How does the Training of Defence Dogs Look Like?


03 November 2018

Pets & Animals

Defence Dogs

Defence dogs have special features that make them suitable for this purpose. Before the dog is admitted to defence training, he has to complete a course for a 1st degree companion dog. This gives confidence to the trainer that the dog understands the basic commands such as summoning, fetching, “sit”, “go”, and walking on a loose leash or even without a leash. In addition, defence dogs should be very disciplined. The first step is, of course, to choose the right breed. The breed that has an internal defense reflex which tells them when their owner is in an emergency situation. The most popular dog breeds for defence include:  Amstaff, Bullmastiff, Bulterier, Doberman, Boxer, German Dog, French Shepherd, and Caucasian Shepherd. Choosing a particular puppy can’t be a matter of chance. The animal should come from a registered kennel and preferably have a pedigree. The problem with these breeds is that they are prone to aggression, so it’s important to bring up such a dog using appropriate forms of training. A well promising defence dog shouldn’t show too much aggression. The training requires a lot of patience and commitment of the caregiver and starts only when the dog is taught obedience, walking by the owner’s leg and self-control. The trainer takes part in the training together with is assistant. The dog is taught to attack when it hears the command “take”. He cannot attack the assistant even if it’s against the owner’s will. The only exception to this rule is the situation of a direct danger, for example when the assistant attacks the trainer, then the dog should throw itself at him. However when the assistant takes a defensive stance, the dog cannot attack him, but it has to guard him. Unfortunately, due to the natural aggression of these breeds, it’s sometimes really difficult to control them in such situations. Nevertheless, the defensive dog should stay loyal to his master, have sympathy, fidelity, and trust. The dog’s behavior cannot be unpredictable, and that’s why dogs with a pedigree are chosen for this job because we can be sure that the animal will meet these criteria. Hidden aggression can never be directed towards the master. In addition, the dog must observe the surroundings and know for himself when the master is in an emergency situation and needs help.  In addition, the external appearance of the dog, which is often able to scare the attacker just with its silhouette, shouldn’t be insignificant. Unfortunately, the dogs performing such a role are often poisoned, so well-trained dogs should only eat food given to them by their master.

For defence training, apart from the dog, we need an assistant. He should be dressed in a special suit or hand guard. The purpose of the first stage of training is to irritate the dog to the point when he can learn the skill of grabbing a sleeve or a teether. The success of this exercise depends on the behaviour of the master, who must hold the dog on a short leash and encourage it to attack. He can do it by running, shouting, or waving a baton. Meanwhile, the assistant tries to provoke the dog to attack him. At this stage of learning, we do not use coercion. If the dog behaves correctly, the master praises him, which encourages the dog to continue the exercises. If the dog succeeds the master should reward him for that immediately. After a few lessons the trainer is able to control the dogs aggressive behaviour. For example, he can successfully command the dog to stop attacking the target. When the dog has mastered the “take” and “let go” commands, the trainer can move on to more advanced exercises.

How to train defence dogs?

– A dog that goes by the foot of his master has no right to pull itself forward, bark or behave aggressively. Training a dog requires a lot of patience and determination.

– During the training, the trainer cooperates with the assistant. If he tries to run from the dog and the trainer does not give a direct order to attack, the dog cannot pull himself out and throw behind him in pursuit.

– The dog cannot attack the assistant when we show a defensive attitude. When the aggressor is still, the dog will proceed to guard him until the master arrives.

How to stop the dog from attacking someone:

In the case of training a dog with an innate tendency to aggression, surprises can happen. The most important thing is to know what your dog can do. Stopping such a trained dog from attacking someone randomly on the street is really difficult and often ends in the death of the dog. When it happens, you shouldn’t try to kick the dog with your legs, because it will only enrage it more. That’s why the owner should learn how a stun gun works. It’s the best way to effectively stop the dog from attacking someone with the smallest chance to kill it.

Characteristics of a good defence dog:

When we buy a pedigree puppy from a proven breeding, we can be sure that it has an innate tendency to perform the function of a defensive dog.

We should anticipate the behavior of the dog by which we must be sure that the dog will not hurt us. How to take part in defence training if we can’t judge whether the dog will not direct the aggression towards us?

We have to teach obedience to the dog. The biggest difficulty is to learn how to walk by the leg and stay on a loose leash.

The defence dog must be vigilant and it should inform us about the dangers ahead. Even when the aggressor is still, the animal cannot stop watching him.

Perseverance in battle and stubbornness are the hallmarks of defence dogs.

A defensive dog cannot be bribed. The

attraction with treats and distraction are common methods used by aggressors.

How much does a defence dog training cost?

Dog training takes place at the time set by the training centre and usually lasts for about 40 hours. The price of the courses varies between 500-1000 Euros.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How Your Pet Will Change Your Life

All those who have watched “Marley and Me” know exactly what I am talking about when I mention pet parents and how a lot of couples think of being a pet parents before they become parents. Having a pet, whether you live with your family, with your spouse, or you live alone, can change your life in so many ways. Apart from the fact that your family has a new totally adorable and definitely the most photogenic member in your family that would make you want to shop for amenities and accessories from petsho, we have decided to work out ways in which having a pet can change your life and why you should definitely adopt one if you haven’t already. 1. For Practicing Parents: Having a pet is parenting a child for as long as your pet lives. No pet ever grows up, and this is especially true for dogs. They will most definitely grow old, and there will come a time when they wouldn’t be able to jump about like they did when they were younger, when their eyesights will grow weaker, but they will always be your little child, only bigger in size. It is not an easy job to be a parent to your pet for all the years that they live, but every pet parents will tell you without a doubt that those years will forever be the best years of their lives. From toilet training to training your pet for food, everything involves not only ample mistakes that will remind you of all the good times you shared with somebody who loved you selflessly. Apart from helping you learn to be patient till your child grows up, having pets also give your child a constant friend in every little thing they do. 2. Pets as Therapets: It is a well-known fact that pets have often been trained as therapy support for patients suffering from depression, autism, Alzheimer’s among the few issues people grapple with. They are known to not only help people de-stress, but also provide constant support and alert people if they are about to have a seizure. 3. Becoming More Active: Having a pet will completely change your daily routine. Your day will revolve around that furry little family member who is now a major part of your home. There will be someone who will love you right from the moment you step onto the threshold of your house, someone impatiently waiting for your return. Your priorities will begin to change and you won’t regret any of it, because this won’t be a responsibility anymore. The unconditional love that your pets will have for you will make you value them and their presence. It is also the best way to adopt a very healthy lifestyle owing to the ways you might have to adapt to keep your pet healthy and fit. Apart from being trained as therapists, pets, in general, improve your health by their mere presence and the infectious energy they carry with them. 4. A Boon for Introverts: Unlike those who are naturally outgoing and can easily socialize or often become the life of the party, having a pet can help you create a bond or a connection without the need for any verbal communication. It can also be a great way to socialize with people if you are naturally drawn to animals more than human beings, yet you want to hone your socializing skills. Having a pet makes it easier to begin any conversation. 5. Your Child’s Best Friend: As mentioned earlier, pets often become great company for your children. Often, pets react differently around a new family member, especially if it’s a baby, where most of the attention gets diverted and irrationally divided. However, this can be the best opportunity for you to help your pet befriend your child. Having a pet not only will help boost your child’s immune system but will also be their forever lifeguard helping them around or protecting them and communicating in their own forms of gibberish. 6. Your Trip Companion: This option comes with a lot of terms and conditions applied because unfortunately, not every place whether a cafe or a tourist spot is animal-friendly. However, there are a lot of locations and a lot of eateries that allow you to visit and spend some quality time with your loved ones and also introduce them to other people’s pets. A solo trip can often become a lot more fun, interesting and adventurous if you can take your pet along. Having said all of these, it is true how wonderful and how drastically your life will change once you adopt a pet. However, it is also important to remember that this is a responsibility. It is always a good idea to weigh out the odds against keeping a pet before you decide to adopt one. They look forward to being a part of your family and more often than not, these pets are traumatized once they are abandoned. Always choose adoption over the purchase of a pet. Read Also: What Are The Best Hamster Toys For Your Pet? Different Steps On How To Clean Pet Stains On Couch

Elk Hunting

7 Elk Hunting Tips to Follow

One of the most beautiful sounds in the world to a hunter may be the bugle of a male hunter calling his harem. These majestic animals often weighing up to 700 pounds are grazers that chew their cud. Depending on where you plan on hunting, you can hunt elk from late July through mid-December. Whether you go elk hunting regularly or are fixing to go on a once-in-a-lifetime trip, following some elk hunting tips will give you a better chance of killing a big elk. Know Your Weapon's Capabilities : Whether you choose to hunt with a bow and arrow or with a shotgun, it is important to know your weapon's capabilities. There is nothing worse than getting into the field on a beautiful fall day to discover that your equipment is not working properly. Many hunters discover that their accuracy greatly decreases after 100 yards, but they fail to wait with bated breath until the buck or doe is close enough. Practicing with your weapon at home ensures that you know how it operates and what you can trust in its reliability. Additionally, make sure to practice with any equipment that you plan on using in the field like rangefinders and shooting sticks. Practice in the position that you plan on shooting from when you see that majestic animal walk in front of you. Know The Habitat : If you do not live in the area where you plan on elk hunting, then get a topographical map of the area and study it before making your trip. Otherwise, get out in the field before hunting season begins and learn the territory first hand. Elk often uses grassy ridges as travel corridors between feeding and bedding sites. Mark wide flat valley areas that contain headwaters to small creeks and streams as elk often congregate there during the early hunting season. Consider hunting creek bottoms because elk love the variety of vegetation often found there. Determine the direction of the wind so that you keep it in your face blowing your scent behind you when getting into position. Most state wildlife divisions publish reports of estimated elk numbers, and reading these reports can often give you an indication of what part of the state you need to hunt in when possible. Get Into Physical Condition : If you are looking to go on an elk hunt, then you need to be in great physical condition. It is not unusual to cover at least five miles while hunting. Keep in mind that you will likely do it while carrying your gun, a daypack, and other supplies. While you may wish that the buck would choose the top of a hill with amazing scenery, they will often choose to stay more hidden, especially as the season wears on. Getting into good physical condition also means that you will not be so out of breath when he walks in front of you that you cannot take an accurate shot. Additionally, ensuring you have the right shotgun ammo is crucial for a successful hunt. Think About the Elk's Diet : Understanding what an elk eats will let you position yourself correctly depending on the season. If it is still summer when you begin to hunt, then look for them in grassy areas with lots of forbs. As the temperatures begin to drop, then they will be in areas where grasses are still present. Elk spends a lot of time grazing during the fall as they try to store up fat to get through the cold winter months. As the days become cold, they are opportunistic grazers who will feed on tree bark and small branches. After the first snow, they often avoid going into valleys, but they choose to stick close to the edge of wooded areas. Look for Signs : You will want to watch for signs that elk are in the area. If you are an experienced deer hunter, then realize that elk hoofprints are about twice the size of deer impressions. Additionally, their pellets are about twice as big as those of deer. Finding these signs are great ways to know that elk are in the area where you are hunting. While getting to a high vantage point can be rough physically, use it to your advantage as it will allow you to see elk from far away. Then, devise a plan to get there moving against the wind. This will often require you to circle the herd before closing in. Stay in the Field : Many hunters choose to go hunting in the early morning and about the time the sun goes down. Staying in the field all day can result in you getting a big elk because as hunters return to camp, they often scare the elk toward you. This can take advance planning as you will want to stay warm throughout the hours in the field when you may not move much. Dressing in layers helps you adjust to changing temperatures. Wearing hiking boots with rugged soles can help you get through rugged terrain better. Pack a lunch in your daypack. Avoid using a campfire as elk can smell the fire and will stay away. Look Up : Many hunters spend the majority of their time looking at the ground. While this may be tempting while moving across rugged terrain, there are no elk located right under your feet. Instead, spend your time looking around you. That is where the large elk buck will be located. They may, however, try to hide from you, so paying attention helps you spot that glimpse of brown fur behind an object. At the same time, wear clothes that you can easily be spotted in and watch for other hunters in the vicinity. Use these tips to have a successful elk hunt. Before going, ensure that you have a way to transport the elk home because you will want to fill your freezer with delicious elk meat or donate it to a worthwhile charity. Read Also : Hunting Tips For Beginners Time For A Rush Of Adrenaline

Healthy Dog Treats

What To Look For And What To Avoid In Healthy Dog Treats

Pets deserve treats, and you want to give them the best. However, you may not know that the goodies you get in the stores don't have your pet's best interest at heart. You need to find something healthier and better for your dog to eat the best in sweet treats but not suffer from adverse effects. Check out our list below for the top healthy dog treats and what you should look for. The Ingredients Are Key You must look for healthy ingredients and know what to avoid when looking for treats. For instance, some pets are allergic to corn, wheat, soy, and chocolate. You should also avoid things like syrups, salts, and molasses. Pets should also avoid lower-quality products like fake meats made of by-products or regular meat. With that in mind, you need to think about healthy ingredients instead. Look for these ingredients in your pet's treats, and you can't go wrong. FruitsVegetablesWhole meatsGrains Note: Remember, when looking for dog treats, use fresh ingredients, and you can't go wrong. Looking For The Top Healthy Dog Treats When considering the top healthy dog treats, choose something that will pamper your puppy and ensure you're not wrecking its diet. For instance, a chicken and sweet potato blend would be a great flavor combination. Using natural chicken breast in every treat and real potatoes means you don't have to use fake preservatives and other harmful ingredients to get an artificial flavor. Instead, you get one hundred percent flavor from simple ingredients. Another benefit to finding suitable treats? You have something that is both high in protein and low in fat. Have The Treats Been Approved? Another way that you can tell that the treats are what your dog should be eating is if they're veterinarian approved. A veterinarian is skilled in taking care of your pet, and they know exactly what your pet should be eating. As a result, you'll find that their expertise is what you should consider when you want to give your pet the top healthy dog treats and the care they deserve. Another reason you should look for vet-approved treats is that you know that they meet all the requirements and that you'll give your dog something that won't make them sick. Instead, you get something that keeps them healthy and strong while providing them the energy they need. Giving Your Dog The Top Healthy Dog Treats When you want to ensure that your dog is safe and has the best options for treats, you need to give them the best, and the top healthy dog treats will do this for you. You have a great chance at your fingertips to give your dog the best with no artificial ingredients and only healthy and fresh options. Note: Remember, the last thing you need is for your loved one to get sick. Instead of using fake meat products, use fresh and delicious chicken. Your pet will thank you. Additionals: 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a DogThe Best Dog Breeds For Fitness FanaticsFood Allergies in Dogs and How You Can Prevent it?Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?