How To Help Sensitive Teeth After Whitening?

Published on: 11 March 2022 Last Updated on: 21 February 2023
Sensitive Teeth

A brighter, whiter smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem. And teeth whitening treatment is the best way to get that Hollywood glam smile.

But teeth whitening treatments often come at a cost- sensitivity. Sensitive teeth are a common side effect usually seen with over-the-counter bleaching treatments.

Such kits are easy to use and can whiten your smile within a few minutes. But they tend to make your teeth sensitive to hot, cold, or even acidic foods.

So we asked Dr. Ernesto Carmona, a cosmetic dentist from Austin, Tx on how to deal with sensitive teeth after a teeth whitening procedure. And here’s everything you need to do if your teeth have turned sensitive after a whitening procedure.

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening procedures use a special bleaching agent like hydrogen peroxide to lighten your teeth’ color. These kits are available in the form of strips or rinses that penetrate the enamel to whiten it.

But peroxide can also weaken your enamel layer and reveal the inner dentin layer of the tooth. Dentin has a lot of nerve endings that get stimulated by hot and cold temperatures resulting in instant pain sensation.

Sometimes, even foods that are acidic or have high amounts of sugar can result in dentin sensitivity.

How To Reduce Teeth Sensitivity After Whitening Procedure

How To Reduce Teeth Sensitivity After Whitening Procedure

The first thing you need to do is read the instructions and after-care tips on the teeth whitening kit. It is always recommended to use the kit for the stipulated period to minimize contact with the harsh chemicals present in bleaches.

You must also avoid any further treatments to avoid worsening symptoms. If you have experienced sensitivity after a professional teeth whitening procedure at your dentist’s office, or the symptoms have worsened after a home whitening kit, call them up to schedule a check-up and seek medical care.

Teeth sensitivity after whitening procedures usually goes away within a few weeks. Your dentist can suggest desensitizing products like rinses and toothpaste to help you out during the period.

You can even try OTC toothpaste with high-fluoride content to protect your teeth from sensitivity. And avoid eating or drinking food that is too hot, cold, and acidic.

Dr. Carmona also recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle pressure until the issue is resolved.

Tips To Avoid Sensitive Teeth

Tips To Avoid Sensitive Teeth

You can reduce sensitivity by keeping your mouth hydrated and avoiding foods that trigger sensitivity. But most importantly, avoid brushing too hard or using a harsh toothbrush; this will only irritate the sensitive enamel even more.

If you still experience discomfort after following these instructions, consult with your dentist about other options that may help.

A professional teeth whitening procedure performed by a dentist is always safer as they use the right products and techniques to protect your enamel. So you can visit Dr. Ernesto Carmona for more advice on how to get whiter teeth. He will suggest the best treatment to get whiter teeth safely and reduce sensitivity.

So, if you live in Austin, the teeth whitening cost by Dr. Carmona can be found out by consulting him at his clinic Austin Prosthodontics. So call up his clinic or visit his website today to schedule your appointment.

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kratom powder

How Is Kratom Helpful In Living Life At Its Best?

There is no need to keep living in a sad state of mind. The depression, anxiety or anything that keeps you away from living life to the fullest need to be avoided. If you are feeling blue all the time then you need to find a solution. There is no need to choose medicines that also have lots of side effects. One of the natural ways to treat such conditions is to use kratom leaves. These kratom crushed leaf have been used in many cultures for a long period of time due to its several health benefits Today, you can easily find a company that offers you quality kratom powder for sale at a very reasonable price. What matters most is how you use it. Overdose will surely keep you off the track as it gives euphoric feeling and tranquilizes you. You need to be in your senses to enjoy the best feeling you get from it. So, you need to start with a low dose. If you face a great deal of anxiety when it comes to attending social gathering then kratom can prove as blessings. It boosts your confidence within in a few minutes and the world doesn't grab you by the throat anymore. How Is Kratom Helpful In Living Life At Its Best? Now the question is how you should take it? There is no need to chew raw leaves as there are better products available in the market. You can buy powder or you can go with capsules. If you are buying powder then you can take it with chocolate milk, tea, water, juices, etc. And when it comes to capsules, you just have to swallow it. It is important to know that there are no clinical studies available in support of the benefits of kratom. However, there would be hardly any disappointed user, who will recommend you not to use it. The chilled-out feeling of kratom dose is widespread. Many kratom users are those who have to wake up every day and show up at the job where they need to face challenging tasks with pressure for hours. They feel the reduction in stress and they can concentrate better on the work with kratom consumption. It also used to be one of the best options for overcoming opium addiction. When one stops taking kratom completely, there are chances of facing withdrawal symptoms. However, these symptoms are mild. Kratom also affects the metabolism system. When the blood flow in the body is increased one feels energized throughout the day. A user can also feel having a better appetite. Along with that it also enhances the sex drive of both men and women. When it comes to treating low libido or erectile dysfunction, kratom has proved effective. One of the best things about kratom is that there have been no fatal incidents recorded of the overdose of it. Though long-term side effects include a darkened face, pigmentation on the cheeks, constipation, excessive weight loss, insomnia, etc. Is It Addictive? It belongs to the same family as the coffee plant. So it is not right to give a conclusion on whether it is addictive or not. If you consume ten cups of coffee every day for years then you can surely see the negative effects on the body. The same thing goes for the usage of kratom. All you need to do is to keep things in moderation. Whether you are taking capsules or you blending the powder with water, you should start with a low dosage. Conclusion: In the end, we can conclude that there is no need to be in pain without any reason. Stress and anxiety keep you far away from living your life at your full potential. It is important to take control of such conditions and act on it. Now all you need to do is to find a reputed online store where you get genuine kratom powder and capsules at the right price. You can also buy it in bulk as it doesn't have any complex storing requirements. Read Also :  13 Best Herbs That Boost Your Metabolism 10 Best Protein Shake Recipes For Weight Loss

Staging Interventions

7 Helpful Tips For Staging Interventions

Do you have a friend or family member who is dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If they don't realize the harm that their behavior is doing to their loved ones, an intervention may help. During interventions, people will get the chance to speak with a person about how their addiction is taking a toll on those who love them most. This process will give them the chance to get things off their chest. It will also open up an addicted person's eyes and mind so that they understand how they're affecting others. If you're currently planning an intervention, you should take steps to make it as effective as possible. Here are some tips for staging interventions. 1. Pick the Right People to Attend the Intervention : Who is going to be present at your intervention? That's the first thing you should decide before you set anything else up. It's a great idea to get a good mix of people representing the different aspects of a person's life. You might want to invite the following people to interventions: The romantic partner or spouse of the addicted person The parents of the addicted person The siblings of the addicted person The children of the addicted person The close friends of the addicted person A professional who can keep everything running smoothly Of course, you don't need to invite all of these people. If the addicted person doesn't have a great relationship with his father, you might want to leave him out. You might also want to leave out anyone who could potentially be too emotional to speak clearly during an intervention. But in general, you want all of the people who are most important to a person to be in attendance at interventions. 2. Find a Good Time and Place to Hold It : Once you have decided on who will attend an intervention, decide when and where you will hold it. Pick a time when the addicted person will be sober and most willing to listen. The last thing you want to do is hold the intervention when they're high or intoxicated since they won't be in the right state of mind to listen to others talk to them. Choose a place that will provide a safe and comfortable environment for your intervention. At the same time, you should avoid holding it in a place like your home since there could be a lot of negative emotions attached to your intervention in the future. A church meeting hall or community center might be a better option. 3. Decide Who Will Speak During the Intervention : When you're preparing to hold interventions, you want to make sure everyone knows who is going to talk. After all, you don't want to have everyone talking at once when the intervention begins. Each person should have their time to speak. That's why they're being invited to the intervention. But there should be an order to it. At most interventions, the first and last speaking slots will be reserved for those people whose words will likely have the most impact. You will want a person's spouse or one of their parents to speak during those time periods. 4. Rehearse What Everyone Will Say : Ask the participants to rehearse what they plan to say. Practice your speech before the addicted person arrives. You want to steer clear of just speaking off the cuff. This could lead to you saying something that will upset the person and put a halt to the intervention before everyone has spoken. Take pointers from others who will be attending the intervention. Tweak your words so that they fit into the context of the meeting. 5. Try Not to Lose Your Temper at Any Point : You might be fuming mad at the person who will be at the center of the intervention. Every fiber in your body might be telling you that you should stand up and yell at them. Don't do it. No matter how mad you are, your intervention should provide a safe space for the addicted person to sit and listen. The second you raise your voice, they could potentially get up and leave. You want them to sit and listen to what everyone has to say. Resist the urge to raise your voice. Speak firmly, but not angrily. 6. Prepare Yourself for Whatever Might Happen : Unexpected things tend to happen at interventions. The addicted person might: Break down in tears and beg you to take them to a treatment center Get up and storm out of the room before everyone has talked Yell at those who have come to speak to them Unfortunately, you need to be prepared for just about anything. You never know what's going to happen during an alcohol or drug intervention. If a person demands to go to rehab right away, put a plan in place so you know who will drive them. See more here if you need to find the right rehab for your loved one. If they get angry and start to storm off, have one person they trust give chase and try to convince them not to leave. When you prepare properly, you'll be ready for anything. 7. Understand If the Intervention Doesn't Go According to Plan : At the end of the intervention, the addicted person might get up and walk out without saying a word to anyone. They might show that they're completely unwilling to get the help you think they need. While you'll probably be disappointed, don't let it stop you from continuing to help that person. Who knows? They might come to their senses in a day or two and come around to the idea of getting help. All you can do is speak your mind at the intervention and then allow them to make the next move. Interventions Can Help Break the Cycle of Addiction : If you want to assist your loved one as they search for help for alcohol or drug addiction, consider holding interventions. You should also find out what it's like in a drug recovery center so that you can prepare yourself and your loved one for it if they choose to check into one.   Need more tips? Check out our lifestyle blog for more information on dealing with drug and alcohol addiction! Read Also : 10 Reasons To Stop Drinking Alcohol Today Tequila, The Alcoholic Cure-All? 10 Weird Facts About Antidepressants

Weight Lifting

How To Prevent Back Pain During Weight Lifting

Weight lifting is a good exercise with numerous benefits to physical and mental health. Weight lifting promotes blood circulation, aids metabolism, and leads to healthy and stronger bones. Weightlifting can cause some soreness which is expected. However, back pain can be prevented through a proper weightlifting routine. Continue reading to learn about the appropriate weight-lifting routine to prevent back pain. What To Do To Prevent Back Pain During Weightlifting: 1. Stretch Before and After Your Workout Tight muscles are susceptible to injuries, which can be avoided by warming up. A 5 to 10-minute walk on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike will relax the tight muscles and improve blood flow. The more relaxed the body muscle, the more you can get out of weightlifting and the lesser the risk of injuries. Post-workout stretching reduces soreness, aids recovery, and maintains good posture. 2. Be Aware of Your Posture One of the best ways to avoid back pain is to watch your posture in everything you do. Keep up with the neutral spine no matter how heavy you are lifting. The neutral spine allows your back and neck to be exposed to less stress and strain and engage your core and leg muscles. Do not slouch your shoulder when lifting weight as it will bend your spine and stress your muscles and backbone. You can enlist the help of others if you can't monitor your posture during weightlifting. 3. Breath People often believe that holding their breath when lifting weight will enable them to lift more. Sadly, holding your breath only damages your muscles because it deprives them of the essential element required for survival — Oxygen. When you hold your breath, your muscles become tensed, strained, and vulnerable to injury. Instead of completely holding your breath, practice this; breathe out (exhale) when lifting the weight and breathe in ( inhale in) as you release the weight. 4. Start With Lightweight How much weight you can lift and for how long depends entirely on your spine. The stronger your spine, the more you lift. It is vital to start with a small weight and work your way up. Frequent practice with lightweight will strengthen your spines. Once you master lightweight and the basics of the neutral spine, you can make a smooth and gradual transition to heavier weight. 5. Don't Over Push Your Body Pushing your body beyond a certain point can lead to a severe injury. So, while you lift, learn to listen to your body, stop when it hurts and investigate the cause and source of the pain. Apply ice to the affected area immediately to reduce swelling and capitalize the healing process when in pain. However, if the pain persists, talk to a professional. 6. Wear a Belt Wearing a belt while lifting weight is advisable, as the belt supports your spine and protects you from a back injury. It also saves you from a back injury, strengthens your core, increases intra-abdominal pressure, and maximizes body energy. 7. Rest Over-exerting your muscles will deprive your muscles and bones of the necessary healing period. Weightlifting causes a tiny tear in the muscles; these tears are necessary for the growth and adaptation of the muscles. Which needed time to heal. To avoid pains and over-exerting your muscles and spine, you can switch to exercises like aerobics, and yoga. If pains persist though, you may want to check out osteo Warinma for a long-lasting solution. Read Also: Six Supplement-Free Gym Performance Enhancers for Weightlifting Ladies5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should AvoidDiscover The Daily Habits That May Cause Back Pain