The Season of Suave: Holiday Fashion Tips for Men


19 November 2018


Holiday Fashion Tips

The holiday season is upon us and with it comes maxed out credit cards, deciphering Christmas gift hints, and holiday parties. Even though one of those is actually enjoyable, you still don’t come out unscathed — unless you have a little too much eggnog.

Sure, the intention of Christmas and holiday parties are to be a fun way to get together with friends, family, and coworkers and let loose. But there’s a darker side to holiday parties — and it’s not Steve in Accounting’s drunken dance moves.

It’s the dress code.

Most hosts list what attired you’re expected to wear to their holiday shindig. As if trying to figure out what to get your special lady for Christmas isn’t enough confusion for you during the holidays.

Well, have no fear. We’re here to help.

Check out our holiday guide to men’s fashion in 2018. You’ll never worry about the differences between “black tie” and “cocktail” ever again.

Men’s Fashion in 2018: Holiday Dress Code Guide:

Decoding the holiday dress code for men isn’t always easy. You can ask your lady what all the dress codes mean and likely have in the past.

Or, you can surprise her this year by picking out your attire on your own. There are six main dress codes and you’ll soon see you’ve been overcomplicating it this whole time.

1. Festive:


Let’s start out with the easiest one: the “festive” party. This attire is going to be casual, but calling it “casual” isn’t very creative.

You don’t have to break out the ugly sweaters — unless you’re invited to an “ugly sweater party,” of course. But, sweaters can be a classic and casual look perfect for a holiday get-together.

Choose colors that are seasonal like red, green, and white, but go with deeper shades as opposed to bright ones. If you’re the life of the party, be bold and go with tartan plaid.

If you’re more of an understated guy, keep with solid colors and add a touch of the holiday spirit to your socks.

2. Office:


If your company opts to have a holiday party during your lunch break, you probably don’t have to worry about your dress code. You’ll already be in your business attire.

But, if your boss decided to go off-campus for the company Christmas party, you may not be too sure what to wear. Keep it business casual if the dress code isn’t mentioned.

This means a nice blazer with an optional tie. Wear a button-down shirt with festive colors and a pair of slacks. Finish off your look with some loafers or moc boots.

If you think your holiday office party will lean heavily to the casual side, a nice pair of dark, designer jeans (no holes!) can also work.

Pro tip: If you’re attending your holiday office party and booze will be involved, limit your alcohol intake. Every holiday party should only have one Steve and you don’t want to be him.

3. Cocktail:

Cocktail is the same as semi-formal. Think about what your wife or girlfriend will wear. She probably bought a dress or skirt either at or just above the knee. This is opposed to the floor-length gown she wore to your brother’s fancy-schmancy wedding.

See a correlation?

You’re going to want to follow suit (no pun intended) in your own way, of course. We’ll break it down into tie and no-tie.

A no-tie look works for cocktail attire if you rock a dark tailored suit with a white button-up.

If you’re a tie-guy, bypass the suit and opt for slacks and a button-up instead. Throw on a blazer and you’re ready to go.

Don’t go with a boring black tie, though. Find a darker color that works for both the holidays and the rest of the year. Learn more about different patterns and materials and what looks best on you before deciding.

Accessories will really add the finishing touches to your look. Shine up your Oxfords, wear a nice analog watch, and even get yourself a pocket square. You’ll look suave and confident as soon as you walk into the party.

4. Black Tie:

Black Tie

Remember when we said the festive dress code was the easiest? We lied. It’s actually “black tie” for one simple reason.

Black tie means tuxedo. Now, you may not have a Tom Ford tux hanging in your closet, and that’s fine. You can either rent a tuxedo or go with a tailored three-piece suit instead.

5. Black Tie Optional:

If “black tie” is the easiest, “black tie optional” is usually the most confusing.

No, it doesn’t mean wear what you want — we know you’d rather wear sweats and a hoodie.

It means you can wear a classic tux or something a little more creative. You can wear suspenders and a bow tie or a funky three-piece suit.

As long as you keep it formal, you should be just fine.

6. White Tie:

White Tie

We’ve covered five dress codes so far and you’ve probably had no problem following along. Until now.

“White tie” may sound like nothing you’ve ever heard of, but the truth is, you have. It’s like black tie on steroids.

White tuxedo tie, jacket with tails, the whole nine. That’s what someone means when they tell you it’s a “white tie event.”

Unless you’re a celebrity or attend the Vienna Opera Ball every year, you likely don’t own this kind of tux. You, of course, can rent one. And no, it won’t be cheap.

The bright side is that the traditional foot attire for white tie is velvet slippers, which will at least have your feet feeling like they’re wearing sweats.

You’re Ready to Be the Fashionister of Every Holiday Party:

Now that you’re up to speed on the men’s fashion in 2018 holiday dress codes, you should have no problem looking like a Hollywood A-lister on your own.

But, if you still need some helpful tips, check out our 7 fashion tips exclusively for men.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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contact vs glasses

Contacts vs Glasses: Which of These Two Eyesight Improving Methods

Well, not really. But, choosing between contacts vs glasses can still be a very difficult decision! Especially since when deciding between the two, it comes down to personal preference more than anything. But, what if you're on the fence and have no idea which one you prefer over the other? If you're having trouble deciding whether you're #TeamContacts or #TeamGlasses, keep reading. We'll walk you through deciding which eyesight improvement method is better for you. Eyeglasses vs Contacts: Which Should You Choose? We're going to talk about each of these eye improvement methods, their pros and cons, and why you might want to choose one over the other. Let's dive right in and start with the original eye improvement method: glasses. Glasses: It's always good to start with the positive, so let's jump into the pros of wearing glasses. Pros: Let's start with the good news first: the pros of wearing glasses. Material: Remember those thick bifocals from the 80s you've seen in old photos? You almost can't help laugh at the ridiculousness of these, as it seems like no one could pull them off without looking dorky. Luckily, the days of thick glass bifocals are far behind us. Now, glasses are made out of plastic. This is awesome news for glasses wearers, as plastic is much more lightweight and you can treat it with a protective coating. Convenience: Let's face it: when it comes to contacts vs glasses, glasses are the clear winner when it comes to convenience. Contacts can dry out, fall out of your eye, flip into your eye, and get stuck, etc. Plus, there's the hassle of having to poke your eye every morning to put them in and poking them again at night to take them out. Luckily, with glasses, you don't have to deal with any of this hassle. You simply open your glasses case, pop them on your nose, and you're good to go. No worrying about keeping track of cleaning solutions and tiny cases. Plus, other than a regular cleaning, maintenance is pretty much nonexistent. No Irritation: Another great thing about contacts is that you won't feel the need to touch your eyes when wearing them. This reduces the likelihood of irritating your eyes and developing an infection. Plus, for those with sensitive or dry eyes, glasses won't exacerbate the issue the same way contact lenses can. Price: While glasses may cost a bit more upfront, in the long run, they are usually cheaper, as you don't need to replace them nearly as much as you do with contacts. Fashion: If you're a fashion guru, glasses are a great way to show off your personal style. Glasses come in all sorts of colors, shapes, and styles these days, so you can have fun mixing and matching them with your outfits. Protection: Glasses may not be the best option for athletes, but they do provide protection against environmental factors like dust and debris. You can even buy ones with transition lenses so you can protect your eyes from the sun. Cons: Now, let's dive into the other side and check out some of the cons of wearing glasses. Fashion: While some people love the look glasses give them, others just really don't. Let's face it, for better or for worse, glasses change the way you look. Distortion: Because of where eyeglasses sit on your face, peripheral vision can sometimes be distorted. Also, when some people first start wearing glasses, they sometimes report having difficulty focusing on objects and blurry vision if they change prescriptions. Discomfort: The constant pressure of glasses on your nose and behind your ears can cause headaches, and if not headaches, just general discomfort. Affected By Elements: While glasses can protect you from the elements, they can also be extremely affected by them. For example, precipitation can blur your vision and cold weather can fog them up. Fragility: Glasses are extremely fragile. All it takes is one slip of leaving them on the couch, sitting on them, and several hundred dollars being basically flushed down the drain. Contacts: Now that you know what to consider about glasses, let's jump into contacts. We'll start with the pros first. Pros: Here are the pros of wearing contacts. Less Distortion: When it comes to contacts vs glasses, contacts have significantly less distortion, as they conform to the curvature of your eye. This allows for a wider range of views and causes less distortion overall. Contact lenses mold themselves to the shape of your eyes and allow you to experience vision as naturally as possible. If you are looking to buy contact lenses that fit your eye shape perfectly, please visit- Appearance: Contacts won't clash with your outfit and won't change the way you look. You still get to be the same old you! And, if you want to change up the color of your eyes, you can even experiment with colored lenses! Convenient: While contracts can be a hassle to take in and out, they do offer a level of convenience that glasses don't. You don't have to take them out when exercising, and they're completely unaffected by weather conditions. Cons: Now, let's discuss some of the downsides of contact lenses. Convenience: Applying contacts can be very difficult for some. For some people, they simply don't have extra minutes to waste in the morning (although practice can help!). Syndromes: If you stare at a computer screen all day, contacts can contribute to computer vision syndrome. Contacts can also increase the likelihood of getting dry eye syndrome. Plus, if you fall asleep with contacts on, your eyes are more susceptible to dryness, grittiness, irritation, and infections. Maintenance: Maintenance with contacts can be a bit of a pain for some, as they require daily disinfecting, cleaning, and storing. Luckily, you can get daily disposables, like ones from this company, to help keep maintenance to a minimum. Contacts vs Glasses? Or Maybe Both? As you can see, it's a pretty even match when it comes to contacts vs glasses. So, which will it be for you? Luckily, you can have the best of both worlds by getting both! If you're having trouble making other "big" life decisions, like how to choose the right chocolate, be sure to check out our blog! Read Also: Understanding New Age Spirituality

Maternity wardrobe

How to Save Money on Your Maternity Wardrobe

Being pregnant is truly a blessing, even though it can be annoying and exhausting at times. This is the time when you spend hours doing research about what is best for you and your baby, and prepare your living space for an additional family member. Being a mom makes it a priority to stay healthy for the sake of you and your baby, but you also want to look good. Modern moms-to-be like to stay true to their unique style, and luckily this has never been easier. Do I Have to Change My Style? Remember seeing in the movies pregnant women dressed in what looked a flowy tent? This is because baby bumps were considered unattractive and women felt like they had to hide themselves until they get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Luckily, those days are way behind us, and women all over the world are showing of their growing bellies and look amazing. You know that you will not be able to wear all of your clothes, but when going out to buy something new, choose items that wrap around your middle, since these will look stylish and will not restrict your movements. If you feel like hiding your stomach a bit, choose darker colors like navy or black because these will make you look slimmer. Read More: Yoga For Pregnant Women Layer Up! Listen, the more fabric, the less flattering it will look on you, so try to find a middle ground somewhere. The best decision is to layer up since you can choose the items and combine them to get the best look. All those lovely open-fronted cardigans and stylish denim or leather jackets can be worn over tunics, dresses, and jeans, and not only will they keep you warm but you can choose to wear ones in pastels or adorable prints which will show your sense of style and trends, but will still be wonderfully comfortable. The best thing is that you won’t have to go out buying new clothes, you can wear your old items and simply leave them open in the front. Remember, you will not be able to imagine life without your comfy maternity jeans, so choose them carefully. Thrift Stores? By All Means Yes! You are not going to be pregnant forever (thank God), so the clothes that you choose to wear n those months you will probably not wear later on. Instead of going out shopping and spending hundreds of dollars on clothes you will only wear for a few brief months. Try finding good maternity clothes on websites like eBay and; women who sell their maternity clothes probably didn’t wear them for a very long time and certainly don’t need them anymore. What you can do after childbirth is to collect all of your maternity clothes and simply give it to someone who needs it, or sells them to a thrift shop. This way you will not only be earning a few extra bucks, but you will allow someone in need to save a few as well. It is difficult not to compare yourself to so many celebrity moms and their perfect pregnancy and post-pregnancy bodies, but keep in mind that all of them have teams of experts to help them stay fit and get back in shape. What is important is to stay healthy and be comfortable, because your baby feels good when you feel good. Luckily, ‘comfortable’ does not exclude ‘stylish’, so go ahead experiment, and don’t hesitate to show off your lovely baby bump. See also 1. Wardrobe Dreams: Statement Pieces to Last 2. 5 Perfect Fashion Clothing Choices for Petite Women


How To Choose And Buy Cute Tops For You

Summer is here, and we’re all slowly realizing what? That we have nothing to wear! Well, okay, that’s probably a bit of an exaggeration, given that we’re always saying the same thing and yet leaving the house in the cutest of outfits. But, we may have gotten bored with the same-old, same-old, and we want to freshen up the wardrobe. The first item on the list of things to buy is a cute top. Make that plural. Nobody is planning on wearing one and the same top during the whole season, so we do need to invest in more of these. You can wear these in walks and casual outings, as well as at parties and any kind of events, you may be attending. Versatility is their strength, so use it and equip your wardrobe with all kinds of tops for all kinds of occasions. Speaking of parties and such occasions, if you don’t quite know how to dress up, this could be of amazing help: So, you’re ready to buy the perfect top for you? And yet, you don’t know how to do it? Sure, you know how the purchasing process works and that you have to exchange money for the goods you’ll be getting, but that’s not what I had in mind when I said that you might not know how to do this. While we all know how shopping works, the actual process of choosing and buying the right items for us is what’s confusing us. Admit it, shopping is not that easy for you either! If it is, then, by all means, share your tips with us, because we all desperately need them. In any case, the point is that you’re probably not quite certain about how to actually buy the right tops for yourself, and that’s what I’m here to help you out with. By sharing some helpful tips, which I’ll do below, I’ll lead you toward realizing what it is that you should consider and keep in mind when shopping for these clothing pieces. Keep Your Body Type in Mind A story is as old as time. You have to dress for your body type. While we’ve all by now finally understood this and while we’re all careful to consider our body types when buying dresses, skirts, jeans, and similar clothing items, we’re still, for one reason or another, refusing to accept the fact that our body types will also determine which tops look great on us and which ones don’t. Remember that! What you should do first is find a great cute top buying guide and use it to, well, guide you through this whole process. While reading a great guide and while doing your shopping, of course, keeping your specific body type in mind will be a must. Not everything will look the same for everyone, and that’s a fact that you need to accept. When you choose tops that work on your body type, you’ll undeniably look amazing in them, and you’ll love the choice you’ve made. And Always Go For Tops That Flatter You Considering your body type, it will be easier for you to choose tops that flatter you. Finding cute ones and buying them just because they look cute on the model or on the photo is not exactly the best idea. You have to imagine how the top will look on you and determine whether it is flattering or not. And, remember, no matter how cute something looks on someone else, don’t buy it if you know that it won’t flatter you. Consider the Fabric Too How many times have you bought a piece of clothing because it was cute, only to realize later that the fabric is not very comfortable on your skin, or that it is not of good enough quality? Happened a lot to me. Probably happened a lot to you too. Choosing tops without considering the fabric is not the best idea, as this is a piece of clothing that will be in direct contact with your skin, and you want it to feel good and comfortable. And, naturally, choosing materials that are durable and that won’t rip or fade after you wash them once is also extremely important. Try Out Different Styles I’ve talked a lot about the importance of considering your body type, but I don’t want you to get the wrong impression there. Basically, this doesn’t mean that you should stick to just one style, the one you know will look amazing on you, and ignore all the others. Experimenting is perfectly fine. In fact, it is encouraged. So, one of the rules to follow when choosing cute tops for yourself, including those found on this page, is to try out different styles and always say “yes” to experimenting, because you never know which particular styles and designs you may fall in love with. And Colors The same goes for colors. Sure, you may have a few favorite colors and you could be sticking to them whenever buying tops, but here’s the thing. How will you know which colors suit you and which ones don’t if you don’t even give them a try? The answer? You won’t. Thus, giving chances to different colors is undeniably a smart move. Take note of which colors work for you and which ones don’t, and don’t be afraid to try new ones out. And, since summer is here, you may want to give those colorful tops a try as well, as they can be extremely cute, as long as you select the right pattern for you. Choose the Right Shop It is also of utmost importance to choose the right shop, that is, the store where you’ll be buying your tops. Doing so online is a great idea, but remember to always check the legitimacy and the reputation of the stores you’ve found. And, once you find a great one, feel free to keep on returning to it, because sticking to something that works is undoubtedly a smart move. Read Also: Dressing Up Your Babies: How Hard Is It? How To Dress For A Bridal Shower? Choosing a Dress for Winter 2021