6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

Published on: 03 May 2019 Last Updated on: 23 June 2021
Essay Writing task

Undeniably, essay writing is a difficult and tricky process to do. That’s the truth and no one should lie to you. Unfortunately, you will have to write essays every now and then during your college life. That’s also something you must be prepared for.

In fact, writing an essay does not only belong to students of particular fields but it applies to all fields in the academic sphere.

It’s not a secret but it tends to be difficult to express feelings on paper. Writing an effective essay requires one to have outstanding writing skills and enough time.

Well, when we say an effective essay, we mean an essay that is free from all types of errors.

6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

Since it’s a must to write essays during your college life and there is no way out of it unless you get help from a paper writing service, read these six ways to achieve an essay writing task successfully.

1. Study and Plan

The first thing to do once you are assigned an essay question or task is to read and ensure you understand what you are required to write about and then plan on how to approach the writing process.

Failing to understand the question will lead to submitting an essay that does not answer the question and that can get you disappointing grades. For that reason, you must analyze and plan before you start writing.

2. Gather Relevant Information

Next, you need to gather and assess the usefulness of the information. Understanding the essay question will help you to know where you can get the information to write the actual essay.

To ensure the sources you are using are useful it must be:

  • Current and up-to-date
  • It must be relevant
  • It must be suitable for your type of essay. The information you get must also be accurate and reliable.

3. Read and Write Down Key Points

Once you have collected your materials together, you need to start extracting the information you need from them. This depends on the information you are gathering. For instance, if you are reading a book, you can start by looking at the chapter titles to know which one will help you in your essay writing.

For a journal article, you would better off reading the abstract first so that you can know you should keep reading. After the abstract, you might want to read the introduction since that will help you get more of the argument.

4. Write your Essay

Up to this far, you have an awesome idea on how to go about answering your essay question. You might also want to revisit your plan so that you can update anything that might have changed during the research stage. Understand how you will structure your essay, bearing in mind that it needs to have an introduction, main body, and a concrete conclusion.

The introduction of your essay is meant to let the reader know how you are answering the essay question. The body is where ideas come in; the conclusion tells the reader the approach you have taken to answer the question.

5. Polish Your Essay and Submit

Writing an essay is important but polishing it is also crucial. You need to devote enough time to proofread your essay checking for spelling, grammar, word count, references, and citations.

Remember, you are required to submit an error-free essay. For that reason, you must read it several times and correct all sorts of errors.

Once you are satisfied that your essay is error-free and you have answered the question you can submit it.

6. Reflect

You need to constantly improve your essay writing skills. For that reason, you should reflect on how you wrote your essay. Reflect on how you approached it from the research to the writing stage.

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Put Your Pen to Paper With Ease

Put Your Pen to Paper With Ease

An essay is generally a piece of writing that expresses information as well as the author’s own opinion. Aldous Huxley says The essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything. Writing an essay seems to be a dreaded task. It can be quite challenging to write an essay. One can have vast ideas, a lot of thinking in his mind, but its really hard to translate your ideas into written words. Writing an essay is a large project, but we can take some tricks and methods which will break down the task into manageable parts. The first and foremost thing is, selection of the topic, it can be a general overview of the subject else a specific analysis, so you have to filter your focus. Once you get the topic in your mind,  start brainstorming, collect a lot of ideas and relevant data. Do research through a various online and offline medium, collect as much as supportive data, so that you can get a good flow to your writing. Let's consider some  important steps to get into essay writing: Outline your ideas To write an essay you have to organize your thoughts. You have to put your thinkings in the paper, so that you can get a clear view of your thinkings and ideas related to your essay. With this process, your essay can be written in an organized way. With the outlining process, the views and ideas can come across in a clear and logical order. What’s Your Thesis After the vast research and brainstorming make a thesis statement to your essay topic. It's important because with this your entire essay will revolve around. It is mainly one sentence and it says what the essay is all about. It will be the central idea of the essay. A thesis statement tells the reader what the essay will be about, what point the author will be making. So keep it main but short and simple. Introduction It is the presentation of your position. It grabs the reader’s attention makes them want to read on begin with a hook.it should be designed to attract the reader’s attention and gives an idea of the essay. The introduction should begin with an attention grabber and it should offer a short, concise summary of the main points. Let’s give a sneak peek into the three main part of essay writing: Body Composition Use your outline as a guide and start composing the main body. You need not deviate from your thesis statement. Here write down your main ideas and write your supporting points to give a clear view of your ideas. You have to make a clear elaboration. The more you elaborate the more one can get understand. But you have to keep this in mind that, your elaboration should not be out of the track, unnecessarily lengthy, last but not the least boring. Conclusion Here you will emphasize the points or arguments discussed in the main body. You can provide a synopsis before closing. The conclusion brings closure to the reader. Summing up your points and providing a final perspective on your topic. Finishing Touches Check the order of your paragraph.  Good title. Include relevant information. Double-space in the lines. You should use the correct margin. Try not to use the same words/phrases again and again. Structure your sentence eye-catching. Good writing doesn’t happen accidentally, at first it may not be a masterpiece but good research, and practice can make it icing on the cake. Read other people’s essays and It will help you to improve your own writing style. The wider you read, the maximum possible styles are bound to come. Accurate, effective use of advanced vocabulary. Learn a word a day. Use the start a vocabulary b. Essays are a chance for to showoff widely read you are, So quote other people’s options.write down quotations which will be particularly useful. Check to spell, punctuation grammar. When you are writing, the most important consideration is making yourself easy for readers to understand. Effective punctuation is vital in conveying your thinking.  The main thing is to check spelling, punctuation, and grammar. For this, you can use various online writing tool as well as online punctuation corrector. This tool can make your essay and writing sound and readable. It will make your writing picture perfectas well as effective. That is why using of  Grammarly, Whitesmoke and Paper rater will be really helpful in case of online punctuation corrector. Once you are complete, revise for clarity and consistency, revise for technical errors and make your essay truly accepted. Read More: Tips For Writing The Resignation Letter In A Professional Way 7 Tips For Writing A Perfect Cover Letter Topic Sentences And Thesis Statements: How Do They Differ? The Best Dissertation Service With Personal Manager

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Writing Web-Copy: How to Keep Your Readers Engaged

Attracting your prospect with a decent web-copy isn’t easy… But do you know what’s harder? To keep the prospect engaged throughout the content piece! It isn’t simple since we all know about the human’s short attention span. (Less than the goldfish!) Today, people ‘skim’ rather than reading the ‘whole’ content. So what should a copywriter do to get the audience hooked? To build up a successful relationship between you and your reader, you need to follow this smooth 5-step process Are you ready to build your own ‘engagement boost machine’? YES? Then let’s learn the copywriting VICTORY secret from Spanishwriterpro! Step #01: Know Your Reader You can’t write a copy for someone you don’t know, can you? But it’s more than just ‘knowing’ the reader… You must know his thought process, his daily life, and other related factors to your product/service. Most importantly, find his problems, assess your product, and solve the problem with it. Talk to your reader as if you’re talking to a friend. Your cordial and friendly tone will immediately hook the reader’s attention. Show some emotions to trigger the emotional brain of the reader (the emotional brain has five times more processing power than the cognitive brain). Step #02: Distinguish the Features & Benefits Do you what’s the magic trick of copywriting? “Selling without letting the customers know that they are being sold.” It’s cheeky, but that’s how it works. Your product’s features are just for you. They aren’t meant to get you sales or engagement. The only part about which your audience is interested are the ‘benefits’ of your product. How will your product transform their life from a ‘less’ happy state to a ‘more’ happy state? If you can’t answer this question, then you are less likely to engage your potential customers. Step #03: Present Your USP USP (Unique value proposition) is the heart of your web copy. Can’t find one for your product? It’s not that difficult, though… You just need one excellent benefit that fits accurately on your prospect. Tweak it a little to get more creative with the idea --  That’s it. Your marvelous ‘tagline’ is ready to be used as a USP! Website visitors are in a hurry. They can’t be engaged with something they already saw on ten other web pages. Your copy should be different in terms of its selling proposition. Step #04: Speak More with Fewer Words Know the art of ‘getting a quart into a pint pot.’ Things that can be said in a ‘hundred’ words should be said in a ‘hundred’ words. Copywriters make the mistake of fluffing extra words into their web copy -- and this makes no sense at all. Conciseness in your copy is the key to get more engagements and conversions. The early your readers know why they need you, the more engaging your web copy will be. Step #05: Edit and Optimize Last but not least, this step will make your web copy presentable. A single misspelled word or a small punctuation mistake can turn away your prospect. Keep close attention to your text when proofreading. There are proofreading tools like Grammarly & ProWritingAid, which can be handy. I would recommend editing your full copy in the end -- It saves time, and optimization can be coupled. Since you’re writing for both humans and search engines, the web copy needs to meet the guidelines of SEO while being interesting for the readers. Pro Tip: Do not overoptimize your copy for search engines. In the end, it’ll be a human who would read your content -- Not a search engine bot. Keywords are great for SEO but might be killers for readability, so use them wisely. Humans Connect Humans Being a social animal, a human likes to connect, speak, read, and listen to another human being -- Don’t talk to him like a robot. The moment you speak to him like a friend in your copy, he will be hooked forever. Make fans, NOT customers! Happy copywriting... Read Also: 6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process Research Paper Writing Help: We Work -You Enjoy the Results 6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

Thesis Statement

Research Thesis Statement Expresses the Judgment

Understand what a Research Thesis Statement Is: Research Thesis Statement is the foundation of any research paper. It has many purposes to fulfill. If it does not meet these requirements, quality of the research paper suffers. When writing a thesis statement for research papers, students will have to know the purpose of the research as well as the purpose of the thesis statement. Thesis statement conveys the reader what the writer wants to prove or disprove with the results of his/her research. As the thesis statement is the foundation for the research paper, the statement should be written after careful thought. Essential Requirements of a Research Thesis Statement: To achieve its purpose, a thesis statement must have these essential requirements. The thesis statement has to disclose the topic. If the reader still doesn’t know the topic after reading the thesis statement, the thesis statement has failed on this count. • It has to be assertive. A good thesis statement tells the reader exactly, what the paper intends to prove. • For the better focus on the topic, the thesis statement should contain only one idea. • It has to be as specific as possible to present the writer’s viewpoint clear without confusing the reader. • Thesis Statement has to be included in the introduction of the paper. Learn the Process of Writing the Thesis Statements: As formulating a thesis and writing a strong research thesis statement is a skill that has to be mastered for writing good research papers, essays, and theses, students MUST learn the process of writing thesis statements. Writing a thesis statement involves five main steps. Identifying a general subject, and find sources and read to get background knowledge. • Selection of a narrow specific topic area within the general subject. • Identifying a research question related to the selected topic. • Find sources and information and form your opinion on a possible answer. • Write down the answer in a specific, clear and complete sentence. Use the Thesis Statement as your Guide when writing the Research Paper: A thesis statement serves as a roadmap to the reader. After writing a thesis statement it can serve as the guide for writing the rest of the research paper. The thesis statement should be used together with the information collected from initial research to formulate a thesis outline that will become the blueprint of the research paper. With the new information gathered on the topic, the writer may have to change or modify the thesis statement to a certain degree. Therefore the first thesis statement written by the writer is subject to change and is called the working thesis statement. Thesis Statement is the key to a Successful Research Paper: Research thesis statement is the key to the success of the paper. Without a strong thesis statement, it is difficult to write a good research paper that gets a high grade. Writing an excellent research paper requires writing skills practiced and developed over a long time and a thorough knowledge on the selected topic. Many students get professional help in writing a thesis statement, research paper and theses since it can help them complete the research paper successfully. They can buy thesis written by well-qualified writers with long years of experience and expertise in the chosen subject area. Read Also: Topic Sentences And Thesis Statements: How Do They Differ? Tips On Project Statement Writing