7 steps to create a product description that sells

Published on: 30 October 2018 Last Updated on: 10 December 2021
product description

Can you think about a hamburger? Do you perceive those tasty buns with a huge juicy piece of well-fried crispy beef and a few of sesame seeds on top that is carefully covered with lettuce? Do you remember that taste when a delicious scrap of meat gets in and the cheese sauce oozes into the mouth? Product description can make things easier for you.

I can bet you start slobbering.

This is an example of how words are selling.

Now let’s take a wider look on how to create a product description that sells.

Why is product description so important?

The description gives an information that allows your customers to see what they are missing in their life. And make them buy it. David Phillips has shown the power of the story-telling at one of the Ted Talks. By using just words he made people to empathize, worry and feel the grace.

There is no chance to sell something without an honest, bright and informative description.

Different Steps You Need To Keep In Mind While Preparing Product Description

1. Define your audience:

You have to know who your target audience is. It is necessary to realize who would receive your messages. There is no point in describing flexibility of your shoes and how they are comfortable to run if your audience is looking for fishing boots.

Ask yourself these questions to know better your costumer:

  • Why this person came to my website?
  • What he probably might look for?
  • What additional features would interest an audience?
  • What could be his interests?

Look at this incredible product description of IPhone X by Apple.

Looks like they know who you are and what you want.

2. Be honest:

Build a good reputation before you sell. If your product is a synthetic sweater don’t say that they are made from the wool. Your business won’t run along the track using this tactic.

In your product description, every word should be true. Don’t miss any detail that you don’t want people to know about. It is always better to fix it and make your product perfect.

Small tip: avoid using of “Best”, “Amazing”, “Outstanding” etc. These words drive people away. If you have an amazing product there is no need to talk about it.

3. Use photos and videos:

It is well-known fact that if the customer holds a product in his hands he is more likely to want to buy it.

Images and videos work in the same way.

Attach informative videos and high-quality images. 64% of costumers say that image has more power than the description. Even if you hire the best writing service to write a description you would definitely fail without a media-content. The image is a description as well. Photo of your product tells a lot to your costumer. Nobody would buy a jacket until sees it. For example, look at the PizzaHut Images. Those images speak for themselves! Instead of telling about ingredients and the way vegetables were cooked they show you a picture of a pizza which triggers a desire to eat. Next step – you order a pizza.

4. Use powerful selling words:

There are a lot of powerful words that get an emotional response in people. With right using of these triggers, you can convince people to make the purchase. Here are some of them that trigger positive responses in customers’ brains: Last chance; buy one, get one; instant etc.

Use those words and tell a story. Describe your goals and mission. Stay away from the boring product description that looks like academic paper. Personalize your company so people could treat it like something real. Tell about your achievements and in what way you want to help people.

5. Implement Social proof effect:

Social proof is a strong tool that raises a number of purchases. Even if you have an outstanding product you wouldn’t get a lot of attention until nobody trusts you. Get some testimonials from real persons and add links to their social profiles. But as It was spoken before – be honest. There are a lot of bloggers on the web who could make a video review in exchange for your product for free. When the buyer persona sees that other people have already used your product he will not be in doubts. People are used buying something that is already popular.

6. Fewer means better:

Don’t overload your description with a lot of beautiful sentences about how amazing your product is.

Every single word should be meaningful. If you are selling travel bag you should avoid useless information about the simplicity of walking with your backpack through the rainy tropic jungle. Your description should consist of real facts about your product.

7. Use simple language:

It is better not to try pressuring on customers with difficult word combinations. Imagine that you are describing your product to your best friend who is sitting next to you on the couch. By bringing a natural tone you would set up an easier connection between you and your buyers. Forget about empty “Call-to-action” and hard-to-understand adjectives.

All these rules are based on the customer experience research. The main idea that your product description can’t push on people and be too much advertising. Customers feel when you jump around them and propose “one more exclusive product that would change their life”. You’ll be instantly rejected. To sell without selling is the magic of fascinating product description.

Let’s sum up recently obtained knowledge:

  • Don’t lie
  • Be short and to the point
  • Use power words
  • Give all the needed information
  • Speak simple
  • Learn from professionals
  • Sell without selling

Keep these rules in your mind. They will lead you to the perfect product description.

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Outdoor Kiosk

Start Your Business With Outdoor Kiosk Or Booth

A kiosk is a free-standing structure that displays information and services of your business.  It is a process which slowly introduces your product and services in the market. Generally, kiosks used in the location with high foot traffic. So that people can access and use their services. The design of kiosk helps in your business to reach on the top in the market. Now, most of the business has turned to kiosk design in order to engage customers to expand their brand. No matter what type of business you are looking for. Kiosk designs and ideas help to increase the customer experience of your brand. It also increases your position in the market. You can start your business with Food Shop, Phone Accessories, Arts and Crafts or anything in which field you want to start your business. Kiosk always helps your business to reach on the top. There are different types of kiosk designs and ideas available to start your business, but in these days the Outdoor kiosk becomes the most famous strategy. The outdoor kiosks should be designed with its features like compression locks, stiffeners, and extra weld points. It is very important for outdoor security to get proper security. It will ensure that the physical network and data components of the kiosk which are protected from tampering. To maintain retail kiosks can be challenging, because customers may steal from vandalize kiosk or people might damage the kiosk by slamming their shopping carts. Due to these reasons we work on these problems and offer you totally safe kiosk for any type of business.  The outdoor kiosk should be ruined by rain, cold, heat, cold, and other hazards. Some main benefits of the outdoor kiosk are as follows: Outdoor kiosks provide ticketing which helps customers to purchase their tickets instantly. It is a very cost-effective service which you can apply in airports, stations, malls. The components included in this service are optical scanner, ticket printer, EMV complaints, pin pad, and chip reader. The Wayfinding kiosk can be used in hotels, airports, and city this service helps their visitors to reach or navigate their destination. By this service, users can anytime use wayfinding kiosks to book transportation from one place to another. Parking management outdoor booth is another type of service which you can use for your business. In this service, customers can find occupied or unoccupied spaces for their cars. Another one is vending and dispensing kiosks, it is a secure and cost-effective solution which acts on the storefront. It also provides fully automated sales experience to customers. Bill pay is the best outdoor service that enables customers to complete their electronic payment transaction independently. It is a totally reliable and secure platform These all are the outdoor kiosks examples. If you want to start your own business anywhere, then you can choose any service. These services are reliable and cost-effective. Are you planning to start your outdoor business, then it is the right place for you. We have many years of experience in this field so you can contact us for your business anytime. Read Also: Why Retailers Should Update Their POS Systems This Fall 7 Ways To Communicate With Customers In A Better Way! The Business Advantages Of Mobile CRM Apps 4 Ways To Keep Your Top Talent At Work

Caffeine Fix

Cheaper Ways to Get Your Caffeine Fix

Caffeine is a wonder drug. It could be argued that this stimulant powers half the world’s people who are running on lack of sleep. It’s amazing how much you can get done when the drug is in your system, combatting feelings of tiredness and lack of motivation. The vast majority of people get their caffeine fix through coffee. If you’re part of that majority, you know how expensive it can be to buy coffee every single day, even if you’re brewing it at home. Sometimes, you just crave a delicious espresso or latte from Starbucks too—but you have to be willing to pay for it. If you want a cheaper way to get your caffeine fix, there are options. Read on to find out how millions of people are saving money despite consuming caffeine daily. Get a coffee subscription For those who drink coffee as if it’s water, a coffee subscription is by far the best way to save money. You’ll pay a monthly fee to get enough coffee for the rest of the month. You can also choose specialty blends and uniquely roasted beans from all over the world so that your home-brewed coffee tastes incredible. It’s often much cheaper to get your coffee fix this way. Some coffee subscriptions will also match you dollar-for-dollar on your coffee shop gift cards in order to compete with major coffee shops. For example, if your Starbucks gift card balance is $10, you’ll get $10 in credit towards a coffee subscription. Now, you have $10 towards Starbucks and $10 towards a coffee subscription without paying extra. What a great way to get more bang for your buck. Drink caffeinated flavored water packets If you’re less of a coffee enthusiast but can’t live without your caffeine fix, try flavored water packets that are infused with caffeine. They’re individualized packets designed to flavor a 16.9 oz bottle of water. These packets range from 60 to 120 milligrams of caffeine, which is less than a cup of coffee, but often enough to put a pep in your step and get you going for the day. Crystal Light makes such packets, as do off-brands at your grocery store. They cost about $2 for a box of 10 or so, which is potentially enough to keep you going for two weeks. With the average cup of coffee costing about $3.50, this is definitely a bargain. Additionally, most of these packets are flavored with artificial sweeteners, so they’re ten calories or less per serving. If you’re trying to watch your weight and eat more zero-calorie foods without sacrificing your daily energy stimulant, this option is ideal. Take caffeine pills Caffeine is most commonly consumed in liquid form, but it doesn’t have to be. There are over-the-counter caffeine pills that will help you stay awake and alert with no calories and virtually no wait time. No-Doz is the name brand of these drugs, but they can be purchased in off-brand versions, as well. Each caplet has 200 mg of caffeine, which is a little more than the average cup of coffee. A bottle costs between $3 and $10 (depending on the brand) and comes with 60 caplets. It will certainly pep you up, but physicians warn that you should be taking this medication sparingly, as it’s a habit-forming substance. The rapid-acting caffeine can also come with side effects like headaches, dizziness, shaking, and fast heartbeat, as well. These pills should be used as needed and not on a regular basis. Get the recommendation of a doctor before you take them. Trips to the coffee shop are not the only ways to get your caffeine fix. There are more affordable options to keep you alert without breaking the bank. Read Also: 10 Best Coffee Places In The US How You Can Create A Coffee House Experience In Your Own Home

POS Systems

Why Retailers Should Update Their POS Systems This Fall

Early autumn is, quite possibly, the best time to ensure that your storefront is up-to-date when it comes to all things organizational. Everything from stockroom logistics, all the way to supplementary schedules, and new hires should be on hand and ready to go if a disastrous rush strikes say, on Black Friday. Luckily, business owners can easily make significant changes to the way things run, simply by contacting a reliable merchant processing company, such as Swift Payments and its constituents; not only do they offer an array of debt and credit card terminals, their POS systems (both countertop and wireless) are state-of-the-art. Indeed, this tech-savviness will quickly come in handy once the Fall is in full throttle. While it may feel like the back-to-school rush just ended, things are about to get much busier. The latter part of the calendar year is always the most hectic time for retailers, given that Thanksgiving (both in Canada and the U.S.), as well Christmas and Hanukkah, and many more, are just around the corner. 1. Save On Space: Wi-Fi terminals free up previously unused display areas, such as countertops. Given that traditional countertop payment processing terminals are effectively a fixed, they take up a great deal of room, such that your employees have to organize the entire store’s operation around where they are situated. Making a cash register the focal point of a business is, no doubt, quite awkward and unnecessary in this day and age. By removing wires from the equation, not only do you have additional room to breathe during transactions, you can arrange your store’s product displays in a manner that is more accessible and eye-catching, which could ultimately foster an environment where impulsive sales become commonplace. By using high-tech payment processing terminals and brand-new POS systems, you’re not only making your place of business easy to navigate and malleable in terms of its spatial dimensions, but you’re also contributing to the boosting of sales. 2. New Merchant Processing Services Are Extremely Efficient: A slow or outdated POS system will, no doubt, make for an excruciatingly long wait. What should be a momentary transaction turns into what feels like an eternity if a connection is shoddy or a card reader is unreliable. This is to say that the efficiency of your machinery can make or break the decisive moment in which a customer is paying for your product. With too much additional time, it’s easy for someone to simply move on to another store, with competitive prices and faster services. This is, perhaps, the most frustrating way to lose profits. Fortunately, it is not particularly difficult to opt for a newer system and the requisite devices. After undertaking a bit of research, you can easily register with a POS company that can guide you through the nuanced world of payment processing. With a little determination, you can find a provider, such as Malaqy, whose services will not only meet the needs of your business model – they will exceed them. Read Also: FinTech Is Making It Easier To Shop The World’s Biggest Sales How To Select A New Shopping Center Site