4 French Towns You Must See At Least once in Your Life

Published on: 22 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

While top French cities such as Paris and are on every traveler’s bucket list, it’s the charming little towns and villages that steal the show for those looking for a non-touristy vacation in rural France, complete with stunning views, centuries-old architecture, and authentic local cuisine.

Here are four must-see towns if you’re keen on an offbeat holiday in the French countryside.

Beaune in Burgundy:

Beaune in Burgundy

While the Burgundy region is famous for its signature wines, its picturesque towns and villages are a haven for discerning travelers looking to experience France at the grassroots. The local way of living offers a delightful experience of French life at its slowest best.

Visit the beautiful walled town of Beaune for its old-world architecture, some of the country’s best red wines, and cozy little eateries that conjure up the best in French cuisine for locals and tourists alike. The airports nearest to Beaune are the Geneva and Lyon airports and the Basel/Mulhouse Euro Airport. From there you can take an airport transfer to the Beaune city center.

Chamonix-Mont-Blanc in the Rhônes Alpes:


Located at the base of the highest mountain in southeast France—the famous Mont Blanc— Chamonix is a global hub for skiing and other winter sports. In fact, it is one of the country’s oldest ski resorts. The commune is abuzz with activity nearly the whole year round, with skiers arriving from all corners of the world.

Its beautiful chalets add to the experience of visitors looking for a wholesome French experience in the heart of the country.

Josselin in Brittany:

Josselin in Brittany

Located right next to the River Oust, this charming commune is famous for its ancient castle and old-world half-timber buildings. Spend a day enjoying authentic French life at the town square or climb up the bell tower for an unbeatable view of the picturesque landscape—an afternoon in Josselin is a must-do if you’re in Brittany.

There are many small airports in the vicinity if you need to travel to Josselin directly, such as the Gare de Rennes and the Rennes.

Whether you’re flying into Josselin or going by road from a nearby city, book an airport transfer or city tour in advance to avoid the trouble of haggling with local taxis or waiting in line for a cab during the peak season. By pre-booking with a professional service provider such as Click Airport Transfers, you will save both time and money.

Colmar in Alsace:

Colmar in Alsace

Located in Alsace, a wine region in France right next to the German and Swiss borders, the fairytale town of Colmar is both a feast for the eyes and a haven of gastronomical delights. Its mystical winding lanes, brightly painted buildings and medieval architecture lend this quaint French town an air of old history mixed with an urbane vibe that’s rare to find.

Colmar’s Christmas market is not to miss if you’re going in December. And while you’re there, you can’t miss visiting the Renaissance-style House of Heads.

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Whatsapp Drops Support For Android KitKat

Whatsapp Drops Support For Android KitKat: Latest Updates

Being the most used messaging app, Whatsapp makes business and personal communication easy and universal around the globe. It is important that the app is available to as many people as possible because of its global reach. It is also necessary to keep in mind that different people use different operating systems on their devices. Given that not everyone has access to Android 14, many are still stuck with older versions. The most well-known version Android 4.4, has a user demography of 0.5%. The version was a huge success back in 2013. It has remained a crowd favorite, and it has been hard for many fans to let go. https://twitter.com/AndroidPolice/status/1716941502654333320?s=20 The percentage has been going down steadily over the years, especially after Jelly Bean. It completely lost the support of Google in 2021, which made it obvious that Kit Kat would be up next. According to a report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has recently released a new version that drops support for Android KitKat. This is the only compatibility change that the report mentions at the moment. While it is unlikely that there are many people still using Android 4.4 and relying on WhatsApp regularly, this decision could help reduce maintenance overhead and improve the product for users of current operating systems. Ending support for KitKat isn't new in the tech world. Dropbox ended its support for the Android 4.4 version over three years ago, and Android Messages, (now known as Messages by Google), also dropped its support for this old version in 2018. While we may cherish the fond memories of Android 4.4, technology moves fast, and sometimes, it's better to move on. Recently, WhatsApp has been releasing a lot of updates for its Android version. One of the most significant updates is the multi-account switching feature, which allows users to use more than one WhatsApp account on one installation of the app instead of having multiple copies on their device. Besides, they are testing voice messages, stickers, and extra security features, such as hiding locked chats. As the most used messaging service, the more updates, the better. Keep Reading: WhatsApp Is Testing Pinning Feature With Specific Timeframe Instagram Head Adam Mosseri Says, “Threads Is Not Going To Amplify News”

guiness World Record

6 Guiness World Record Holders to be Jealous Of

Growing up, most of us remember cracking open the latest Guinness Book of World Records we got at Christmas time and seeing who held the weirdest and most wonderful records that year. Everything from freakishly long fingernails to incredibly strong people, there's always a strange niche that has a record holder. But not all of them are totally wacky and weird, some of them are amazing and great enough to make you green with envy. 6 Guiness World Record Holders to be Jealous Of Without further ado, here are six of the greatest Guinness World Record holders whose achievements will make you very jealous. 1. The World's Oldest Person: Jeanne Calment from France has managed to live to the incredible age of 122 years and 164 days old. She was born back in 1875 and she lived through a lot of pivotal world events. She lived to see the Eiffel Tower be constructed, she sold coloring pencils to the Vincent Van Gogh, and she lived through both World Wars. She holds another Guinness World Record as the oldest person to appear in a motion picture, Vincent and Me, at 114 years old. She led a very active life well into her 100s despite reportedly having a terrible diet. She died in 1997. 2. Winner of a World Record Bet Amount: Jon Heywood, a British soldier from Cheshire, England, made headlines when he won an astonishing £13,213,838.68 from a single online bet. Heywood had just opened his Betway account and played with just 0.25p and within 25 minutes, he became a millionaire. His win went on to be certified by the Guinness World Records as the "largest jackpot pay-out in an online slot machine game". With the money, Jon decided he wanted to help his poorly father and pay for the best medical treatment possible. He also wanted to treat his family to a vacation with a cruise around the Mediterranean and buy himself a Bentley. He is still in disbelief about his mega-win, and to be honest, so are we! INSERT IMAGE HERE - https://pixabay.com/en/dollar-currency-money-us-dollar-499481/ - IMAGE 3. The Biggest Barbecue in the World: We all love a good barbecue with a few pals on a hot summery day out in our own, private backyard. But, imagine what it would be like at the world's biggest barbecue? That's right, Uraguay beat Argentina to become the hosts of the biggest barbecue in the whole world. Since Uraguay is a country with more cattle than people, there's no better place for this event to take place. For the event, cooks grilled a whopping 16.5 tonnes of raw meat over 14 hours. They also prepared 4,000kg of Russian salad to eat with the beef and plates were sold for just $5 per plate. Now that's an event we wish we could have been there for! IMAGE SOURCE: Pexels.com 4. Youngest Person to Climb Mount Everest: American schoolboy Jordan Romero was the youngest person to climb to the top of Mount Everest at just 13 years old. As he reached the top of the mountain, he called his mom and told her he was calling her from the top of the world. It took 7 days for Jordan to reach the 29,035 summits. It's not the only mountain he's climbed either: at 10 years old, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro too. Two years after he climbed Everest, he became the youngest person in the world to complete the Seven Summits - climbing seven of the tallest mountains on each continent. At 15 years old, he's done more than most people do in a lifetime, and it's exciting to see what he'll achieve in the future. INSERT IMAGE HERE - https://pixabay.com/en/mount-everest-mountains-winter-snow-89590/ - IMAGE SOURCE: Pixabay.com 5. World's Richest Person: The title of the richest person in the world was once held by Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. For years, his wealth remained unbeatable - that is until Jeff Bezos came around. Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon and is now worth a whopping $112 billion. His wealth comes as no big surprise. Pretty much everyone you know, including yourself, has bought something from Amazon. What began as a small company running from his basement became a global conglomerate that is used by millions of people every single day. It's an inspiring story for anyone looking to launch their own business and shows that there are no bounds for how successful you may be one day. 6. Longest Laughter: It's a bit of an odd one but a sweet one nonetheless. An Ethiopian man named Belachew Girma has been given the title of world record holder for the longest time spent laughing. He laughed non-stop for three hours and six minutes to win the title for himself. Belachew is an amazing man who literally laughs in the face of an adversary. He has sadly lost two of his wives to HIV and seen his home and business destroyed by fires and floodings. He sees the power in laughter as it helps carry away stress and pain. So, as a result, he heads up a non-profit organization called the Laughter for All Association Ethiopia. What an amazing man! There are a lot of weird and whacky Guinness World Record holders out there, and they help make the world a little more interesting. These ones are more inspirational as they manage to achieve things most of us couldn't imagine. Will you become a Guinness World Record holder in the future? Read Also: FinTech Is Making It Easier To Shop The World’s Biggest Sales Yacht Charters And Sailing Vacations

Greatest Disconnect

Which Nations Have the Greatest Disconnect Between Their People

New research into the base pay of world leaders, including chancellors, prime ministers, and presidents, have found that some in OECD nations are earning as much as ten times the average wage of their respective citizens. Fresh data from IG Group has revealed that U.S. President Donald Trump earns $400,000 per year, six times the amount of the average American citizen. It’s important to note for the purposes of this report that IG Group uses the term base pay as a term for each individual’s basic salary or other forms of publicly funded compensation for their job role. The data on President Trump might raise a few eyebrows when you consider that he famously committed to not drawing a salary should he be elected in the 2016 US presidential vote. President Trump has come under fire in recent months for his obstinate approach towards America’s ongoing trade war with China and the ensuing technological "Cold War", which has seen America tighten its grip on US innovations. Despite earning six times the average American, Trump’s trade war has seen the States lose billions of dollars as a result. While this volatility has had a negative effect on the US, many investors see it as a good response to those who ask why trade forex? There have been plentiful opportunities to profit on moves by buying and selling the US dollar against the pound and euro in recent months. New research into the base pay of world leaders, including chancellors, prime ministers, and presidents, have found that some in OECD nations are earning as much as ten times the average wage of their respective citizens. Fresh data from IG Group has revealed that U.S. President Donald Trump earns $400,000 per year, six times the amount of the average American citizen. It’s important to note for the purposes of this report that IG Group uses the term base pay as a term for each individual’s basic salary or other forms of publicly funded compensation for their job role. While some people would accept that their nation’s leader would earn significantly more, it does highlight the disparity between the wages of presidents, prime ministers, and chancellors in some countries where wages are severely constrained. For example, although Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto ranked just 21st in the world out of all global leaders’ earnings ($166,797), this equates to ten times the average annual per capita GDP of Mexican citizens. Source: IG You might be surprised to find that it is the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull who is the highest-earning head of government out of all the OECD nations. This also means that Mr. Turnbull earns ten times as much as the average Australian citizen, who takes home just $49,126 per annum, according to OECD data. The data also takes into consideration the annual earnings of national royalty, such as kings, queens, and emperors across the globe. In the Netherlands, King Willem-Alexander, who assumed the Dutch throne in 2013, earns a shade under 24 times the average Dutch wage of $52,877. Emperor Akihito of Japan earns more than $3 million a year, which is an eye-watering 79 times greater than the average wage of a Japanese citizen. The disconnect gets even greater, however. In Belgium, King Philippe rakes in $14 million, some 346 times the average Belgian wage of $49,675. Even at the tender age of 92, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth remains in a league of her own – raking in $107 million per annum, an astonishing 2,660 times the average British wage. Interestingly, if the Queen’s annual salary was to be shared equally across the United Kingdom population, each citizen would receive a mere $1.62.Read Also: 4 Best Destinations In Western United States Academic Writing For UK Students – Why It’s Important?