5 Team Building Activities to Inspire and Enjoy


01 April 2019


Team Building Activities

Every environment with large groups can benefit from team building activities.

We know how important morale is in the workplace or any similar environment, and that starts with a strong team.

Activities that foster teamwork will translate over to help a team reach its goals and be happier doing it. So let’s jump right in.

5 Great Team Building Activities:

Any team building activities need to have a few elements to them. They need to require some levels of communication, cooperation, and problem-solving.

The critical thinking aspect of these activities forces the group to brainstorm together in order to come up with solutions. Not only is it great for promoting teamwork, but it is also a great way to boost employee engagement.

Here are some team building ideas to try out with your class, workplace, or recreational group.

1. Nonverbal Line-up:

There is no equipment required for this activity. It is an easy way to get everybody involved to figure out some different ways of communicating with each other.

Simply have the group form a line based off of different criteria. For example, have the group form a line from earliest birthday in the year to the latest.

What’s the catch? They cannot speak.

Once they have formed the line, ask everybody their birthdays to check if they got it right.

This can be done with shoe sizes, favorite colors, or anything you choose.

2. Escape Rooms:

This is a really fun way to facilitate teamwork and collective brainstorming. Everybody needs to think and work together to solve tough problems to achieve the same goal.

You can make your own, or find a professional escape room near you.

3. Team Wall:

This is for adult groups. If you can find a wall that is high enough that most people can’t reach the top and has a standing platform above, then you have what you need.

Tell everybody that the team needs to work together to get everybody on top of that platform. It is best to go over safety precautions first.

4. Helium Hoop:

This is a really simple game that requires a lot of focus and coordination. Have everybody stand around a hula hoop that is flat on the ground.

The rules are that they can only use the sides of their index fingers to lift the hula hoops above their heads and lower it back to the ground without dropping it.

If fingers curl around the hula hoop, or if the hula hoop touches anything other than the sides of their fingers, the game restarts. You can make it harder by making them silent.

While this sounds easy, children and adults will often struggle with this task at the same level.

5. Human Knot:

This is a classic. Have everybody stand in a small circle and tell everybody whose hands they need to grab. Do not have them grab two hands of the same person.

Try to tangle them up in a “human knot” and tell them that they have to untangle themselves without letting go.

Next Steps:

These are some great ways to promote what you want out of your team. Get started on facilitating these team building activities and give your team a fun day to get to know and trust each other better.

If you’re looking for some fun activities to do with children, check out some simple outdoor activities.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Quality Scales

Why Many Businesses Owe Their Success to Quality Scales

There are certain things that we tend to take for granted, though it’s understandable considering the age that we live in. Many of us expect the best because that’s what we receive more often than not. The same goes for many companies across different industries. While they might attribute their success to certain aspects of their operations, you won’t likely hear them speaking about the use of weighing scales. After all, it’s just one device in a sea of others, right? You’d be surprised just how many companies owe their success to this marvelous yet straightforward device. A quality scale can make all the difference, though it’s understandable to be skeptical about that claim. Here are just some of the reasons why all sorts of businesses owe their success to quality scales. Scale prices are low, and the returns are high: If a company maintains a production line, efficiency is the name of the game. In order to improve efficiency, they can either upgrade their equipment or find a way to shorten the repetitive tasks. A proper scale can accomplish such a job without being too costly - making it one of the best ways to upgrade a production line. Depending on the industry, scales range from useful to indispensable: There are few devices out there that match heavy-duty scales as far as general usefulness goes. For example, it’s unlikely to see a bakery grow into a successful enterprise until they start calculating and measuring the exact amount of ingredients they need for a specific recipe. It’s not something that necessarily requires a scale, but if you plan to be efficient, it’s invaluable. It goes double when a bakery decides to mass produce products in order to meet the demand of their clients and customers. From airports to laundromats: Having an airport and being unable to weigh any of the luggage is practically unheard of - that’s how much of a requirement quality scales are in airports. It’s not something an airport can function without, as the ability to weigh luggage can mean the difference between a smooth transition and a complete mess. Any business that deals with laundry also requires that every article of clothing is weighed - not just to ensure that the clothing isn’t lost, but to calculate the price as well. The fact that scales can go from useful to invaluable goes to show just how many companies depend on them to succeed. Not every company is going to need a quality scale, or have it be instrumental in their rise to the top. However, it doesn’t mean that a weighing scale is ever useless. In fact, it’s useful in all sorts of situations while being indispensable in others. It’s capable of adding much-needed efficiency to a production line while being able to ensure that workers in a chemical factory are always safe. While not all businesses might need one, many industries definitely owe their success to using quality scales. Read Also: Why Skilled Workers Will Own The Future 7 Steps To Create A Product Description That Sells

Bar Business

5 Tips to Finding Better Talent for Your Bar Business

Bar business owners or managers face an almost universal challenge: hiring the best staff. It's not about filling shifts nowadays. Your cooks and servers all play a part in the customer's experience. Choosing the best talent for those roles and your cocktails are equally important to your business’s success. Even a novice bar manager will tell you how crucial staff can be. Here are 5 useful tips to get the best employees. 5 Tips to Finding Better Talent for Your Bar Business: Bar business owners must follow the below mentioned points to select the best talent for their organization. 1. Attitude is Important: Your staff is your bar’s face. If a server or bartender approaches a customer with a negative attitude, the customer will leave, never to return. If you feel your staff is not performing well, ask yourself if you can trust them to run the bar for you. Staff is bound to mess up, but it’s their recovery that matters. If their attitude is affecting other employees, do something about it before they bring the whole bar  business down. If you hire a great pro with a bad attitude, your cocktails will look nice, but your clientele will flee. Work ethic, team dynamic, and personality are much harder to teach than how to pour a drink right. Part of the process is finding job candidates. The other part is training them. As competition for great employees increases, bars now need to make more effort and tell a better story about the value of working in a team. There’s an imbalance between demand from bars and supply of quality staff. The people you hire have the greatest effect on the bar’s overall culture. 2. Know Your Market: Knowledge of the bar industry is important, but it’s not the only factor. Comprehension of best practices, industry standards, and good suppliers should be second nature to a decent bar manager. Do you know what the market in your area is like? Who are your main competitors? Is the bar you manage just another place to go, or is there a gap you can fill? Why might someone go to your bar business instead of the one down the street? Bar managers need to understand the competitive landscape they inhabit. 3. Hire the Right Bartenders: You cannot afford to hire fresher as bartenders and then train them to deliver. This will eat into your revenue and you will never get the desired results. The bar industry is a vibrant industry that faces a lot of attrition. If you are strategic in terms of looking for the right people, you will be successful. It is always a good idea to have at least 2 experienced bartenders and 4 fresher. This helps maintain the standard and helps you prepare the next rung of the leadership. A good bartender for your bar business is a big reason why some bars are successful, while others shut shop within a few months. Investing in the right bartender is probably going to be one of your toughest decisions. Train Employees to Upsell: Upselling customers is a great way to boost profits in your bar. This is where profits are made and success stories crafted. Upselling involves influencing customer preferences so that they end up making a choice that is beneficial for your establishment. It is also about the staff reading the body language of consumers. For example, if someone is celebrating a promotion, a staff can garner the public opinion of the group and suggest a far more expensive bottle than the one the customer had originally intended to purchase. Peer pressure, wanting to show off and winning over loved ones are reasons people fall easy victims to upselling. A bigger bill means better tips. People usually fix their tips at roughly around 10 to 15 percent of the total bill. Upselling helps boost employee morale as they get more tips and earnings from the same. By training your staff to upsell, you will be contributing to a better working environment. 4. Build Positive Relationships with Staff: Experienced bar managers know that success isn’t possible if you don’t manage your staff wisely. To establish an open and positive rapport, try to build positive relationships with them. A frustrated staff member affects performance, morale, and customer experience. While it’s often claimed business shouldn’t be personal, this is changing in many industries. When bar managers form relationships with their staff, they establish a personalized connection with someone who will become a reliable, long-term employee and attract people to your bar as well as keep loyal patrons coming back. Take the time to interact with your staff. 5. Believe in your Staff: It may seem easy to be a bar manager, but it’s definitely not. If you decided on this job because you thought it was glamorous, you might want to reconsider your decision. However, if you are running a bar because you want to, stay confident and passionate and project this mentality onto your staff. Encourage them and believe in them. They will reciprocate and this will reflect on the customer experience in turn. Your clients will keep coming back. They will visit you whenever they're thinking of a place to go out because of the positive, laid-back atmosphere you’ve managed to create. Final Thoughts: The right employees and attitude are very important for smooth operation, but getting a reliable bar POS system is just as essential. Your bar needs a firm grasp of cash flow, inventory management, and data. Moreover, an outstanding POS system will expedite and ease the bar management process. You can’t afford to dispense with a solid POS system. Read Also: The Best Red Wine That Suits Your Taste Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees?

Using An Accounting Recruitment Agency

Maximising Opportunities: The Advantages Of Using An Accounting Recruitment Agency

Navigating the job market, especially in the field of accounting, can be a challenging task. In such instances, accounting recruitment agencies serve as invaluable resources, connecting employers with qualified candidates and assisting job seekers in finding suitable roles. These agencies are pivotal in maximizing opportunities for employers and accounting professionals, streamlining the hiring process with expertise and efficiency. Expertise In Industry Knowledge And Trends One of the primary advantages of utilizing an accounting recruitment agency is their in-depth knowledge and understanding of the industry. These agencies specialize in accounting and finance roles, possessing insights into market trends, industry demands, and specific skill sets employers seek. Leveraging this expertise, they match candidates with positions that align not only with their qualifications but also with the evolving needs of employers, ensuring a better fit for both parties. Access To A Diverse Network Of Opportunities Accounting recruitment agencies have access to a vast network of employers and job opportunities that may not be publicly advertised. They often have relationships with numerous companies, including small firms, multinational corporations, and specialized accounting practices. This broad network grants job seekers access to many job openings that align with their career aspirations and expertise. It expands their options beyond what may be available through traditional job searches. Streamlined Job Search Process Partnering with an accounting recruitment agency streamlines the job search process significantly. These agencies act as intermediaries, simplifying the application and hiring process for candidates. They assist with resume optimization, offer interview guidance, and provide insights into company cultures and job requirements. It helps candidates to present themselves more effectively to potential employers. Customized Career Guidance And Support An accounting recruitment agency offers personalized career guidance and support tailored to the needs of job seekers. They assess candidates' skills, qualifications, and career goals, offering advice on professional development, skill enhancement, and potential career paths. This personalized approach helps candidates refine their career objectives and strategically navigate the job market. Temporary And Permanent Placement Options These agencies offer diverse placement options, catering to candidates seeking both temporary and permanent positions. For those exploring contract or temporary work in accounting, these agencies provide opportunities to gain experience. One must also get exposure to various industries and the potential for full-time employment.  Simultaneously, they assist candidates in securing permanent roles that align with their long-term career objectives. Negotiation Support And Offer Guidance During the hiring process, an accounting recruitment agency provides invaluable assistance in negotiating offers and navigating the intricacies of employment terms. Their experience handling negotiations helps candidates secure competitive compensation packages, benefits, and other employment terms. Thereby ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement for both the candidate and the employer. Conclusion In the competitive landscape of the accounting profession, partnering with an accounting recruitment agency is a strategic move. This maximizes job seekers' and employers’ opportunities.  These agencies, equipped with industry expertise and extensive networks, offer a streamlined job search experience. They also offer personalized support and access to diverse career opportunities.  By leveraging the resources and guidance provided by accounting recruitment agencies, individuals can enhance their prospects, advancing their careers within the dynamic realm of accounting and finance. Additional: Notary Business – 5 Ways To Earn Extra Money Reasons Your Business Needs Cybersecurity Solutions How To Make Your Business Stand Out With Custom Merchandise