Why Pursue M. Tech After B. Tech?


22 February 2019


M. Tech

Many students are stuck in the dilemma of deciding what they want to do once the B.Tech course is over. They mostly juggle between job, MBA and M. Tech. And when they seek opinions from people around, they end up getting all-the-more confused. Do you know what the best thing to do here is? Just ask yourself – which of the above options will make you feel accomplished and satisfied in the long run.

However, if you take our opinion, pursuing M. Tech after completing B. Tech is the best choice. It will add value to your qualification and education while becoming a valuable addition to the profile. It is always better you gain expertise in one field rather than sailing in two boats and being an expert in none. So, go through the M tech chemical engineering syllabus and points mentioned below to make an informed decision.

You are Still in the Learning Zone:

Right after you have finished the B. Tech course, it is the best time to enroll for a degree in M. Tech. You have all the concepts fresh in mind and still in the learning zone. This will make it easier for you to pursue the degree right away. Any break between B. Tech and M. Tech will make it hard for you to go back to studies. So, if you want to pursue a degree in M. Tech, no better time than doing it right after B.Tech.

Increased Domain Knowledge:

There is no doubt that pursuing a master’s degree in any domain increases the knowledge and makes one suitable for higher and well-paid job roles. With increased domain knowledge, you can even set up a firm of your own for a better future. So, wait no more, go through the M tech chemical engineering syllabus today to give your future the right wings to fly.

A High Paying Job:

We all study and gain knowledge with a few aims in mind – a better lifestyle and high paying job. How good your lifestyle will mostly depend on the salary you are drawing. So, if you want you and your family members to have a life full of happiness and no financial stress, you must work hard towards getting a high paying job. That being said, it becomes essential to get an M. Tech degree after B. Tech.

Increased Prospects of Career Growth:

You can’t in the same salary package all your life. You must grow in order to meet the financial demands of the family and your personality as well. With a master’s degree in engineering, your prospects of career growth will increase and so will your chances of going higher in life. After you have completed your M. Tech course, you can even go for a research degree, start your own company or join any of the popular engineering colleges as a teacher.

Final Words!

Having a clear aim of the career in mind will not only make you a subject matter expert in the field but also a thorough professional. Now that all the points are clear, we hope you have a decision in mind. Our advice is to go for a college or university like UPES that offers a great learning environment has industrial collaborations and an excellent panel of faculty members to guide the students.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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OBJECTION! Don’t Miss Your LSATs This Year!

If you plan on applying to law school, it is important to register for the LSATs in advance. The Law School Admissions Test is a skills-based exam that is designed to test your critical reading and analytical thinking and is crucial for success in law school. Register for the LSAT Making sure you know the LSAT registration dates are the first and most imperative step when thinking about applying to law school. You will want to register as soon as possible to give yourself plenty of time to study. When registering, you will also want to choose a location that you are familiar with and is within a short distance from where you live. Take a Prep Class The three to four months before the LSAT test, your days will be spent studying at least four to six hours a day. While it is important to study in the way that best suits you, for this exam, taking a prep class is also helpful when preparing for the exam. In most areas, you will be able to find a local class to take in person. However, if the area you live in does not offer a prep class, you will be able to find one online. Test prep classes will give you important information, such as: Test format Sample questions Explanations of question types Practice exams Ask questions of test prep proctor Meet with fellow test-takers to set up study groups Study for the Law School Admissions Test It is imperative to utilize different methods of study for this exam. Because this exam does not test a specific body of knowledge but rather your ability to reason and think critically, studying previous versions of the test is very helpful. Take as many practice exams as you can before your test date. Purchasing study guides and test prep books will help you study for the LSATs. These study materials will introduce strategies on how to approach the questions on the exam. They will also give examples of the types of questions you can expect on the exam with detailed explanations on how to interpret the question and come to the best answer. Practice Makes Perfect Taking practice tests consistently in the months before the exam will help you to prepare for the LSAT. By incorporating timed practice exams, you can simulate what the actual test might be like. With timed pace exams, you can work on your pacing, so you don’t run out of time when taking the actual LSAT. Also, by taking practice exams, you can ensure you will have enough time to go back to questions you skip as well as check your answers. A Final Note Make sure you register for the LSAT’s far enough in advance, so you have plenty of time to study and prepare. Sign up to take a prep class to help you get ready for the exam and remember that practice makes perfect. Read Also: Protect Your Rights Today With Domestic Violence Lawyers The Basics Of Criminal Appeals Law


Transform Portals Of Learning

The formative years of children are the most important and schools have a very important role to play in education. Of great importance is the need to create the right atmosphere in classrooms, which will help to bring out the best in instructor-led sessions. Additionally, the school administration also needs to choose equipment and furniture that offer greater durability, with longer lifecycles. The furniture used in schools is different from the typical furniture used in offices and other businesses. The furniture in schools needs to be vibrant in addition to being of sizes that are more suitable for children. Choose from a specialist : Choosing the right school furniture will be a lot easier by opting for purchases from a dealer who specializes in such furniture. Rather than having to choose from a very extensive inventory of all kinds of furniture, it would make sense to choose from a specialized dealer and manufacturer of furniture meant for school students. This would enable administrators to make the right choice easily without having to undergo a lengthy process of trial and error. Different kinds of furniture used in schools : Furniture used in schools is of different types and categories, such as desks, seating requirements, storage furniture, and furniture for use in staff rooms. The desks need to be of interesting shapes, but the shapes should never compromise on the functional aspect or end up wasting space. As schools get overcrowded it may become necessary to offer furniture that optimizes the requirements of space. However, the desks should not leave the students cramped while using the furniture. Seating requirements are similarly unique in schools. With students spending a lengthy period of time seated, it is important to offer greater comfort. Students who are in their growing years will need to feel charged and active at all times. It is, therefore, necessary to opt for chairs that are ergo-dynamic and comfortable. The structures need to be strong because children will most likely play around and regardless of the kind of controls exercised, it may be difficult to ensure that children do not play around in classrooms. Hence, the chairs need to be sturdy and robust and last longer. The posture needs to be perfect so that children do not end up with pain in the limbs or discomfort after sitting for long sessions in classrooms. Personal lockers for storing personal effects : As schools try to eliminate the need for carrying heavy luggage around, lockers are in greater demand to help students stow their personal effects. The materials used in lockers need to adhere to safety standards, in addition to being safe and tamper-proof to safeguard the belongings. As students will consider the lockers to be a repository for personal effects, they would certainly love to have lockers that are appealing. It is therefore important to choose lockers that sport the right kind of materials and finish to make it more attractive and appealing. Lockers should ideally be free from sharp edges, apart from being resistant to moisture. Read Also : Best Uses Of Micro-Learning Based Training 4 Factors To Consider When Making A Great eLearning Course 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in 2021 – How is that going to look?

We've seen multiple smart moves in artificial intelligence to this day. Robots have been driving processes in factories while driverless cars are poised to reach our roads in reality. Speech recognition has grown considerably and many gadgets have taken advantage of it. Companies are relying on AI to improve various products while machine learning is advancing faster than expected. Artificial Intelligence goes Mainstream Every interview at the Web Summit this year mentioned AI and 2021 will soon be expecting it to go mainstream. Facebook is boosting up its Messenger while incorporating artificial agents through’ technology which means consumers can rely on brands to order goods. AI is expected to augment capabilities with the help of multiple technologies, machine learning, semantic ontology, video analytics and the like. This convergence of new capabilities are bound to affect how people live and employees can change the way their jobs work. Microsoft is Gearing up for AI Microsoft predicts that 2021 is bound to be a fantastic year for artificial intelligence, that will affect the design industry in a big way. The emergence of new silicon architectures which can bear the brunt of machine learning is one of the pivotal reasons why AI will score high soon. One can expect natural and competent speech interactions with technological gadgets and even personal assistants like Cortana and Siri. AI is expected to help personal assistants to understand their tasks, compile research automatically and even understand the context of an email by adding it to the calendar. Some at Microsoft believe that conversation assistants are the future and keep us social, allowing humans to be inspired and motivated. According to reports, 90% of Microsoft research is wracking their brains on zero UI, indicating some major plays in the coming year. Deep Learning and AI replacing Workers According to analysts, one will witness a huge surge in Convolutional Neural Networks that is synonymous with deep learning since technology will be paired with significant computation resources. Pure information processing is what computers will be doing affecting people who are interacting with other people. Advent and Progress of Internet of Things (IoT) and Emotional Understanding More and more devices will be connected however disparate they may seem at the technology level driving an increase in smarter homes, cars, and nearly every other thing. Mined data can be potentially exploited in this regard. 2021 might even find AI detecting human emotions, working on the computers' ability to understand speech for hassle-free interaction between humans and computers. Cameras and facial recognition solutions are going to detect the emotional state while researchers will explore educational trends for treating depression, incorporate medical diagnoses to routine procedures in healthcare, and even boost overall customer service processes. AI in Shopping and Customer Service Businesses are figuring out the utility of artificial intelligence for affecting customers positively and wring out positive emotions. By assessing what drives them happy or unhappy, companies are using AI to help customers buy the perfect item at the perfect price point. Having a technology to understand what customers are feeling about shopping for some product will go a long way in driving future trends. Some of the biggest breakthroughs in artificial intelligence are through a platform race as to who is providing the best decision-making process that involves explaining, answering queries, and even representing data perfectly. Artificial Intelligence and Practical Ethics Ethical considerations should be at the crux of each research. When coming up with the concept of a driverless car, the car has to decide what action is essential if an animal comes on the road. Coding in this context will put a human life with an animal’s life and weigh in options. Problems are going to be more complex than they would seem. If a car is going to hit a pregnant woman, will the car decide on saving the driver’s life or the woman’s life? Such ethical problems will be posted in the deeper context in the near future and the answers are not so simple as they seem. There is a difference between human and machines and sex robots, for instance, will drive an asymmetrical relationship where there are no emotions on one side of the story. One might expect that the future might hold artificial avatars who will be acting like real people although their core could be modified. The Final Thoughts A diverse student base is required to fill in AI without any gender bias. One cannot have AI systems that take into perspective a single-gender or a single demographic group. The systems will be representing a generic population of various countries of the world. One cannot have a single city context or culture to dictate what the AI-based robots will be in the near future.