How to use IT to Save Your Business Money

Published on: 25 July 2018 Last Updated on: 16 September 2019
business money

In a world that’s focused on making your business fly, ‘return on investment’ (ROI) is a term that’s usually talked about when you’re planning SEO, PPC or social marketing strategies.

In fact, IT can offer a huge ROI for your business – simply by streamlining processes that could otherwise see your team or contractors spending unnecessary time struggling with sub-par systems and devices.

We’ll walk you through 6 of the best ways to save money, with nothing but IT as your tool…

How to use IT to Save Your Business Money:

Explore open-source software :

It’s easy to forget that Microsoft, Google, Adobe and the other huge software and service providers aren’t the only companies out there who create worthwhile resources.

If you’re used to working for a company, you might take it for granted that the typical applications you’ll use (think; word processing, spreadsheets, customer relationship management, accounting – and much more) are just there for you within a few clicks – but actually, those pieces of software cost a significant amount of money.

The truth is, the household names are the ones we know about because they’ve got the budget to market their products far and wide – but in fact, there’s a host of great open-source applications out there that are completely free to use – you’ve just got to know where to look.

Open-source is more than just a money-saving tip though, in fact, there’s a world of developers who believe open-source is the only way you can truly reflect user’s needs in the long term – and many of those developers commit themselves to maintain and adjusting the free software to suit businesses just like yours.

This TechRadar list offers some great open-source applications that’ll definitely help your business save money when compared to full price alternatives.

Let employees work on their own devices :

‘Bring your own device’ (BYOD) such a simple idea – yet so many businesses resist it.

When you let your employees use their own devices to do company business, you’re saving huge amounts of money – and actually increasing productivity at the same time.

Countless studies have shown that employees are more comfortable and more productive when they use their own devices for work tasks – and the maths really adds up: If using a device you’re familiar with only saves 10 minutes each day – that adds up to an incredible 45 hours over the course of a full working year – essentially offering you a free week’s worth of work if you’re happy for employees to use their own machines.

Of course, there are security considerations to be made – and BYOD is likely to be impractical if you’re handling a lot of sensitive client information, but if you’d like to take away a huge chunk of capital expenditure from your budget, these could be problems you’d be happy to work around.

Outsource support :

When it comes to money-saving, good tech systems can give and take in similar measures – but one of the largest costs to consider when you’re installing IT relates to the people who are going to support it.

If you’re a small company, even if you only have a very small number of employees, you’re probably going to need someone to support your IT systems – and if you don’t have that person in place, you run the very real risk of not being able to trade if your IT network goes down.

So, what does the maths look like? Well, you’ve got a $40,000 basic wage for someone who comes with the skills set needed to keep a network up and running by themselves – then you’ve got to factor holiday cover, sickness, maternity/paternity leave, training and what happens if that person decides they’d like to work somewhere else.

All in all, carrying IT staff can be problematic – and extremely expensive – which is why managed network providers (MSPs) are becoming more and more popular with small to medium-sized businesses.

With an MSP, you’ve got the potential of 24/7 access, 365 days a year – plus no need to worry about keeping an individual up to speed with the latest accreditations and training programs. You simply pick up the phone and access the support – which, most of the time, can be applied to your systems remotely.

If you’d like your tech to save you thousands – you could do a lot worse than finding a good MSP and treating them like they’re one of your valued team.

Buy resources ‘as a service’ :

If you’re bringing your IT support onboard as an outsourced service – why not do the same with your applications, platforms, and infrastructure?

In the last 10 years, larger tech companies have realized that there’s an increasing number of small businesses becoming established year on year – and those companies simply do not have the money that’s needed to buy expensive software licenses, development platforms and costly networking infrastructure straight out of the gate.

The solution? Offering all of the above on a subscription basis – pay for only what you use, whenever you need it? A result is an increasing number of people opting to move to solutions like Microsoft Office 365 and Google’s G-Suite – both examples of ‘Software as a Service’ (Saas). That said, it’s not just cloud-accessed software that’s available in this manner, Microsoft now provides email exchange servers on a similar subscription basis too – with the robust security you’d expect from one of the biggest tech companies on Earth.

All these things are made possible by the cloud – the concept of storage and services that are hosted centrally, with your internet connection bridging the gap between your business and the resource. Of course, you’re going to need a connection that is stable and fast enough to allow uninterrupted access – but that’s more than realistic for most internet service providers.

Interestingly – the monetary benefits of SaaS are actually likely to be two-fold, as there’s an increasing body of evidence that suggests people actually work more effectively together when they’re collaborating online, even when compared to sitting next to one another in an office space. If you want to increase productivity and reduce costs with the help of IT tech, you could do a lot worse than to explore which of your required resources could be procured ‘as a Service’.

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Employee Engagement

5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry

  Call Centre Industries are generally considered to be the front lines of customer service, serving as a brand expert and customer trusted the human connection to a company all at once. And keeping your employees engaged at work could sometimes turn out to be a difficult task, but it does not have to be. Chief Human Resource Officer at Paycor Karen Crone defines employee engagement as an engagement to which your employees: Stay with the organization for a longer period of time, talking positively about the company, and last but not least offering a discretionary effort. 5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry When employees are engaged they then turn out to become advocates for your company. Time and time again research has proven that happy and engaged employees generally turn out to work harder and work much better. Given here the 5 major tips that would help you to increase employee engagement in a call center industry. 1. Giving the employees the right tool for success with a proper training: In order to deliver the best results, call center industry agents should here be giving the latest technology for excellent omnichannel customer service, receiving proper training that is required to master the tools.  Using a contact center software solution with advanced features would here ensure you quicker, and a much more efficient service helping the agents feel prepared for their next interaction. 2. Communicating with clients: When there is clear communication between the associate work and business strategy, then a line of sight is created that gives an employee a reason to come and work adding in their best efforts. By being open and acknowledging the dedication of all your employees you make their work much more full filling. 3. Asking for their feedback: Due to the daily interactions and communication with all your clients and customers, the agents could now provide knowledge on the customer’s behavior and their ideas for one of the best practices during service interactions. The feedback gained from all your clients and customers helps in improving the customer experiences through surveys, enhancing the call receipts, improving the training methods, and the last but not the least modifying or bringing out new products and services. Providing feedback through official surveys and staff meetings the agents begin to feel that they are a part of your team and to the success of a brand. 4. Personalize Development: The workforce of a specific organization especially with an addition to the millennials is focussing on how the job experiences could here improve the skill set of the employees and the future of their business organization. One of the best ways that you could foster the personal development of the workplace would here include creating affinity groups, using subject matter experts within your company as teachers, having employees talking about their strengths and weaknesses. 5. Developing great managers: Having great managers is really important as the above-mentioned tips depend on having managers who have invested in their associates. Having your managers informed and engaged would make their job of encouraging the employee’s engagement becoming much easier. Through employee engagement, organizations could here boost up their employee's motivation, building confidence in the work that they are doing, ultimately leading them to promote exceptional customer service for long-term loyalty.

SEO audit

Why Should You Consider Hiring An SEO Audit Service For Your Website?

You have built your company webpage to connect with your target audience and help them know more about the products and services you offer. But, what if your site is not getting higher ranks or failing to drive desired web traffic? For this, you will need to run a comprehensive SEO audit and this is the primary reason why you would need an SEO audit in Singapore. It’s a critical aspect for all sites selling their products and services online. Let’s delve deeper into the benefits it offers. 4 Advantages Of Hiring A SEO Audit Service For Your Website Without the proper SEO Audit Service, you can not be able to calculate your website performance. When you can not count, it is pretty impossible to monetize the website successfully. Doing all your own is requires more time, so it is always better to hire some professionals for your SEO Audit. Read through the four advantages of hiring the SEO audit service for your website. 1. Stopping Unacceptable SEO Practices Of The Past The SEO industry is always evolving and the algorithms are constantly changing. It wasn’t much before that a common practice involved purchasing links that directed to the required website. But in recent times, even though link building is still a significant feature of the strategy, there is no denying that some toxic links may bring damage to the search rankings. With an SEO audit, you may easily identify these unwanted SEO practices and help in recovering the overall SEO of the site. 2. Improving The Overall Performance Of The Site Google will always prefer a healthy site that’s high on performance. When you rub an SEO audit, any issue of the site will certainly come to the fore. These may include problems concerning site maps or reduced speed. It will also bring up security problems that may have compromised the performance of your site. While some of these problems can be fixed in moments, others would take a substantial amount of time. Performing SEO audits in Singapore regularly will boost maintenance along with performance. 3. Finding The Keywords The Site Is Ranked For You may be surprised to learn about the actual keywords for which your website is ranked. And only an SEO audit can offer invaluable information about the organic presence in the site’s search results. As you become aware of what you are ranking for, it will become easier for you to optimize your site’s content. 4. Knowing Your Stand With SEO With the SEO audit in Singapore and the implementation of the required changes, you can repeat the process from time to time. This will not just aid in tracking the progress of your site but also have a clear idea of your future initiative. Also, it is imperative that you have a notion about where your competitors are standing with respect to you. With a thorough SEO audit, you can detect who your rivals are along with the strategies they have employed so that you can stay ahead of them. The Bottom Line Thus, an SEO audit in Singapore will give you an insight into the technical infrastructure of your site along with the various elements of the page for optimizing the usability, visibility, and most crucially, improving the conversion rates. Without having any idea about these aspects, you will miss out on opportunities to secure attention from your prospective users. It’s very important to perform the audit from time to time to ensure the long-term success of the website. Read More: The Challenges of E-Commerce SEO 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business

HVAC Business

5 Tips for Marketing Your HVAC Business That Actually Work

HVAC repair is one of those services every homeowner or property manager needs at one time or another. So why aren't you getting as much business as you want? In many parts of the country, HVAC repair is a highly competitive business. In fact, 70% of new HVAC businesses fail in their first year. Our intention isn’t to scare you but to help you recognize the importance of a strong marketing plan and help to know about the HVAC estimating software working procedure. If you're looking for new ways to market your HVAC business, the methods below have proven to be successful time and time again. Best Ways to Market Your HVAC Business : There are plenty of marketing ideas online, but how do you know which ones will actually work? Here are a few of the most important and reliable methods: A Great Website : We truly can't emphasize this one enough. With smartphones in nearly everyone's hands, the first thing a consumer does today when they hear about a company is search online. A professional-looking website is no longer just a helpful addition. If you don't have one, customers get suspicious. They start wondering if you're a legitimate company or if this is just a side business that you aren't knowledgeable about. There are sites online that will help you create your own website, even if you have no web design experience. You could also choose to hire a professional designer for a more customized and high-end look. If you're looking for examples of strong HVAC websites, look at the site for Hays Cooling and Heating. They have a professional look and they give customers everything they need to decide that this is the right company for them. Content Marketing : Let's stick to the online sector and talk about content marketing. Content marketing is the strategy of making your site an informative resource for customers, rather than one giant sales pitch. Content marketing will factor into your initial web design as well as your continuous updates. If you update your site frequently, you'll show up closer to the top of the list of results when someone searches for an HVAC company on Google or other search engines. The best way to do this is with a blog you update regularly. Keeping with the content marketing strategy, your blogs should be helpful and informative. Base them around real questions people are searching for. These blogs are also great to share on your social media profiles, so they further enhance your online presence. Networking with Other Contractors : Unfortunately, you're in an industry that is plagued by mistrust. In HVAC as well as many other types of home repair, there are some businesses and contractors who don't do their job well while taking money from customers unjustly. This means most homeowners and property managers are slow to trust their contractors. When they find one they trust, they tend to ask them for recommendations for other specialties as well. Develop relationships with plumbers, home builders, cement layers, and other construction-based specialties. We're not talking about a formal arrangement. Just make sure they know who you are and what you do good work. If one of their clients is looking for HVAC services in the future, those contractors are more likely to refer them to you. Pay-Per-Click Advertising : We all know how pervasive Google is as a search engine. When it comes to digital marketing, one of your primary goals is showing up higher on Google's search results. So why not go directly to the source? Paid ads through Google will put you at the top of one of the first pages when customers Google a relevant search term. You can also set any budget you're comfortable with, so nearly any business can afford some level of paid search engine marketing (SEM). Referral Codes : Remember that discussion about how slow customers are to trust contractors and home repair companies? This makes customer referrals another powerful marketing tool. You don't have direct control over whether a happy customer refers you, but you can give them an incentive. Rather than posting general coupon codes online to drive business, give referral codes to past customers. If a new customer hires you with a previous customer's discount code, the new customer gets a discount and the previous customer gets credit toward future services. Exhibit at Local Home Expos : Many cities and regions have occasional home expos. These are shows where homeowners can learn about all the latest updates on the services they may need, while also meeting their local service providers. Not everyone likes to socialize and sell themselves, but these expos are vital opportunities. You have an audience full of people who are potential customers, so be sure to get involved. Signage on Your Van/Truck : Half the battle with marketing is simply getting your name out there. The more a customer sees your name, the more they'll see you as a legitimate, trustworthy company. One cost-effective way to spread the word is by using the space on the side of your van or truck. This actually serves two purposes. First, it gives you more visibility. Second, it gives you a more professional image. If you pull up to a customer's home in a branded van with a name you're trying to stand behind, as opposed to a beat-up anonymous truck, it adds a layer of credibility. Building Your Online Reputation : Here we are, back at trust again. Online reviews are one of the most important ways to get new business (or avoid losing new business). Looking up online reviews is common practice for consumers today, especially if they're making a large purchase like an HVAC repair. Build your online reputation on Google, Yelp, Angie's List, and more by encouraging happy customers to post reviews. Setting Up Your HVAC Business for Success : An HVAC business isn't always an easy one to start, and it takes dedication and planning to make it work. But with the tips above, you can build up your business and secure a future for your company. For more help starting or growing your business, check out our business tips blog. Read Also : Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO 4 Points To Consider When Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy Today How To Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?