7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now

Published on: 03 August 2018 Last Updated on: 24 June 2021
Vein Specialist

Vein health is imperative for keeping your circulatory system in a good condition because veins are responsible for pumping the blood from the body organs back to the heart. However, a majority of people are averse to vein health as they think that pain and discomfort in the veins are minor issues. No wonder, problems such as spider veins and varicose veins are becoming so common. People seldom seek medical guidance right from the initial stages and suffer in silence while the disease aggravates. Lack of timely treatment sometimes even results in serious complications such as Deep Vein Thrombosis. If you are struggling with even minor vein issues, you should not ignore them and take medical guidance.

7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now

Here are 7 signs that indicate that you need to see a vein specialist right now:

1. Your experience leg weakness after standing for long intervals

You may think that it is normal to feel weakness in the legs after standing for a while even if you do not have any other medical problem. This could, however, be an early indication of poor vein health. Varicose veins make your legs feel heavy and weak, particularly after standing or sitting in the same position for hours. See a specialist immediately if you experience this issue regularly.

2. Your leg pain is hampering physical activity

Leg pain could be a symptom of varicose veins though there could be some other factors at play. If you experience aching and throbbing in your legs for a prolonged period and are unable to do your daily activities due to the pain, it is time to seek vein clinic help. The specialists here can evaluate whether the pain is due to vein damage and chalk out a treatment plan for you.

3. You have rashes or dryness near your ankle

Another telltale sign that you may be suffering from vein problems is a rash or dryness of the skin near your ankles. This could be an indication that your veins are damaged and are not doing their job properly. The condition may get worse if not treated in time as the itch or rash may lead to a venous ulcer at a later stage. So it is better to see a doctor and address the problem before it is too late.

4. You have developed leg ulcers

Ignoring rashes and itchiness can cause leg ulcers, which are commonly seen in the calf and ankle areas. Diabetic patients are at high risk of having them. This is one problem that you should not ignore because it points out the presence of vein disease and diabetes (if not diagnosed yet). A vein specialist can offer the right treatment for ulcers before they get worse.

5. You have swelling in one of your legs and it goes after resting

Swelling in your legs could be caused by a number of health issues but if it happens it one of the legs, it is probably because of venous insufficiency. Diagnosis is even more likely if the swelling goes after resting for a while or after waking up in the morning. If you experience such symptoms, you should see a specialist at the earliest.

6. Your veins have turned blue and are bulging

The most noticeable signs of vein issues are discoloration and bulging of the veins. If you find your veins turning purple or blue in color along with visible bulging, a medical consultation is warranted. These are the symptoms of varicose veins and should be addressed at the earliest to prevent the formation of blood clots.

7. You have a tender lump in your leg

Another concern that you should not ignore is the presence of a tender lump in your leg. This may not always mean that you have a vein-related issue but it could probably be caused by a blood clot in the vein. If you spot anything like this, do not delay an appointment with a vein specialist.

These signs are the danger signals that your body sends and you should never ignore them. Pregnant women should be particularly vigilant as hormonal changes and increase in weight and vascular volume can aggravate varicose veins during pregnancy. Those who have suffered from vein issues during their first pregnancy should be extra careful during the subsequent ones. Timely consultation and proper treatment from an expert specialist can help to resolve vein-related issues effectively. Your veins play an important role in keeping you healthy and they deserve all the attention and care that you can give.

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Understanding The Anatomy Of Vaporizers

Understanding The Anatomy Of Vaporizers – All You Need To Know!

Vaporizers are made up of multiple small components and pieces that can be disassembled and separated from one another. Knowing the different parts that make up a vaporizer helps you to understand your device better. This way, you know how to clean and maintain your device and enjoy the vaping experience to its fullest. In this article, we will look at the parts that make up a vaporizer. What Are The Different Parts Of A Vaporizer? The vape consists of multiple different parts that are assembled together to form a complex device. All of these parts can be separated and replaced whenever required, if necessary. If one component of your vape gets damaged and stops working, then you do not have to throw away the entire device. Simply detach the damaged component and replace it with a new one. Following are the different components that form the vaporizer. Atomizer The atomizer is one of the most important components of the vape. It is the heat-resistant component of the device that is responsible for turning the liquid material into vapor form. Some vaporizers have detachable atomizers, whereas others have atomizers that are built into the tank. These tanks are responsible for producing a large amount of vapor. Mod Vape mods are used by people who wish to build their vaporizer from scratch. The mod is a self-contained device that comes with a tank and atomizer, which you can replace and detach according to your needs. Tank As the name suggests, the tank is where the e-liquid is stored and Is also known as the cartilage. The tank can be replaced if it is damaged because they have a significant impact on your vaping experience. In order to have the best vaping experience, you must make sure the tank is intact and functioning properly. If not its best, you buy a new one. Check getfurna.com for vaporizer tanks and other cool components. The tank offers multiple features, including the ability to alter the airflow. Batteries The vaporizer works on batteries. Usually, lithium-ion batteries are used for vaporizers because you can recharge them when they are done out of power. But there are many other alternatives available. The main objective of the batteries is to provide maximum power but without consuming too much of the device's space and increasing its weight. Also, it is very important for you to know how to care for the batteries. If not properly taken care of, the batteries can explode, causing injuries and harm. No damaged or wet batteries should be used. The batteries should be kept in a separate container away from any metal object such as keys and coins. Vape Coils The atomizer consists of coils that are known as atomizer heads. When you turn on the vaporizer, the coil starts to heat up using the power from the batteries. Heating the coils causes the liquid to vaporize. The coils must be replaced every now and then to ensure maximum efficiency of the device. Wicks The wicking material is responsible for transferring the e-liquid from the tank where it is stored to the coils where the liquid gains heat and turns into vapor. The wicking material may be made out of mesh, ceramic, cotton, or rayon. E-Liquid Last but not least, the component of the device is the e-liquid. Without the e-liquid, the coils would have nothing to heat or turn into vapor. The e-liquid is stored in the tank and is transferred to the coils through the wicks. The market has a wide range of e-liquids differing in flavor. The flavors available include fruity, classical tobacco, and menthol. More Resources: What To Look For In A Night Vision Weapon Sight? Portable Generators: 5 Ways To Keep Them Clean and Running Vaping in the Workplace: Legal Considerations


If you’ve reached a weight loss plateau, fix your sleep

Trying to lose weight but it’s not working? Yes, we understand your frustration. You are just zeroing into what exactly is hampering your weight loss, but all in vain. You are doing all the right workouts and you are following a strict diet. Then what’s going wrong?! It is natural and obvious to blame your workout regime or your diet. But sometimes, none of them are real issues.   While you are busy choosing between following a new work out session and changing your diet, you probably don’t give a second thought to the most crucial part of the day- sleep! And you’re not the only one; many fail to understand the importance of sleep. It is the key that boosts your reward for the diet and fitness efforts. It’s almost too easy to relate and connect the dots, considering the statistic for obesity and those who suffer from sleep deprivation. So what happens when you get less sleep? When you have had a bad night of sleep, you tend to wake up exhausted, dazed and a little grumpy. The truth is that apart from your body and brain, it is also your fat cells that respond in a similar way. When deprived of sleep, you suffer from “metabolic grogginess.” The hormones that control your fat cells may respond aggressively when you are sleep deprived. Your body’s ability to use insulin (the master storage hormone) declines drastically and eventually gets disrupted. Fat cells start removing the fatty acids and lipids from your bloodstream and prevent storage when insulin stops functioning. The fats start to circulate in your blood and pump out more insulin. The excess insulin starts storing all the fat and that too in all the wrong places. This means fat gets accumulated in tissues like your liver. This is how you tend to become fat and get diabetes.   Take your time to do the research and find more detailed advice on crafting a smart, healthy sleep regimen, from choosing a good mattress to organizing around your sleep needs (our favorite source of sleep tips, reviews and tips is TheSleepStudies.com). If you are tired, you are going to start craving for more food! Your hunger is controlled by two major hormones; leptin (produced in your fat cells) and ghrelin. If your body produces less leptin, the more likely your stomach will feel empty. And the more ghrelin your body produces, your more a subjective feeling of hunger will be simulated. This happens although you would be trying to increase the number of calories you burn. So, in turn, this increases the fat that is stored in your body. Sleep deprivation makes it impossible for you to control the leptin and ghrelin production in your body. Also, when you don’t get enough sleep, the cortisol levels rise in your body. And you already know that the loss of sleep causes your body to produce more ghrelin. A deadly combination of high ghrelin and cortisol levels shuts down those parts of your brain that make you feel full and satisfied after a meal. This means you will be hungry all the time! More injury, the more rest you need Your reflexes also take a toll when you are sleep deprived. Your judgment is impaired and you may not be responding as accurately as you should be. And this can be extremely dangerous especially if you are dealing with heavyweight items. Keep in mind that your body needs sufficient time to rest so that the cells can be regenerated and repaired. So, now you know what to change- your sleep pattern!

Drug Recovery

What’s It Like In A Drug Recovery Center?

With addiction rates and deaths from drug overdoses at an all-time high in the United States, there's a larger chance than ever that you or someone you know is currently struggling with addiction. Especially due to the Opioid Crisis that's sweeping the nation, addiction is a disease that doesn't discriminate -- and can feel impossible to overcome on your own. If you're considering entering a recovery center, we know that you're dealing with many emotions. You may feel shame, fear, or even resentment towards yourself and the people that suggested treatment. However, knowing what to expect while in a recovery center will help you to feel more prepared and empowered. Read on to get a better understanding of what goes on during a residential treatment detox and stay, from physical health to psychological treatment. Phase One: The Detox The first thing that will happen when you enter into a recovery center? You'll begin the detox phase of your recovery. We understand that, for many, the thought of detoxing is absolutely terrifying. You may fear the physical pain, the lack of sleep, and the intense desire to use it again. However, it’s much safer to detox in a residential treatment center — like a Hollywood treatment center, where you’ll be under medical supervision — than on your own. Of course, you'll also be prevented from giving in to your desires and using just to stop the symptoms of detox. While in treatment, you should be prepared to experience nausea, insomnia, and much more. On your first day in rehab, you'll meet with counselors and medical professionals who may prescribe you medications or simply supplements and vitamins to make detox easier. You'll undergo a complete medical evaluation, and your team will also start to create a mental health plan that will help you to stay clean and sober. You'll also begin to recalibrate your overall appetite and start to be able to keep healthier foods down. You should expect the detox process to last anywhere from five to seven days. Once you get over this hurdle, you'll start to feel physically better and more in control. Then, it will be time to move onto the more psychological part of your recovery program. Phase Two: Emotional Recovery And Relearning After you've made it through detox, you'll be able to begin the programming part of your treatment process. Generally, you should expect to stay in rehab anywhere from 28-90 days, depending on the severity of your addiction and your personal preferences. This part of the treatment process will vary according to the specific recovery center you've entered into. To understand what a unique treatment program plan will look like for you, visit the Muse Treatment Center website to access a daily schedule. Usually, however, you can expect to attend both individual and group counseling. On your own, you'll learn to identify the emotional triggers and underlying psychological issues that caused you to use in the first place. You'll relearn healthier ways to overcome and come to terms with these issues. In group therapy, you'll learn from the stories of others and understand the importance of having a network of support to rely on. You'll also take classes that will help to improve your physical health. This can range from things like horseback riding to yoga and meditation. In most recovery centers, you should expect to experience an even combination of holistic and medical/psychological treatments. You may also take more specific classes that appeal to your interests and help you to work through your emotional baggage. This includes things like art therapy, theatre classes, and much more. You will also learn how to cook healthy meals, understand how to talk to your friends and family about your addiction, and begin to prepare for a healthy re-entry into society. Phase Three: What To Expect After Rehab Now that you've completed detox as well as the more residential part of the treatment program? It's time to start thinking about what your life will look like after your time at a recovery center. There are lots of different options here, especially for those who are nervous about potentially being exposed to their triggers and relapsing. You can choose to enter a sober living facility after the treatment. This is essentially a home where you'll stay with other people who are also early on in their recovery processes. You'll have a curfew, group house meetings, and general responsibilities -- but you'll still maintain a certain level of independence. You could also choose to enter into an outpatient program. Essentially, you'll be living independently, but will still attend treatment a few times a week at your recovery center. Another option is to live completely on your own but to look for AA and other group meetings within your community. Above all, it's important that you find some kind of program that works for you. Do not attempt to enter into "real life" without some sort of a support network in place. Ready To Enter Into A Recovery Center? We hope that this post has helped you to get a better understanding of what you can expect during your time at a recovery center. You'll undergo the detox process, work on rebuilding your emotional strength, and address the underlying reasons behind your addiction. Then, you can decide how you want to proceed once the inpatient part of rehab is completed. Above all, remember that if you're facing addiction, asking for help is itself an act of bravery. You don't have to fight this battle on your own. When you're interested in learning more about treatment and recovery, spend some time on our website and blog. You've already taken the first step on the road to getting your life back. That's something worth celebrating. 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