7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now

Published on: 03 August 2018 Last Updated on: 24 June 2021
Vein Specialist

Vein health is imperative for keeping your circulatory system in a good condition because veins are responsible for pumping the blood from the body organs back to the heart. However, a majority of people are averse to vein health as they think that pain and discomfort in the veins are minor issues. No wonder, problems such as spider veins and varicose veins are becoming so common. People seldom seek medical guidance right from the initial stages and suffer in silence while the disease aggravates. Lack of timely treatment sometimes even results in serious complications such as Deep Vein Thrombosis. If you are struggling with even minor vein issues, you should not ignore them and take medical guidance.

7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now

Here are 7 signs that indicate that you need to see a vein specialist right now:

1. Your experience leg weakness after standing for long intervals

You may think that it is normal to feel weakness in the legs after standing for a while even if you do not have any other medical problem. This could, however, be an early indication of poor vein health. Varicose veins make your legs feel heavy and weak, particularly after standing or sitting in the same position for hours. See a specialist immediately if you experience this issue regularly.

2. Your leg pain is hampering physical activity

Leg pain could be a symptom of varicose veins though there could be some other factors at play. If you experience aching and throbbing in your legs for a prolonged period and are unable to do your daily activities due to the pain, it is time to seek vein clinic help. The specialists here can evaluate whether the pain is due to vein damage and chalk out a treatment plan for you.

3. You have rashes or dryness near your ankle

Another telltale sign that you may be suffering from vein problems is a rash or dryness of the skin near your ankles. This could be an indication that your veins are damaged and are not doing their job properly. The condition may get worse if not treated in time as the itch or rash may lead to a venous ulcer at a later stage. So it is better to see a doctor and address the problem before it is too late.

4. You have developed leg ulcers

Ignoring rashes and itchiness can cause leg ulcers, which are commonly seen in the calf and ankle areas. Diabetic patients are at high risk of having them. This is one problem that you should not ignore because it points out the presence of vein disease and diabetes (if not diagnosed yet). A vein specialist can offer the right treatment for ulcers before they get worse.

5. You have swelling in one of your legs and it goes after resting

Swelling in your legs could be caused by a number of health issues but if it happens it one of the legs, it is probably because of venous insufficiency. Diagnosis is even more likely if the swelling goes after resting for a while or after waking up in the morning. If you experience such symptoms, you should see a specialist at the earliest.

6. Your veins have turned blue and are bulging

The most noticeable signs of vein issues are discoloration and bulging of the veins. If you find your veins turning purple or blue in color along with visible bulging, a medical consultation is warranted. These are the symptoms of varicose veins and should be addressed at the earliest to prevent the formation of blood clots.

7. You have a tender lump in your leg

Another concern that you should not ignore is the presence of a tender lump in your leg. This may not always mean that you have a vein-related issue but it could probably be caused by a blood clot in the vein. If you spot anything like this, do not delay an appointment with a vein specialist.

These signs are the danger signals that your body sends and you should never ignore them. Pregnant women should be particularly vigilant as hormonal changes and increase in weight and vascular volume can aggravate varicose veins during pregnancy. Those who have suffered from vein issues during their first pregnancy should be extra careful during the subsequent ones. Timely consultation and proper treatment from an expert specialist can help to resolve vein-related issues effectively. Your veins play an important role in keeping you healthy and they deserve all the attention and care that you can give.

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Six Pack Abs

Easy Diet Tips To Summer Six Pack Abs

In addition to what you do in the gym, your chosen diet can have a great impact on your six-pack abs. Working out your muscles in the gym can be a great step towards having your desired lean-down look that combines awesome six-pack abs. However, you may not get quick results if you aren’t considering the appropriate diet tips for six-pack abs even if you use the gym regularly. Summer has come with lots of exciting activities and some people are damn crazy about having six-pack abs. Perhaps, your present diet is not giving you the desired six-pack abs and to help you out, here are the easy diet tips that will transform your six-pack abs this summer. Consume Lots of Green Tea : One of the steps towards having summer six-pack abs is to include plenty of green tea in your diet. If you consume lots of calorific drinks daily, chances are that you won’t get your desired six-pack abs. But to avoid this situation, it’s suggested that you consume more green tea. Asides the fact that it boosts the rate of metabolism, green tea is devoid of calories. It’s recommended that you consume about three cups of green tea daily not only in order to give you six-pack abs but also to prevent the risk of abdominal bloating. Avoid Carbohydrates Few Hours to Bed : Essentially, carbohydrates can be consumed when we’re just setting out in the day for work or some vigorous activities. Our intake of carbohydrates during this period can be beneficial but to have a successful diet for six-pack abs, it’s suggested that we avoid them in the evening or probably few hours to bed. If you can cultivate the habit of avoiding carbohydrates –particularly the refined ones –three to four hours before going to bed daily, you’re likely to make the success with your six-pack abs diet. Consume More of Protein Meat Sources : Protein is a vital nutrient and it seems to be the most beneficial macronutrient for the success of a six-pack abs diet. Besides helping to cut down body fat, the protein will give you the hard texture you desire. And to ensure you maintain a high rate of metabolism, it will protect your lean mass of muscles. Protein sources such as grain, nut, soy, and dairy are believed to produce results but some people have complained that they yield poor results when consumed during the later period of the lean-down process. Regular consumption of lean beef, chicken breasts, turkey and other meat sources will help you a lot better when you eventually get to the stage that absolutely defines your six-pack abs diet. Also, consuming fish sources such as tilapia and cod will yield good results at this stage. Along with working very hard in the gym and taking the regular protein foods, you can take Uprotein for the best result. Focus on the Consumption of Single Foods : If you crave one of the most effective secrets to having a successful six pack abs diet, you’ll have to adopt a diet strategy known as the ``single food rule’’. Put simply, this rule suggests that you focus on single foods at the expense of other foods. Unlike many other foods, single foods maintain their natural flavor and quality. In other words, they haven’t undergone artificial processing and they include broccoli, chicken, brown rice, etc. If you can focus on a diet that contains only these and several other single foods, you’re very likely to make a quick success with your desired six-pack abs. Read Also : You Can’t Out-Diet Your Training 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider Resistance Bands: The Best Tool For Your Home Gym 8 Home Gym Systems You’ll Want To Try Out 9 Magical Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet

Seizure Disorders

Seizure Disorders: How To Recognize, Respond, And Provide Help

With the regular electrical activity of the human brain, electrical impulses are coordinately discharged to the nerves, muscles, and the spinal cord. However, seizure disorders may arise when the brain's electrical activity is disrupted. The most common picture of someone having a seizure is losing consciousness and uncontrollable shaking. Seeing someone with these symptoms could be terrifying, but by knowing more about these conditions, you can recognize, respond, and even provide help and support to the affected individuals. Understanding Seizures and Seizure Disorders There are two major types of seizures: epileptic and non-epileptic. Epileptic seizures are unprovoked seizures that happen without a trigger. It’s also commonly called epilepsy. Factors that may have caused epilepsy include stroke, tumors, and structural abnormalities, among other brain disorders. The condition is called “symptomatic epilepsy.” This condition commonly affects newborn and old individuals. To manage this condition, a healthcare professional may first prescribe you low-dosage medications like Klonopin. Your doctor may adjust the dosage until your seizures are well controlled. To save on this medication, check out Klonopin Discount Coupon you may use in many pharmacies across the county. Conversely, non-epileptic seizures are provoked by temporary conditions that irritate the brain. The triggers could vary from a head injury, a reaction to a drug, or an allergy. Individuals already diagnosed with a seizure disorder are more likely to get seizures if they are sleep-deprived, intoxicated, under excess emotional or physical stress, or if they have suddenly stopped drinking or using sedatives. Recognizing the Signs of a Seizure A person about to have a seizure will feel what they call an “aura” or unusual sensations. The symptoms may include butterflies in the stomach, abnormal smells and tastes, déjà vu, jamais vu, and an intense feeling that a seizure is about to happen. Phases of a Seizure A seizure has three phases: aura and prodrome (beginning), ictal (middle), and postictal (end). The beginning phase includes the prodrome stage beside the aura. In this phase, an individual about to get a seizure will experience anxiety, mood changes, difficulty sleeping, lightheadedness, and difficulty staying focused. In the middle phase, also called “ictal,” common signs include memory lapse, confusion, twitching, loss of muscle control, body convulsions, trouble breathing, repeated movements, and racing heart, among other signs. In the last phase, or “postictal,” the epileptic person would experience fatigue, headache, confusion, lack of consciousness, shame, sore muscles, and thirst, among other experiences.  Responding to Seizures: Dos and Don’ts It is safe to offer help if you have mastered the guide on responding to the situation and know what to avoid when offering support. Equip yourself with knowledge by reading this guide: Dos To help someone with a seizure, here are safe things you can do: Compose yourself Set a cushion to support their head Check if they have an epilepsy card or any identification that can help you with your next steps Remove any obstructions in the area that can injure them Lay them on their side Loosen their collar and other tight clothing Record how long the convulsions lasted Place them in a recovery position when the convulsions stopped Don’ts These are the things you shouldn't do when helping an epileptic individual: Do not put anything between their teeth during convulsions Do not hold down the person Do not feed them or give them a beverage Do not leave them Providing First Aid During a Seizure You must ensure a safe environment and remove any potential hazards when providing first aid. For instance, if the person is in the middle of the road, you should move them, but if they are in an enclosed space, don’t try to carry them and transfer them to a bed. Just clear the space by removing the furniture away from the person. As you ease the person to the floor, you can slowly turn them into one side to help them breathe. If the person is wearing glasses, remove them from their face. You should also time the seizure and call an emergency team if it persists after five minutes.  A first aid & CPR course teaches an individual how to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, providing immediate assistance until professional help arrives. It’s also important to observe them while having seizures so you can give the medical team more information on what happened. Seeking Medical Attention and Diagnosis To detect the cause of seizures and diagnose epilepsy, one must undergo evaluations like a neurological exam, blood tests, and genetic testing. To know more about these tests, read the information below: ● Neurological Exam This evaluation covers testing a person’s motor abilities, behavior, and mental functions, among other areas. This could help your doctor determine what type of epilepsy you may have and diagnose your condition. ● Blood Tests With blood tests, your doctor can detect if you have infections or genetic conditions that may have caused the seizures. ● Generic Testing Generic Testing is commonly administered to children to give more information about the condition so doctors can come up with ways to treat it. Conclusion Some epileptic individuals feel embarrassed about their conditions, as some still think that epilepsy is contagious or something that makes a person less capable of doing things and thinking on their own. Through this blog, we hope many would promote epilepsy and seizure disorder awareness, debunk misconceptions about this condition, and willingly offer help to individuals with epilepsy. 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Back In Shape

How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!

The most common question many personal trainers get is ‘how do I get back in shape’. As good-intentioned as that question is, there’s no way anyone can answer it for you. Deep inside, you know the way to get back in shape is to make some tough choices. It’s that simple. It can be difficult to balance out your work, caring for your kids, resting, binging and signing up for a gym like Fit Athletic. Getting back in shape means making some serious changes in your routine, which is always a huge challenge. In this article, we’ve asked personal trainers from the best San Diego fitness centers to share their thoughts on the topic and give their best advice on how to get back in shape. Stay In Shape: Yes, it’s easier said than done, but the truth is that the best way to get back in shape is to stay close to the shape, or the ideal look, weight, and BMI for you. As we grow older and more busy at work, skipping gym time comes rather naturally. The worst mentality you can develop is that it’s just one day. But day by day, you’ll lose the motivation to work out and stay in shape. Soon enough, you’ve come to the point where you don’t recognize yourself anymore. Going to the gym is better than not going to the gym. If you skip going to the gym because you only have 30 minutes to work out, you’re making a huge mistake. Because 30 minutes is still more than zero. Even a bad day at the gym can contribute to maintaining the harmony in your body. No matter how much you just want to sit back and binge Netflix for the rest of the day, you have to make sure you stay motivated to work out continuously. Staying in shape is the key to never having to put in the extra effort to get back in shape. Take Your Time: While your desire to get back in shape is commendable, it can also lead to serious injuries if you’re not careful. As bad as you might feel about getting out of shape, going in fast and hard is not a good idea. It took some time to get out of shape, and you cannot undo that instantly. Instead, this is a process that requires patience and caution. Don’t try to make up for the lost time the day you get back to the gym. Instead, allow your body some time to adjust to the new regime through slow, natural progression. If you strain and injure yourself, you can only hinder your progress. Set Realistic Goals: This picks up where the last point left off. There’s a big chance the first few workouts will leave you completely exhausted. That’s only natural. You have to pave the way back to your ideal shape with realistic goals. Setting realistic weight loss and muscle mass goals will ensure your workouts are effective and will motivate you even more. Deceiving yourself that you can look like an action movie star in the first month of getting back to the gym will only ruin your motivation because such a goal is unrealistic. And don’t forget all those other obligations and activities outside the gym that made you quit in the first place. All those deadlines are still waiting and someone still needs to pick the kids up from school. So instead of implementing a heavy training schedule to get back in shape, focus on short but intensive workouts. Striking a balance is key to a harmonious life and the key to getting back in shape. Read Also: How To Avoid Getting Bored At The Gym 10 Winter Fitness Hacks To Help You Stick To Your Fitness Goals