5 New Assets To Diversify Your Investments In 2021

Published on: 07 October 2021 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
New Assets To Diversify Your Investments

When it comes to investing, experts suggest that the more you spread your money around, the better you can mitigate the risks. Diversification is the first step towards safeguarding your capital investment. If you have something like an oil well investment, it should help protect your asset from losing in one full scoop.

The sharp drops in the recent investment market are enough proof that putting all eggs in a single basket is a risky strategy.

What Is Diversification Of Portfolios?

Diversification is the practice of spreading your investment around so that the exposure of your investment to one particular type of asset is limited. This is a practice to help reduce the volatility of your portfolio.

The key aspect to measure while investing is the balance of your comfort levels and the amount of risk you can take while investing. This can only be achieved by diversification of your portfolios.

Yes, the strategy comes with complex iteration; the concept of the strategy is pretty simple – divide the main capital investment into several segments and invest each segment into different assets. However, with the asset you also have to start planning for asset protection.

Balancing Risk & Return

Though the diversification of your portfolios protects you from accruing hefty losses, it does affect your annual return. This is because risk and reward go hand in hand. So anything that reduces your risk also reduces your return.

Hence, it is important to allow yourself to take risks to make a better profit from your investment. There is no such rule that restricts you from taking risks at the age of 50 or asks you to take risks when you are in your 30s. Don’t fall for such tricks. Understand your risk tolerance and then risk your money into the investment.

Assets To Diversify Your Portfolio

Investment is an art that only a few possess. To become a successful investor, you need to understand the assets and carefully select them for diversification.

Here we have handpicked some of the asset class investments to help you out with your diversification.

1. Cryptocurrencies

If your risk tolerance is high, you can invest in Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies have proven numerous times to be one of the best digital assets to invest in. According to the global Cryptocurrency market, Cryptocurrency holds the potential to rival fiat currencies. If that might be the case, it becomes crucial to spread your roots as early as possible.

If you want to know how you can use Cryptocurrency for your portfolio diversification, visit bitcoin up.

2. Real Estates

Investment in land, property, and building is considered a real estate investment. You get the return in the form of regular cash flow (rent) and annual capital appreciation. For that to happen, ensure that your property is at a prime location.

The only downside of real estate investment is that you need a huge initial investment. In addition, you need to pay property taxes and incur maintenance expenses.

3. Mutual Funds

Mutual funds might be something you were not expecting on the list. But we still added for the sole purpose of adding security to your investment. Mutual funds are one of the safest assets to invest in. If you are yet to add mutual funds to your portfolio, this is the best time to do so.


One of the best ways to diversify your portfolio is by investing in company shares. If done correctly, shares have the potential to give multifold returns. However, for that to happen, you need a considerable amount of knowledge, experience, and time to monitor the daily stock market.

If you are entering the share market for diversification, you must understand that share markets are risky and are subject to market fluctuations and economic factors.

5. Gold

Gold is the only commodity that people trust as a profitable investment. Most investors use gold as a hedge against inflation. Gold has an inverse relation with the share market. Generally, when the stock market is down, gold tends to perform well.


When it comes down to choosing the right investment assets for diversification, you have a wide range of investment options. But none of them is as profitable as Cryptocurrencies. Yes, Cryptocurrencies do come with high risk but do not forget they also bore the ripest fruits.

After the pandemic, investors found the importance of diversification of the portfolio the hard way. Do not expose your investment to investment risks. Diversify your portfolio today!

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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Workplace Injuries

Strategies For Preventing Workplace Injuries Proactively

No company is immune to the danger of employee injury on the job. Injuries may and will occur if your business has employees, regardless of sector. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 2.8 million nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses were reported by private industry employers in 2017. These injuries have a direct impact on the employer's bottom line, with OSHA projecting total payouts for direct workers' compensation expenses to be close to $1 billion per week the same year. Workplace injuries reduce organizational productivity and raise operational expenses, eroding hard-earned earnings. However, there is a silver lining to this dismal data on worker injuries: most injuries are completely avoidable. Implementing proactive methods to address warning signals before an incident occurs is one of the most effective ways to reduce workers' compensation expenses. This post will look at techniques that any business may take to assist keep workers safe and reducing worker injury expenses. Related Reads: Claim your compensation after getting injured at the workplace. Observe and Pay Attention Observing and listening to employees is one of the most effective techniques for injury intervention. Fatigue, discomfort, and pain can all be warning signs that a job accident is on the way. Businesses should foster an open communication culture free of fear of punishment and encourage workers to discuss how they physically feel while doing their regular job tasks. If an employee expresses discomfort in any manner connected to job duties, an assessment should be conducted. Ergonomics, equipment safety, lighting, task demands, and work process flow should all be taken into account when identifying why there is pain and how to alleviate it. Observation and communication may be a fantastic method to decrease the chance of hazards, avoid future workplace injuries, and increase overall productivity. Ignorance is Not Bliss Employee education is critical in the early detection and prevention of workplace injuries. Employees should be made aware of any warning indications that their bodies are giving them before it is too late. Symptoms such as weariness and pain indicate that a procedure has to be evaluated in order to prevent additional negative impacts on the employee. When it comes to workplace accident prevention, business leaders should implement a regular instructional program. These programs should contain instruction on detecting injury warning signs, reducing injuries, and communicating early injury warning signals to management for evaluation. Ignorant is not bliss when it comes to workplace injuries; it is just ignorance. Removing Hazards Eliminates Risk "Be mindful of your surroundings!" Most individuals have heard this advice in some form or another throughout their lives. This guidance is especially useful when it comes to identifying workplace risks as an early injury prevention approach. Hazard assessments enable management to study, analyze, and evaluate the whole work environment of workers to guarantee that dangers do not contribute to future accidents. Accident prevention is critical to keeping people safe and reducing workplace dangers. Employees who operate with heavy machinery regularly (e.g., drills, the saws) will benefit from equipment protections that eliminate dangers that might result in significant accidents. Fewer risks in an employee's working environment imply a lower risk of workplace injuries. Provide Safety Equipment Personal protective equipment is required and should be enforced throughout hiring, meetings, and on-the-spot monitoring. Take the time to teach staff how to wear goggles, face protection, gloves, hard hats, safety shoes, and earplugs or earmuffs appropriately. Many factories and other entities operate with hazardous or poisonous compounds, and accidents from contact with these chemicals are not uncommon. Accidental spills represent a substantial risk to both employees and companies; even little leaks may be hazardous. Organizations should take proactive hazmat strategies to reduce risk while providing all the necessary safety tools like custom enclosure box to safeguard your electrical system from chemical incidents. Up-to-date personal protection equipment and cleaning resources can also assist employees to avoid harm. Material Handling Although it may appear to be a broad category, merely handling and storing goods and equipment is one of the most prevalent causes of workplace injury, accounting for 32% of all workers' compensation claims. Improper storage or handling procedures in factories and warehouses can harm employees and incur extra expenditures for companies. Avoid these dangerous scenarios by removing the threat before it appears: stack and wrap things, storing larger, heavier objects at the bottom and lighter items at the top. To assist prevent back injuries, stringent regulations requiring workers to pair up while lifting loads weighing more than 40 pounds must be implemented. Similarly, leave adequate space between pallets and shelving units so that employees and lift equipment may reach items without the chance of an accident. Employers should also upgrade to the most recent lift technology, which can reduce the impact of continual stress on the body from lifting and carrying large items. Consistent instruction inappropriate body mechanics will assist to establish the culture of a pain-free workplace. Conclusion Workplace injuries are simply terrible for both individuals and businesses. Early preventive efforts can have a substantial impact on productivity and the bottom line. The primary objective of any organization's safety program should be to keep its employees safe and healthy. Early preventive methods provide staff with the skills they need to keep organizations moving ahead rather than sitting on the sidelines. We can assist reduce the huge workers' compensation costs that affect businesses all over the country on an annual basis by implementing a few easy techniques. Read Also: 7 Misconceptions About Workers’ Compensation to Debunk Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home?

DevOps Metrics

Top DevOps Metrics in Development Companies

DevOps, though exclusively focused on the improvement of software development businesses’ operations, are often misunderstood, especially at the initial stage of their adoption. This concept means different things in different companies, primarily due to the distinctions in focus and various tools’ choices for solving specific business needs. But measuring the DevOps success is imperative for any business, as the large-scale transformation they require is usually expensive and long-term. So, how can you determine whether the project succeeded or not? To keep the progress under control, every company has its own comprehensive list of DevOps metrics to measure the success of its operations. Here we offer a detailed guide on choosing your metrics and making sense of them. Features of Actionable DevOps Metrics Overall, there are dozens of metrics experts recommend, but your company may need a specific set thereof. How to choose the ones that fit your organization the best? We advise focusing on the following characteristics and checking these points before including the metric in your checklist. i. Relevance When you put DevOps tools in use, you probably pursue a specific business goal or close a performance gap. Thus, your DevOps approach may differ from the one in another company, and your metrics for measuring success should also match the initially set goals. If your problem was a large number of errors, then the defect escape rate will be the number one metric of interest. If you struggled with deployment delays, then the deployment frequency is a metric to focus on, and so on. ii. Measurability There’s no sense in relying on abstract, subjective evaluations when assessing the impact of DevOps introduction in your company. Such measurements will be vague, giving no concrete data for analysis and further action. So, always choose parameters that have standardized values and can be re-measured over time. iii. Traceability When you want to measure something, you need to have a clear idea of what issue or parameter that metric points to. Otherwise, you won’t draw valuable conclusions even with accurate data in your hands. iv. Actionability What does the metric show to you? What problems can it highlight, and what improvements can it suggest? Every metric should be valuable for evidence-based decisions and strategic actions. v. Reliability The metric should be objective and out of the control of any team member. Otherwise, people in your team can easily manipulate the data or present their subjective views that distort or conceal the general perception of the situation. What Metrics Won’t Do? With the features of good metrics in mind, you should also learn a bit more about poor metric choices. This information can prevent DevOps beginners from relying on wrong or inaccurate data, which may lead to wrong, counter-productive decisions. So, bad DevOps metrics are usually: a. Beyond the DevOps mindset Make sure that you adopt the DevOps culture in its entirety to avoid non-DevOps metrics in performance measurement. Your values change, and the team’s performance is measured in entirely different terms. Thus, for instance, measuring compliance won’t help as it is not suitable for the DevOps development environment. b. Focused on competition inside the team Collaboration and competition often contradict each other. Thus, a company with a competitive culture rewarding winners and punishing losers will hardly succeed in the DevOps transition. If you understand this, don’t introduce metrics fostering competition in the team or between teams; it will kill all DevOps progress. c. Individually rewarding Appreciation of individual input is a metric irrelevant to DevOps, as the latter focuses on the communal outcome. So, even if a single person does the lion’s share of work in the team, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best. The team’s added value to the end-user experience becomes the top priority when you want to integrate the DevOps approach. The Top 6 Metrics to Focus On #1 Lead Time Lead time is the key metric in most speed-focused businesses. It measures the amount of time your team needs to write and deploy the code. This metric is highly informative for future planning, showing how much time a coder will need to complete a specific task. #2 Frequency of Deployment Every development company focuses on more frequent code deployments, which is typically achieved by reducing the deployment size. The latter simplifies the testing and release operations. However, this metric is more complex than one might think. To get to the core of your deployment statistics, you need to understand the number of production and non-production deployments, factor in the number of deployments to QA checks before the final release. Once these metrics are collected and analyzed in a union, you will understand how this metric affects your defect escape rates. #3 Defect Escape Rate The QA check at the pre-production stage is an excellent filter for ensuring that defective code doesn’t get to production. However, companies focused on fast delivery often skip the QA stage and launch poorly working code without proper testing. The defect escape rate metric will give you an idea of how many defective deployments are there; it is calculated by dividing the total number of deployments by the number of defective ones identified at the QA stage. #4 Error Rates Unfortunately, errors are unavoidable in the software development world. Still, you can derive tons of valuable data from analyzing your errors. Identify their types, the stage at which they occur most frequently, and look for spikes in error rates. These metrics will help you spot systemic problems and oust them to achieve sizable performance improvements. #5 Mean time to detection (MTTD) Errors can go unnoticed for a certain period, and the longer that period is, the greater risks they pose. Thus, it would be best to keep the MTTD metric under tight control to minimize the time for error detection and correction. Otherwise, your system may suffer downtime or expose its critical vulnerabilities, which is very risky. Always Measure Your Progress As you can see, DevOps can turn into a concrete and measurable issue if you use proper metrics for its assessment. Invest time and effort into picking the right metrics for your business, even if you decide to get a devops automation service. In this way, you will always be in complete control of your operations, introducing adjustments and corrections where necessary. 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Shipping Company

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Right Shipping Company

In today's fast-paced global economy, the importance of choosing the right shipping company cannot be overstated. Whether you're a small business owner looking to expand your market or an individual shipping a precious package, making the right choice can save you time, money, and headaches. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about selecting the perfect shipping company for your needs. Shipping plays a pivotal role in our interconnected world, and choosing the right shipping company can make all the difference. International shipping rates must be taken into account when thinking about sending packages or items abroad because they have a big influence on the total cost of doing so. Understanding Your Shipping Needs: 6 Steps Of Choosing The Right Agency Before you dive into the sea of shipping options, it’s crucial to understand your specific requirements. Are you shipping domestically or internationally? Is your cargo time-sensitive? Knowing your needs will help you narrow down your choices. Given below are a few steps that will lead you to a path of choosing a great shipping agency:  Researching Shipping Companies Begin your journey by researching shipping companies in canada. Look for well-established and reputable firms with a track record of reliability and efficiency. Pay attention to their areas of expertise and service coverage. Well, it’s true that the market is full of options, but not everyone can meet your expectations, right? So look for a company that provides exactly what you want at a price desired by you! Comparing Shipping Costs And Speed Costs are a significant factor when selecting a shipping company. Request quotes from multiple companies and compare their rates. Be sure to consider any additional fees that may apply.  Additionally, time is often of the essence when it comes to shipping. Evaluate the shipping companies’ delivery times to ensure they align with your requirements. Reliable and fast delivery can be a game-changer for your business. Checking for Shipping Insurance Accidents can happen during transit. Ensure that the shipping company offers insurance options to protect your shipment in case of damage or loss. You know the company is not worth opting for if they fail to provide indemnity for your losses. In such situations, you might have to allocate extra capital when your package goes missing. And you surely wouldn’t want that! Reviewing Customer Feedback In a world of digital, it’s becoming easier to discover how a company actually is. All you have to visit a shipping company’s website and social media handles. Ensure to read customer reviews and testimonials to get a sense of the company’s reputation. Positive feedback can instill confidence, while negative reviews should raise red flags. Take note of which ones are greater and then settle on one.  Assessing Customer Service Great customer service can make your shipping experience smoother. Contact the companies you're considering and gauge their responsiveness and willingness to assist you. Ask someone who has already used the services of your chosen company. Customer service matters a lot when it comes to partnering with the shipping industry. Eco-Friendly Shipping Options In an era of increasing environmental awareness, consider shipping companies that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. If you’re dealing with international shipments, ensure that the shipping company has experience navigating customs regulations and documentation. It is always about thinking about the ecology rather than just being self-centric. Hence, an ideal shipping industry must always be eco-friendly in its approach. What Really Goes Into The Shipping Procedure?  In the eCommerce sector, shipping is a multi-fold activity. It includes everything from receiving orders to making it ready for delivery. But there are other processes involved, too, apart from just receiving, processing, and delivering. Here is a brief list of what really goes into the entire workflow of shipping: Customs And Documentation Firstly, an industry has to be documented and must carry all the necessary custom licenses to carry out the trade. As a client, your job is to comprehend the complexities of customs and the required documentation, which is essential for international shipments. Ensure the shipping company can guide you through this process. Shipping Company Contracts Most shipping industries work on a contract basis unless you are an agency working with them full-time. Hence, don’t forget to review the terms and conditions of the shipping company’s contracts carefully. Pay attention to any hidden fees, cancellation policies, and dispute resolution procedures.  Preparing Your Shipment Here comes the most awaited part of the shipping process. The company is liable to invest in properly packaging and labeling your shipment. Follow the company’s guidelines to avoid delays and ensure safe delivery. You can also consider getting help from a repacking agency and getting ready for the shipment process. The biggest red flag in this is to avoid companies that do not take preparing seriously and end up creating losses on your side.  Tracking Your Shipment Finally, the last step is to track the shipment until it reaches your doors safely. Choose a shipping company that provides tracking options. Real-time updates can provide peace of mind and allow you to plan accordingly. Usually, a professional company will take care of everything and will give you quality services in lieu of your time and money investments.  Parting Words Selecting the right shipping company is a critical decision that can impact your business or personal shipping needs significantly. By considering factors such as cost, speed, insurance, and customer service, you can make an informed choice that ensures your shipments arrive safely and on time. The aforementioned tips can certainly help you in hiring a quality industry that values your time and money.  And it’s a wrap on this comprehensive guide that aims towards giving you an insight into the entire shipping procedure. If this helped you, make sure to comment below and let the flow of encouragement get going. Follow us for more informative content. Thank you! Read Also: Tips For Protecting Your Overseas Shipments How Long Does AliExpress Take To Ship? Let’s Find Out How Freight Forwarding Streamlines Supply Chains For Efficiency