7 Helpful Tips For Staging Interventions

Published on: 15 May 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Staging Interventions

Do you have a friend or family member who is dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If they don’t realize the harm that their behavior is doing to their loved ones, an intervention may help.

During interventions, people will get the chance to speak with a person about how their addiction is taking a toll on those who love them most.

This process will give them the chance to get things off their chest. It will also open up an addicted person’s eyes and mind so that they understand how they’re affecting others.

If you’re currently planning an intervention, you should take steps to make it as effective as possible. Here are some tips for staging interventions.

1. Pick the Right People to Attend the Intervention :

Who is going to be present at your intervention? That’s the first thing you should decide before you set anything else up.

It’s a great idea to get a good mix of people representing the different aspects of a person’s life.

You might want to invite the following people to interventions:

  • The romantic partner or spouse of the addicted person
  • The parents of the addicted person
  • The siblings of the addicted person
  • The children of the addicted person
  • The close friends of the addicted person
  • A professional who can keep everything running smoothly

Of course, you don’t need to invite all of these people.

If the addicted person doesn’t have a great relationship with his father, you might want to leave him out. You might also want to leave out anyone who could potentially be too emotional to speak clearly during an intervention.

But in general, you want all of the people who are most important to a person to be in attendance at interventions.

2. Find a Good Time and Place to Hold It :

Once you have decided on who will attend an intervention, decide when and where you will hold it.

Pick a time when the addicted person will be sober and most willing to listen. The last thing you want to do is hold the intervention when they’re high or intoxicated since they won’t be in the right state of mind to listen to others talk to them.

Choose a place that will provide a safe and comfortable environment for your intervention.

At the same time, you should avoid holding it in a place like your home since there could be a lot of negative emotions attached to your intervention in the future. A church meeting hall or community center might be a better option.

3. Decide Who Will Speak During the Intervention :

When you’re preparing to hold interventions, you want to make sure everyone knows who is going to talk. After all, you don’t want to have everyone talking at once when the intervention begins.

Each person should have their time to speak. That’s why they’re being invited to the intervention. But there should be an order to it.

At most interventions, the first and last speaking slots will be reserved for those people whose words will likely have the most impact. You will want a person’s spouse or one of their parents to speak during those time periods.

4. Rehearse What Everyone Will Say :

Ask the participants to rehearse what they plan to say. Practice your speech before the addicted person arrives.

You want to steer clear of just speaking off the cuff. This could lead to you saying something that will upset the person and put a halt to the intervention before everyone has spoken.

Take pointers from others who will be attending the intervention. Tweak your words so that they fit into the context of the meeting.

5. Try Not to Lose Your Temper at Any Point :

You might be fuming mad at the person who will be at the center of the intervention. Every fiber in your body might be telling you that you should stand up and yell at them.

Don’t do it.

No matter how mad you are, your intervention should provide a safe space for the addicted person to sit and listen. The second you raise your voice, they could potentially get up and leave.

You want them to sit and listen to what everyone has to say. Resist the urge to raise your voice. Speak firmly, but not angrily.

6. Prepare Yourself for Whatever Might Happen :

Unexpected things tend to happen at interventions. The addicted person might:

  • Break down in tears and beg you to take them to a treatment center
  • Get up and storm out of the room before everyone has talked
  • Yell at those who have come to speak to them

Unfortunately, you need to be prepared for just about anything. You never know what’s going to happen during an alcohol or drug intervention.

If a person demands to go to rehab right away, put a plan in place so you know who will drive them. See more here if you need to find the right rehab for your loved one.

If they get angry and start to storm off, have one person they trust give chase and try to convince them not to leave.

When you prepare properly, you’ll be ready for anything.

7. Understand If the Intervention Doesn’t Go According to Plan :

At the end of the intervention, the addicted person might get up and walk out without saying a word to anyone. They might show that they’re completely unwilling to get the help you think they need.

While you’ll probably be disappointed, don’t let it stop you from continuing to help that person.

Who knows? They might come to their senses in a day or two and come around to the idea of getting help.

All you can do is speak your mind at the intervention and then allow them to make the next move.

Interventions Can Help Break the Cycle of Addiction :

If you want to assist your loved one as they search for help for alcohol or drug addiction, consider holding interventions. You should also find out what it’s like in a drug recovery center so that you can prepare yourself and your loved one for it if they choose to check into one.


Need more tips? Check out our lifestyle blog for more information on dealing with drug and alcohol addiction!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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signs of addiction

Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For

Almost ten percent of Americans have used some sort of illicit drug in the past month. Many of those people won't develop any signs of addiction. Typically, people start to use drugs on a recreational basis and over time move from only using in a social setting to using on their own. As time goes on and the disease of addiction progresses, they will begin to exhibit more signs and engage in riskier behavior. Fortunately, there are ways to catch addictions while they are forming. You can approach a loved one before their habit becomes a real problem, but only if you know what to look for. Learn more here. 1. An Increase of Stress and Feelings of Paranoia: Most people turn to drugs and alcohol at stressful times in their life. If you know someone who has a history of turning to substances when they are upset and you find out they are going through a stressful period, you may want to reach out to lend them support. If you reach out and you notice your friend responds with feelings of paranoia, they may be already headed towards developing an addiction. Talk to them about their recent drug and alcohol use. 2. Changes in Behavior: Depending on how often you are able to see your loved one, you will be able to notice changes in their behavior developing. They may start to miss work more, have problems in school, and not care about showing up at social engagements. They may also start to isolate themselves more so that they are able to make more time for using. Their conversations will become dominated by talk of drug and alcohol use. And, they will most likely fall on hard financial times and constantly need more money. 3. Cold or Flu-Like Symptoms: Cold or flu-like symptoms can develop due to long term use of many drugs including meth and opioids. For those who inject the drugs, they will often develop a cough and a runny nose as well as puffy eyes. If you notice that your loved one has some of these symptoms but they don't want to go to the doctor, it could be because they have something to hide. 4. Manipulative Behavior: Drug and alcohol addictions are expensive. Depending on how much access a drug user has to cash, they may frequently be in need of more money to feed their habit. When combined with the threat of withdrawal symptoms, many addicts will choose to steal or manipulate their loved ones in order to get the money they need. They will come up with lies and tell stories in order to borrow more cash. They may also steal valuables from their loved ones that they can sell later for cash. 5. Unexplained Disappearances: Unexplained disappearances are a common indicator of addiction. In order to become an addict, you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. The more time an addict spends high, the less comfortable they tend to feel around friends and family members that don't use. Over time, they may start disappearing for a few hours. After a while, it could become more frequent with disappearances that last for days or even weeks. 6. Dishonesty: If you are using drugs and alcohol frequently, there are very few people in the world who will allow you to openly continue to your behavior. Many addicts feel they have to lie in order to support their habit. If you notice that you keep catching your loved one in lies but aren't sure what's at the root of it all, you should consider whether they might be using drugs or alcohol. 7. The frequency of Use: As mentioned earlier, many people who abuse substances start off by having more control over their use. Over time, they begin to develop a tolerance that causes their body to feel like it needs more just to get high. The more you ingest, the higher your chance of getting addicted. Many addicts feel like they can quit any time they want. This should be a red flag about someone's use since if the problem is being talked about, they probably should have already stopped. 8. Discovery of Drug Paraphernalia: If someone is using drugs, you may not always find their stash. But, you can usually find some evidence of their use, such as drug paraphernalia. Make sure if you confront a loved one about what you have found, that you have all your facts straight before you make the accusation. Most addicts will deny any evidence they are confronted with. 9. Development of a Tolerance: If you have been using drugs and alcohol yourself and you're concerned that you may be pushing it too far, you should consider whether or not you have developed a tolerance to the substances. Tolerance is your body's way of telling you that it has made a permanent adjustment to craving that substance. It's a dangerous indicator of addiction. Other Signs of Addiction: If you have any of the signs of addiction on this list, then it may be time for you to consider a recovery facility. But there is one more major sign left to mention - continuing despite negative consequences. If using substances has been leading to problems in your relationships or finances, then you need to take the problem seriously and get help today. Learn more about rehab here. More Helpful Advice: Now that you know the signs of addiction, you can keep an eye on your loved ones to make sure they stay safe and healthy. For more health and fitness advice, check out our other posts today. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics And The Symptoms Of Their Addiction How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Not On The Straight And Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs Of Drug Use In Teens

Nursing Scrubs Reflect Your Personality While Embracing Professionalism

Nursing Scrubs: Reflect Your Personality While Embracing Professionalism

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, where patient care takes centre stage, the attire of medical professionals has undergone a remarkable transformation. Gone are the days when nursing uniforms were monotonous and drab; the contemporary nurse scrubs not only exude professionalism but also offer a unique opportunity to reflect one's personality. This paradigm shift has revitalised how nurses present themselves and fostered a positive impact on patient interactions and overall workplace ambience. The Evolution Of Nursing Attire: From White To Vibrant Traditionally, nurses were often seen in crisp white uniforms, a symbol of purity and devotion to the profession. However, these uniforms were far from practical, and prone to stains and discomfort. The need for more functional attire became evident as the healthcare industry embraced modernisation. This led to the introduction of nursing scrubs – comfortable, easy to move in, and hygienic. But it didn't stop there. The evolution of medical scrubs into a canvas for self-expression has ushered in a new era. The once-uniform sea of solid blues and greens has given way to a spectrum of colours, patterns, and styles. Today's nursing scrubs are available in many shades, allowing nurses to choose colours that resonate with them and brighten their spirits. From calming pastels to bold hues, these scrubs reflect the diverse personalities of the healthcare workforce. Personalisation: The Modern Approach To Professional Attire In a field where compassion and human connection are paramount, allowing nurses to infuse their style into their work attire has yielded numerous benefits. When nurses feel comfortable and confident in their wear, it radiates through their interactions with patients. This newfound freedom to personalise scrubs has enhanced the sense of individuality and fostered a sense of camaraderie among healthcare teams. Embracing one's culture, interests, and even hobbies through scrubs has become a way for nurses to create a more welcoming and relatable environment for their patients. A nurse adorned with cheerful floral scrubs might unknowingly bring a smile to a patient's face, providing a momentary distraction from their ailment. Conversely, a nurse in scrubs featuring subtle geometric patterns might emanate a sense of calm and professionalism that some patients find reassuring. Fostering Unity in Diversity The newfound diversity in medical scrubs is not just about personal expression but also about inclusivity. Hospitals and healthcare facilities are made up of individuals from various cultures, backgrounds, and walks of life. Allowing nurses to wear scrubs that resonate with their identity fosters a sense of belonging and promotes an inclusive work environment. By embracing their cultural heritage or personal beliefs through their scrubs, nurses can communicate acceptance and open-mindedness without uttering a word. This silent yet powerful display of diversity in the workplace contributes to a harmonious atmosphere where every nurse feels valued for their unique contributions. Maintaining Professionalism Amidst Personalisation While introducing personalisation into nursing uniforms has undoubtedly injected a fresh sense of identity and approachability, balancing personal expression and maintaining a professional appearance is essential. Many healthcare institutions have established guidelines to ensure that personalisation does not compromise hygiene or give rise to inappropriate choices. In conclusion, the evolution of nurse scrubs from simple uniforms to personalised attire is a reflection of the changing dynamics in the healthcare industry. The modern nursing scrub is more than just a piece of clothing; it's a medium through which nurses convey their personalities, create connections, and foster an inclusive environment. By striking a harmonious balance between personal expression and professionalism, nursing uniforms have transcended their functional purpose to become a symbol of unity, compassion, and care. As the healthcare field continues to evolve, one thing remains clear – nursing scrubs will keep evolving alongside, reflecting the diverse and dynamic individuals who proudly wear them on their path to healing and making a difference. Read Also: Health Tips For Hard Working Men 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Health Tips For Hard Working Men


Biohacking Mental Health With Plants And Mushrooms

Mental health is a growing concern in today's society, with an increasing number of people struggling with various mental health conditions. Millions of people suffer from mental disorders globally, making it one of the leading causes of ill health and disability worldwide. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards alternative methods for treating mental health conditions. One such method that has gained popularity in the biohacking community is the use of plants and mushrooms. But before you get the best magic mushroom grow kit and start growing some mushrooms, it's important to understand what biohacking mental health with plants and mushrooms truly means. In this article, we will explore the concept of biohacking, its connection to mental health, and how plants and mushrooms can be beneficial for improving our mental well-being. What Is Biohacking? Biohacking refers to the practice of using science and technology to improve human performance and optimize health. It involves making small lifestyle changes or adopting specific techniques that aim to enhance physical and mental capabilities. The goal of biohacking is to achieve optimal functioning in all aspects of life, including physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are various forms of biohacking, such as do-it-yourself biology, nutrigenomics, neurofeedback, and nutritional supplements. However, in recent years, biohacking has also extended to include the use of plants and mushrooms for mental health purposes. Plants And Mushrooms: Nature's Medicine Cabinet For Mental Health Plants and mushrooms have been used for centuries as natural remedies for various ailments, including mental health conditions. With the rise of biohacking, these natural substances have gained even more attention as powerful tools for improving mental well-being. Some plants and mushrooms that are commonly used in biohacking for mental health include: Lion's Mane Mushroom: This delicious mushroom that tastes almost like lobster or crab meat can improve cognitive function and memory and has neuroprotective properties. Ashwagandha: This is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with stress and anxiety. Bacopa Monnieri: This is another adaptogenic herb that may enhance learning, memory, and brain function. Psilocybin Mushrooms: These psychedelic mushrooms have shown promising results in treating conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Importance Of Proper Usage While plants and mushrooms can offer many benefits for mental health, it is important to note that they should be used responsibly. Some key considerations include: Proper dosage: Different plants and mushrooms may have varying levels of active compounds, so it is crucial to follow recommended dosages to avoid negative effects. Source reliability: It is essential to obtain plants and mushrooms from reputable sources to ensure purity and safety. Poorly sourced products may contain harmful contaminants or incorrect species. Individual response: Each person may have a different reaction to biohacking with plants and mushrooms. It is important to monitor your own responses and make adjustments accordingly. Consulting a healthcare professional: Before incorporating any new plant or mushroom into your routine, it is wise to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications. Final Thoughts As you explore the world of biohacking with plants and mushrooms, remember that your health and safety should always be the priority. This field is complex and still emerging, so it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable expert in the field before making changes to your routine. This way, you can ensure that your mental health biohacking journey is both effective and safe. Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen