Dr. Maria Luong Discusses on Ways to Avoid Dental Problems by Keeping Dental Plaque and Tartar Away

Dental Plaque

Dental plaque and tartar are the main cause of tooth decay and tooth loss, but many people do not brush enough to keep them away. Even if you brush twice a day, you may be missing areas by using the wrong brushing technique or even the wrong toothbrush, causing almost as many problems as you fix. By controlling plaque and tartar properly, you can prevent tooth decay or tooth loss.

Plaque is a sticky biofilm of bacteria that grows on your teeth, where it can destroy the enamel, leading to cavities and infections. Plaque is soft, making it relatively easy to remove at home with the right brushing and flossing techniques. However, within a few days, this plaque starts to harden into a calcified deposit known as tartar, which only a dental professional can remove.

Without professional dental cleaning, tartar creates a perfect environment for more bacteria. This results in receding gums and bone loss as bacteria can grow below the gum line. Therefore, Dr. Maria Luong shares five ways to keep dental plaque and tartar from causing gum disease and tooth decay.

Use the Right Toothbrush in the Right Way:


Even if you already brush the recommended twice a day, you may still be missing areas, giving plaque time to attack your teeth and harden into tartar. To avoid this, make sure you’re brushing with the right technique. Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle towards your gums and lightly brush or massage your teeth and gum with short, circular strokes, as recommended by the American Dental Association (mouthhealthy.org/en/az-topics/b/brushing-your-teeth).

Don’t hold your toothbrush flat against your teeth while brushing it roughly over the tooth surface. This approach misses unwanted debris between your teeth while hurting your gums. Holding the brush at a 45-degree angle makes it easier for the bristles to move between teeth, and brushing along the gum line lets the bristles reach under the gums to remove food and plaque that’s hiding. Make sure to use a soft toothbrush. By using a medium or firm bristled toothbrushes, it can risk damaging your enamel and can irritate your gums.

Clean Between Your Teeth:

Everyone hates flossing. It’s awkward and doesn’t do anything visible, so most people avoid it. However, if you are skipping on flossing, you risk getting cavities and infections in between your teeth, increasing damage and cost to repair your teeth.

If you have trouble with flossing, consider using a water flosser or a floss pick to get at hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. You’ll thank yourself when your dentist doesn’t have to go drilling for cavities in your teeth.

Get Regular Dental Cleanings:

Dental Cleaning

Even with perfect brushing and flossing techniques, everyone is going to miss a little bit of plaque that hardens into tartar. It is essential to see your dentist every six months or more so that they can clean away the hard tartar before it starts causing problems. It’s less expensive to visit a dentist for a routine checkup and cleaning every six months than have your teeth destroyed by cavities because you avoided seeing a dentist.

Rinsing with a Mouthwash:


For a full-mouth clean, commercial mouthwash rinse will also help wash away bits of food, along with destroying bacteria. It’s important as brushing and flossing. Mouthwash is effective in killing bacteria that cause decay and gum disease.

Not all mouthwashes are created equal, so make sure what you’re buying is approved by your local dental association, usually by looking for their association logo on the label. For instance, the American Dental Association has a seal of approval that proves the claims on the bottle (ada.org/en/member-center/oral-health-topics/mouth rinse). In addition, some dental associations, such as the Australian Dental Association, list approved mouthwashes on their website (ada.org/en/science-research/ada-seal-of-acceptance/ada-seal-products/product-category?supercategory=Mouthrinses).

Reduce Sticky, Acidic and High-Carb Foods:

Everyone knows that sugar i.e. sweets contribute to tooth decay, but that’s only part of the story. Sugar leads to tooth decay because it provides an excellent high-energy food source for the bacteria that live in your mouth. This can produce acid that wears away at the protective enamel of your teeth. Bacteria can eat more than just sugar. Any high-carb food, from bread to French fries, is a perfect food for bacteria. Also, like the acid produced by bacteria, acidic foods and beverages can damage tooth enamel.

These helpful hygiene habits do not mean you have to avoid these foods entirely but remember to brush your teeth relatively soon after eating sticky, acidic and high-carb foods, especially foods like potato chips that can get stuck on teeth. However, while it’s good to brush soon after eating, wait at least 30 minutes to make sure the enamel hasn’t weakened from the acidic foods.

Taking good care of your teeth may sometime seem like a hassle. By taking the time to brush and floss, and getting regular dental checkups, this will save you a lot of toothaches and expensive dental work in the future. “It is often those who avoid the dentist or have poor dental hygiene practices over long periods of time, end up having to deal with dental-related health problems – it is important to do your research and find a dentist you feel comfortable working with,” said Dr. Maria Luong.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Key Techniques For Holding Your Mouse

We are living in increasingly computer-dominated times. Only ten to fifteen years ago, computer skills were considered a bonus. Nowadays, being able to operate a computer for prolonged periods of time is all but required. While computers have made our lives difficult, they've also introduced a host of physical problems. Due to the rise in computer use, carpal tunnel syndrome has found new life in modern America. As a result, countless people are either dealing with the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome or are actively fighting to prevent it from happening. Today, we are going to be discussing a few ways you can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from impacting your life. Keys to Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can impart numbness, tingling, and pain in your hand and arm. This condition is typically caused by compressed nerves in your wrist and on the side of your palm. There are many reasons as to why someone would begin to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Most commonly, most modern carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis comes from incorrectly using a computer mouse. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways that you can approach using your computer in order to prevent carpal tunnel from ever manifesting. Let's go ahead and outline a few key ideas below. 1. Use An Ergonomic Mouse: The easiest way to reduce stress on your wrist while negating the potential for carpal tunnel is by purchasing an ergonomic mouse. When you use a computer, the mouse that you operate will be instrumental to your health and your overall computer experience. The shape of your mouse needs to be conducive to your hand size. The ideal ergonomic mouse will be symmetrical in shape rather than curved. A curved mouse will lead to odd contours in your hand which will promote stress and improper ergonomic support. Who knew that getting the right mouse was so important? 2. Larger Is Better: If you are planning on purchasing a new mouse for your desktop computer, consider buying something a little larger than normal. When it comes to your daily mouse usage, you are better off opting for something larger in size. Why is this the case? A smaller mouse will most likely improperly fit your hand, thus leading to odd extensions and contractions. A larger mouse will provide you with palm support which will aid in your quest to maintain proper ergonomic control of your hand. While this sounds needlessly specific, the truth is that size matters when shopping for a computer mouse. 3. Implement Wrist Padding: If you plan to be at your computer for any appreciable amount of time, you owe it to yourself to install some wrist padding. Wrist padding can be purchased at just about any computer store, online or otherwise. This padding is placed in front of your keyboard and it allows you to keep your wrists elevated while you are typing, thus protecting your movement range while supporting your wrist. When you go shopping for the best custom mouse pads BrandMe has to offer, consider upgrading your wrist support at the same time. 4. Take Plenty of Breaks: This is a bit of advice that falls outside of our discussion on mouse usage. The number one way to prevent over-stressing your wrist is simple, just take a break. If you work in an office or at a computer, you need to get into the habit of taking a break every hour. Consider taking a five to ten-minute break every single hour so that you can keep your body stress-free. By taking these breaks, you'll prevent stress from building up in your wrist. Sometimes, you don't know how sore your wrist is until you take a break to examine it. 5. Follow a Stretching Routine: Here is a neat little tip that you can employ right at your desk. Did you know that by actively stretching your wrists, you can stave off the impact of carpal tunnel syndrome? There are a variety of different stretches that you can do right at your desk. A great stretch to activate the tendons and ligaments in your wrist starts off in a prayer position. Push your hands together, as if in prayer while slowly raising your elbows. You'll feel the ligaments in your wrist activate as your elbows rise. Do the same stretch with your hands pointing down and your elbows pulling down, connecting at the base of your wrist. Take these stretches slowly and go to them whenever you start to feel like you are growing stiff. Take a walk, reset your body, and get back to work when you feel comfortable. 6. Proper Seating Levels: Finally, take some time in order to make sure that your chair and desk are at an appropriate height. If your chair is significantly lower than your desk, you'll feel the stress of having to adjust your wrists. Keep your chair level enough so that your elbows don't hang. Ideally, you'll have enough wrist support that there will be precious little tension on your wrist leading up to your elbows. You'll also want to get into the habit of activating positive posture traits while seated at your desk. You can activate wrist fatigue by hanging your head, slouching, or otherwise exhibiting poor posture. Remember, you are a machine built out of moving parts. Any flaw in the system can cause a domino effect that impacts the rest of your body. Carpal tunnel can start anywhere from the shoulders down. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious disorder that can lead to lifelong discomfort. While carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed and even negated in some respects, prevention is still the best approach. If you work at a computer or find yourself in front of one with any level of consistency, you owe it to yourself to follow the guide that we outlined above. With proper stretches, wrist support, and ergonomic computer gear, you should be able to keep carpal tunnel syndrome at a distance. Read Also: 5 Places To Get Fast Cash 2018 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your PC Quick Ways To Instantly Speed Up Your Home PC Network Easy Ways To Prevent Back Pain With A Seat Cushion When You Are Seated All Day Long

Drinking Chamomile Tea

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Chamomile Tea And Why Is Chamomile So Popular When Creating Blends Of Organic Tea?

Chamomile tea is highly recommended for relaxing and unwinding after a long hard day. It has this soothing feel and is associated with so many benefits. The benefits of drinking chamomile tea are numerous and more research about the benefits of chamomile tea is ongoing globally. This article explores why chamomile is so popular when creating blends of organic tea and the eight benefits of drinking chamomile tea. Why Is Chamomile One Of The Popular Ingredients In Organic Tea Blends? Chamomile is one of the most popular ingredients used in creating blends of organic tea mainly because of its associated benefits. Chamomile is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties. Chamomile tea is a great choice at any time of the day because it is naturally caffeine-free. It is highly recommended for everyone. What Are The Main Benefits Of Drinking Chamomile Tea? 1. In might help improve sleep quality Drinking chamomile tea is commonly believed to aid relaxation and sleep. You are drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed might aid sleep quality and quantity. Chamomile includes a particular antioxidant molecule called 'apigenin,' which is thought to have sedative characteristics. Chamomile might help you sleep better and wake up feeling relaxed, calm, and rejuvenated after you fall asleep. 2. It might help reduce menstrual cramps Chamomile tea has an antispasmodic property that might help soothe muscles, stretch, and relax. It also might provide warmth and a soothing effect which is very good for women during their monthly menstrual cycle. Hence, one of the benefits of drinking chamomile tea is that it might help reduce menstrual cramps. 3. Might help improve digestion Digesting properly is very beneficial to you. Chamomile might help reduce acidity in the stomach and reduce the growth of some bad bacteria in the stomach, which could deteriorate an individual's health. The anti-inflammatory property of chamomile, which might help improve digestion, benefits from drinking chamomile tea. Chamomile's soothing and warming effect is also very good for the stomach. 4. Might help boost the immune system The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile might help boost an individual's immune system. Chamomile tea contains some chemical properties that might reduce internal inflammation and improve the immune system. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea when you come down with a cold might help reduce cold symptoms. Its soothing effect also might help clear sore throats. It might help regulate uncomfortable conditions and soothes the digestive tract, which may become out of balance when you are cold or down with a health condition. 5. Might help relieves stress One of the benefits of drinking chamomile tea is that it might help relieve stress. It has a soothing effect due to the polyphenol apigenin, which aids relaxation. Unlike other herbal teas, chamomile tea is naturally caffeine-free, so it does not give any jittery effect when you drink it at any time of the day. 6. Might help improve skin health Chamomile is usually used as an ingredient for producing skin products because of its anti-inflammatory properties and its antioxidants. Chamomile also has a relaxing, comforting, and refreshing effect on the skin. When you drink Chamomile tea, it also might help improve your skin, as we all know, our internal health condition usually reflects on our skin. Consistently drinking chamomile tea might help boost the condition of your skin. 7. Might help improve your heart Flavones, an antioxidant present in Chamomile tea, are beneficial for your heart. This is because it might help reduce the risk of a bad heart. Although research is still being conducted to discover more positive effects of chamomile tea on the heart, it is highly recommended as a healthy heart drink. 8. Might benefit in weight loss Chamomile tea is a delightful, calorie-free drink that you can drink all day when you are trying to lose weight. Although chamomile tea does not have any chemical property that aids weight loss, it is a healthy drink choice when attempting to lose weight and want something a bit tastier than water. Read Also:

Foot Pain

Improve Your Feet Health: 5 Simple Tips For Preventing Foot Pain

We are likely to walk over 100,000 miles over the course of our entire lifetime. Yes, it's like circling the earth 4 times at the equator. Although our feet are really important, it is still one of the most neglected body parts. Have you been feeling foot pain recently? It is not always the result of you having over-walked or overworked. There can be a lot of reasons for that. The best news is that you will get a lot of podiatric solutions in Podologo Santo Domingo and soothe your foot pain. Simple Tips For Preventing Foot Pain And Improve Your Health Here, we are providing you with some great tips using which you will be able to prevent foot pain or improve the health of your foot. Let's start now. Tip No. 1: Stay At A Healthy Weight Well, your feet are bearing the weight of your entire body. To be honest, the more weight your feet need to support, the harder your feet need to work. So, you need to keep an eye on your weight, which means cutting down your weight. You necessarily do not have to carry a lot of extra weight in order to feel an impact on your ankles and feet. Only 20 pounds is enough to change the way your foot functions. It increases the force on your feet and eventually triggers pain. Tip No. 2: Boost Your Flexibility With growing age, your calf muscles might tighten. It always puts more stress on the balls of your feet. Here, what you can do is stretch your calves on a regular basis. It actually can go a long way when it comes to preventing foot pain. Here, in Podologo Santo Domingo, we will strongly recommend the following stretch at least 3 times a day. First, stand with your toes on a step and keep your heels off the edge.Slowly lower both your heels down and hold that position for at least 10 seconds and then lift your heels to the initial higher position.Now repeat this same thing 5 to 10 times. Never force your heels father what it wants to go. In case this particular movement is too much for both of your feet at the same time, do one foot at a time. Tip No. 3: Kick Your High-Heel Habit Wearing a pair of heels might upgrade your outfit, but at the same time, they also can wreak havoc on your feet. The study has found that it only takes 1 hour of wearing heels for the pain to kick in. That means you also do not need to wear them longer to suffer the pain. When you are squeezing your feet into those pointy-toed heels, you are actually attracting the risks for a huge number of things, from ingrown toenails, blisters, and bunions to back pain, deformed toes, and shortened calf muscles. If you are already suffering from ingrown nails and other issues, Podologo Santo Domingo can help you a lot. Tip No. 4: Wear Shoes That Fit There are a lot of people who wear the same size of shoes for a considerable amount of time. We never even thought of getting our feet measured. With your age, your feet are also changing shape, and that is why tightening footwear can lead to a lot of things, Ingrown toenails.Calluses.Corns.Bunions.Deformed toes.Heel pain. If you have to measure your feet recently, do not even think about buying shoes on the internet. Also, stop wearing those tight shoes now. It is damaging your feet. And To reduce foot pain contact Podologo Santo Domingo. Tip No. 5: Stay Hydrated Foot pain can always come on all of a sudden and be really painful. Apart from all the things that we have mentioned above, a dietary imbalance and dehydration can be two more reasons why you are feeling pain in your foot. So, always make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids, especially when you are exercising. In addition to that, low potassium levels can be the reason for your foot pain. So, include spinach and bananas in your diet. Read Also: The Best Way In Relaxing Your FeetA Quick but Helpful Guide to Running With Flat FeetWhy Jumping on Trampolines is More Beneficial than Running or Jogging?