Universal Tarot Guidance: Times You Need A Tarot Card Reading

Published on: 18 February 2019 Last Updated on: 30 November 2024
tarot card reading

There comes a time in all our lives when we’re going to need metaphysical guidance when all the immediate route fails.

Simply a form of guidance which could help you make your decisions better.

It should come as no surprise that over 40 percent of Americans have received some form of counseling.

But mental help professionals aren’t the only people that those in need seek out for answers to their questions.

Tarot readers can be a great (although unconventional) method to help you look inside yourself and obtain the knowledge you need to move forward.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we have got you covered.

There might be multiple times in your life when you will feel the need to talk to a Tarot Card Reader.

Complicated personal issues or professional stresses lead to an uncertain future. Hence, many search for the best online tarot card reading site. With COVID-19 norms still in effect, getting help from online platforms regarding Tarot Card Reading is a great alternative.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about getting a tarot card reading.

1. You Struggle With Self-Esteem Issues

You Struggle with Self-Esteem Issues

For some, confidence is a natural gift that requires little (if any) work to maintain.

Whether it stems from beauty, talent, or a little bit of both, there are people out there who always seem to be able to keep their heads held high.

For most of us, we struggle with self-esteem issues from time to time.

Although it’s perfectly normal to occasionally feel negative about yourself and your abilities, it can be easy to slip into a downward spiral of self-loathing.

And, once it starts, it can be very challenging to put a stop to it on your own.

A tarot reader will help you figure out where this negativity is coming from.

Common scenarios include ending a relationship or getting skipped over for a promotion at work. Regardless of where it comes from, your reader will help you develop a plan to handle it.

You’ll walk away from your session with an actionable goal and a way to get there, and you’ll find that your self-care regimen will be better than ever before.

2. You’re Having Trouble Confronting The Past

It’s easy to hold onto negativity from the past. Real strength lies in being able to let go.

Unfortunately, this is far easier said than done.

Issues that happened in the past are frequently the cause of the dissolution of friendships and romantic relationships. Things can seem exponentially worse if you’re in an environment that constantly reminds you of these conflicts.

Through a tarot reading, you’ll be able to finally face what’s been eating away at you (even if you’ve repressed it) and begin the healing process.

Most importantly, you’ll also learn how to forgive those who wronged you or accept the blame yourself. Once you’ve shed light on the shadows that haunt you, you’ll be able to ensure your future is bright.

3. You’re Feeling Burned Out

You’re Feeling Burned Out

Burnouts can happen to the best of us, and they can happen because of almost anything.

Have you been working overtime every week recently and having very few moments to yourself?

Maybe you’ve been giving a relationship your all, and you’re not getting back what you put in. Or you could be fed up with the countless responsibilities that come with being an adult.

Talking to friends and family doesn’t seem to help, and in some cases, it makes you feel worse.

All these things (and plenty of others) can cause you to reach a breaking point where you feel like you’re just done.

Before you let your life go off on a collision course, take a deep breath and see what a tarot reading has to say about it. Having an objective viewpoint to analyze your situation can help far more than you may think.

Not only will you find choices that you didn’t know were available, but you’ll also be able to choose the right path toward overcoming your mental exhaustion.

4. Nothing Seems To Go Your Way

Unlike burning out, this scenario doesn’t involve working yourself away or giving all you’ve got until you can’t anymore.

Instead, it involves you being a constant victim of the universe.

While it may sound dramatic, unfortunate events can quickly pile up on anyone.

For example, let’s say your car breaks down on a Monday morning on the way to work, and your boss berates you in front of your coworkers. You begrudgingly dip into your shallow savings account to fix your car.

On top of all of that, you had to spend even more money on transportation and eating out while your car was in the shop, leaving you in a state of financial disarray.

Then, you have the realization that staying at your current job will only make you better at performing a role in a field you don’t even like.

While this is only a general scenario, it’s not that unlikely to happen to most of us. It also proves that it doesn’t take much to overwhelm people within a short period of time.

While a tarot reading isn’t going to magically put cash in your hand, it will help you determine what your life goals are and develop a plan to reach them. This could be as simple as saving an extra few hundred dollars per month or as extreme as working toward a career change.

How Often Should You Get A Tarot Card Reading

How Often Should You Get A Tarot Card Reading

How often should you get a tarot card reading? Well, that depends! Tarot readings can be fun, illuminating, and occasionally game-changing.

But how often? That’s up to you and what works best in your circumstances. Here are some pointers.

1. What Does Your Gut Say?

There is no rule on how often you should get a tarot reading. Use your intuition! If you feel like you’re at a standstill, confused, or need some answers, that is probably a good time to see another reader.

The tarot can be used as a mirror, so listen to yourself! Get a reading when it feels right.

2. Don’t Binge

Tarot readings are amazing, but you can definitely have too many good things. If you’re trying to gain clarity on one issue, space your readings out. Why?

It’s giving the advice that you got last time to integrate into your life. Tarot isn’t an instant fix. It’s guidance. See what happens after that.

3. Life Transitions And Big Decisions

Tarot can also be used as a tool for meditation and self-reflection. Pulling a card at the beginning of each month or season and reflecting on that card’s meaning and how it might relate to your life, can help you set focused intentions and navigate the weeks ahead.

Tarot can also be a great way to tap into your intuition when making decisions, both big (should I take that new job?) and small (what should I make for dinner tonight?).

While it’s not going to magically give you all the answers, using tarot to brainstorm possibilities and consider different perspectives can help you make choices that are more aligned with who you are.

3. During Life Transitions

Tarot can be especially helpful during life transitions or when making big decisions if you’re going through a major change. Like starting a new job, ending a relationship, or moving to a new city.

It might be a good time to get reading. These moments are often filled with questions, and tarot can offer some perspective to ease the uncertainty.

4. Monthly Or Seasonal Check-ins

Tarot can also be used as a tool for meditation and self-reflection. Pulling a card at the beginning of each month or season and reflecting on how it might relate to your current lifestyle. Also, it can help set focused intentions and navigate the weeks ahead.

Some people like to get a tarot reading every so often, like once a month or each season. It’s a good way to take stock of where you’re at, set some goals and intentions, and just generally stay in touch with yourself.

If you get a reading for the first day of each month, that gives you 12 chances throughout the year to get clear on your game plan for the next four weeks.

5. After Something Big Happens

Did something big, good or bad, just happen in your life? Tarot can help you with the positive and negative fallout from major events by either giving you reassurance or helping point you in a new direction.

For sure though, it’s all up to what you feel right doing. Trust and have confidence in yourself.

Knowing When To Schedule A Tarot Card Reading Can Seem Difficult

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information about reading the tarot card in mind, you’ll be well on your way to gaining the clarity that you need to take your next step in life.

Want to learn more lifestyle tips that can help make things easier for you? Make sure to check out the rest of our blog!

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Throuple Relationships

Full Guide To Throuple Relationships: Rules & Tips

A throuples is a romantic and sexual relationship between three consenting adults. It can be a triad of three people in a relationship with each other or a couple who bring in a third partner to form a throuple. The ties can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, depending on the sexual orientation of the individuals involved. Throuple relationships have become more accepted and visible in recent years as society becomes more open to non-traditional relationship structures. Throuples typically share a deep emotional connection and intimacy, and they may live together, share finances, and raise children. Throuple relationships can come with challenges, such as jealousy, communication issues, and societal stigma. However, with open and honest communication, clear boundaries, and a willingness to adapt and grow, throuple relationships can be successful and fulfilling for all involved. Before we move on to the rules, let us just give you a small explanation of Throuple Vs. Polyamory Vs. Open Relationship, so that you don’t get confused. Throuple Vs. Polyamory Vs. Open Relationship Throuple, polyamory, and open relationships are all types of consensual non-monogamous relationships, but they differ in their structure and dynamics. A throuple is a romantic and sexual relationship between three consenting adults. It involves a committed and intimate relationship between all three individuals. The throuple may live together, share finances, and raise children together. Polyamory, on the other hand, involves having romantic and/or sexual relationships with multiple people simultaneously, with the knowledge and consent of all parties involved. Polyamorous relationships involve any number of individuals, and the relationships can be hierarchical or non-hierarchical. An open relationship is consensually and non-monogamous. Here partners agree to engage in sexual or romantic relationships with other people outside of the primary relationship. Open relationships may involve casual sexual encounters or more serious romantic relationships outside of the primary partnership. While all of these relationship structures involve consensual non-monogamy, they differ in their level of commitment and emotional intimacy. Throuples involve a committed and intimate relationship between all three individuals, while polyamorous relationships can involve varying levels of commitment and hierarchy. Open relationships tend to be more focused on sexual exploration and may not involve the same level of emotional commitment as throuples or polyamorous relationships. Rules & Tips For Throuple Relationships Throuple relationships, also known as triad relationships, are romantic and sexual relationships between three consenting adults. These relationships are becoming more accepted and common in today's society, but they come with their own challenges and rules. This guide will explore the basics of throuple relationships, including the rules and tips for making them work. Communication Is Key Communication is essential in any relationship but becomes even more critical in throuple relationships. Open and honest communication between all three partners is necessary to ensure everyone's needs and boundaries are respected. This means discussing your feelings, concerns, and desires openly and without judgment. Set Clear Boundaries Setting clear boundaries is crucial in throuple relationships. Discuss what is and isn't acceptable in the relationship, both sexually and emotionally. Each partner should be free to express their boundaries and be respected for them. Create A Schedule Throuple relationships can be complicated, and it's important to establish a schedule that works for everyone. This can include date nights, sex nights, or even alone time with each partner. Having a schedule can help ensure everyone's needs are met, and no one feels neglected. Be Open To Change Throuple relationships can be fluid, and being open to change is essential. As feelings and circumstances change, so too may the relationship dynamics. Being flexible and adaptable can help the relationship grow and evolve. Practice Safe Sex In throuple relationships, it's important to practice safe sex to protect all partners from sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. This means using condoms, dental dams, and other forms of protection during sexual activity. Respect Each Other's Privacy Respect each other's privacy by establishing boundaries around communication and social media. Each partner should feel comfortable sharing their life with others but also have the freedom to have private moments and conversations. Seek Professional Help When Necessary If any issues arise in the throuple relationship, seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial. This can help resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen the relationship. Closing Thoughts Throuple relationships are a valid and increasingly accepted alternative to traditional monogamous relationships. They require high communication, trust, and respect among all three individuals involved. Establishing clear boundaries and rules is important to ensure that all parties are comfortable and happy with the relationship dynamic. Throuple relationships can come with their own set of challenges, such as jealousy and societal stigma, but with open and honest communication, they can be successful and fulfilling for all involved. It's essential to remember that every throuple relationship is unique, and it's up to the individuals involved to determine what works best for them. Ultimately, the key to success in any relationship is open communication, respect, and a willingness to adapt and grow together. Read Also: The Best Dissertation Service With a Personal Manager

carrier oils for hair

Discover the Best Carrier Oils for Hair & Skin

Natural oils are incomparable when it comes to nourishing skin and hair. People apply carrier oils to their skin and hair. These are extracted from nuts, herbs, and seeds to improve the texture of their skin, stimulate healthy hair development, and give hydration. Your skincare and hair care routine should include these. Carrier oils are a nutrient-dense, chemical-free substitute for conventional beauty products. They abound in fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, giving your skin and hair everything they may possibly need. Carrier oils may be the ideal remedy for dry skin or brittle hair, and they can enhance one's appearance with opulent, natural goods. Choosing the correct carrier oil will improve skin elasticity, promote hair growth, and restore a natural glow in a few days. In this article, I will discuss the advantages of various carrier oils and how to include them in your daily regimen. So, keep reading till the end… Why Carrier Oils For Hair & Skin is a Must-Have in Your Beauty Routine Carrier oils are important for both haircare and skincare. They act as a base for essential oils. moreover, it is safe to use on the scalp and skin. However, the benefits are not just limited to diluting essential oils. All carrier oil have their unique properties that provide deep nourishment, and promote the overall health of the skin and hair while restoring moisture as well. Here are the reasons mentioned why you should include them in your routine. Deep Moisture Carrier oils are rich in vitamins and healthy fats. They have hydrating properties and leaves the skin smooth and soft. They trap the moisture in and protect the skin from external environmental factors. Natural and Gentle Carrier oils do not have any fragrances or harsh chemicals. So, if you have sensitive skin and looking for a natural skincare solution carrier oils should be your pick. Boosts Skin and Hair Health Many carrier oils have antioxidants and vitamins for promoting skin cell regeneration, nourishing the scalp, and improving elasticity. This makes the hair stronger and shinier, and your complexion becomes even toned. Versatility Carrier oils are used in various ways. It is used in hair treatment as well as DIY beauty recipes. Moreover, it is an amazing daily moisturizer and is often used in hair treatments. The versatile use of these oils makes them a wonderful addition to your beauty collection. Top Carrier Oils for Hair and Skin Care Here’s a closer look at some of the best carrier oils for hair and skin, and their unique benefits: Vitamin E Oil Here are the benefits of vitamin E oil mentioned. Benefits: It has powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from environmental damage. Skin Type: It is suitable for dry, mature, and sun-damaged skin. Uses: It is used for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It improves skin texture and promotes healthy skin. Perfect For: It is best for healing scars and anti-aging treatments. Moringa Carrier Oil The usefulness and benefits of Moringa Carrier Oil are mentioned below. Benefits: It is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and antioxidants. Skin Type: It is perfect for dry, dull, or aging skin. Uses: Nourishes skin, boosts collagen production, and provides a radiant glow. Perfect For: Reducing inflammation, restoring skin elasticity, and preventing signs of aging. Rosehip Carrier Oil Rosehip carrier oil has the following uses: Benefits: Packed with vitamin C and essential fatty acids. Skin Type: Great for dry, damaged, or hyperpigmented skin. Uses: Helps lighten scars, even skin tone, and reduce signs of aging. Perfect For: Skin regeneration, brightening, and treating acne scars. Pomegranate Carrier Oil Pomegranate Carrier Oil has the following benefits. Benefits: It is rich in antioxidants and helps protect the skin from free radical damage. Skin Type: It is best for dry or sun-damaged skin. Uses: It promotes collagen production, reduces signs of aging, and deeply hydrates. Perfect For: Fighting aging, tightening skin, and restoring skin’s natural glow. Argan Carrier Oil Argan Oil has the following benefits: Benefits: Packed with essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Skin Type: Suitable for dry, mature, and sensitive skin. Uses: Deeply hydrates, restores moisture, and prevents environmental damage. Perfect For: Moisturizing and treating dry, flaky skin, and promoting healthy hair. Primrose Carrier Oil The benefits and usage of Primrose Carrier Oil are mentioned below. Benefits: Known for its soothing properties and high gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Skin Type: Ideal for sensitive, irritated, or inflamed skin. Uses: Helps alleviate eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. Perfect For: Calming skin irritation, and inflammation, and improving moisture retention. Jojoba Carrier Oil Let’s check the benefits and usage of Jojoba Oil. Benefits: Mimics the skin’s natural oils, making it great for oil control. Skin Type: Perfect for oily and acne-prone skin. Uses: Hydrates without clogging pores, balances sebum production, and soothes irritation. Perfect For: Balancing oil production and improving skin clarity. Natural Pure Sweet Almond Oil The benefits and usage of Natural Almond Oil are mentioned below. Benefits: Rich in vitamins A and E, which help brighten the skin and reduce puffiness. Skin Type: Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin. Uses: Moisturizes, improves skin tone, and soothes irritation. Perfect For: Gentle, everyday hydration and calming inflamed skin. Jamaican Black Castor Oil Jamaican Black Castor Oil has various benefits and uses. Those are mentioned below. Benefits: Rich in ricinoleic acid, promoting hair growth and scalp health. Hair Type: Ideal for dry, brittle, or thinning hair. Uses: Stimulates hair follicles, strengthens hair, and prevents hair loss. Perfect For: Promoting healthy hair growth and nourishing a dry, itchy scalp. Natural Shea Butter & Vitamin E Moisturizing Oil Natural shea butter and Vitamin E oil come with certain benefits and fit a certain skin type. Let’s check those. Benefits: It is a lightweight oil, that provides great moisture without making your skin greasy. Skin Type: It is perfect for all skin types. Uses: It traps moisture, thus hydrates and softens the skin. Perfect For: You can use it as an all-over moisturizer for daily use. It will give you smooth and soft skin. Coconut Milk and Black Castor Body Moisturizing Oil The uses of coconut milk and black castor oil have the following uses: Benefits: It combines the best properties from both oils and thus hydrates and restores damaged skin. Skin Type: It is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Uses: It deeply moisturizes and restores damaged skin. Moreover, it improves elasticity. Perfect For: Retains moisture and nourishes rough, dry skin. How to Choose the Right Carrier Oil for Your Skin and Hair You should choose carrier oils for hair and skin depending on the requirements of your skin and hair. Here is how you should choose. Dry Skin: If you need to hydrate your skin, you can use Argan Oil, Pomegranate Oil, and Rosehip Oil. They lock the moisture in and improve skin elasticity, making it soft and supple. Oily Skin: If you have oily skin, then use jojoba oil to balance the oil production which keeps the skin hydrated. Sensitive Skin: If your skin gets easily irritated, then sweet Almond Oil and Primrose Oil are perfect for you. Hair Growth: Jamaican Black Castor Oil and Moringa Oil nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. These make the hair strong, prevent breakage, and give you thick and shiny hair. Usage Tips For Carrier Oils Here are some of the tips that you should use for making the most of carrier oils. Apply After a Shower: These oils work best when you apply them on damp skin. After showering, pat the skin dry and apply carrier oil for maximum moisture absorption. Hair Treatment: Massage the oil into your hair and scalp for nourishment and stimulating growth. For best results leave it overnight and if you don’t have time leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Mix with Essential Oils: You can combine carrier oils with essential oils to make customized oils for your hair and skin. just ensure that you dilute the essential oils to avoid any kind of irritation. Store in a Cool, Dark Place: Store the carrier oil in a cool and dark place to keep it fresh and potent. keep it away from direct sunlight. Final Thoughts on Carrier Oils Carrier oils for hair and skin are one of the best natural ways of nourishment. Filled with fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, they provide deep hydration.  If you want a soothing solution for your irritated skin, or looking for a lightweight moisturizer, natural hair treatment, or any purpose, you will get carrier oils. When you include these oils in your beauty routine, you will get a lot of benefits. from the hydrating properties of Argan Oil to Rosehip Oil’s rejuvenating effects, they give an effective and luxurious solution for your hair and skin. So, explore the huge range of carrier oil available, and take your haircare and skincare journey on a healthy route. Frequently Asked Questions People often ask these few questions when discussing carrier oil from hair and skin.  How do I know which carrier oil is right for my skin type? Every carrier oil has its unique properties and benefits your skin the way it needs. If you have dry skin you should apply Pomegranate Oil and Agran Oil. If you have oily skin, then Jojoba Oil is the best fit. it balances oil protection. For sensitive skin Primrose Oil and Sweet Almond Oil are suitable. Can I use carrier oils on my face? Carrier oil is safe to use on the face. However, if you have acne-prone skin or sensitive skin, go with light oils, like Jojoba oil or Rosehip oil. This will help balance oil protection and keep the won’t clog the pores. Can I use carrier oils for my hair? Using carrier oil for hair is beneficial. Use moringa Oil or Black Castor Oil to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Massage it into the scalp and leave it overnight or at least for a few hours. Are carrier oils safe for all ages? Carrier oils are mostly safe and gentle for all ages and that includes children. However, you should consult a doctor if you are using it on infants and young children. More so, if they have sensitive skin. Can I mix different carrier oils? You can mix carrier oils with other oils to create a personalized hair and skin regimen. Mix rosehip and Jojoba oil for hydration. You can also mix Pomegranate Oil and Argan to get some improvement from radical damage. 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Family Vacation

Planning a Family Vacation as the Kids Grow Up

There’s no doubt family vacation is one of the most precious memories that we have. In fact, a survey conducted by the Family Holiday Association found that 49% of British community said that vacation time with their family is their happiest memory. Prioritizing vacation with the family does not only rejuvenates your spirit and relieves stress but it also helps foster stronger family ties. Spending quality time with the whole family on a trip gives your kids a happy childhood. How about when the kids grow up? Is it still necessary to take a family vacation? Yes, it is. In fact, family vacations can be more fun and adventurous when kids are already older. Unlike spending vacations with toddlers where they don’t really have much say on your location or activities scheduled, planning a family vacation with older kids could be more challenging. They have their own lives and preferences so it’s important to communicate and plan for something that’s appealing to everyone. Below are some of the tips that you can use when planning a vacation with your older kids: Select a Location that Offers Wide Selections of Activities : When your kids were little, choosing a destination for your family vacation was relatively easy. You can just bring your brood to any amusement park and they’d be on cloud nine. Choosing a destination for your older kids is a different story. To make your vacation memorable, you have to choose a location that would interest your kids who are not kids anymore. Generally, older kids want adventure and excitement. Spending the whole day on a museum could be dragging and boring for them. These family getaway destinations will be appealing to your older kids: Yosemite National Park : If you want an affordable yet interesting vacation, visiting a national park is your alternative. Yosemite National Park in Mariposa Country is a must-see for any trip to California. It’s beaming with majestic views, hiking trails, and family vacation opportunities. Bahamas : f you’re looking for a dream vacation getaway, the island of Bahamas offers a family vacation that you can never forget. Aside from the magnificent beaches and water activities, treat your family with sumptuous meals and have fun getting to know with the locals. Booking at a family welcomed or 21 and the older resort is a wise idea to save money. Cruises : Going on a cruise is the best option if you want to get the most of everything in a small window of time. Aside from covering a lot of ground in a short period of time, the cruise company caters to vast interests, both onboard and on land. You and your husband can enjoy sunbathing on the sundeck of the ship while your kids can head ashore and go shopping. After all, alone time with just your husband is a necessity in your marriage. South Africa : Choosing a destination that has plenty of options is a must when traveling with grown-up kids. South Africa offers diverse family bonding opportunities with their majestic mountains, beaches, fascinating museums, renowned vineyards and cuisine and even a colony of a penguin on Boulders Beach. Choose a Homestay Rental over a Hotel Though going on a vacation with your family could be a luxury, it does not mean that you have to spend your entire savings account and be broke for the next 10 years. Prioritizing practicality and functionality will go a long way. Though staying in a hotel room can be convenient and could really make you feel that you are on a vacation, it could be pricey especially if you’re staying for a few nights. Renting someone else’s house or apartment instead of staying at a hotel is an excellent idea to save money. What are the advantages of homestay rental over a hotel? First, they are unique and special. Variety of accommodation is limitless, from city apartments to a villa to treehouses. Space is all yours and you will get the privacy that you need. You don’t have to deal with hotel staff or personnel knocking on your door. It also offers comfort and convenience just like your own home, plus you can cook your own meal since the majority of rentals have kitchens. Be Flexible and Spontaneous : Though creating an itinerary for your trip is important, you don’t really have to stick to it 100%. Sometimes, we’re too concerned about ticking everything off of our to-go or a to-do list that we forget to have fun and enjoy the moment. Since your grown-up kids have minds of their own, they may feel to explore the shopping area instead of checking out the museum as you planned. Be open with the unexpected turn out of events and embrace the fact that your kids also need time to do things that they like. Having older kids may mean less time together as they get busy with school, work, and even their own family. Make up for these lost time and create a family vacation that you and your whole family will never forget. Don’t wait until it’s too late - book a trip that everyone can enjoy. Read Also : Yacht Charters And Sailing Vacations 10 Beach Vacation Packages That Will Let You Unwind Without Breaking The Bank Fundaments Of Happy Family