All Ahoard! 5 Reasons to Consider Collecting Things as a Hobby


26 February 2019


Collecting Things

The average American home holds over 300,000 items. Thank goodness our home size tripled within the last 50 years.

While we may have the space to keep everything, it doesn’t mean most of it’s worth keeping. However, some items are not only worth keeping, but they’re also worth collecting.

There’s a huge difference between hoarding and collecting. Hoarding is a serious problem often associated with mental and physical health risks. Meanwhile, collecting things is considered a hobby with lots of positive side effects.

5 Reasons to Consider Collecting Things as a Hobby

If you’ve ever considered starting your own cool collections, you’re not alone. Keep reading to learn five reasons why getting involved with popular collections is the perfect hobby for you.

1. Collecting Things Improves Your Social Life:

3% of American adults suffer from a general anxiety disorder. That’s 6.8 million of us who are stressed out. And that’s not even including those with social anxiety.

And the more we isolate ourselves, the worse the anxiety, especially social anxiety gets. That’s why popular collectibles are such a great idea.

You aren’t the only person out there looking for fun things to collect. There are tons of others exactly like you who want to talk about their collections with others who share their passions.

Since you already have something in common, it’s easier to strike up conversations with others. You’ll probably find you have a lot more in common with other collectors enabling you to make lifelong friendships.

Works of Art Start Conversations:

Also, collectibles are often considered works of art. They’re not for storing away where no one can see them.

Instead, collections are made to be displayed proudly so everyone can admire them. And it’s a great way to start conversations with other people.

Make sure you find the proper place and way to store your collectibles so they stay safe but can also easily be viewed. There’s no point in collecting items that gather dust in your basement.

2. Collectible Items are Worth Money:

While some popular collections such as Hummels lose their value over time, many of them increase in value. And some collectible items end up being worth some serious money such as Star Wars memorabilia.

If you’re looking to make an investment in something you can enjoy for a long time, collectibles are the way to go.

Some of the more popular collectible items are things like stamps, games, and comic books. It’s an exciting hobby to watch your collectibles increase in value year after year.

Know the Value of Your Collection:

Some people collect for the fun of collecting. Others do it as a way to make money such as collecting and selling scrap metals.

Some collectibles fluctuate in price on an almost daily basis. Others grow in value over time.

Look for collectibles that still have their original boxes.

An easy way to keep track of the value of an item is to join a collecting club. But do additional online research before you decide to sell so you avoid being ripped off.

For some ideas on best selling practices, click here to learn how to sell comics.

3. Enhances Your Historical Knowledge:

If you are someone who loves history, then consider collecting items. Collectible items are a great and fun way to learn about history or even a specific period of time in history.

Take coin collecting, for example. Coin collecting has been around as long as coins themselves.

Each era of coins provides a wealth of information. Each coin tells you what language the country where it originated spoke when the coin was created.

The coin also tells which metals the country of origin considered valuable, providing you with a lot of information about what people during that era held in high esteem.

4. Helps You Improve Your Organizational Skills:

If you take your collection hobby seriously, you’ll need to learn some organizational skills. Most hobby collections involve categorizing items.

Categorizing items helps you and others recognize certain characteristics of your collectibles. Categorizing also helps identify breaks in patterns.

This skill helps you recognize fakes when compared with real collectibles. And it can help you recognize when you’ve found something truly special.

Transfer Organizing Skills to the Rest of Your Life:

As you learn how to organize and categorize, you’ll realize how beneficial these skills are to everything else in your life. And they’re easily transferable skills.

Organizational thinking is a necessary skill in today’s world. Especially if you’re in certain professions such as teachers, doctors or stockbrokers.

You can use these skills to increase your productivity, reduce stress, and make smarter, healthier decisions in every area of your life.

5. Improves Your Health:

Collecting is a hobby. Research shows that those who engage in hobbies are more averse to problems such as low blood pressure, depression, and even memory issues.

Hobbies help people focus on something that brings them joy, which reduces their anxiety. And if you’re scouring flea markets for the latest find, you’ll get some exercise, too.

Hobbies create joy in your life and give you a sense of purpose.

How to Select Which Cool Collectibles to Focus on:

There are tons of cool collectibles you can choose from. Start by taking a look around your home.

You may have already started a collection without knowing it. If not, take a look at your friends and family’s collections, see if you like what they’re collecting. If so, ask them about it.

Do Your Research Before You Purchase Anything:

If not, take some time to do research on what’s worth collecting. Then select something you’re excited to learn more about.

If you already know what you want to collect, start doing research. Learn the lingo used by those already collecting. Find out where the best spots are for finding new items to collect.

Designate an Area to Keep Your Collectibles:

Make sure you have a safe spot in your home or office to keep your collectibles. Make sure they’re in a place where they’re not exposed to elements, kids/pets or bugs/vermin.

Don’t Go Overboard:

Collecting things is a great hobby, but don’t go overboard. Create a budget to ensure you don’t spend money you don’t have on a collectible item.

If you can’t wait to get that latest cool collectible, we can help you avoid financial disaster. Click here to learn how to make money without getting a second job.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Living in the City vs. the Suburbs: Pros and Cons

If you are wondering whether to live around or in a busy metropolis, you should weigh the pros and cons. The best place for you to live will depend on your needs as well as those of your family. If you are a person who wants to kick start your career, the city is probably the best choice for you. Here are some of the pros and cons of city vs. suburban living: Pros of City Life: Big cities such as Los Angeles, Denver, and Chicago have big downtown areas with several living options. If you live in such an area, you will be right in the middle of the action. From cocktail bars and nightlife to entertainment and fine dining, you will live in the middle of it all. In cities that are thriving economically, new buildings keep going up thus giving you many modern living options: this is true for areas such as LA and NYC. Modernity surpasses residential living and city life allows you to see what the buzz is about. When hunting for residences such as Dallas apartments, you have many options from which you can choose. Inner-city life has a rhythm and you do not need to own a car. With extraordinary public transportation, you do not have to purchase a vehicle. Without a car, you can save between $3,000 and $15,000 per year. With this extra cash at your disposal, you can be able to afford city life. Cons of City Life: However, city life comes with its own disadvantages. For instance, it traps poor people. Homeless people reside in metropolitan areas because they cannot afford transit and housing. This is especially true in NYC, San Francisco, and LA. Although Phoenix and San Diego are not that bad, Portland, Chicago, Denver, and Seattle have rough areas. In central metropolises, the cost of housing is high, making it nearly impossible for most people to afford it. For instance, a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan costs at least $3,757 per month. To afford rent in LA, you need to make at least $20,000 annually. Because renting does not build equity, it should make financial sense for you to live in the city. Another disadvantage of living in the city is a centralized danger. Living in the middle of a big city makes it harder to get out in case of an emergency. A natural disaster could leave you trapped in the confusion with no way of leaving. Pros of Suburban Life: Houses are more affordable in the suburbs, making homeownership possible. Moreover, suburbs are safer due to protections such as neighborhood watch. These places are also quieter, making them ideal for people who do not like the hustle and bustle of the city. With gated communities, you can raise your family without worrying about their safety. Some suburbs sit outside main cities, making commutes shorter. To make your transit less expensive, you can opt for suburbs that are around train stations. The cost of homes in suburban areas is lower than in cities. When you choose the right property, its value will increase over time. In the suburbs, remodeling your residence is also much easier. Cons of Suburban Life: Not all suburban housing options are close to public transport. Suburbs that are closer to the city have higher housing costs due to house shortages. To find a house whose worth matches its price, you might have to live farther away from the city. If you live sixty miles from your city workplace, your commute could take hours. This long commute can lead to the wear and tear of your car. Moreover, you will use a lot of fuel, which is expensive. Suburban life comes with HOA fees, which can be quite high, depending on the area. When you consider car ownership and HOA fees, you might find that city living is more affordable. However, owning an inexpensive house in the suburbs might justify the extra costs. Conclusion: As you can see, city life and suburban life both have advantages and disadvantages. The choice that you make should be guided by your needs. For instance, if you want to start a family, suburban life is more preferable because it is quieter. Read Also: Taking A Tour Through What Sober Living Entails How To Survive Your First Year Of Living Independently

Chronic Back Pain

Find Out How a Massage Can Relieve You of Your Chronic Back Pain

Nearly 10 percent of all adults battle persistent chronic back pain. Excruciating pain, numbness, and spasms that take your breath away become part of everyday life. This debilitating condition affects your ability to complete normal activities and redefines the course of your life. People often become so debilitated they must change jobs or quit work altogether. While there is no simple cure for chronic back pain, a therapeutic massage in Lexington KY can offer relief. Studies show that the most effective way to manage chronic back pain is by combining multiple therapeutics to emphasize massage therapy. The Science Behind Massage Therapy in Lexington KY Enjoying a curative massage is about more than just getting your relaxation on. There is a science behind the therapeutic massage in Lexington KY that offers your body benefits far beyond relaxation. Studies indicate that the correct massage therapy increases circulation, range of motion, and even endorphin levels. Massage therapy improves blood circulation which carries more oxygen to your muscles. The additional oxygen and improved circulation boost muscle recovery. As your circulation improves and your muscles relax, you’ll also enjoy an increase in your range of motion. As you experience the benefits of massage in Lexington KY, you’ll notice an overall feeling of well-being. Therapeutic massage causes your body to release endorphins that fight inflammation in the body and help naturally manage chronic pain. Combine Therapeutics to Effectively Manage Chronic Back Pain People will often try almost anything to relieve chronic back pain and get back to normal life. Stand-alone treatments can offer disappointing results, but a combination of therapies can be just what the doctor ordered. More than 50 percent of healthcare providers agree that therapeutic massage is an integral part of effective combination therapies to manage chronic back pain. According to the International Journal of Neuroscience, massage therapy lessens back pain, improves sleep, and increases serotonin levels. Studies have shown that when added to other therapeutics, massage therapy drastically reduces pain and speeds recovery time. Patients who participate in massage therapy enjoy a quicker return to normal activities. The Right Muscle Care Reduces Chronic Back Pain There are three major muscle groups that allow your spine to function. Damage to any one of these muscles or muscle groups can cause pain and inflammation. Back muscles are not actively engaged during everyday activities and tend to weaken with age. Stressors can also cause inflammation making them more susceptible to injury. Get Relief for Your Back Pain Today Regular therapeutic massage in Lexington KY can not only aid in the relief of chronic back pain, but it can also act as a sort of preventative. Caring for your back muscles with routine massage therapy can make them less susceptible to injury and the inflammation that causes pain. There are multiple types of massages and studies have shown that massage therapy improves back pain more than other therapies such as acupuncture, self-care, or even stand-alone medications. Relief from chronic back pain is on the horizon with a therapeutic massage in Lexington KY. Read Also: CBD for Pain Relief: Dosage Guidelines and Safety Know the benefits of best foot massager reviews 5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know

Ditch the Stress

10 Tips on How to Ditch the Stress and Start Living a Peaceful Life

Do you feel stressed? You're not alone. A full 75% of American adults report experiencing moderate to high-stress levels. The good news is that there are a few steps you can take to start reducing your stress. Follow a few of these suggestions and you'll be living a peaceful life before you know it! Let's take a look at how to do it. 1. Slow Down: Take a deep breath, let it out, and slow down. Take time to enjoy things in life. There is lots of truth to the old adage about stopping to smell the roses. Slow down and enjoy the feel of warm water on your skin in the shower. Cook a steak slowly on the grill and enjoy the aroma of it wafting around. Eat slower and enjoy the flavor of your meal instead of wolfing it down while working or watching TV. 2. Decide What's Important: You might think that you don't have time to slow down. That's probably because you're trying to do too much. Take a few moments to decide what is really important to you. What do you value most in life? To have peace in your life you need to reorder your priorities and activities to align with those values. 3. Cut Down on Commitments: Take a look at your commitments as well. Keep the ones that are most important to you and/or align with your values. Cut down or eliminate the rest. Learn to say no. It's okay to not do everything that everybody asks you to do. 4. Revise Your To-Do List: Take a moment to look at your to-do list. You probably find that there's always plenty of things to do. Every time you can check off an item, you're already adding 3 more. Reprioritize. What's really important to you? What really needs to get done? Are there some tasks you can hire out? Maybe instead of spending your weekend fixing the toilet, you can pay a professional to do it in a couple of hours and be done with it. 5. Exercise: Exercise is an excellent way to bring your stress level down. The mere act of exercising causes your body to release endorphins and cut down on the levels of stress hormones. Plus, if you opt to exercise outdoors, you'll get the added benefit of being outside. Fresh air helps clear the mind and energize the body--all of which helps lower your stress level. 6. Meditate: Take a few minutes every day to calm your mind and body. Meditation is a good way to do this. Have you never meditated before? Getting started doesn't have to be difficult. Once you get in the habit, you'll find that it's well worth your effort to learn. 7. Reduce Clutter: This is one item that should be important on your to-do list. Mess and clutter can make you feel trapped and claustrophobic in your home. You might have to get heavy-handed and throw out some items to properly declutter and organize your home. But, in the end, you'll be happy you did. Without all that extra junk lying around you'll feel freer and less stressed. Start Living a Peaceful Life. Living a peaceful life is totally attainable for anyone. You just have to be willing to take the steps necessary to make it happen. The advice in this article is a great place to start! Looking for more great tips for a healthy and peaceful life? Be sure to check out our lifestyle section.   Read Also:  5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress. Why Jumping on Trampolines is More Beneficial than Running or Jogging?