually owe. Filing of an income tax return and payment requirements must also be updated. Nonetheless, there are several factors IRS looks into before they agree to this kind of arrangement. This includes, but not limited to: Income Expenses Asset equity Ability to pay Aside from this, it is IRS who will determine whether you are qualified for OIC or not. If they see that they won’t be able to collect the entire amount within a reasonable time, then you could be qualified. Check out their website to determine whether you can be qualified for this or not. At the end of the day, it is important that you file and pay on time to avoid hassle come due date. In case there was a delay, take note of these tips and prevent the government from taking what was yours. Read Also : Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation Dealing With A Debt Relief Officer For A Better Assistance

Improve Your Credit Score

5 Tactics to Improve Your Credit Score This Year

Inflation is up, money is tight, and your credit score is in the gutter. What a way to start the year! Instead of wallowing in self-pity, it’s time to finally do something about your unfortunate credit score. This January, kick-off an improvement plan to improve your credit score by the time the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31. 5 Lucrative Ways Improve Your Credit Score:  1. Know What You’re Working With You can’t fix a problem you can’t see. If you’ve been avoiding checking your credit score for fear of what you’ll find, get over yourself. Now is the time to set aside your pride and review the damage. Your credit score impacts nearly every financial move you make. Working to improve it now, before you consider shopping for a major purchase, can make your life easier. Pull up your free annual credit report to review the data that’s been reported to the credit bureaus. If you’ve got missed payments, high credit utilization, or too many accounts, take note. Then consider your overall score. Anything under 700 should be seen as an opportunity to improve. Now you’re ready to create your action plan. 2. Take Action Daily You can make measured improvements on your credit score just by being mindful of your daily actions. If you struggle with overspending, pause before you swipe your card. Consider whether the purchase you’re about to make meets your goals and if you’ve got the money to repay the balance. If the answer to either is no, resist the urge to buy. Instead, save up for want-based purchases so you can treat yourself without sacrificing financial security. In an e-commerce age, you probably can’t eliminate plastic from your purchasing repertoire entirely, but you can be smarter about it. Familiarize yourself with different payment options like a credit builder card. These cards are secured by a funds transfer or initial deposit. Every time you pay your bill, your good payment history is reported to the credit bureaus. Over time, this great track record can improve your score. 3. Get Your Budget on Point The way you spend often dictates how well you can keep up with the demands of your bills. While everyone has core expenses across housing, food, and transportation, it’s essential to manage one’s variable expenses. Sit down with the last two months of your spending history to identify budget busters and trends you’d like to address. If dining out is a sore spot for your budget, create a system to help you indulge with purpose. Set a dollar amount that you can spend without dipping into cash reserves dedicated for other expenses. Think about why you like to spend in this category and whether there’s another way to fill your cup. If your real desire is to spend time with friends, pivot to hosting a small potluck dinner once a month. Adjust your spending toward this event, and you just may find you like the results better than gathering at restaurants. 4. Dispute Inaccuracies Your comprehensive credit report may be telling lies about you. If your careful review identifies inaccuracies in your report, it’s in your best interest to dispute them. Late payments are one of the biggest dings on your credit report. If you’re a reliable payer, it’s only fair to fix any errors in your report. First, reach out to the company reporting the information to the bureaus to dispute your account status. Then report the error to the credit reporting bureaus. You’ll need to include a dispute form and documentation supporting your case. This process can take months to resolve, so stay the course on other credit-boosting activities while you wait. Inaccurate reports happen, so it’s important to review your credit report regularly so you can quickly address them. 5. Attack the Two Most Impactful Credit Factors Put your energy into the most impactful parts of your credit score: on-time payments and credit utilization. Your payment history drives 35% of your credit score. If you have a history of late payments, you’re killing your score. Catch up on missed payments and create a system to help you manage your bills. Set up autopay for your core bills (rent/mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc.) so you can ensure that your obligations are covered. The second most impactful area of your financial behavior is credit utilization, which makes up 30% of your score. Credit utilization — the percentage of your available credit that you’re using at any given time — signifies how well you manage money. Work to keep your utilization below 30% to earn a good mark from the credit bureaus. If you can, request a credit limit increase to improve that percentage, but resist the urge to tap into it. Consider making payments toward your balance as you make changes to keep your utilization low. Creating the Accountability to Stay on Track Any goal is more achievable when you breathe life into it. So create a vision board of your credit score goals and post it where you can see it daily. Talk about your plan with your friends and family to create an accountability team for your new credit-building habits. Monitor your progress regularly and course-correct if you need to. The more you interact with your plan and assess your behavior, the more likely you are to be successful. Who knows? After a year of hard work, sacrifice, and intentional effort, your score could even climb from poor to exceptional. Read Also: Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt – Which Impacts your Credit Score Why Would I Need A Business Credit Report? No Credit Rating Check Lendings Online split Second Authorization 5 Credit Card Perks that are Noteworthy How a Smart Guy Gets an Amazing Commercial Lease with Bad Credit

government loan

Help Your Business With A Government Loan

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unforeseen hardships to a lot of entrepreneurs in Malaysia who launched their enterprises in the last couple of years. No one could have estimated the amount of damage to the economy the pandemic would cause or the length of time it would take to recover. The sign of a government loan is like fresh air in the business world, which swift away all your investment-related headaches. However, there are government loans that you can apply for to help ensure your business survives and has a chance to prosper once the coronavirus has been conquered.  3 Tips For Applying For The Government Loans The government loans strategy is more robust and well revised. You may be thinking of applying for the loan, but your business is not a big one. You think the government is not willing to lend money to your business. But it is possible. Here are three easy tips for applying for a government loan. 1. Promoting The Small And Medium Enterprises These government loan schemes are targeted to help the most financially vulnerable businesses, which are small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are typically started by well-intentioned but underfunded people who want to put their particular skill-set to use. They might be launched with only a few employees.  Still, by careful management and conservation of their assets, they can grow to make a significant contribution to the state of Malaysia’s economy. The government loan schemes target businesses applying for lower loan totals than a giant corporation would need.  With the world beginning to see the value in micro-finance and recognize the healthy input of small businesses on a country's economy, the Malaysian government felt that with the effects of the pandemic likely to last for some time, it was the perfect time to offer these loans to the public. The small and the medium enterprises will need significantly less money as the loan, but the success chance is more. 2. Apply Through Existing Financial Institutions To receive your working capital loan, you apply through an existing financial institution. These are not loans per se but rather government-backed loan guarantees under the Working Capital Guarantee Scheme (WCGS).  You receive the loan through the institution and pay them back directly. The government insures the institution against default. The financial institutes are taking a short period, but as you are now dealing with them, your debt payments period will rise. Even if you’ve been turned down for a loan by the financial institution because you didn’t qualify under their terms, you can reapply under the terms of the WCGS government loan schemes. Government loans require more guarantees and the assurance of return. When you are applying through the existing financial institute, the process will take a small period for sanctioning. 3. Six Types Of WCGS The diversity among the business is always present. Therefore, your proposal business planning everything can be different. There are six types of WCGS applying to different people and different kinds of business models. These schemes offer differing amounts of loans as well, so you should choose the scheme to apply for that meets your financial needs.  They each have different qualifications, and you need to read the qualifications of each loan scheme and choose the best one for your situation and business.  WCGS is a loan scheme that offers from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit.  WCGS-SU is a loan scheme targeting startups that offer from 50,000 to 500,000 Ringgit.  WCGS-B is a loan scheme targeting Bumiputeras that offers from 100,000 to 3 million Ringgit. WCGS-X is a loan scheme targeting export companies. It offers loans of from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit. WCGS-W is a loan scheme targeting Woman-owned businesses. It offers loans of from 100,000 to 1 million Ringgit. ADGS is a loan scheme targeting companies that engage in automation and digital products and services. It offers from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit.  To find out more about these government loan scheme’s qualifications, inquire about WCGS schemes with the financial institution that handles your banking. Conclusion: Applying for a government loan is making all your hard work easy. Usually, government loans have a low-interest level. The time limit is also going to be more stable. If you follow these tips, you can easily apply for a government loan and start your journey in a more relaxed way. Read Also: Benefits of NBFC Business Loans What Are the Alternatives for Small Business Startup Loans?