4 points to consider when creating a Great Content Marketing Strategy

Published on: 08 June 2021 Last Updated on: 21 December 2024
Content Marketing strategy

The proverbial ‘holy grail’ of digital marketing is a slow but steady increase in your organic traffic, on a day-to-day basis. The key issue is not the fact that one is able to generate numerous hits on the website itself (important though they may be) but the fact that these hits will eventually be converted into actual sales.

In this case, a suitably high conversion rate (resulting in actual earning of revenue) is of near-absolute and paramount importance, especially when it comes to the creation of an entirely self-sustaining and viable online business entity. Yes, the seminal importance of generating leads can never really be overlooked, but the far more critical objective of eventually making these sales remains crucial to the success of just about any business at hand.

4 Keypoints To Remember While Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy

For successfully doing content marketing you will go to need to follow some basic strategy. Your goal is to attract as many as possible audiences to your website. More audiences mean more potential customers. If your content is not going to attract audiences to your website. Your content marketing is not going to be successful. For doing this

Here are the four key tips for you and along with this enhance your content marketing strategy.

1.  Attracting The Relevant Traffic :

It is pertinent to note that most such successes are only possible if the website in question is also able to attract the relevant traffic, in the very first place. This is precisely why many hits right at the initial stage, is of such supreme importance.  As a matter of fact, the more such hits, the more the potential for the actual kind of leads that will almost inevitably lead to outright sales, either online or even offline (as the case may be).

This can of course, only happen with the website itself is also able to ensure that the ‘just right’ traffic not only comes to the site but also stays there for a long enough period of time to enter the ‘web marketing funnel’ (that is, the process that leads an individual to not just the site itself, but also converts him or her into becoming a long-term customer.

This entire process is colloquially known as a ‘marketing funnel’). This is the part where a highly effective content marketing strategy can easily come into the picture. That is, the kind of strategy which will be able to deliver both a sustained and an impactful message to the overall target audience. But in such a manner that it will also help them come to a suitably favorable purchase decision. Let us see just what such a strategy actually entails:

2. Understanding the target market :

Here, it is very important, to understand that just about any content generation strategy has to come from the point of view of the target audience itself. The more important points and salient features of this aspect include the psychographics as well as the demographics of the audience that the enterprising content marketer is targeting.

For example, if a website retails sports-shoes in the city of London, it would hardly make sense to pepper the website with articles on the Vietnam War (for instance).

Here the key point to understand and learn is that one has to ‘tailor-make’ the content to fit in with the audience’s very own likes and dislikes, per se. (An interview with an Olympic hockey, for example, will be able to generate a lot more interest in the products on offer, then if the site owner and marketer were to just simply pick up random news items.)

Similarly, if you are a heavy equipment dealer and sell used cab-over trucks and dozers, the content on your website should be relevant to the target market.

3. The seminal importance of creating great headlines :

When it comes to understanding the importance of the ‘ubiquitous’ headline, the odds are that many if not most, such ‘digital marketing content specialists’ just simply love to write entire reams and reams of their very favorite articles without ever really understanding the gist of their work.

In other words, they just simply fail to realize the fact that it is not the long-winded content that really catches the eye, but rather the headline, itself. If the headline is eye-catching enough, then the odds are that it will also vividly capture the imagination of the reader who will, in turn, be so hooked that he will have no choice but to read the whole thing.

And once he does that, it will be easy enough for him to slide into the marketing funnel without even realizing it at all. This is why all content writers should almost always opt to go for a truly eye-catching headline if they possibly can.

4. Express and articulate your ideas very clearly :

It is an axiomatic enough of an assumption that any article that converts is a winning article! This is why the web content writer should always avoid writing a lot of complicated stuff as well as long-winded and extended sentences that basically look like absolutely indigestible paragraphs, in their own right.

Here, the need of the hour is to keep all such writings, both clear and concise. Albeit, having said that it is important to understand that your writings should be highly effective

Here, the best policy and practice is to typically use short, concise and fairly simple words that even a child would be able to understand. In fact, the content writer should try to cut out all unnecessary words, if he possibly can. The point to remember here is that being clear is always much better than merely ‘showing off’ one’s own knowledge.

Conclusion :

In 2021 Content Marketing is the biggest medium by which you are going to convey your message to your audiences. Ultimately, the quantity and the quality of content on your site will easily go a very long way indeed, in effectively ensuring that you can also retain the core interest of your own target market in a manner that will be calculated to generate not just a single sale, but rather to create repeat customers, again and again.

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Should You Consider Outsourcing Your Brand’s Marketing Campaign?

If you’re in higher management, you strive to make sure your marketing team is doing its best to market your brand and bring in leads to the sales team. Lest outsourcing becomes ponders publicity, keeping your organizational processes internally is crucial to you because you want to keep control over operations, and you want to keep costs at a decent minimum. Now you’ve realized that internalizing all of your online marketing efforts might not be working out as well as you’d imagined. Businesses that outsource marketing have specialized marketing services on their side, collaborating with them with every campaign and a new initiative to make sure it’s successful. Online marketing services are often more efficient than an in-house marketing team and, more often than not, more affordable. Systems are even created to make sure your brand still has control over activities and the reputation of the company. Outsourcing your marketing efforts can be a great option if you understand the importance of a powerful marketing campaign but don’t have the resources to do it by yourself. Who Can Benefit from Outsourcing of Brand Marketing Campaign? Many companies and brands decide to outsource their marketing activities to help them create brand awareness and generate leads. But certain businesses tend to use outsourced resources to implement their marketing agendas. Here are some of them. 1. Early-Stage Businesses Upscaling a new business is a challenging and stressful job. You have many decisions to make while developing new services and products. At the early stage of the business, business owners often concentrate their efforts on creating the product and do not have the financial power or the time to hire full-time marketing people. As the company prepares to launch their service, they need to develop a brand image. An outsourced marketing agency often handles the processes that design the style guides and website and creates the company logo. 2. Growing Companies When companies launch their service or product without problems, they often enter a high-growth phase to quickly bring supplementary marketing resources. Outsourced marketing services provide the necessary talent and resources to increase revenue growth without adding a lot of overhead. More often than not, businesses in growth stages cannot afford the time it takes to train and hire new staff members. Outsourced marketing firms or Virtual PA services provide expertise and flexibility during these growth stages. Often, venture capital firms invest in companies at this stage and use the influx of cash to accelerate growth through social media platforms, content marketing, SEO, and digital advertising activities. 3. Companies with Large Marketing Teams Global organizations hire hundreds, if not thousands, of marketing professionals to back their brand and sales initiatives. These enterprises will often use outsourced firms and professionals to provide crucial services. For instance, a company will hire outsourced professionals to promote an event, save money or launch a new project. Outsourced resources are often more affordable than in-house professionals. The company may want to skyrocket a specific product line and outsource for a short-term initiative. 4. Niche Companies Brands and companies that operate in specialty markets like engineering or biotechnology may find it challenging to hire in-house marketers with the experience and the know-how they need to create and launch content marketing campaigns. Outsourced marketing services often specialize in a specific niche market. They bring not only valuable resources but also experience in these unique markets. Virtual assistants, for example, combine technical expertise with marketing education or experience. These professionals work in leading organizations and have a greater understanding of the market than full-time professionals with little experience. When To Do Outsourcing? If you do not see the results you want from your in-house marketing team, then you should consider outsourcing. Your in-house team is working relentlessly with the goals set before them, but the results continue to be short of optimal. Staying on top of performance and campaign optimization isn’t easy. Often in-house teams have no time to optimize these campaigns for better performance, so they end short of hitting their goals. Evaluating the results of marketing efforts is critical to the success of a team not only in-house but for outsourced professionals as well. If it’s been a few months since your brand launched a great marketing campaign, it might be time to outsource marketing. a. Your Marketing Team Is Burned Out In marketing, there is graphic design, copywriting, SEO, website development, email marketing, lead generation, and so much more. How many professionals do you have in your team? Do you have someone assigned to each task involved in marketing, or do you have one marketing guru filling many hats? A copywriter can’t be a graphic designer and vice versa, but so many entrepreneurs expect so much from one marketing employee. One team member cannot meet the massive marketing demands in today’s market. b. You’re Always Running Out Of Time You’re planning a stellar email campaign this month, but your team ran out of time, so you reschedule it. You’re rushing to get the offer, the Facebook posts, and the blog posts out before Christmas. If you feel like you’re always running but never get anywhere, then it might mean you don’t have the necessary systems or strategies in place to run efficiently. c. You Lack Proper Strategy Getting things done might feel rewarding, but those things are time idlers instead of business generators when they are not part of an overall strategy. Posting on social or sharing a blog post is useless unless you have a purpose of reaching your goal. Sharing for the sake of staying active on social media platforms is not a real strategy.  You feel the pressure of staying active online, so you ask your marketing team to ensure the social accounts are active always, but you don’t give them a genuine reason. As a business, you have income goals, but if you lack a proper strategy to meet those goals, then you might want to consider outsourcing digital marketing services.  Summary That’s all about the logic behind considering outsourcing your brand’s marketing campaign. I hope the article was intriguing enough to make you understand why you should outsource the marketing campaign. The rationale is justified above along with specific situations to make your concept clear. Wanna clear any doubts? Drop your queries in the comment area below.  Read Also: What You Need to Know When Outsourcing SEO How Legal Services Outsourcing Aids Law Firms and Legal Departments Balancing the Books with Outsourcing – Virtual Receptionists 9 Things Conservatives & Liberals Have in Common How To Reduce The Operating Cost of Your Business?


The Need for Speed-to-Lead in Sales

Salespeople can be awfully laissez-faire about when (and if) they contact leads, which is baffling given that the job is so centered on conversion. Many reps take a full three days to follow up on a new lead, giving the competition ample time to swoop in and make that all-important first touch. Sales are the lifeblood of any business organization. no matter the shape, size, or scale of your business, you need to work towards generating sales. However, for most businesses investing in training sales professionals can be a hectic process. A better alternative can be found by working with platforms and experts that work on commission only sales. This simply means that you pay the salesperson only when they are able to successfully execute sales and close deals on behalf of your organization. In a modern online world, prospects can rifle between competitors’ pages, compare offers, fill out multiple forms and survey even the most saturated markets in mere minutes – it, therefore, becomes incumbent on you as a diligent salesperson to vie for top-of-mind awareness. The best way to do that is to boost your speed to lead. Speed-to-lead, put simply, is the time it takes you to contact a new lead entering your system. It’s something you should be mindful of when considering how to improve your outreach efforts as the rapidity with which you contact a lead has been shown, across multiple studies (more on those in a moment), to have a profound effect on engagement success. Speed-to-Lead, by the Numbers: According to a study undertaken in partnership between the Telfer School of Management and a leading sales engagement company, engaging the lead within the first hour is seven times more effective compared to waiting 24 hours. The Harvard Business Review conducted the same study, and they found the exact same thing. Quick, But Not Too Quick: That same Telfer study comes with a caveat, though: you can’t pick up the phone within seconds and hope for the same engagement success. The sweet spot seemed to be between ten and 60 minutes of the prospect of becoming a new lead. The reason for this ten-to-60 minute delay could be because an instantaneous response seems automated and pushy, but, of course, it’s impossible to tell. You may like also: Avoiding Sales And Operations Planning Mistakes Automate for Speed-to-Lead: The best way to ensure that you make the first touch – and all subsequent touches – at the right time is with automated queue-based lead routing software. It’s a mouthful, for sure, but it’s essentially software that automates the prioritization of your sales reps’ leads to make sure that new leads are routed to the front of the call queue. The software then automates their call cadence to ensure consistent speed-to-lead and thorough follow-up. The Psychology of Speed-to-Lead: What is it about the speed that conveys value? From the prospect’s perspective, your speed might indicate a willingness to please, a certain eagerness they know will be valuable when it comes time for them to express their needs and pain points. Alternately, it might simply be the fact that you were there first. As mentioned briefly above, top-of-mind awareness is an important principle in engaging a lead, and being the first to contact gives you a significant advantage. Not only over other competitors but over short attention spans (everyone has them occasionally). Speed-to-lead is an important consideration for any sales organization looking to improve sales engagement and conversion. Automating rep workflow to contact new leads 10-60 minutes after they express an interest should have a profound effect on engagement success. Read Also: This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales Why An Automated Sales CRM Platform Is What Your Business Needs To Take Off

Automation Tools

How Automation Tools Are Transforming Digital Marketing?

When it comes to digital marketing, automation tools are no longer just a futuristic concept; they have become a fundamental part of the marketer's toolkit. Automation not only enhances efficiency but also brings a level of sophistication and precision to marketing campaigns that were previously unattainable. To explore its applications further, here’s a look at how automation tools are transforming the field of digital marketing, backed by facts and recommendations that may not be commonly known. The Emergence of Automation in Digital Marketing The digital marketing world is inherently fast-paced and dynamic, with an ever-growing need for more efficient and effective strategies. This is where automation tools step in. They are designed to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and ad campaigns. But apart from streamlining repetitive and time-consuming tasks, there are several other ways in which automation tools have impacted the field of digital marketing. These are as follows: Enhanced Personalization and Targeting One of the most significant impacts of automation in digital marketing is the ability to personalize content at scale. With advanced data analysis capabilities, automation tools can segment audiences more precisely and tailor messages to meet the specific needs and interests of different groups. This granular approach to targeting not only increases the relevance of marketing messages but also boosts engagement rates. For instance, automated email marketing campaigns are known to result in a 70.5% higher open rate and a 152% higher click-through rate compared to standard emails, as per Campaign Monitor’s data. Streamlining Marketing Operations Automation tools streamline various aspects of marketing operations, from lead generation to customer retention strategies. They allow marketers to set up triggers based on user actions, ensuring timely and appropriate responses. For example, a user visiting a particular product page can automatically receive targeted emails or ads related to that product. This streamlined approach not only saves time but also ensures a cohesive and consistent marketing effort. Other Benefits and Recommendations Here are some other benefits of using Automation tools in the field of digital marketing: Predictive Analytics for Future Planning Beyond just automating tasks, some sophisticated automation tools now incorporate predictive analytics. This feature uses historical data to forecast future trends and consumer behaviors, allowing marketers to plan more proactive and strategic campaigns. Automated A/B Testing for Optimized Results While A/B testing is a known practice, automating this process can significantly enhance its effectiveness. Automated A/B testing can simultaneously test multiple variables, providing quicker and more accurate results to optimize marketing strategies. Integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integrating automation tools with CRM systems can create a more seamless customer journey. This integration ensures that all customer interactions, from initial contact to post-sale service, are tracked and managed effectively, leading to improved customer experiences and loyalty. Data-Driven Insights Marketing automation tools provide valuable data on user interactions, allowing marketers to make informed decisions. It helps identify audience preferences, optimize campaigns, and improve overall performance. Consistent Branding Automation tools maintain a consistent style across marketing channels, including visuals, content, and communications. This consistency enhances brand reputation in the competitive digital space. Social Media Integration Social media automation tools enable scheduled posts across platforms. Marketers can create content in advance, post at optimal times, and engage with audiences more efficiently. This results in better social media presence and increased engagement. Lead Nurturing and Generating Quality Leads Using automation tools allows marketers to nurture leads at every stage of the customer journey. For instance, when a user downloads a brochure from your website, marketing automation can automatically send personalized follow-up emails based on their interactions. This personalized approach increases the chances of conversion. Furthermore, 86% of marketers believe that marketing automation has improved lead quality. By analyzing user behavior and personalizing content, automation tools help attract and retain high-quality leads. The Challenges and Ethical Considerations While the benefits are substantial, there are challenges and ethical considerations in using automation tools. One major concern is the potential for a lack of personal touch. Marketers must balance automation with human interaction, especially in customer service and content creation. Additionally, data privacy and security are paramount. This is one of the most crucial considerations when it comes to using automation tools in digital marketing. Transparency and consent are absolutely essential. Hence, marketers must always inform users about data collection and usage beforehand. Moreover, with automation tools handling vast amounts of personal data, marketers must ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR and prioritize data security to maintain consumer trust. We have discussed some other challenges and ethical considerations of using Automation tools in digital marketing: Quality vs. Quantity Using automation tools can help to generate large volumes of leads but not all of them will be high quality. Focusing on the quantity of leads as opposed to quality can harm conversion rates. Hence, marketers should prioritize lead quality along with quantity to build meaningful relationships with customers. Customer Experience Overuse of automation tools can lead to impersonal interactions and can make brands seem robotic and detached. This spoils the consumer’s experience with the brand and results in a loss of authenticity. Hence, organizations should only use automation to enhance personalization not replace genuine human connection. The Future of Automation in Digital Marketing Looking ahead, the role of automation in digital marketing is set to become even more significant. Advances in AI and machine learning are expected to introduce even more sophisticated automation capabilities. As per Gartner’s prediction, by 2023, 40% of infrastructure and operations teams in large enterprises will use AI-augmented automation, resulting in higher IT productivity. We have explored some of the predictions and trends below: Automating High-Value Actions: Brands will move beyond automating repetitive tasks. They’ll focus on automating quality customer experiences, especially as consumers prioritize personalized interactions. Marketing, Sales, and Success Alignment: Teams (marketing, sales, and success) will collaborate more closely. Automation workflows will account for user behavior beyond marketing, ensuring a seamless customer journey. Automation as a Vital Part of CRMs: CRMs will integrate automation seamlessly. Sales professionals will leverage technology to close deals, enhancing efficiency and customer relationship management. Across a Company’s App Stack: Automation won’t be limited to marketing. It’ll extend across various business functions, optimizing processes and improving overall productivity. Business Chatbots as Full-Time Agents: Chatbots will evolve beyond simple responses. They’ll handle complex interactions, provide real-time assistance, and enhance customer support. AI for Automated Decision-Making: Artificial intelligence will drive data-driven decisions. Marketers will rely on AI algorithms for campaign optimization, targeting, and content recommendations. Automating Data Collection and Reporting: Automation tools will gather and analyze data efficiently. Real-time insights will inform marketing strategies and performance measurement. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) RPA will help businesses become more productive by automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and freeing up human resources. Improve Efficiency and Productivity With Marketing Automation Today, automation tools are not just transforming digital marketing; they are redefining it. By embracing these tools, marketers can unlock new levels of efficiency, personalization, and strategic insight. In this process, it’s crucial to approach automation with a balance, ensuring that the human element of marketing remains intact. As we continue to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape, the integration of automation in digital marketing strategies is not just a trend – it's a necessity for staying competitive and relevant in today’s digital marketplace. For further support, don’t hesitate to get in touch with an experienced digital marketing agency. Read Also: What Makes Automation Testing Essential For Retail? What Is YouTube Automation? Everything You Need To Know The Rapid Growth In The Global Industrial Automation Market