A Viable Alternative to Wild Fish: Can Salmon Farming Be Sustainable?


04 April 2019


Salmon Farming

The demand for salmon continues to soar as it drives the expansion of aquaculture. For many years, conscientious consumers have been advised by the environmentalists to keep away from farmed salmon, but things have begun to change due to the evolving industry. Salmon is rich in protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids which are ideal for your heart’s health. As a result, salmon has increasingly been marketed as a healthy product for consumption. The demand for salmon has increased more than 20% in the past years while consumption is much higher than it was in the eighties. Despite these promising numbers, many people still question the viability of salmon farming. To understand whether or not salmon farming is sustainable, here is what you need to know.

Aquaculture Then and Now:

Aquaculture, the practice of raising seafood within a controlled setting, has been around for many years. This practice was used by the Australian indigenous people and people from the Roman Empire. In China, aquaculture during the Tang Dynasty resulted in the mutation which created goldfish which is now used as a ubiquitous pet in homes.

Currently, the aquaculture industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the entire world. The natural fisheries have placed limitations on the number of fish that can be caught during a particular period of the year. As an alternative, fish farming has offered consistent and large quantities of seafood and fish. The addition of aquaculture stock including oysters and salmon has been instrumental in meeting the current demands for seafood, making aquaculture a more sustainable practice.

Today, aquaculture and Salmon farming plays an instrumental role in the economy, offering numerous job opportunities in the operations as well as the ancillary services. The Environmental Defense Fund states that exports of global fisheries now earn more revenues as opposed to any other traded food component such as coffee, cocoa, and rice. This aspect illustrates the sustainable aspect of aquaculture and farmed salmon.

What are the Misconceptions?

The farmed salmon industry faces so much negative perception, most of which is brought about by the media hype. One of the greatest misconception people have about farmed salmon is that doesn’t offer the same nutrient quality as the wild salmon. Nevertheless, just like the wild salmon, it is imperative to not that farmed salmon has low saturated fat as opposed to other kinds of proteins. Moreover, the rich, pink hue of this kind of fish is created from natural compounds found in their feed. As mentioned earlier, one of the advantages of farmed salmon is its provision of the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids which can be seen in most wild salmon varieties. Through a number of independent studies undertaken by the National Cancer Institute, FDA, and other reputable companies or organizations, PCB levels evident in the wild and farmed salmon are safely under the tolerance levels that the FDA has set.

Apart from the nutritional misconceptions, there’s some sort of confusion among the public regarding the environmental impact of salmon farming and the feed conversion processes. According to recent studies, the feed conversion ratio of farmed salmon is quite lower compared to the wild salmon. Moreover, the extensive water testing evident in salmon farming has shown that the farming process doesn’t negatively affect the water’s overall quality.

Low Impact on the Environment:

According to studies conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, aquaculture has less impact on the environment. If anything, this practice can benefit rather than destroy the environment. This is because practices such as salmon farming can be conducted using practices which don’t harm the environment. That way, it becomes possible to meet the ever-growing demand for seafood, thus supplementing the fish that has been harvested in the wild.

Although there are documented issues associated with fish farming such as the use of chemicals, water pollution, and threat to natural fish, farmed salmon among other kinds of fish farming is a sustainable solution to the depletion of wild fish.

Offshore Expansion:

One of the advantages of salmon farming is its flexible nature. To promote sustainability, salmon farming salmon can be moved from nearshore onto land. The ocean is large and there are massive opportunities for farmers to expand the practice in different locations. Farming can be done on land or taken further offshore where the impact on the environment is minimal because farming is done in an open water body where waste can be carried further beyond the sea.

However, this can be capital intensive because farmers need systems that are physically stronger to manage the challenges brought about by wave action and wind. As the industry continues to expand, chances are farmed salmon will be moved out into other environments. Given the current trends in technology and innovation, it will not be surprising to see farmed salmon taking the world by storm. Where the practice is today portrays some massive steps from where the practice was some years back, a clear indication that salmon farming is bound to take the world by storm in the coming years.

The Future of Farmed Salmon:

When visualizing the future of fish farming, it is imperative to establish different components in connection to the practice. Some of these include its environmental impact, its effect on health, and its sustainable aspect. With regard to sustainability, as the demand for protein continues to grow, their production will continue to increase. In such a case, nutritionists will be looking at practices as salmon farming to see how they will continue to provide the much-needed protein. And despite the various challenges associated with farmed salmon, it is imperative to note that aquaculture is an efficient way of producing protein. In that regard, salmon farming leads the way when it comes to innovation in the field of aquaculture, offering a solution to the global problem of protein production. To attain the goal of sustainability, it is important for salmon farmers to continue utilizing new innovation and eco-friendly techniques which have a lesser impact on the environment.

Final Word:

Aquaculture has been one of the most dependable practices for providing seafood and ensuring the provision of much-demanded protein. Generally, farmed salmon is a sustainable practice and an excellent alternative to wild fish.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Airbnb BUsiness

What are the key pillars of a profitable Airbnb business?

When you start advertising on Airbnb or similar short-term vacation rental websites your primary objective is to turn your lodging into a stable source of income. Essentially, the success of your rental project depends on your ability to attract good, payable guests who will stay in your cozy corners, get an excellent experience, share it with other travelers on the Airbnb platform, and, ultimately, turn into your brand advocates with all the perks applicable. The snag is that not all Airbnb entrepreneurs know how to embark their venture on the path to success. In this guide, we will tell you about the pillars of a flourishing Airbnb company. Define your mission So you choose short-term hosting as a way to earn extra dollars for your happy living. First, you need to determine a simple mission statement. Your mission vision will shape how you operate your new-born startup and the experience you deliver to your tenants. Elaborate on a business plan and define your goals by asking yourself the following questions: How do you want to work? How much time and resources can you pour into your business? What is your vision of perfect hosting? What are your goals? How many deals do you need per month to meet expenditures and earn? How are you going to beat competitors? What should you do to make your listing appealing? What actions do you need to take to run your business smoothly and effectively? How will you protect your place from unruly guests? How will you ensure compliance with local tax legislation? Like any business, leasing out on Airbnb will involve certain expenses and investments. You should have a pretty clear sense of all your possible disbursements and incomes to ensure your Airbnb business is simply worth it. Even if it is a single spare room in your condo that you are going to rent, it is still a business, though quite small. And the business must be legal to thrive. To exclude any problems with the Law, consider hiring a professional accountant or an accredited Airbnb management company that will help you obtain all necessary municipal permissions and secure your total compliance with all administrative codes and tax authorities as well as assist you with procuring an LLC status as your business grows. Survey the market Anything you can do to elevate your listing or make it unique and attractive is a chance to charge more in your market. Scrutinize real estate websites; explore what other Airbnb hosts, lodgings, and local hotels have to offer. Find out whether they use dynamic pricing to update their rates based on various factors like seasonality, upcoming events, weekends versus weekdays, etc. The initial research will help you make the right decisions. Now think about what you can offer to make your guests happy. Is your home stuffed with all modern comforts to ensure a relaxed stay? Is your place pet-friendly? Do you have parking, a swimming pool, or a barbecue zone? Is the interior uniquely decorated? Do you provide extra little surprises for your cherished guests such as bottled water, coffee, sweets, or a free souvenir they can take as a memento? Added sophistication, delight, and comfort renders you the right to safely increase the price for your vacation rental property. Stay sober about your expenses and profits Tally your costs by creating a spreadsheet of expenses that can be divided into three categories: Upfront costs: the things you need to buy to make your spaces comfortable and beautiful before anyone experiences it including renovations, decoration elements, furniture, appliances, and photography. Ongoing costs. These include all items consumable by the guests that you will have to periodically replenish: toilet paper, towels, batteries, light bulbs, personal hygiene supplies, broken dishware, bedding, linen, etc. Management and maintenance costs. Think of the fees for outsourced cleaning, repair works, exterior and lawn upkeep if you are not going to tackle these issues on your own. Be in the loop with your numbers like utility bills, WI-FI, mortgage, and consider them when setting the price for your service. Outsource professional management Running an Airbnb business is a time-consuming and stressful venture, especially when you have to do everything on your own without competent assistants or the second host. You have to deal with bookings, verify guests, restock supplies, arrange cleaning between stays, and maintain everything in working condition to ensure a flawless stay. Just a hell of a work. If you are not very sure about your managerial efficiency, yet, you want your Airbnb enterprise to thrive, hiring a team of professional rental managers can be a smart move. Ask yourself whether you have time and knowledge to cope with the multiple Airbnb fuss and bother on your own, or you can outsource a dedicated and competent Airbnb manager to do all the work on your behalf to free you up and ensure a wonderful customer experience, as this is the manager’s primary job. Reckoning to a well-trained rental manager is also reasonable when you want to have a stable source of income through renting out without breaking local tax laws and housing codes, as the field experts always know how to stay law-abiding, yet, profitable. More about the services of such companies you can read on masterhost.ca. Assess your offer from the guest’s point of view How can you make your guests feel as welcome as possible? Have you considered all the needs your future client may have while staying within your confines? Beginner Airbnb hosts should seriously consider investing in comfortable mattresses, sofas, and quality bedding. The first thing you appreciate in a hotel is the bed’s comfort, so make sure your guests can enjoy a comfortable stay and sleep well on your beds. Very often guests give 5 stars simply because of the great bed, which eventually translates into improved ranking in the Airbnb search results and increased occupancy rates. Provide your guests with perfumery articles in case they forget to take them. To succeed in the Airbnb business, you should have a clear idea of the guest’s wants and wishes. Have you ever thought about why people choose the same hotel over and over again? Because they know what to expect: the feeling that no one has lived in the room before you, carefully folded towels, the smartphone chargers on the bedside table... Guests want every detail to be meticulously considered. Be attentive to the desires of your guests, and they will want to come back to you again and again. Put it on autopilot Hosting isn't easy, given the heap of tasks and arrangements to struggle with. But with modern-day advancements of technology, running an Airbnb company can easily turn into a breeze as you can automate most of the repetitive, time-eating procedures and free your hands for something more important and exciting. There are lots of powerful software solutions and cloud-based apps, either free or pretty affordable, which help to boost the efficiency of short-term vacation property through comprehensive automation of key business processes. These include guest communication, booking management, task allocation, multiple-account management, auto-pricing, guest review writing, and insightful financial reporting and performance statistics.  

Business Hack

Alex Dee Discusses How to Scale Your Business Hack

This works for all businesses! If you're in Marketing, consulting, or coaching, this applies even more to your field! What Got you Off the Island is Not What this is Keeps You Growing Hack Ryan Holiday What shifts you have to make as an entrepreneur when you scale: The best way I can describe it is a baseball analogy. In the Dominican Republic, there is a saying in the baseball league that you can’t walk off the island, which means you have to hit your way off in the baseball league. The players that make it off the island are usually some of the best hitters. But once they get into the major league, it becomes different, because it’s about bat discipline and talent is very different. So, what got you there to get off the island is not going to be what allows you to maintain your success because you’re in a whole different league. That is what it’s like when you are scaling your company. What got you there is not going to be exactly what allows you to scale to another level! Be ready to shift and pivot and learn in order to grow! Not the How, But the Who Hack – Dan Sullivan: As you scale, there are going to be all areas in your company that is going to require your attention, from sales to marketing, to operations. So how do you take all of this on and still manage to scale? There’s a great hack for it! It’s called not the how but the who rules! Once you figure out what you need to scale (process, sales, marketing, etc.), don’t ask yourself WHAT do I need to learn? Ask WHO is the best at that and get them on board! This will allow you to scale quickly vs. having to go learn another skillset now vs. staying in the lane where your talents are best served! So, to scale, instead of just figuring out the what, you need to figure out The Who, so you can do it faster! Be Cautious and Bold Hack - Mindset for scaling: you Must exercise your caution in laying out your plans but be bold in carrying them out. A man who is all cautious will never dare to take hold and be successful, and a man who is all bold is merely reckless, and must eventually fail. You must have both the caution and the boldness, to ensure success. How to Keep from Falling When you’re Experiencing Success Hack  David Metzer: I think the biggest thing that led to my downfall was losing my values. There are really only a few things I use now to play the top of my game and stay there. Number one gratitude; just being grateful for whatever you have, no matter how big or small. Number two is Empathy for others. As I got into this competitive world, I became an asshole. I was more worried about taking rather than giving that I really didn’t focus on anyone else and I went straight to blame and shame and justification, as I was Midas! Meaning I turned everything into Gold, right? So, it had to be everyone else’s fault. Number three is accountability. There are two parts to this one: what was as my part that the thing that went wrong, and what lesson did I learn so I don’t go thru this again. The fourth is effective communication. What I mean by that is not just being a team leader and effectively communicating with everyone on your team on what you want and how to run a company. Rather, what I mean is that I had lost my ability to effectively communicate what inspired me! When I was making money and I got done with spending it, it took me a while to learn that I need to give back and be of service. I wish I would’ve done it when I had the money instead of having to lose it and build it back up again. But that’s part of lesson learning that I have here, so I can inspire others so they can avoid the same mistakes. 7 Growth Hacking Ideas that will Boost your Startup 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment

Build a Collaborative Virtual Office Culture

Empowering Employees: How to Build a Collaborative Virtual Office Culture

In today's business landscape, many companies have embraced the concept of remote work, creating a virtual office culture. Remote employees, often called remote workers or telecommuters, are integral to modern organizations. However, building and nurturing a strong work culture in remote companies is no easy feat. Explore the various aspects of empowering employees and creating a collaborative virtual office culture that fosters engagement, productivity, and a sense of belonging. Understanding the importance of company culture A great company culture is the bedrock upon which successful organizations are built. It defines employees' values, beliefs, and behaviors as they work together toward a common goal. A strong company culture creates a shared sense of purpose and identity among remote team members and the organization, attracting talented new employees. The rise of remote work The advent of technology and the changing dynamics of the modern workplace have led to the rise of remote work. A traditional office space is no longer the sole option for company leaders. Remote employees can contribute effectively from anywhere, provided they have the necessary tools and a conducive work environment. In addition to providing flexibility, remote work often results in cost savings for both employers and employees. Employers can reduce overhead costs associated with maintaining physical office spaces, while employees can save on commuting expenses and enjoy a better work-life balance. Remote work culture vs. traditional office culture While working remotely offers flexibility and freedom, it also poses challenges to maintaining a cohesive company culture. Unlike in a physical office, remote teams are geographically dispersed, and face-to-face interactions are limited, necessitating a different approach to building and maintaining culture in virtual offices. In contrast, traditional office cultures rely on physical proximity, spontaneous interactions, and a well-defined office environment to foster collaboration. On the other hand, to maintain a remote work culture, you must consciously try to replicate these elements virtually. Building a Collaborative Remote Work Culture Emphasizing communication tools In a virtual office, effective communication tools become the organization's lifeline. Companies must invest in reliable video calls, instant messaging platforms, and collaborative software to ensure seamless interaction among virtual teams. Furthermore, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies are rising to create immersive virtual meetings and team-building experiences. These innovations allow remote employees to feel more connected despite the physical distance. Setting clear expectations Clear expectations are essential for a remote team to perform their tasks effectively. Leaders should communicate objectives, deadlines, and performance metrics transparently. Moreover, AI-powered project management tools can assist in setting and tracking these expectations. These tools provide real-time insights into project progress and individual contributions, enhancing accountability among remote team members. Virtual team-building events Team-building events foster camaraderie and an ideal virtual environment among remote workers. These events can range from an online game to a virtual happy hour, providing opportunities for team bonding. To take virtual team-building to the next level, organizations are exploring virtual reality team-building experiences. These experiences allow dispersed workers to participate in group activities within a simulated setting, fostering teamwork and individual creativity. Employee experience and morale Organizations must prioritize the employee experience to maintain high levels of virtual team engagement, which includes addressing their needs, concerns, and overall job satisfaction. Employees who indicate that they experience a high level of happiness while at work are more likely to be engaged. Personalized employee well-being programs incorporating fitness challenges, mental health resources, and virtual coaching are becoming popular. These programs boost morale and improve employees' overall health and productivity. Incorporating company values Company values should not be mere words on a website. They should be integrated into daily operations and decision-making processes. When virtual employees see these values in action, it reinforces the collaborative company culture. Company swag, including branded merchandise and gifts, can help employees feel connected to the organization. It creates a sense of pride and belonging. Measuring employee engagement Measuring employee engagement in a remote work environment requires different tools and strategies. Regular surveys, feedback mechanisms, and tracking key performance indicators are essential. Regular all-hands meetings bring the entire organization together, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding company goals, progress, and challenges. To enhance engagement measurement, organizations are adopting sentiment analysis tools that use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze employee communications. This provides real-time insights into employee sentiment and allows for proactive responses to potential issues. Encouraging creativity Creativity and innovation are crucial for the long-term success of any organization. In a remote work culture, leaders must actively encourage team creativity. This can involve brainstorming sessions through video calls or collaborative platforms, where team members can freely share ideas and innovative solutions. Embracing diversity Remote work naturally brings together individuals from various backgrounds and cultures. Embracing this diversity can lead to innovative problem-solving. Companies can establish cross-functional teams with members from different locations, promoting the exchange of diverse perspectives and ideas. The future of remote work culture As we look ahead, it's evident that the remote work culture will continue to evolve. Companies are exploring innovative ways to foster collaboration among remote teams. One emerging trend is the use of virtual reality (VR) not only for team-building but also for creating immersive onboarding experiences. Furthermore, "unlimited" paid time off is gaining traction in remote work cultures. This approach allows employees to take time off when needed without worrying about accruing limited vacation days. It acknowledges the significance of mental health while also encouraging a healthy balance between work and personal life. Final thoughts Building a strong remote work culture is challenging, but the rewards are worthwhile. A collaborative virtual office culture empowers employees, promotes engagement, and contributes to the organization's success. Businesses can thrive in the virtual space by embracing technology, fostering personal connections, and aligning with company values. Read Also: Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home? 5 ways employee perks can dramatically enhance your personal life What Is Employee Leasing? Overview And Explained In 2021