Dress for Success: 4 Tips to Look (and Feel) Like a Confident Man

Published on: 17 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Confident Man

You’ve always wanted to be the confident guy that commands the attention of everyone in the board meeting, and that gets numbers thrown at him in the local bar.

However, you’ve sometimes wondered if it’s your slovenly style, as opposed to your personality, that’s getting you passed over for dates and promotions.

In this post, we’ll tell you how you can dress like a confident man — even when you don’t actually feel like one.

Read on to learn how the right clothes can communicate an air of experience, control, and even approachability.

We bet that, once you follow these tips, you’ll walk with a little more swagger in your step.

1. Have Your Clothing Tailored:

A tailor can make even an affordable suit from the discount bin look like it was created especially for you.

Plus, especially with sizing as inconsistent as it is these days, taking your clothing to a tailor ensures that your sleeves are the right length, and that your slacks aren’t covering half of your feet.

Plus, well-fitting clothing means that you can show off the body you’ve been working so hard for in the gym!

We guarantee that you’ll feel like a totally confident man when you’re wearing clothing that works with your height and your body shape. Plus, taking one of your best-loved (put perhaps a little well-worn) suits or shirts to the tailor can give it a completely new and modern look.

Everyone will assume you were able to get a bespoke made especially for you.

2. Invest in the Right Accessories:

No, we don’t mean that you have to start piling on the man jewelry — though if that’s your thing, you should totally go for it.

Instead, getting the right accessories to turn you into a confident guy who can command the attention of any room is all about knowing how to make the right investments.

There are a few accessories that every man needs in his wardrobe.

First, invest in a leather briefcase or a messenger bag. This will make you feel like you have somewhere important to go (even if all you’re really doing is heading to your local grocery store.) We love the idea of a messenger bag that’s been stamped with your initials, to give it a more personalized touch.

You also need to ensure that you have a few essential shoes that all confident men have in their own closets.

If you don’t have a pair of Chelsea boots, some black and brown dress shoes, and one “wild card” shoe (like a fun pair of velvet slippers or some designer sneakers?)

Invest in some now.

Not only can a nice pair of shoes pull a whole outfit together. You’ll likely actually end up saving on shoes because you’re not buying a $100 pair that will fall apart after every season. Shop for the long game.

Finally, make sure you’ve explored all your options when it comes to watches for men. Whether you’re on the hunt for a bold, look-at-me statement watch, a dive watch, or even if you’d prefer to go digital?

The right watch can make you feel like the confident man you’ve always wanted to be.

3. Good Grooming is Key:

A confident man is also one that takes good grooming and skincare seriously.

Even the most expensive and fabulous designer suit can end up looking cheap if it’s worn with unwashed hair, an unkempt beard, and a unibrow.

Especially as more and more men feel comfortable getting more into grooming rituals, we encourage you to explore which ones you’re the most interested in trying out for yourself.

You don’t have to go out to the most cutting-edge salon in town and drop hundreds of dollars on the most fashionable haircut of the moment. Instead, it’s about regular maintenance of the classic cuts you love.

It’s also about making sure your nails look healthy, taking care of unwanted body hair, or just doing any kind of grooming ritual that makes you feel good.

Plus, many companies are making beauty products geared specifically towards men. This means you won’t have to raid your girlfriend’s bathroom cabinet anymore.

4. Don’t Let Trends Turn You into a Fashion Victim:

Dad sneakers, skinny ties, and street style may be the latest thing in men’s fashion.

But if you truly want to know how to be a confident man, you need to get real with yourself about whether or not an overly-trendy outfit is making you look like a try-hard.

If a “trend” isn’t something that you’d normally wear in real life? Perhaps it’s better left on the runways as opposed to in your closet.

Instead, focus on timeless pieces. Instead of spending $400 on a fanny pack (yes, it happens) put that money towards an elegant Italian leather wallet or a well-tailored white dress shirt.

If you love dressing en vogue, we suggest to wearing one trend at a time. After all, you don’t want to end up looking like a fashion magazine thew up on you.

Become a Confident Man with These Tips:

You’ve heard the saying, “Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.” The same can be said of “dressing like the man you want to become.”

Eventually, you won’t feel like you’re pretending to be a confident man anymore. You’ll realize that you’ve always been one all along, but that you just needed a few style updates to remind you of that.

So, what else can you do to upgrade your looks, your lifestyle, and your wardrobe?

No matter your job, your income level, or the kinds of things you like, we’ll help you to learn more about how to express yourself the right way.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Online dating

Why you Need to Research People Online Before a Date

With more and more people resorting to dating apps and sites to meet potential romantic partners, safety becomes an important factor. Online dating is an industry that has immensely grown over the past few years. While dating sites were frowned upon a few years ago, today they are the most common space to meet new people. There are a lot of options to choose from. You can find niche dating sites that cater to specific religions, hobbies or interests. Some apps work better for those who are on the look for a committed relationship. Other options work best for people looking for a good time with no strings attached. If you are considering giving online dating a try, a good place to start is to decide which of them suits your needs best. A first recommendation is to always go to reputable sites. Check out reviews and user comments before making a decision, as one of the first steps is to enter personal information. While most dating apps will gather general data on users and perform some security checks, tricking them is really easy. Why do you need to Research People Online Before a Date? So, after you swipe right, or agree to a first chat, what should you be on the look for? From the tone to the content of a conversation, first exchanges are really important. Take your time to know more about someone before committing to an actual first date. While during these first conversations people may want to highlight their best traits, they can be really useful in deciding if you really want to meet in person. Online dating has its dangers, and being cautious is the best way to stay safe. Red flags at this stage may include rudeness, racist or hateful comments, or any other situation that you may consider out of norm or that makes you feel unsafe. Pre-relationship Checklist Ideas:   Creating a pre-relationship checklist is probably a good idea, and it may include things like: Are all your conversations civil and respectful? Are you on the same page on issues you consider important? (from political views to gender-related matters or whatever else is important to you). If you feel the other party is hiding something or not disclosing information, continue asking. If you don’t get the answers that you want, it’s probably better to move on. Never agree to meet in a place where you don’t feel safe. If you say you don’t feel safe and they continue to ask, it is probably not a good fit. Avoid disclosing delicate information. Never trust someone who asks for things such as your social security number or financial details. If after considering these factors, you are still leaning towards a first date, a quick online search will offer a broader image. While we are not talking about online stalking, contrasting the information you already have to what’s freely available online is helpful. Remember that we all have a “digital fingerprint” and taking a look does not hurt. But be wary of going too far. More information on the pros and cons of googling your potential date can be found on google. One thing is to look for red flags and contradicting information but doesn’t become obsessed. In the end, the actual in-person meeting will be what can best help in order to determine if you are actually compatible. During the actual date Going on a date with someone you’ve never met is exciting but it can pose threats. If you have made up your mind and decide to go forward with a first date, remember that safety should always be a priority. Some tips to stay on the safe side may include: Meet in a public place. Fleeing from an uncomfortable situation or asking for help if you feel in danger is easier if you are surrounded by more people. If you are not feeling okay, don’t hesitate to leave. You are not obliged to stay when you know things will not work out. Never hesitate to ask for help if you feel endangered in any way. Most bars and cafes have protocols to deal with someone who is feeling in danger during a first date. An online search and the information available on apps and dating sites are definitely a useful start. But when you are considering whether or not to date (online dating) someone in the long run, always trust your gut. Read Also: The Best Dating Sites in 2019 7 All-Time Romantic Gestures That Never Go Wrong

Less waste

Less waste – Something You can Do for the World

Any ideas for a new year’s resolution in 2019? Here is one – first look back to 2018 (or any year before) and try to count all the times you had to take out the trash. Impossible? That can be so because we tend to produce an enormous amount of waste. According to EPA research, one person in the United States produces up to 2,000 pounds of trash a year, less than half of which can be recycled. There are, on the other hand, people proud of producing only one jar of waste in a year. Can it be possible for an average person? Here are some tips to produce less waste and therefore care more for mother earth. How much do I really waste? The first thing to do is a little reflection on your life. However disgusting it may sound you should look through your trash and see which items are the majority of your waste. Maybe paper cups? Plastic forks? Paper tissues? By doing so you’ll immediately see, what to focus on and what kind of waste should you limit the most. Little swaps: It can seem harsh to immediately switch your lifestyle to zero waste, but in reality, you don’t need to do everything at once. Little swaps in your daily life can already be meaningful and help the environment. This can be a bamboo toothbrush instead of the plastic ones, a bag made of paper instead of the plastic ones, stainless steel Tupperware instead of – guess what? – plastic ones. So, in general, avoiding plastic is not that difficult if you make little changes. Avoid packaging: The best thing would be to use no plastic packages at all, but that can be hard. So just do your best to limit it as much as possible. Try to buy your fruits and vegetables at a local market instead of the supermarket and don’t forget to bring your own bag. Some markets offer food sold in loose weight, so you can buy them in your own containers, like Tupperware or mason jars. Also, if you buy a piece of clothing, maybe it’s not always necessary to take it in a plastic bag with the logo of the shop? Go for sustainability: In addition to what was written above, you should consider choosing sustainable products. The biggest amount of waste comes from disposable items that are thrown away after one use. Things like a reusable water bottle to avoid buying plastic bottles every day, bamboo cutlery that you carry around to use for your takeaways, or a tote bag for your groceries can make a big impact and help you produce less waste. There are a lot of things that can be changed to sustainable options – from paper tissues and menstrual pads to straws and cutlery. You can also get sustainable homeware made of natural and recycled materials as an alternative to regular homeware. Of course, it can take a bit more effort at the beginning, to carry your own cup of bottle everywhere, but the earth will be a little lighter. Try second hand! Many of the trash that is being thrown away, could be reused. Maybe some plastic containers of butter or hummus that you already ate, could be reused as Tupperware? Or maybe an empty shampoo bottle could serve as a DIY hand soap container? Also consider buying second-hand items like furniture, clothes or other things. You don’t always have to have a brand new thing, right? Do it yourself! In our society, it can be hard to avoid plastic packed things. A solution to that would be to do those things yourself. Online you can find many recipes for great cookies (to avoid buying them packed in plastic bags), cosmetics (many of them are sold in plastic bottles that are hard to reuse or recycle), or liquid cleaners for your home. Again, it takes some time and effort to do everything yourself, but it’s also rewarding, when you discover, that you don’t need to buy this stuff anymore, cause you can do it on your own. Change your lifestyle and save money! It’s not possible to change your waste without changing your lifestyle. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult, many of the changes have other advantages than only helping the planet. For example, when you switch from disposable menstrual pads to a menstrual cup, you save a lot of money every month. Also, when you switch to e-cigarettes instead of smoking regular ones (and throwing away all the butts and the packages), you don’t produce so much pollution. Vaping can be also profitable for your budget if you look for some good vape deals. In general, if the whole thing about protecting the environment doesn’t convince you enough, think of your own wallet and changes that less-waste-lifestyle will cause. Start small: Summing up, there are a lot of things you can do to lower the amount of waste you produce. Our advice is – don’t try to do everything at once, as it can be overwhelming. Start small, change one thing at a time and see how you feel about it. Soon you’ll be ready to go completely zero-waste! Read Also: Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle When Someone You Love Has An Addiction: 5 Tips On How To Help An Addict


Serving in style with aprons that accentuate your brand

Very often, functionality and practicality are put first when deciding on how to equip your serving staff - they need to be able to move quickly, carry around lighters for candles, ordering pads, pens and many other things. And their surroundings will change quickly, from the heat of the kitchen to outside seating, to bar counters and back rooms. Server aprons come in an assortment of exciting colors, including intense orange, bright yellow. This requires clothing that accommodates both the heat and the cold, the light and the heavy - a tricky task for most normal clothes. Adding that the serving staff usually are on their feet for long working hours, comfort and practicality must come first. Server aprons that combine comfort and style But at the same time as comfort should be prioritized, you will want the server staff to look presentable - and classically stylish - in their clothing. The classic, stainless white shirt will ooze of exclusivity and give your guests a feeling of being in a truly top-notch place. Of course, the aprons should do the same. You can choose to go with the classic, long, black waiter’s apron, that will go with anything and will complement most establishments, modern and classic. But if you are looking to establish your business as a special place, perhaps with a theme or in other ways unique, there are many other ways to go with the server aprons. All of the server’s aprons, no matter the color or the cut, should combine comfort and style, for the pleasure of your server staff and your guests. Accentuate your brand with unique server aprons If you want to go with something other than the classic, black apron, there are many possibilities. For a fresher, younger style, you can go with short aprons that are not unlike skirts, or you can go with a fresh and delightful color for the aprons, really making your staff - and your brand by extension - stand out. Server aprons come in an assortment of exciting colors, including intense orange, bright yellow, elegant plum or even in a black and white variation with vertical stripes. All these variations are available online - find them here. Excellent quality for frequent use A workday for a server consists of being exposed to a lot of food, drinks and possibly a lot of stains. For that reason, it is crucial that the aprons and clothing used can take it, without leaving stains for good. The apron must be sturdy enough to be washed frequently and at high temperatures to make sure that they look clean and presentable during service. Make sure to choose aprons that look good - even after being washed 50 times. Read Also: The Whos Whats And Hows Of Espadrilles How To Save Money When Shopping Online